How to get the "Great Sorceress" achievement

How to get the "Great Sorceress" achievement


7th chapter, third map, main task: Make a Wish Come True , location "Respite".


How to get the "Great Sorceress" achievement image 3

You will need to take theese cards in Your deck.


How to get the "Great Sorceress" achievement image 6

It's not necessary, but "Orders I", "Orders II", "Keys I" and "Keys II" talents in "Book handling" branch will greatly simplify Your attempts.


How to get the "Great Sorceress" achievement image 9

When You will face the fisrt fight in the map, You should just play all of availiable cards except "Human hand", then play one of the "Human hand" cards, then again all of availiable cards except "Human hand", then again one of the "Human hand" cards and etc. "Wind Moses" should be the lastest one to play if You haven't obtained the achievement in one turn. This way You will easily get even more then 13 cards in a single spell.


The game may lag because of too many cards in hand/spell, so be ready that You get the achievement, but have to restart the fight with another deck.


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