Welcome to the Occupy Gotham walkthrough guide. This side quest is given during the main story line, the militia sets up 21 watchtowers across Gotham's three islands. The towers are protected by gun emplacements and enemies.
The quests consists of scouting out the watchtowers, defeating any enemies, and destorying the central command unit which ultimately destroys the turrets. This quest can be done any any point that the watchtowers start to appear on the island maps. This guide will be split into the three islands, with a map of each and context of what can be expetected at each watchtower.
NOTE: you do not need to have Founders' Island unlocked to the batmobile to complete
Bleake Island [4]
For this guide, we will be starting out at Bleake Island. There are a total of four (4) watchtowers that will need to be taken down. Follow the numbering system on the map below to corrispond with the list for location and further details.
China Town, west of Urbarail Station. Contains a couple gun emplacements outside the building and two unarmed militia inside.
The Cauldron, southwest of traffic circle. Contains roughly 7 armed militia and a medic that is stationed at the command console.
The Cauldron, opposite GCPD. Contains 2 brutes, 7 thugs, 3 gun emplacements.
The Cauldron, roof of Sionis Industries. Contains 5 thugs, a drone operator, and a minigunner.
Miagani Island [8]
Moving on to Miagani Island, there are a total of eight (8) watchtowers that will need to be taken down. Follow the numbering system on the map below to corrispond with the list for location and further details.
just left of Mercy bridge. Contains 8 armed militia and a minigunner.
Bank of Gotham, on the roof. Contains 2 gun emplacements, 8 armed militia, 2 combat experts, a medic, and a brute. There are also 3 weapon crates
Grand Avenue Station, northeast of Wayne Tower. Contains 4 gun emplacements and a group of unarmed soliders.
mid-map, north of Grand Avenue intersection.
apartment building east of Elliot Memorial Hospital. Contains 3 gun emplacements, 5 militia, and mines scattered around the area.
roof of Elliot Memorial Hospital. several gun encampments, militia and brutes.
on the Right as you come to Salvation Bridge. Contains a couple gun emplacements, 5 militia, and a brute.
Botanical Gardens. Contains some gun emplacements, sentry operator, and militia.
Founders' Island [9]
Finally, Founder's Island has a total of nine (9) watchtowers that will need to be taken down. Follow the numbering system on the map below to corrispond with the list for location and further details.
right side after crossing Salvation bridge. Contains 2 gun emplacements, 3 armed militia, and a sentry operator.
Otisburg, just south of Penitence Bridge. Contains several gun emplacements, and 6 unarmed militia.
Drescher, the docks just north of Penitence Bridge. Contains several gun emplacements, 7 unarmed militia, and 2 brutes.
next to Perdition bridge, coming from Bleake Island. Contains a sentry gun and 6 thugs.
Ryker Heights, roof of Cale Anderson building. Contains 4 minigunners, 2 medics, 2 militia in stealth suites.
Otisburg, roof of GothCorp. Contains 6 armed militia, 1 stealth militia, and a medic.
Otisburg, abandoned building west of Fire Station. Contains gun emplacements, 3 militia, 2 combat experts, and 3 medics.
Ryker Heights, south of Wayne International Plaza. contains 7 militia and a brute.
Ryker Heights, next to Stagg's Airship Alpha. Contains 5 armed militia, a sentry operator, and a tracker (finds location when using detective mode)
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