Black Book Index


In a similar vein to the glossary I'm maintaining, this is just going to be a reference list of all the different Pages that are available behind each Seal in the Book, arranged by their respective Seal, and further grouped by colour and type. This way, if you're having trouble remembering particular cards, you can refer to this for a quick summary.

If I feel the Page needs further explanation, it'll be at the bottom of the relevant section. There will also be some Pages where I've added in punctuation (usually the pages with a Style on them) for clarification.

First Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textGryjaFierce 2, 2 damageKilaWell-Versed, 4 damageNavaFirm 1, Well-Versed, 2 damagePrepolol3 damage ALL enemiesSkorchitWaste 3Urazi4 damage

White OrdersPage namePage textAvdelai5 shieldsAvoilWell-Versed, 5 shieldsBabushka-MandalinaWell-versed, increase the number of Orders in the book in the next round by 1, 1 healthGeorge the FatherWell-Versed, Bless 3SalmanidaRemoves negative status, 2 healthVarahail2 shields, Bless 2

Black KeysPage namePage textFirmer Than StoneFirm 1, 1 damage ALL enemiesKey-TongueGesture, 1 damageKoldun FiendRemoves positive status, Well-Versed, 1 damageLockFirm 3Ruda2 damage

White KeysPage namePage textAmenFirm 1, Piety 3Babushka-SerafimushkaWell-versed, increase the number of Keys in the book in the next round by 1, 1 healthIglaWell-Versed, 1 healthIn Father's NameFirm 1, Ward 3Once and ForeverFirm 1, 2 shieldsRaba3 shields

Unusual PagesBabushka-Mandalina: When you use this Page as part of a zagovor, the number of Order Pages you draw on your next turn increases by 1 (so if you'd normally draw 4 Orders at the start of your turn, you draw 5).

Babushka-Serafimushka: When you use this Page as part of a zagovor, the number of Key Pages you draw on your next turn increases by 1 (so if you'd normally draw 2 Keys at the start of your turn, you draw 3).

Aspen Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textCurseWell-Versed, Curse 5KainWell-Versed, 3 damage, Style (5 damage)Khokhor4 damage, Deal twice the amount of damage if against an enemy CurseLeshak-HoroveyBurning Herbs 7OgnevitsaWell-Versed, 7 damage, Well-Versed Sacrifice 1

White OrdersPage namePage textAbelWell-Versed, 3 shields, Style (5 shields)Blue StoneWell-Versed, Regeneration 3Mikhail Voyevoda5 shields, Word shields is doubled if there is an enemy with status CurseMoon BrothersWell-Versed, 2 damage, Well-Versed, 3 shieldsNicholas and GeorgePiety 2, Bless 2

Black KeysPage namePage textBlood-BurnEternal, Burning Blood 1, SwipeFirm KnifeGesture, Sacrifice 1, Firm 1Prizor the StickyFirm 1, Curse 1 ALL enemiesSea DepthInflict damage equal to enemy's status (Curse)x3Serpent's StingEternal, Damage when health is lost 1

White KeysPage namePage textCircleGesture, 1 shieldDeath to DemonsEternal, Shield Increase 2, SwipeLoton the PleaserRefresh companion's ability, 4 healthRed SunSwipe, Double shields, Sacrifice 3Shuka-BelugaWell-Versed, Eloquence (White) 1, 1 sin

Unusual PagesKhokhor: This Page deals 4 base damage, unless your target currently has the Curse effect on them, in which case it deals 8 damage.

Mikhail Voyevoda: If any of your enemies has the Curse effect on them when you use this Page, it grants 10 shields instead of 5.

Ognevitsa: The damage from the Sacrifice effect of this card is also subject to Well-Versed and any other effects that interact with Well-Versed, such as Eloquence (Black) (so if you used it in a zagovor with two other Black Pages, you'd take 3 damage).

Red Sun: This Page doubles the total number of shields you currently have. It then deals 3 damage to you and is removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

Sea Depth: This Page only deals damage against creatures currently under the Curse effect; the damage is equal to 3 times the amount of Curse on them (so a creature with Curse 4 would take 12 damage from Sea Depth). If you target a creature that doesn't have Curse, this Page deals no damage.

Water Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textKorkoteya Well-Versed, 3 damage, Receive 15 roubles on killing with this PageKorkushaWell-Versed, Waste 3SmerteyaFierce 3, 7 damage, 1 sinUbeitsa5 damage, if the enemy dies inflict 5 damage to the remaining enemiesUrokiWell-Versed, Weakness 3

White OrdersPage namePage textGeorge the BraveWell-Versed, Bless 6 TO ALLHope to FaithfulWell-Versed, Ward 4Mikhail Archistrategist8 shields for every enemy with a status CurseRazoilTake 2 Pages, ImmediateUgasiil5 shields, Style (Removes negative status)

Black KeysPage namePage textBone CurseDouble CurseDamascus StoneEternal, Damage on gaining shields 1Eretnik's SquadSwipe, 3 damage for every idle chort (minimum 1 damage)New ChainChoose a Page and add an effect "1 damage," Immediate, SwipeSatanailWell-Versed, Eloquence (Black) 1, 1 sin

White KeysPage namePage textMushroom BreadHealing Herbs 7Okian-SeaSwipe, Eternal, Reinforce Ward 1Salt in the EyeChoose a Page and add a Gesture, Immediate, SwipeSky HighWell-Versed, Keep Shields 1Stronger Than SteelChoose a Page and add an effect "Firm 1," Immediate, Swipe

Unusual PagesEretnik's Squad: This Page deals a number of damage equal to the number of idle chorts you have multiplied by 3 (so if you have 2 idle chorts, it deals 6 damage). If you have no idle chorts, it deals 1 damage. Once it takes effect, it's then removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

George The Brave: Everyone on the battlefield - you and your enemies - gain Bless equal to 6 plus the number of other White Pages in the zagovor.

Mikhail Archistrategist: For every enemy on the battlefield that has the Curse effect on them, you gain 8 shields. If there are no Cursed enemies, you gain no shields.

New Chain: You can immediately choose any Page in your Book and add the effect "1 damage" to that Page; the alteration lasts until the end of the battle. Once used, this Page is removed from your Book until the end of the battle. If you add this effect to a Page that you use on yourself, you will take 1 damage when you use the modified Page.

Razoil: You immediately draw two more Pages from your Book into your hand.

Salt In The Eye: You can immediately choose any Page in your Book and add the effect "Gesture" to that Page; the alteration lasts until the end of the battle. Once used, this Page is removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

Stronger Than Steel: You can immediately choose any Page in your Book and add the effect "Firm 1" to that Page; the alteration lasts until the end of the battle. Once used, this Page is removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

Wolf Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textDead ManWell-Versed, Decomposure 1OgneyastraSwipe, 1 damage x3Omur RiverInflict damage equal to health lost in the previous turn (1 damage)x3PavlushkaSwipe, Eliminate enemy's shieldsSnake-HeadInflict damage equal to the number of Pages in the zagovor x2 (2 damage)

White OrdersPage namePage textBabushka-YagaSwipe, Articulacy (Orders) 2ChurEternal, Avert Evil 1Nicholas the MercifulWell-Versed, Piety 5Pious WordWell-Versed, Prayer 1SelafiilFierce 3, 4 shields

Black KeysPage namePage textBurning StoneEternal, Damage by Swipe 3Forever and EverWell-Versed, Weakness 2 ALL enemies, Firm 1Fiery ApparitionReceive 3 shields for each Word in SwipeWords, Alight with FireAdd effect to all Pages in zagovor "Swipe", Immediate, SwipeWormsWell-Versed, Aliment 3

White KeysPage namePage textBabushka-AtamanushkaSwipe, Articulacy (Keys) 2 Beauty to the ChurchesEternal, Burn Words 6, SwipeBlood, Clot and StopWell-Versed, Gain defence equal to health lost in previous turn (1 shield)CrossEternal, Immunity (Waste) 1, Style (5 shields)

Unusual PagesBlood, Clot and Stop: You gain a number of shields equal to the amount of health you lost in the previous turn, plus the number of other White Pages in the zagovor. If you didn't lose any health the previous turn, you gain 1 shield.

Fiery Apparition: When you play this Page, you gain a number of shields equal to twice the number of other Words on all the Pages with Swipe in your Book. For example, if you have Blood-Burn and Death to Demons in your Book when you play this Page (both of which have two other Words as well as Swipe), you gain 8 shields. Once used, this Page is removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

Omur River: This Page's damage is equal to the amount of health you lost in the previous turn. It inflicts this damage three times. If you took no damage in the previous turn, it inflict 1 damage three times.

Snake-Head: This Page's damage is equal to double the total number of Pages you've used your zagovor, including itself. If this is the only Page in your zagovor, it deals 2 damage.

Words, Alight With Fire: When you play this Page, every Page you use in your current zagovor gains Swipe immediately. This Page is then removed from your Book until the end of the battle.

Spruce Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textBreakboneSacrifice 1, Sacrifice 1, Sacrifice 1, Style (10 damage)Skorchen5 damage, deal twice the amount of damage if against an enemy WasteTickling1 sin, 3 damage x3TryasovitsaInflict damage equal to enemy's status (Waste)x2

White OrdersPage namePage textBabushka AdamushkaFind Order and read it, SwipeHeadlessSwipe, 6 shields, Eternal, Damage Absorption 1Impreishable PhelonionWell-Versed, Imperishable 6JudeaInflicts damage equal to your current shieldsWhalefishEternal, Burning Herbs 6

Black KeysPage namePage textAspenWell-Versed, Vampirism 5BellowerRage 7Herod BonesDouble WasteTomashikhaSpikes 10

White KeysPage namePage textEnaha DemonRemove random status x3LazarusSwipe, Eternal, Rebirth 1Lend Help, NicholasDouble Ward, Style (Double Piety)Witch MouthEternal, Witch Mouth 1, 1 sin

Unusual PagesBabushka Adamushka: When you use this Page, you can look through your Book and play any Order you have available, as if it were part of the zagovor.

Fern Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textDavleyaRecitation time 2, 30 damageFierce Wind5 damage ALL enemiesPrizorBewilder 2 ALL enemiesVasiliy BoilWaste 7, Immediate

White OrdersPage namePage textHairWell-Versed, Mouth-Sewn 5 All enemiesHuman HandGesture, Immediate, Take a current maximum of PagesPosmotrilGesture, Immediate, Learn the next 3 Pages and discard any number of them, Take 1 Page

Black KeysPage namePage textCircle BladeSwipe, Suppressed 1, 3 sinFire ChainsFirm 1, Waste 5 ALL enemiesJudas' AspenUntouchable 2, Swipe

White KeysPage namePage textGlory to AngelsSwipe, Ethereal 1Grandfather AdamyFind Key and read it, Swipe

Unusual PagesGrandfather Adamy: When you use this Page in a zagovor, you can search your Book for any Key you have and play it as part of your zagovor. Grandfather Adamy is then removed from your Book for the rest of the battle.

Human Hand: When you play this Page, not only does it activate immediately but it also doesn't occupy a slot in your current zagovor. When you play it, your hand immediately fills back up to the current maximum for both Orders and Keys.

Posmotril: When you play this Page, not only does it activate immediately but it also doesn't occupy a slot in your current zagovor. When you play it, you can look at the next 3 Pages in your Book, and choose any number of them to discard. You then take 1 of the remaining Pages into your hand.

Dead Seal

Black OrdersPage namePage textBlightSwipe, Eternal, Suppressed 1 ALL enemiesChemerGesture, Well-Versed, 5 damage, Firm 2LomotaGesture, Imminence (Curse) 3, Imminence (Waste) 3, Style (10 damage)Silent SicknessWell-Versed, Malady 2 ALL enemiesWitheringGesture, Well-Versed, Waste 5

White OrdersPage namePage textGeorge the PiousGesture, Well-Versed, Bless 3Nicholas the FatherWell-Versed, Piety 10, Well-Versed, Ward 10Ward for the FaithfulGesture, Well-Versed, 5 shields, Firm 2Wind-LukaAdds effect to all Pages in zagovor "5 shields," Immediate, Swipe

White KeysPage namePage textGeorge the FieryPrayer 10, Sacrifice 10, SwipeSatanovichEloquence 4Wind-MosesGesture, Add effect to all Pages in the zagovor "Firm 1," Immediate, Swipe


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