File Editing Cheat

CHEATS!!! image 1

CHEATS!!! image 2

To enable cheats you will need to edit the "" file with a text editor, this file is located in the "scripts" folder, inside the root folder (where the game's installed).

Paste the code listed below at the BOTTOM of the "" file.

import cheats






These cheats will not work on saved games so to use them you will have to start a new game or wait untill you get to the next level in your saved game.

Image reference as to what file you need to edit, and where is it located:

The file "" should look like this:

Make sure you edit "menu.PY" and not "menu.PYC"!

Cheat List

Once your done editing the "" file you can trigger the next cheats in-game, using the corresponding keys.

Cheat Key Smaller Shield 4 Bigger Shield 3 Smaller Weapon 1 Bigger Weapon 2 Control Camera P Chop Player's head off (Doesn't kill you) H Give Lightsaber G God mode (will not protect from poison) F10 Level skip F9 Level up! F8 Matrix FX (Slow motion with rotating camera) X Rotate camera to the left F5 Rotate camera to the right F6 Change skins M Chop enemy's head off (Doesn't kill them) J

In-Game Codes

Beat the game one time, then enter the following code during gameplay:

Cheat Code All Items itemsgalore All Keys doorsnomore All Weapons tothepoint Max HP and Stamina almighty Maximum Experience levelheaded Skip Current Level levelend

Thank You & Hope It Helped!

NOTE: The file editing codes may conflict if you rebind the default keys for the game, it's advisable to use the default keybindings for these cheat codes.


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