Ways Towers/Upgrades Can Attack or See Camo Bloons

Guide Information

This guide is mostly for myself. If you happen to find anything I've missed in this guide, and are willing to share, I will add it to the guide after confirming.

Yes, every tower can see camo Bloons when paired with a x-2-x or higher Monkey Village. This guide is only taking into account if a tower can do so either without the assistance of a Monkey Village. There are special cases, but these will be listed for specific towers (Such as Geraldo's Invisibility Potion). I would also like to mention the Camo Trap power, which can cleanse 500 camo Bloons (600 with Monkey Knowledge.)

When a tower is listed as "x-x-x", an "x" refers to a specific path that monkey can take. For instance, a "4-0-2" Dart Monkey has upgraded the top path up to tier 4, and bottom path up to tier 2. When the prior example is listed as "4-x-x", it means that the crosspath does not matter.

Listed below is what text being bold, italic, or underlined means.

If seeing camo is inherent to the tower, it will just be underlined.

If the tower cannot see camo, it will just be bold.

If seeing camo requires an upgrade, it will be both underlined and in italics.

Relevant information or notes about Hero abilities will be both underlined and bold.

Primary Monkeys

Dart Monkey: This tower may see camos if it crosspaths with x-x-2.

Boomerang Monkey: This tower may pop camos with top path (5-x-x) and middle path (x-4-x). However for top path, only the spinning glaives may hit them, not the regular attack. Middle path on the other hand, requires the use of the Monkey Knowledge "Bionic Augmentation".

Bomb Shooter: This tower cannot directly attack camo Bloons. However, if you lose a life while using Bomb Blitz (x-x-5), it will destroy any camo on screen, including DDTs.

Tack Shooter: This tower cannot see camo at all. (Note: 5-x-x used to be able to hit camos, but this was changed in Update 44.0.)

Ice Monkey: This tower may attack camos, but it requires a top crosspath (2-x-x).

Glue Gunner: This tower can glue camos with the middle crosspath (x-4-x and x-5-x), this requires an ability use, however.

Military Monkeys

Sniper Monkey: This tower may attack camos with the middle crosspath (x-1-x).

Monkey Sub: This tower can hit camos with the top crosspath (2-x-x) and middle path (x-4-x and x-5-x). If you're using the top crosspath, it requires another tower that can see camo. If you're using the middle crosspath, x-4-x requires an ability use, while x-5-x is automatic.

Monkey Buccaneer: This tower can only hit camos with the bottom crosspath (x-x-2).

Monkey Ace: This tower can only hit camos with the middle crosspath (x-2-x).

Heli Pilot: This tower can only hit camo with the middle crosspath (x-2-x). An interesting note is that the ability for Special Poperations (x-5-x) summons a Marine, who may also attack camo.

Mortar Monkey: This tower may hit camo with the middle path (only x-5-x) and bottom path (x-3-x). Middle path may only hit camo with the ability. Bottom path, alongside being able to damage camo Bloons, removes camo from affected Bloons entirely.

Dartling Gunner: This tower can only hit camo with the middle crosspath (x-1-x).

Magic Monkeys

Wizard Monkey: This tower may attack or reveal camos with the top path (5-x-x) and the bottom crosspath (x-x-2). With top path, Archmage (5-x-x) will use the Shimmer (x-x-3) ability to reveal nearby camos, the same as bottom path.

Super Monkey: This tower may attack camos with the middle path (x-4-x and x-5-x) and the bottom crosspath (x-x-2). Middle path requires an ability use.

Ninja Monkey: This tower may see camos by default.

Alchemist: Interesting, this tower may not attack camos without support.

Druid: This tower may attack camo Bloons with the top path (5-x-x) and middle path (x-5-x). Middle path may only do so with its thorns, not its main attack. This tower may also gain the ability to attack camo by having Obyn placed at least at level 8.

Mermonkey: This tower may attack camo Bloons with the middle path (x-5-x) and the bottom crosspath (x-x-1). Middle path may only do so with its ability, and only the wave attack at the start of it.

Support Monkeys

Banana Farm: This tower cannot see camo Bloons. If it could, it would only matter for 2-x-x Monkey Subs.

Spike Factory: This tower may attack camos by default.

Monkey Village: This tower may grant camo detection to any nearby tower with the middle crosspath (x-2-x).

Engineer Monkey: This tower may allow other towers to attack camos by cleansing them with the middle path (x-3-x).

Beast Handler: This tower may attack camos with the middle path (x-4-x) and the bottom path (x-x-2). Middle path may only attack camos with its ability.


Quincy: He may attack camos starting at level 5.

Gwendolin: She may only attack camos using either of her abilities.

Obyn: He may only attack camos using either of his abilities. He may also grant Druids the ability to see camo at level 9.

Captain Churchill: He may attack camos starting at level 6.

Benjamin: At level 18, his Bloon Trojan may affect DDTs. Other than that, he may downgrade any camo Bloon with his level 10 ability, Siphon Funding.

Ezili: She is able to attack camos by default. At level 7, she gains an ability that sacrifices 10 lives (1 life at level 16) that places down a totem that allows other towers to see camo. She is also able to remove camo from DDTs at level 16.

Etienne: He may attack camos starting at level 5. At level 8, he grants camo detection to every tower on the map.

Sauda: She is able to attack camos by default.

Admiral Brickell: She may attack camos starting at level 7. Starting at level 8, her level 3 ability allows all affected towers to pop camos. Furthermore, at level 15 her Sea Mines are now able to completely remove camo from Bloons.

Psi: They are able attack camos by default.

Geraldo: While unable to attack camos himself, he is able to grant camo detection to other towers starting at level 3, by giving them an Invisibility Potion.

Corvus: He is able to attack camo, and remove camo, from Bloons when using his Vision spell (Unlocked at level 5).

The following Heroes cannot see or attack camo Bloons in any way:

Striker Jones


Pat Fusty


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3320303504					

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