How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers

How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers

1. Uninstall Animaze Through Steam

How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers image 1

1. Launch Steam

2. Right click on Animaze

3. Click on Manage

4. Click on Uninstall

2. Delete The Animaze Folder

After you've uninstalled Animaze through Steam, you must then manually delete the Animaze folder.

1. Go to Steam\steamapps\common

2. Right click on the Animaze folder > Delete

3. Uninstall Animaze's Drivers And Devices

How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers image 11
How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers image 12

How to Uninstall Animaze and its Drivers image 13

After you've uninstalled Animaze through Steam and deleted the Animaze folder, you must manually delete its drivers.

1. Go to Windows's Device Manager (Windows key > type in Device Manager > launch the Device Manager)

2. Click on Audio inputs and outputs to expand the list

3. Right click on each Animaze device from the Audio inputs and outputs list > Uninstall device

4. Click on Imaging Devices to expand the list

5. Right click on the Animaze Virtual Camera device > Uninstall device

6. Click on Sound, video and game controllers to expand the list

7. Right click on the Animaze Virtual Audio device > Uninstall device


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