How to uninstall Animaze

How to uninstall Animaze

1. Why Steam Won't Work

How to uninstall Animaze image 1

After you uninstall Animaze through Steam, you will still have issues like pictured below.

I'll explain how to get rid of this trash. It's useful if you want to use Animaze, but since I uninstalled it, I clearly don't.

2. How To Completely Wipe The Drivers

How to uninstall Animaze image 5
How to uninstall Animaze image 6
How to uninstall Animaze image 7
How to uninstall Animaze image 8
How to uninstall Animaze image 9

How to uninstall Animaze image 10

1. Right click the Windows icon and go to "Device Manager"

2. In the Device Manager, there are a few devices you will need to uninstall. Here are all of them.

3. Right click, and uninstall.

Note: Some will have this checkbox, so remember to check that.

4. Profit


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