How to get diamond in brawlhalla

Who This Guide Is For

This guide is literally for anyone below diamond (once you get higher in elo it becomes harder to improve), but even those who are above diamond can take little snippets of advice I guess lol. Anyways, since you're here, you're probably hardstuck or you want to improve fast. Reading this guide won't make you instantly gain elo- you have to actually intend to execute these tips in game, and spend time honing your skills instead of robotically playing the game. Playing the game without thinking or trying to actively improve your gameplay won't make you better- it will make you worse by developing bad habits. Anyways, without further ado, let's get into the guide.


Here is a list of terminology which you might here get used (I REALLY recommend to know what each one means, and to be able to perform them consistently in game especially if you're new- Do not skip this section if you're not fully used to the game yet):

Move terminology

(Neutral, Down, Side) Air. These are names for the aerial moves that can be performed by hitting the light attack button whilst aerial. Neutral air is the move that comes out if you don't hold a direction whilst in the air, down is the move that comes out if you hold down whilst in the air and press light attack, Side air is the move that comes out if you hold left or right whilst in the air and press the light attack button.

(Neutral, Side, Down) Sig. These are moves that are unique to every character, and are performed by pressing the heavy attack button, whilst holding nothing (neutral), left or right (side), or down (down).

Recovery. This is the move that comes out when you press the heavy attack button in the air without holding down. It is used to get back to stage when you are off stage.

Ground pound. This is the move that comes out when you press the heavy attack button in the air whilst holding down. It is used to send opponents below you downwards, but is high risk.

Dodge. You can dodge in any direction whilst aerial, or you can spot dodge on the ground. Whilst you dodge, you are invincible to any attack and cannot be damaged, but it only lasts a short while.

Weapon throw. This is as simple as it sounds. When you press this button, you throw your weapon.

Jump. This is also pretty self explanatory.


True combo- This is a combo which the opponent can never escape, no matter how good they are. These include down light recovery on sword, down light jump sair on bow, etc.

Gravity cancel- Whilst you are in the air, you can dodge without holding a direction (to perform a spot dodge), and immediately input an attack which you can only do on the ground.

String- These are moves which can follow up into each other, but they can be escaped with a dodge or a jump. For example, side light down light on bow is a string, since it hits your opponent if they don't dodge or jump, but if they dodge or jump, it can be escaped.

Dash- Whilst you are on the ground, hold a direction and press the dodge button. You will input a dash.

Dash jump- Whilst you are dashing, you can jump, leading to a dash jump. You will see pros doing this a lot.

Chase dodge. After you hit someone, you can hold a direction, which isn't opposite to the direction that you are facing (e.g. you cannot chase dodge left if you are facing right), and press the dodge button, to move in a direction quickly.

Which Legend Should I Choose?

There are many different legends in the game, and all of them have unique signatures and weapon combinations. For example, nix has blasters and scythe, which no other legend has. Ultimately, the choice of who you want to main is up to YOU, but I have a few recommendations:

Generally, those who choose easier weapons, like axe and sword, will have an easier time improving. I REALLY discourage low elo (below diamond) players from playing string weapons. String weapons are weapons which either do not have a lot of true comboes, or rely on reads to get damage or kill. The list of string weapons is below:







Battle boots

The REASON why I discourage beginners from playing weapons like these is because they take a lot of time to learn, when you are new. For example, a lot of newer players struggle to go for reads, aren't fast enough, and just mash. This leads to a newer player developing bad habits, which take a long time to break. This is why I recommend playing simpler weapons such as the ones below:




Rocket Lance

Hammer (kinda)


I know that newer players have a strong dislike of these weapons, but from someone who's been playing for close to 7 years, I've noticed that players who play these weapons get better a LOT quicker.

Another important thing to note when picking a legend is how much you enjoy them. I know that simple weapons are boring, but there are some really fun and easy legends. I personally enjoy teros, but it's different for everyone. Make sure to play a few games on every legend before you pick your main (whilst picking an 'easy weapon').

These are really the two main points that you need to consider when you're picking a main. And if you're not seeing progress with your current main, why not switch legends for a bit? Note that every legend is balanced semi-equally, and if you're losing, it's not because your main is bad, but because of your own bad habits. Keep the blame on yourself.

How Should I Train?

The most important tip that I can give you is play a lot of ranked, without tilting. If you tilt in ranked, stop the session until you're untilted, and then play ranked again- elo below diamond doesn't matter. Don't have an ego before you're at least diamond. If you lose, it's not because the other person is spamming, or running away, or whatever. It's because of YOU. There is a way to outplay anyone, especially at a lower level. If someone is doing the same thing over and over again, then YOU should be able to punish it, and adapt to their playstyle. The main point here is that if you lose, it's ALWAYS your fault. Never make an excuse for it. Learn to counter an opponent's playstyle, if you want to blame it.

Now I hear a lot of people complaining about spammers, especially those who are new to the game. There are many many ways to beat spammers. It is bad to use a lot of sigs, since comboes do more damage than sigs, and sigs are a lot harder to hit than light attacks. The way to beat spammers is to know what sigs they can use, and not step in their range. For example, if I know that someone can neutral sig me, side sig me, and down sig me, I will step out of the range that those moves occupy. Once they miss a signature, it is easy to punish them. It might be a bit hard to punish spammers when you're new, but if you know where your weapon can hit, it will get easier. This advice doesn't only apply to signatures however, it applies to every move. Most moves (99%) in the game can be punished, it's up to you to learn how to punish them. A signature is easier to punish, however, since it is slower.

Another tip I can give you is to practise your true comboes. If you've read my previous section, I hope you've picked a heavy weapon, not a string weapon. Online, there are many many guides to all the comboes that each weapon has. For example, sword has down light sair, down light nair, down light recovery, etc. Practise each true combo 10 times in experimental so that you can get these true comboes consistently. Now, whenever you get the opportunity in a match, go for these true comboes!

I would also recommend newer players to stick to one character. It is a bit daunting at first, since there are so many characters. It is advisable to play every character a few times at least, so you know what moves they have, but overall, you should stick to one character. For example, I play exclusively mordex in ranked, even though I can play any character in the game to a decent level.

Also, rewatch your replays!. There's always a reason why you're losing- maybe you're giving someone too many opportunities to punish you, maybe you are going for too many sigs, etc.

I'd also like to introduce the concept of spacing. Spacing is the ability to recognise at what positions you're in disadvantage, and in what positions people can attack you. Generally, you want to know where their moves hit, and stay out of that range- the very core of this idea. Most weapons have some blind spots. For example, hammer cannot hit diagonally up whilst it's on the ground, unless the hammer player jumps, which is slow and reactable.

As well as knowing all the comboes (which doesn't take as long to learn as you think), you should also aim to know where your moves send the opponent and their hitboxes. This will allow one to improvise their strings, as well as make every other weapon and mechanic more intuitive- for example, spacing, making it easier to improve and continue to improve beyond diamond.

Finally, reading is something that I'd like to introduce. When your opponent is under pressure (i.e. when you're close to them), they will often panic. For example, some opponents might dash backwards under pressure, or spot dodge. Notice these patterns, and be ready to punish them. If they spot dodge a lot, for example, you can wait until their spot dodge ends, and punish them. You can also do this with dodges. Most people below diamond have a pattern with their dodges. For example, people at gold might dodge in all the time. or dodge up all the time. It is up to you to know where they will dodge, and be able to punish that. This is a major part of the game at a higher level, so I'd prioritize the other concepts, but this is still a VERY important idea, and neglecting it is just asking for failure.


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