/** @param {NS} ns */ export async function main( ns ) { /*prevent arrays being passed by reference, pass by value instead: array1.push( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( array2 ) ) )*/ ns.disableLog( "ALL" ); var scannedServers; var server; var homePaths = [["home"]]; var homePath = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( homePaths [0] ) ); var newNode; var path; var pathDuplicate; var pathNode; var nodeDuplicate; var terminalInput = eval( 'document.getElementById( "terminal-input" )' ); /*bypass document*/ var terminalHandler = Object.keys( terminalInput )[1]; /*create an array of all paths where each path is also an array, all paths are from "home" to each server, example: [["home"], ["home", "n00dles"], ["home", "n00dles", "zer0"], ["home ", "foodnstuff"]] This structure will make terminal input easier. Example: terminal:>connect home;connect n00dles;connect zer0; Also, connect home; works from any server which make these paths universal*/ while( homePath.length !== 0 ) { scannedServers = ns.scan( homePath [homePath.length - 1] ); newNode = false; for( server of scannedServers ) { nodeDuplicate = false; for( pathNode of homePath ) { if( JSON.stringify( pathNode ) === JSON.stringify( server ) ) { nodeDuplicate = true; break; } } if( nodeDuplicate === false ) { homePath.push( server ); pathDuplicate = false; for( path of homePaths ) { if( JSON.stringify( path ) === JSON.stringify( homePath ) ) { pathDuplicate = true; break; } } if( pathDuplicate === false ) { homePaths.push( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( homePath ) ) ); newNode = true; break; } else { homePath.pop( ); } } } if( newNode === false ) { homePath.pop( ); } } for( path of homePaths ) /*install backdoors on servers not owned which have root access*/ { server = ns.getServer( path [path.length - 1] ); if( ( server.backdoorInstalled === false ) && ( server.purchasedByPlayer === false ) && ( ns.hasRootAccess ( server.hostname ) === true ) ) { terminalInput = eval( 'document.getElementById( "terminal-input" )' ); if( terminalInput === null ) /*exit script if focus is not on terminal window*/ { ns.exit( ); } terminalHandler = Object.keys( terminalInput )[1]; terminalInput.value = ""; for( pathNode of path ) { terminalInput.value += "connect " + pathNode + ";" } terminalInput [terminalHandler].onChange( { target:terminalInput } ); terminalInput [terminalHandler].onKeyDown( { key:'Enter', preventDefault:() => null } ); await ns.sleep( 1000 ); terminalInput = eval( 'document.getElementById( "terminal-input" )' ); if( terminalInput === null ) { ns.exit( ); } terminalInput.value = "backdoor"; terminalInput [terminalHandler].onChange( { target:terminalInput } ); terminalInput [terminalHandler].onKeyDown( { key:'Enter', preventDefault:() => null } ); /*backdoortime = hacktime / 4*/ await ns.sleep( Math.ceil( ns.getHackTime( server.hostname ) / 4 ) + 1000 ); } } ns.tprint( "Backdoors completed" ); }
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