How to Aim GUD: 2.00


I am a level 10 faceit counter-strike player who plays competitively in both ESEA and University tournaments and also loves to aim train obsessed with having the best aim I can to counter my opponents. To begin, there are a few things you can do immediately to improve your aim, Good nutrition, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep, a comfy clean environment, being fit and healthy. Essentially eliminating anything that might hinder or distract your in-game performance from improving giving your improvement windows the best chances of effectively stimulating improvement. Next make sure you have a system which can produce a good consistent frame-rate for which ever game you main, the higher and the more consistent without reducing target visibility the better. A good fast refresh rate monitor with good colouration will also aid in your performance, finally make sure you have a mouse which comfortably fills your hand and a good mouse pad which suits the game you are playing. My recommendation would be to watch Boardzy on youtube figuring out what type of mouse pad or mouse you like or are comfortable with and buying it. None of these things will make you a god aimer however it will eliminate all external negative stimuli which mate reduce the effectiveness of your training in stimulating adaptation. Finally use a sens withing the recommended sens range for your games style of aiming, if it is too fast you will struggle with precision based game specific mechanics and if it is too slow to complete game based mechanics. I will provide links to the Youtuber and other resources in the bibliography including relevant studies to back up what I have said.

Raw Aim: Half Of The Picture

Aim can be split into two factors in-game and raw aim each trained in various ways and although are linked are not the same. Raw aim is a motor skill, it’s your body's ability to coordinate your hand-eye coordination to see and accurately flick to a target, each game utilises a different style of aiming so determining where your time is best spend in developing that type of aim is key. Once you have decided which style of aim you want to improve find a corresponding playlist on aimlabs, starting with an easier one, start slow then increase your speed until you feel that you can flick with both high amounts of speed and precision. After increase the difficulty by playing a harder and harder playlist in order to not plateau within a one hour range before resting your nervous system, longer and you will start to fatigue and your returns will diminish making your training less effective. Another method of training your raw aim is in observational learning, watching a WR or high level aimer play the same task as you and analysing how they prioritise targets, when they speed up and slow down, how fast they click etc will allow you to in-turn mimic those skills allowing you to push your aim further.


You can enhance this process further and make it more effective.

Food and drink: Food activates your reward center, like dogs we learn faster when it is stimulated, when you hit a high score eat a snack or drink something you like, this will signal your brain that you did well and it will associate playing like that with a good thing thus enhancing your results.

Noise: your Brain loves satisfying noises hence why ASMR is so satisfying to some people, use the audio function on aimlabs to find a noise you find satisfying for when you hit a target this will reward your brain whenever you hit your target allowing you too improve faster.

Re-consolidation : Whenever your sens changes your body has to make changes in order to adapt too it going through a process called consolidation, your motor skills improve when you legitimately miss aka you are trying to hit something but you just miss. Re-consolidation will in-turn make you miss more but also stimulate more opportunity for adaptation making it a good process while you are in aimlabs. I would recommend however you warm-up on your regular sens for thirty minutes after the process to make sure you are used to your regular sens. They best way to achieve this is through a sens randomiser which will gradually change your sens while you play incurring the benefits of re-consolidation effectively.

In Game Aim:

Certain game specific aiming skills cannot be trained in an aim trainer, for Counter strike or valorant it could be crosshair placement for overwatch it could be knowing character abilities so you can better predict if they can jump high or dash etc. However all games have this, predicting where the enemy could peek from next so your crosshair can be in the most optimal position to hit them, or spray control or even understanding the movement system. The best way to improve this is through a double simulation method firstly observation, watch pros or good players or watch videos on how to peek effectively, how the movement or abilities of your player and the enemies work or how to position yourself. It is largely game dependent or many things you can learn. Then after you research create a mental note and utilise those in game, peak a corner that they did how they did, use an ability combo etc learn then use it to reinforce it in your brain. If you have DM use it Both raw aim and in-game aim are important however in-game aim is absolutely more important then raw aim in this case in a circumstance where you have filled all of that which is outlined in the intro REPS = better the more times you peek the angle in an effective fashion with good aim etiquette the more you will improve, so playing DM for instance will help you to improve your in-game aim the best however you need to take duels for which simulate accurate in-game scenarios otherwise you are practising raw aim. Don't make the mistake of thinking more reps = better = play more games = pro its more reps + good aiming etiquette = better = play more games = pro. SO LEARN WHAT GOOD AIMING ETIQUETTE LOOKS LIKE then put it into practise in-game.


Develop both good in-game and raw aim, train your aim in an controlled environment slowly increasing the difficulty of the tasks spending around 60 minutes playing before having a 10-20 minute break. The most important thing is that you have a consistent routine everyday that trains both skills and the more you train it the better as long as you stick to the guides perimeters. Don't burn your nervous system out too much before a game but remember to use observational learning as well. Finally you can improve your motor skills independent of video-games, learn to juggle, do eye exercises play tennis or learn an instrument. And a warning do some stretches don't cause yourself long term issues like tendonitis, just stretch (I know it's cringe).


If you want nutrition, ways to eliminate negative externals, sens range, sens randomizer, or game specific aim training routines join: go to the resource section and click on the relevant link.

Foods effect on motor skills:

Noise effect on motor skills:



Mouse and mousepads:


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