Guide has been tried on Nightmare difficulty. Sinless is not just ending a run with 0 sin, but also not gaining any sin at all, because I feel like this makes the game more interesting, otherwise you can dodge many fights. Numbers in brackets are hotkey numbers for dialogue options. You can use WASD to move instead of clicking, which also ensures you run if possible. You can scroll to go through dialogue fast.
The guide is divided into days, which are not actual days, but I consider the start of a day to be the moment when you are able to buy pages. Remember to send chorts and buy pages as needed at the start of every day (if there is no fight for the day, I will mention that you do not need to send chorts). Days 3, 4, 5 can be switched around, as well as Days 28, 29, 30. I use the order Belt -> Cross -> Name, and Knife -> Towel -> Candles.
All pickable herbs will be mentioned (tell me if I miss any), but in the speedrun it may not be worth it to pick some up if they are out of the way and not worth much.
All fights will be mentioned as “Fight” or “Optional Fight”, former for compulsory fights and latter for fights you could avoid (tell me if I miss any). I take optional fights only in the first 4 days and only if they are in the main route, but if you can get away with less of them, you should modify this guide to save time.
Not all shops are mentioned. It may be necessary to visit some other shops if you really need some item/herb/zagavor.
If you are doing a speedrun with glitches, it may be possible to quicken some boss fights. There are reports of some bosses like Chapter 6 final boss which do not spawn properly after restarting the battle, only minions spawned, so killing minions only would result in victory. I could not replicate this though.
Deck Goals (this is just what I used, you can use something different):Chapter 1: 4x George the Father, 4x Nava, 1x Kila, 3x Key-Tongue, 1x Koldun Fiend (should be usable until Chapter 4; Chapter 5 is the difficulty spike. Before completing the deck, you need to use Amen and shield cards)
Chapter 2: 4x Curse, 3x George the Brave, 2x Khokor, 2x Key-Tongue, 1x Sea Depth, 1x Koldun Fiend (should be usable for the rest of the game until final boss. Use previous deck for enemies resistant to curse like Day 34 2nd fight.)
Chapter 7: 3x George the Pious, 3x Chemer, 3x Curse, 2x Key-Tongue, 1x Sea Depth, 1x Koldun Fiend
Skill sequence (I assume you are using damage deck):Keys 1, Keys 2, Fierce Words 1 (damage), Orders 1, Orders 2, Trick 1 (meaningless jobs), Big Bag 1 (items), Trick 2, Fierce Words 2, Big Bag 2, Big Bag 3, Sleight of Hand 1 (herbs), Sleight of Hand 2, Fierce Words 3, Dark Eloquence (if you reach level 16, but in my test I stopped at 15)
Chapter 1
Day 0Adam’s Head in the right tree. Prikrysh-Herb at scarecrow. To the crossroads. Take ritual candles. Adam’s Head at right of logs. Adam’s Head at left of logs. Talk to Old Egor. Make a circle. (1) Read the spell. Fight. Turn 3 use 2x Urazi, turn 4 use 1x Skorchit. Enter Gates of Hell. Approach Black Rift. (4) Leave. (2) One.
Day 1(1) Yes, let’s get to work. (1) Demons. (3) Time to go. Map: Mogilevsky’s Mansion (detour for XP). (2) Decline. Map: Kusheva Village. (1) Forgot to cross tableware. (1) I will help you. (1) Approach the samovar. Optional Fight. Map: Old River Bed. (2) Draw a circle. Optional Fight. Map: Bigichi Forest. (3) Leave. Map: Penesherskaya Ravine (detour for Break-Herb). Map: Kachevo Lake. (1 or 3) Attack or come closer. Optional Fight. Map: Near Nizovka River. (1) Follow the owl. Map: Old Windmill. Adam’s Head on your right. Backyard. (1) Take the axe. Adam’s Head near the axe. Go to door to windmill. (3) Break the lock with an axe. (1) Use the axe. Go to the second floor, then to the third floor. Adam’s Head on the floor. Look at Rift. (1) Peer outside. (2) Miller. (3) Lured by a sacrifice. (2) Refuse. Fight.
Day 2(3) Let’s get to work. (2) Deny. (1) Banniks. (3) I’ll help you. Map: The forest grove by our izba. (1) Let him finish the song. Optional Fight. Map: Rusalka’s Backwater. (2) Read a snake defending zagavor. Optional Fight. Map: Mikhail’s Crossroads. (2) Greet the demon. (1) Agree. (2) Fruit. (1) Day. Map: Yezova Village. (3) Leave the location. Map: Trinity Church. (2) Buy. Buy Prosphora (costs 50; if you don't have enough, you should sell some items/herbs you don't need). Map: Bridge to the banyas. (1) Come closer. Map: Small banya by the riverbank. Adam’s Head at pier. Adam’s Head near Nikolay. Talk to Nikolay. (2) Didn’t ask permission. (1) Step inside. Talk to Nikolay. (1 and 2 and 3 and 4) Describe the summoning procedure with all dialogue options. Make a circle. Interact with furnace. Talk to Nikolay. (1 or 2) Either option to tell Nikolay to stand still. (3) Changeling. (3) How can we help? (4) We will help.
Day 3No need to send chorts today. (2) With the changeling-chort. (3) Belt. (1) Start with the Spinner. (3) Time to go. (2) Continue. Map: Abachkin Forest. (2) Bury the dead. Map: Ust-Urolka Village. (1) Offer help. Map: Road to Pyatneg. (1) Help the Girl. Map: Vilisov Woods. (1) Go tell about the body in Pyanteg. Map: The Spinner’s Hut. Random herb on the right path. Random herb on the left path. Talk to Human Skull. (1) Agree. (2) Cemetery. (2) Continue riddling. (2) Funeral. (2) Continue riddling. (1) Needle and thread. (2) Continue riddling. (2) Shadow. (1) Go on. (1) Sky and Stars. (1 or 2) Agree or Decline. (4) A belt. (2) Compliment the belts. (1) Torture the demons.
Day 4Do not change your companion from Nikolay. (1) Start with the cross. (3) Got it. Map: Turchan Road. (1) Talk. (3) Nikolay Help. Map: Alimov Forest. (1 or 3) Interfere or Watch them work. Fight. Map: Eastern Bridge. (1) Fight for the sinner. Optional Fight. Map: Lyulvin Swamps. (3) Run away. Map: Yanidor. (1 or 2) Either say that you want to help or want her cross. (1) Convince. Random herb to your right. Adam’s Head to your left. Random herb beside church entrance. Go to church entrance. (1) Step inside. Move forward and pick up Royal Eyes on the right. Go to iconostasis. (1) Enter the gates. (1) Wake her up. (1) Calm her down. (3) Exorcise Ikota. (2) Icons. You should have enough XP for level 4, learn a new skill now. (2) Cross. (1) Agree. Fight.
Day 5Change your companion to Proshka. Map: Rusalka Backwaters. Map: Mikhail’s Crossroads (detour for Jewelry box). (3) Leave the location. Map: Broken Cart. (1) Take the Jewelry Box. Map: Bank of the Kolva. (2) Talk. (2) Outsmart. (1 or 2) Race to Perm or Count leaves on a tree. Map: The Kolva Bridge. (3) Proshka Help. Map: Trinity Church. (1 or 2) Christian Soul or Help thy Neighbours. (1 or 2 or 3 or 4) Select any name, or let Nikolay select. (1) Go to the field. (2) Fight. Fight.
Day 6(3) Let’s go. Map: Orlov Grove (detour for Tirlich-Herb). Map: Rusalka Backwater. (3) Remove curse from the tracks. Map: Road to Vilgort. (4) Leave the location. Map: Kulyashov Farmstead. Map: Old Banyas. Look under the shelf. Move forward. Adam’s Head next to door. Go to door mechanism. From out to in: basin, fire, stove. Fight. (3) Bride. Left or centre bride (right bride and middle chest are the answers, but she will fight you anyway, so getting the first one wrong is slightly faster). Fight.
Day 7Do not change your companion from Nikolay. (1) Wedding. (4) Let’s go. Map: Abachkin Woods. (1) Bring him to the village. Map: Old Church. (1) Leave the location. Map: Solikamsk Road. (2) Nikolay Help. Map: Pokcha Village. (2) Throw over your shoulder. Fight. (4) Return to the living.
Chapter 2
Day 8Do not change your companion from Proshka. (4) I will help you. Map: Post Station. Peter’s Cross on the right of gate. Snake Herb on the left of gate. Enter the gates. Crying herb near logs. Approach restless horse. (1) Scare away the shadow. (1) Horse color. (3) Proshka Help. Talk to station warden. (2) Time to go. Map: Road to Ust-Borov. (1 or 3) Call out or draw the circle. (2) Intimidate. Map: Telegraph line. (3) Say goodbye. Map: Ust-Borov Village. (2) Leave the area. Fight. Map: Ust-Borov Plant. (2) To work.
Day 9Map: Ust-Borov Plant Office. (4) Let’s go. Map: Pump Tower. (4) Salt extraction. (4) Say goodbye. Map: Salt Chest. Observe Tracks multiple times. Random herb to the right of Tracks. Random herb near bench. Talk to worker. Map: Salt Pan. (4) Time to go. Map: Salt Box. Break-Herb near bench. Talk to Pakhom. (4) Mermaid. (1) Attack. Fight.
Day 10(4) Time to go. Map: Upper Onyl. (1) Question the peasants. Map: Pine Grove. (3) Go around. Map: Verhne-Chugrumsk Swamp. Map: Hell’s Swamp. (2) Go around. Map: Hell’s Lake. Adam’s Head near fishermen’s things. Adam’s Head on the left of fishermen. Talk to fishermen. (1) Convince. (1) Brazier. Go to boat. (1) Let’s go. (1) Vakul. (4) Let’s go. Map: Seaweed Thicket. Fight. Map: Sandy Bottom. (1) Pick up the shell. Map: Underwater Village. (3) Speed up. Map: Drowner Circle. Peter’s Cross near mermaid. Talk to mermaid. (4) Time to go. (2) Let’s go. Map: Underwater Crawlspace. Fight.
Day 11Talk to mermaid. Map: Underwater Thicket. (1) Call out. Map: Cave Cemetery. Talk to mermaid. (3) Let’s go. (1) Leave the area. Map: Palace Gates. (2) Persuade. (2) Agree. (4) River. Map: By the Throne Room. Fight. Map: The Vodyanoi’s Chambers. Talk to mermaid. (1) Ready. (1) Saltworks. (2) Sacrifice. (4) Seven. (1) Vodyanoi’s task. (2) Scales.
Day 12(4) Let’s do this. Map: Akhmatova Ravine. Fight. Map: Saltanovo Village. (2) Help the merchant. (2) Leave the location. Map: Saltanovka Bank. (1 or 2 or 3) Any option to talk to Fedka. (4) Say goodbye. (2) Say goodbye. Map: Settlement. (3 or 4) Follow or walk around. Map: Pothouse. Adam’s Head behind bushes on the left. Break-Herb at left of pothouse front entrance. Random herb at pillar on the right. Go to backdoor. (1) Use Break-Herb. (1) Go inside. Mash on right table. Mash near wine merchant. Go to bench. (1) Wait. (1) Attack. Fight. (2) Decide on the chort’s fate. (3) Kill the chort.
Day 13No need to send chorts today. (3) Time to go. Map: Fedorovo Village. (3) Leave the location. Map: Gainskoye. (3) Moving. (1) Offer help. Map: Wine Shop. (2) Leave the location (or (1) Enter the shop then (1) Shop for buying items). Map: Watermill. (4) To business. Random herb on left. Board on left. Board on right. Adam’s Head near watermill. To the river shore. Talk to mermaid. Adam’s Head in centre. To the mill. Inside. Watermill water on the left. Talk to salt brewer. (1) Start the wheel. (1) Break the seal ((2) Free the rusalka gives -3 sin but sin is irrelevant to us, and it is a bit slower).
Chapter 3
Day 14No need to send chorts today. Map: Yard. Tirlich-Herb near Old Egor. Koluka-Herb near Proshka. Adam’s Head near exit. To the field. Indivia-Herb to the right. Tirlich-Herb hidden in left trees. Set off. Map: Road to the grave. Approach grave. Map: Near the grave.
Day 15(4) Let’s do this. Map: Near the Kolva. (3) Walk around it. Map: Pokcha Road. (1 or 3) Call out to the spirit or draw a circle. Map: The Kimzelka River. (4) Leave the location. Map: Pokcha Village. (4) Find the brewers. (3) Brewing location. (4) Time to go. Map: Brewing by the River. Arkhilin Herb on the right. Go to Dry Grass. (1) Take some grass. Break-Herb on the left. Go to Logs. (1) Take some firewood. Go to Fire. (4) Put in some grass. (1) Add firewood. (1) Go back. Go to Logs. (1) Take more firewood. Go to Fire. (1) Add some more firewood. (2) Light the fire. Fight.
Day 16(1) Heal. Map: Bride’s Courtyard. Interact with chest. (1) Take the ribbons. Koluka-Herb near chest. Go to birch branches. (1) Place branches. Peter’s Cross on the right of barrel. Go to banya. (1) Decorate with ribbons. (1 or 2 or 3) Any colour. Go to strange barrel. (1 or 2 or 3) Any action except go back to talk to the boy. (3) Matchmaker. (4) Say goodbye. Map: Banya. Fight. Map: Arrival of the Bridal Procession. Talk to Old Egor. (4) See you soon. Leave the location. (2) Leave the location. Map: Room. Look at feast. (2) Continue the feast. (3) No gift. (2) Continue.
Day 17Map: Farewell to Beauty. Map: The Procession is Gathering. Interact with smaller haystack. (1) Inspect the haystack. (2) Curse. (3) Let’s go. Inspect chest. Inspect floor. (2) Demand the ransom. Map: Departure of the Bridal Procession. (1) Agree. (1) Agree. Map: Cold Creek Ford. (2) Hop off and help. Fight. Map: Near the Crooked Forest. (1) Turn left. (2) Turn right. (2) Turn right. Map: Mikhail’s Crossroads. (1) Turn left. Map: Trinity Church in Vilgort. (4) Fight. Fight. (4) Let’s do this. Adam’s Head to the right. Talk to Old Egor. (1) To the izba.
Day 18(4) Let’s do it. Map: Pokcha Village. (1) Talk. (1) Convince. (2 or 3) Punishing the innocents or need my help. Map: Cherdyn High Road. Fight. Map: Anfilov Drop. (2) Leave the location. Map: Cherdyn. You may talk to the merchant holding a tray; shop for buying items. Talk to Mister Fairbanks. (2) Offer money. Map: Hunter’s Hut. (2) Help. (3) Falcon. (4) Peter’s Cross. (3) Time to go. Fight.
Day 19Talk to Airat. (3) Wolves. (4) Go back. Map: Abandoned Village. (1) Find the tracks. (1) Find the herb. (1) Inspect the izbas. Map: Pine Wood. (2) Draw a circle. Map: Eastern Swamp. (2) Walk around. Map: Polud Mountain. (1 or 2) Attack or sneak after them. (2) Talk. (2) Petka. (1) Flute. (2 or 3) Let go or fight. Fight. (1) Cuckoo Tears.
Day 20Talk to Airat. (1) Polud. (3) Go back. Map: At the Foot of Polud. Fight. Map: Blood Trail (detour for Mooseman item, +3 Prayer on battle start). (1) Study the pine tree. (2) Leave the location. Map: Somber Forest. (2) Don’t interfere. Map: Vishera’s Tears. (2) Attack. Fight. Map: Bluff above the Vale. Cuckoo Tears to your right. Cuckoo Tears to your left. 2 Adam's Head far left. Cuckoo Tears at the end of the path. Leave the location. (1 or 2) Ready or doubts. (2) Don’t burn the forest. Cuckoo Tears to your right. Leave the location. (1) Leave the area. (1) Fedka. (2) Music. (3) Humanity. (2) Talk. (4) Nikolay.
Chapter 4
Day 21No need to send chorts today. Map: Murky Figures. Map: Old Firs. Map: Impenetrable Fog. Adam’s Head on your left. Adam’s Head on your right. After the demon or walk around. (1) Proceed with your choice. (1) Turn clothes inside out. (2) Take boots (resistance to waste, important against some enemies). (4) Camp for the night.
Day 22(4) Let’s do this. Map: Overgrown Forest. (1) Prepare to fight. Fight. Map: Uivolador Fields. (2) Leave the location (or if using shield deck, (1) Inspect the stump then (2) Take the egg for Christ Egg item). Map: Musty Road. (2) Leave the location. Map: Marya’s Crosses. Cuckoo Tears on your left. Cuckoo Tears on the right behind rock. Interact with Golbets. (1) Vodka and bread. (2) Go back. Make a circle. Begin ritual. (1) Read the zagavor. (4) Peasant.
Day 23(2) Keep listening. (2) Don’t tell. Map: Burned Wood. (2) Leave the location. Map: Karnyshka Forest. (1) To the opening. Map: Bad Place. (2) Leave the location. Map: Shot Birch (detour for Offering to the Leshiy item, +4 Curse, only if doing Curse deck). (1) Inspect the birch. Map: Kul-Pu. Adam’s Head on the left. Adam’s Head on the right. Interact with Leshiy magic. (1) Disentangle the zagavors. Fight x3. Adam’s Head left of tree on left. Adam’s Head right of tree on left. Adam’s Head on right. Talk to Galina. (1) Talk. (4) Nemzya.
Day 24No need to send chorts today. Map: Marfa’s House. (1) Talk. (1) About villagers. (1) Filimon the Shepard. (4) Go back. (2) Say goodbye. Map: Anisia’s Mansion. (2) Facts. (1) Gift to shepherd. (2) Go back. (3) Say goodbye. Map: Anisia’s Mansion (It is possible to re-enter the same location even though you are already there. This is silly, but it is necessary to get a new option). (2) Find the susedko. (2) Flee. Map: Bails of Hay. (1) Talk. (3) Accuse. (1) After him.
Day 25(2) Hurry after leshiy. Map: Lunvolador Fields. Fight. Map: Loud Forests. (3) Raven. (2) Leshiy. (3) Let’s do it. Map: Guzzle Field. (3) After the man. Map: Kul-Pu. (2) Hear him out. (2) Victims. (4) Filimon. (1) Help the shepard. (1 or 2 or 3 or 4) Any person.
Day 26Map: Dry Viam. (2) Tie the birches. Map: Chud Fields. Fight. Map: Pu-En. Adam’s Head on your left. Adam’s Head on the right. Interact with Idol Spell. (1) Remove the zagavor. Adjust sections to make the figure. Map: Vorys-sin. Adam’s Head on your left. Talk to Filimon. (1) I’m ready. Random herb on your left. Random herb near first rock. Random herb on the left after white bridge. Random herb near last rock. Interact with Black Book. (1) Take the book. (4) Say goodbye.
Chapter 5
Day 27(3) Let’s do it. Map: Riverbank. (2) Leave the location. Map: Bridge Over the Kolva. (3) Get around. Map: Old Baths (detour for the only optional task in the game that we must do to avoid sin). (2) Close the door. Map: Vilgort Drying Barns. (2) Enter the ovin. (1) Talk. (4) Prayer. (1) Agree. Map: Nikolay’s Wedding. Random herb near caretaker hut. Talk to Terentyi. (1) Murder. (3) Knife. (4) Go back. Random herb near carts. Talk to beggar. Random herb near entrance. Random herb near planks on the right. Enter church. Talk to priest. (1) Towel. (4) Go back. Talk to Old Egor. (1) Begin. (2) Attack. Fight.
Day 28(2) Knife. (1) Start with the Knife. (1) Agree. Map: Cherdyn Outskirts. (1) Prepare to fight. Fight. Map: Prokopy Street. (2) Enter the pothouse (for Human Fang item, but the benefit of additional XP is debatable so (3) Leave the location may be better for saving a few seconds). Map: Cherdyn Yard. (1) Request an invitation. Map: Uyzed Police Station. Enter. Talk to church caretaker. (4) Go back. Exit. Dream Grass near Storage. Go to Storage. (2) Call out to the evil spirits. (2) Outsmart. (1) Deceased. (2) To the cemetery. Indivia-Herb to the left. Random herb to the right. Pick up shovel. Random herb near fresh grave. Talk to church caretaker. (1) Draw a circle. Fight. (2) Save the keeper.
Day 29(1) Towel. (1) Start with Pyanteg. (4) Kikomora. Map: Anbor Forests. (2) Leave the location. Map: Kozyr River. (2) Leave the location (or if using Waste deck, (1) Talk, then (1) Collect some earth for Corner Dust, +3 Decomposure). Map: Pyanteg Road. Fight. Map: Pyanteg Village. If you need to heal, (3) Iliya church. (4) Leave the location. Map: Epiphany Church. Random herb in grass on right. Random herb near church on right. Go to church entrance. (1 or 2) Read a prayer or Break-Herb (it will not be used). Talk to priest. (2) Help. (4) Let’s do it. Look at icon. (1) Inspect. Go to ladder. (1) Put it under icon. Look at icon. (1) Inspect. Talk to priest. (2) Refuse. Fight.
Day 30Map: Road to Nyrob. (2) Leave the location. Map: Big Field Village. (3) Leave the location (or (2) Shop for buying items). Map: Iskor Village. (4) Leave the location. Map: Paramedic Station. Random herb far right. Enter station. Talk to nurse. (4) Help. Exit. Adam’s Head right of barn. Go to barn. (1) Gather some droppings. Cuckoo Tears left of barn. Enter station. Interact with decoction. Choose options in this order (numbered 1 to 6 from left to right): 5, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1. Interact with sick people. (1) Give decoction. (2) Attack. (2) After it. (1) Iskor. Map: Narrow Street. Fight. Map: Iskorsk Hillfort. Fight.
Day 31Do not change your companion from Proshka. (4) Let’s do this. Map: Road to Uphill Slope. Random herb on right. Random herb on left. Random herb on right. Exit. Map: Fires Near the Kolva. Set off. (1) To the river. (4) Proshka Help. Interact with ritual candles, spread the towel, make a circle, interact with fern. (1) Wait. Go to fern flower. Fight. (2) Run. (1) Run further. (2) Continue to run. Fight.
Chapter 6
Day 32No need to send chorts today. (4) Get out. Map: Prison. Look at door. (1) Fern flower. Rotten Mushroom on the right. Look at oven fork. Look at door. (1) Break the zagavor. (3) Oven fork. Map: Passage. (2) Sneak past. Map: Old Warehouse. (2) Talk. (2) Alexander. (4) A duel. (2) Riddles. (4) Book. (2) Steamship. (4) Breasts. Map: Entrance Room. (2) Attack. Map: Atrium. (3) Examine herbs (for Royal Eyes). (3) Leave the location. Map: Corridor. Puzzle Fight. Use Perepoloh, Snake-head right, Ubeitsa right, Tomashikha, Worms left. Map: Alexander’s Office. (2) Talk. (4) Enough. (2) Persuade. (3) Spinner.
Day 33Map: The Spinner’s Izba. (4) Talk. (4) Say goodbye. Map: Underground Path. Map: Impassable Webbing. (2) Fern flower. Map: Narrow Walkway. (3) Sneak Past. Map: Black Book. Move right avoiding the spider’s gaze (you only need to hide once if you do it right). Move forward avoiding the spider’s gaze (wait for spider to look right, then run, no need to hide). (2) Decline x3. Fight. (1 or 2) Invite or say goodbye. (1) Take the belt.
Day 34Map: Field. Fight x3. (2 or 3) Jump down or throw the book.
Chapter 7
Day 35You have no more chorts to send. (4) Wish. (1 or 2) Agree or decline. Map: Gates of Hell. (1) Attack. Map: Hairwide Bridge. (2) Talk. (4) Enough. (2) Drive off. Map: Tar Pits. Fight. Map: Evil Palace. (2) Ignore it. (4) Enough. (1) Toll House. (1) Agree.
Day 36(3) Continue journey. (1 or 2) Koldun’s book or Chorts. Map: Demon Pit. (2) Leave the location. Map: Evil Kennels. (2) Leave the location. Map: Fire Lake. (2) Leave the location. Map: Temple of Death. (4) Enough. (1) Toll House.
Day 37Map: Sinner’s Forest. Keep moving forward. Fight. Move forward. Fight. (1 or 2) Choose your ending.
Thanks For Reading
Please inform me of any mistakes I made, or suggestions that you have. In the future I may make a video demonstrating the run. Or if you're interested in doing this speedrun and record the run, I'll be happy to feature it.
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