How To Caspian

How To Caspian

The Basics

Caspian is a Gauntlets/Katars legend with 7 attack, 5 dexterity, 4 defense, and 6 speed. His play style is focused on aggressive play and combos. His main strengths are that he is fast, has good combo potential and a solid kit, but he is held back by a crippling weakness, which is his inability to get in.

Gauntlets/Katars are fantastic for combos and gimps, but they do not compliment each other and both lack the overall range of weapons like Bow, Buns, and other long-range weapons, such as spear. This means that Caspian will struggle to deal with range and zoning. However, if given the chance to get in, he can deal some major damage.

Toolkit: Gauntlets

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Caspian has a fairly versatile kit at his disposal. Most of his signatures are either good or above average with the exception of Katar Dsig, which still has its applications. First, we will go over the gauntlet sigs.

nSig may not look like much at first glance, but it actually has some useful applications. The Bomb itself is an active hitbox that triggers an explosion upon collision with an enemy hurtbox. Caspian will lob the bomb at a sharp angle and it will curve then fall slightly before exploding. Due to the high lob of the bomb, the distance he throws it at and how fast he can act after it, it can be a fairly safe Anti-Air or neutral tool when spaced properly and even makes for a solid ledge getup option (GC nSig with good spacing). It's good for slide charging to kill opponents who recover low, but due to the long startup, it's bad for team combos, or if you can't predict where your opponent is going. Despite these drawbacks, the bomb has lingering hitboxes and can catch others off guard easily.

sSig is a command grab with good kill power, decent range and EXTREMELY fast startup (2 frames). Upon connecting, Caspian will grapple onto the enemy and place a bomb on their back, which will explode shortly after, jettisoning the enemy in the opposite direction that Caspian was facing when it connected and Caspian will gain some distance after it hits. The speed and power of the move allow it to be a fairly safe kill option, but don't go fishing for it in neutral, as you might find yourself getting punished.

dSig is mediocre but has its applications. Caspian will throw multiple bombs that each have their own hitboxes. The bottom bomb can hit the tip of the ledge and send downwards, but other than that specific ledge trapping option, it doesn't offer much.

Toolkit: Katars

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Caspian has a solid kit when it comes to Katars. Let's go over it.

nSig is quite effective. It has a quick startup, long range, low endlag, covers a lot of angles, good force, and lots of applications. Caspian will hunch over and face upwards putting his hand behind his back, then launch three daggers vertically in an arch pattern. Each of these daggers are spaced so that the enemy cannot slip through the gaps between the daggers. As aforementioned, the move has very low endlag and starts very quickly, which can make it a good all-angle air dodge punish, as it covers every air dodge angle except for down and up and frame traps enemies who simply spot-dodge, as Caspian will be able to use another move by the time their invincibility frames end.

sSig is a powerful spacing tool. With its far reach, very good force and fast start-up, it makes for a very safe option. Caspian will hold his hand parallel to his head and then throw a dagger sideways and at a downwards angle. One does not have to hit exactly where the dagger lands, as it has an active hitbox all the way through the animation which will scoop up anyone in it (right in front of Caspian exempt). The sig's range allows it to be a very powerful kill option that one can possibly fish for in neutral.

Finally, we have the previously mentioned dSig. dSig spikes, has solid range comparable to sSig and sends Caspian into the air, which makes it seem like it would be a top tier move. However, the sig has slow startup (at least when compared to the rest of Caspian's moves), is easy to avoid and makes Caspian quite vulnerable. Caspian lunges into the air with his hands behind his back (the longer it's charged, the further he goes. it's a charge sig.), then will throw two daggers downwards which stall his movement in the air and spike an opponent. The move is not without its uses though. If the opponent is conditioned to air dodge backward after using a dash attack, one can follow up with a dSig, which can kill at the ledge. Although useful situationally, it is relatively inferior to Caspian's other options.


In conclusion, Caspian is a legend that requires breakneck pace and punishes you if you can't keep up, whether you are playing against him or as him. His powerful kit and good options is balanced by his lack of overall range. If you want a fast and powerful rush down character, Caspian is your man. And if you find out you like him, he may just steal his way to your main spot.

I hope my first guide was helpful! let me know if i missed or need to add anything.

-TM06 & Greasie


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