Are You Serious, Crackgear?
Well well, so you have decided to venture into the depths of OJ's hell huh? Now, you want to know what hurts the most! Well, Crackgear here from Peat's Factory will show you the know how's and do's of this little fellow called a Graph.
Pick your choice!
Warning: Mild Rough Language In Graph
Alright, Real Introduction
Welcome to Peat's Factory. A Place where Roleplayers, Trollers, Idiots and Tryhards come to take a place to shine. 100% OJ is not a hard game but it is hard to master one character. This characters will surely be your favourite character once you know them more. Mostly because you like them because of their attitude, personality, lore or even how big or small their cup sizes are (Sorry Peat, you are flatter than Sherry.)
~ "I got... defeated..."
100% Orange Juice have two-three types of play-styles. Some even catering for hybrid styles such as Kyousuke, Kiriko or even the newly added Miusaki and Repa. Yes, they may look like defensive characters at first glance but they could be very much offensive when used at the right hands. Ever seen a Krila with a wopping 20-30+ HP, I sure did!
If you are really in-depth about offensive or defensive characters, I will link you to another guy/gal's guide that could really help you with knowing your most offensive character and how hard you hit. This guide is mostly for explaining their mix-ups and their odd personality/lore for you role-players to understand your hands on deck. Alright, Let's Set Sail!
If you want to know more about in-depth offense or just love that busty bomb lovin' loli-lookalike named Star Breaker:
Picking Your Main/Character
The characters in 100% OJ have a unique cast of characters. Each of them with their own unique storylines from which game he/she was in. Their Personality could be quite similar as they are technically counterparts or alternate versions of themselves such as QP and Saki.
~ "Wow, we have the same coloured hair and same happy attitude!"
~"That is true! Let's be friends!"
I know you guys are eager already for me to start giving the stats and how they play and yada yada yada what not. But Hold on, there are kinda quite some rules.
1. You can't just go changing their personality. They were born/created like it and have to either adapt or conquer their situation. It doesn't matter how frustrated you are if you are in a murder spree from Peat/Marc or a Poppo Star Snatching.
(Are you sure Marc is that rude to her fallen victims? -_- I only read and played Flying Red Barrel and She didn't act like that one bit.)
2. Their stats doesn't mean their personality. LOL. I seen people play Tomomo (Casual) and roleplay as them like some rampaging freakazoid. Cussing, swearing and stuff. Sure, that's fine but Tomomo doesn't do that :/. Sorry Tomomo Roleplayers but your Neet-ish behaviour will have to be understood and open.
~ "Oh, yeah what you must."
3. There is a 3rd rule but we do not talk about the third rule. That is mostly done in a small set of people or ones who are rather.... deep in the abyss.
Also remember this is 100% Orange Juices Personality Not Their Original counterparts as this is taking place in an alternate dimension/timeline.
Roles Of The Dices, I Meant Characters.
As I stated, Each of the characters have their own unique personality and behaviour patterns but some few can be stereotype into a few similar categories. Here, let me give you some examples.
The Heroes
Your typical Generic Hero, not too quiet and not too loud. The Protagonists of games. Quite bland in personality but may take you far as long as you follow their objectives and understand who their allies and enemies are.
- Marc
- Suguri
- Suguri (V2)
- Suguri (46Bil)
- Sora
- Sora (Military)
- Kai
- Alicianrone
- Aru
- Aru (Scramble)
- QP
- QP (Dangerous)
The Good Siders
The Good Sidekicks of either a Hero or Villain. They don't really like to fool too much and they tend to be very playful with their personality. Happy go lucky and rather much air-headed. They could be pretty chill and who knows.
- Hime
- Saki
- Kyousuke
- Sham
- Sherry
- Sweet Breaker
- Ceorepargue
- Natsumi
- Nico
- Mira
- Iru
Cuties ~ Technically a Hero and Partner Together
- Yuuki
- Islay
- Kae
- Teotoretta
The Bad Siders or Should I Say "The Dumb Idiotic Henchmans"
The dumb idiots who decided to work for the villain. They could be in for the money or fame but who knows. They are terrible at their job and their stats says so (sometimes). They are mostly just trying to get themselves into the spotlight or are just common obstacles for both their own boss or the heroes.
Robo Ball
Pirate Member
Big Poppo
Big The Haruo
M10 Robot
Star Devourer
Big The Johnathan
Summer Beast
The Villains
For the dumbest of reasons, this Villains exist. Either for the shot of fame or treasure or they prefer bullying the main protagonist or even the sides when the time comes. Sometimes, they just want to be friends with the Main Character but they're just too dumb to know so.
Star Breaker
Store Manager
Yuki (Dangerous)
The Misunderstood Cretins
They are mostly henchmans of a villain or are just influenced badly due to money, fame or even their own selves. (I am talking to you Peat!). They mostly have no mission or are just given one task which they follow too strongly. They too sometimes have a good side as long as they are listened or asked.
Flying Castle
and Piyo ('Cause everyone love them coloured.)
Poppo is Poppo. Poppo has no reason to live and has no reason to die. A Poppo does what a poppo does. A Poppo can do anything as long Poppo has a mere understanding of it. A Poppo does what a Poppo needs.
The Heroes, The Comedy Quadro
Marc/"Flying Red Barrel"
+Good combat stats
+Can KO most of cast with her hyper in late game
+Hyper can earn Wins indirectly
-Relatively low HP for aggressive play
-Hyper becomes more expensive with each Level
-Somewhat hyper reliant
Lore: Marc is a Young Pilot and the protagonist of a shoot-em-up (shmup') named Flying Red Barrel. As her game name implies, her planes name is called the Flying Red Barrel or just Red Barrel as a nickname. Her mission is to follow the Guild and take down any pilots who does not abide the rules. She constantly has Peat on her Tail as he just wants her to give up being a pilot for good reasons, and that reason is that he knew that the Guildmaster was an evil man but he had no bravery to ever tell it to her and just constantly annoys her.
Friends/Allies: Sherry and Islay (Lore-Wise) Suguri, Sora, QP, Poppo(Mixed), Tomomo, Tomomo(Casual), Mio, Sweet-Breaker and Kai (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Sherry, Islay and Peat (Lore-Wise) None, so far. Poppo could be included (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Tequila, Pirates and Seagull (Lore-Wise) Mimyuu, Tomato and Star-Breaker (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+Only Follows Orders
+Balanced stats
+Powerful and diverse Hyper
+Immune to "Reverse Attribute Field"
-No combat dice modifiers
-Card reliant for KOs
Lore: The world that shown in QP hosts a modern society with convenience stores and vehicles. Animals are anthropomorphized such as QP and Yuki and they coexist with humans, with other animals still existing as regular animals such as chickens and butterflies. In this world, some people and animals are able to fly. QP is a carefree Pomeranian with a rather dumb brain as stated by "Navi" (You will know later). She is constantly in rivalry with her classmates Mei and Syura to see who is the best fighter or eater. Her classmate Yuki constantly bullies her and her friends which she always have to fight back without realising that behind Yuki's secret is she works for a evil organisation named Waruda accompanied by Mimyuu and Tomato, The Evil Sisters. (Mercal included...). She constantly loves eating Pudding a dessert that somehow doesn't exist in people's brains but her, how odd.
In 100%/200% Mixed Juice, she is one of the Six Sweet Goddesses stated by Sweet Breaker.
Friends/Allies: Yuuki, Syura, Mei(Sometimes) and Natsumi (Lorewise) Suguri, Sora, Marc, Peat, Kai, Poppo(Mixed), Natsumi, Mei, Yuuki, Syura, Aru, Seagull (Sometimes), Aka and Ao(Mei's Pets), Tomomo, Tomomo (Casual), Mio, Sweet Breaker and Sumika (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Mei, Yuuki, Syura and Natsumi (Lore-wise) Saki, Kyousuke, Star-Breaker, Kai, Marc, Suguri and Sora (100%/200% Mixed Juice) and others including with lore.
Enemies: Mimyuu, Tomato, Yuki, Chicken and Store Manager (Lore-Wise) Everyone except Suguri, Sora, Marc, Peat, Kai and Poppo. (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Happy-Go-Lucky
+ Chippy
+ Cheeky
+ Heroic
- Dumb
- Air-Headed
- Over-Confident
Sora/"The Ultimate Weapon Girl"
+Good blend of offense and defense stats
+Strong Hyper that enables guaranteed high rolls
-Below average HP stat
-Hyper is extremely expensive
-Hyper can be situational or underwhelming
Lore Sora is a protagonist for the Bullet Hell/(Shmup) standalone, "Sora". She has also been shown in game works such as "The Acceleration of Suguri Series" and the "Suguri" bullet hell Standalone. Sora's home takes place on a war-torn world where the sky is always grey and gloomy, much to Sora's disappointment. While Sora herself remembers a time when the sky was blue, the sky remains darkened throughout most of the game, likely a result of the constant fumes and explosions from the constant war. Sora is always under attack by robots especially Robo-Ball and attacks from her rivals Suguri, Sham, Hime, Saki, Alte, Kae, Kyoko, Iru, Tsih, Nath and Star-Breaker, whom later is either defeated or befriended depending on her choice of actions.
As Sora was able to defeat everyone or befriend them, she is considered to be The Ultimate Weapon Girl, The highest ranks in the Ultimate Weapon Girl Rankings.
Allies: Sham, Suguri, Hime, Saki, Alte, Kae, Iru and Kyoko (Lore-Wise) Suguri, Sumika, Marc, Peat, Kai, Poppo(Mixed), Tomomo, Tomomo(Casual), Mio, Sham, Hime, Saki, Alte, Kae and Kyoko. (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Nath, Robo-ball and Star-Breaker (Lore-Wise) None, so far except Star Breaker (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Bland
+ Heroic
+ Silent Type
- Boring
- Over-Confident
- Lazy
Kai/"Proclaimed Protagonist"
+Good stats all around
+Strong late-game presence
+Mostly immune to Reverse Attribute Field
-Somewhat card reliant
-High star cost combos
-Low rolls weaken the hyper
Teased for being a generic hero by the rest of the cast and often overlooked by the developers, Kai is a plain, jack of all trades character. He was introduced in 100% Orange Juice as the so called Protagonist of the game. He had defeated Tomomo and Mio in the finale of the game, that's it. SO BORING! *yawns*
In The Finale of the Minions/Master of the Minions/Master, it is revealed that he can 4th wall break and call out to us "gods" of the game to defeat Mio.
Allies/Friends: Everyone (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Everyone (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Everyone !!! WHAT ELSE YOU WANT!?
+ Honest
+ Smart
- Air-Headed
- Over-Confident
- Annoying
- Talkative
The Heroes, All About Suguri
Suguri/"The Un-ageable Weapon"
+Great stats
+Good duelist (Only on Base)
+Hyper is great for assassinating a particular opponent
-Reliant on evade success
-Hyper is expensive and high level
-"All or nothing" or "Self-healer" (Only on Ver.2) playstyle
Lore: You know Suguri, Everyone knows Suguri! Wait? you dont... ugh...fine. Suguri comes from the Standalone Bullet Hell/(Shmup') "Suguri". She is a Ultimate Weapon Girl who was experimented by her own father, Yukito, who was one of the top of the Research Facility and also was one of the later experiments for the Ultimate Weapon Girl Program. She was given the task to take care of the Planet Earth. Her Version 2 version is her prequel, technically being a normal hip young girl who wishes to be a princess and meet her Prince Charming. Quite Charming, isn't it.~
Her base self is rather during her time as an Ultimate Weapon Girl. Though both fast and strong, she was defeated by Sora in means to be the Ultimate Weapon Girl, the highest Rank in the UWG Program making her technically lose her ranks and job. Also wise note, she is actually 10,000 Years Old in this form even though she still keeps her 16 year old look. She is pretty precise with her photon pistol and is a master of swordsmanship.
Her older version named Suguri the 46th Billion is exactly what it is. She is now 46 Billion Years Old. Rather lazy and sleepy from her constant snacking of chips and cola, I still wonder how is she did not gain any weight, maybe it's her metabolism. She currently dons a Cat Hoodie and tends to talk rather monotone. Her looks has only changed slightly, currently having a figure of a late 20s to Early 30s face. She mostly uses magic that she had learnt while taking care of the Database also known as the Sealed Archive accompanied by her cheery and childish Ship Ai named Sumika.
Trivia: Yukito is actually a Genderbent version of Yuki, QP's Main Boss.
Allies/Friends: Hime, Saki, Iru, Nanako, Kae and Kyoko (Lore-Wise) Kai, Poppo, Marc, Peat, Sora, Tomomo, Tomomo(Casual), Mio and Aru. (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Robo Ball and Shifu Robot (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice) Star-Breaker (Depends if there is a Sora present.)
Suguri Version.2:
Note: Uses Same Voice Pack as Base, using reference from the stories based on the Standalone and Acceleration of Suguri Lore.
- Childish
- Gets Annoyed Easily
Suguri (Base):
-Get annoyed easily
-Bland at certain times
-Boring at certain times
^Typical Puberty problems.
Suguri (46 Bil Years)
- Lazy
- Sleepy
- Snacks all day
- Barely Moves an Inch
The Heroes Finale, Santa's Coming To Town!
+One of the best EVD stat in the game
+Hyper can be used to prevent player encounters
+Hyper helps her accumulate stars through the game
+Good HP to survive in case defense is preferred
+Passive allows her to hold 4 cards
-Reliant on evade success
-Hyper requires high level cards in the deck to be the most efficient
-Unreliable Hyper passive
-Hyper can give enemies useful cards
-Hyper requires you to level up to start giving noticeable benefits
Lore: Oh my god, It's Santa Claus. He's real! Wait what? It's a girl with blue hair and rabbit ears.... Are you sure? Why yes, she is a blue haired rabbit-girl. Her real name is Aru and she is 14 Year Old. Un-Ageable like Suguri, her task is to cheer up the children during Christmas by handing down "FREE" presents to their homes instead of parents spending a stressful earned dime. Existing in the same universe as QP, Christmas Shooting takes place in the same world as QP Shooting hosts a modern society with cities and vehicles. Animals are anthropomorphized such as Aru and Arthur and they coexist with humans, with other animals still existing as regular animals such as bats and reindeer.
Trivia: It has been confirmed that Aru (Scramble) is an alternate universe version of the base Aru.
Friend/Allies: QP (Lore-Wise) QP, Kai, Poppy, Suguri, Sora, Marc, Peat, Fernet, Tomomo, Tomomo(Casual), Mio, Arthur and Nico (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Mei, Natsumi, Aka & Ao, Kiriko and Arthur (Lore-Wise) None, Currently (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+Christmas Spirited
- Air-headed
- Childish
- Clumsy
The Heroes Extra, Run Like The Wind, Speed Of Light!
Alicianrone/The Speedy "Onee-san" Witch of WestwoodLore: Alicianrone is the main character of the standalone RPG, Alicianrone (Game W.I.P). She is a witch of Speed, Able to traverse in different terrain in a mach speed of 10 over. She is stated to be so fast no one can even see her when she attacks. She tends to fight seriously when she is barefoot? WHAT! But when she is playing, she shows her real emotions. She tends to act very maturely and dresses up quite comfortably too.
Friends/Allies: Teotoretta, Ceorepargue and Miusaki (Lore-Wise) Everyone including Sherry/Peat/Marc (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: The Beast Witch, The Hair Witch, The Green Witch (Lore-Wise) Kai (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: All Monsters
+ Mature
+ Nurture
+ Calm
+ Honest
+ Kind
- Playful
- Over-Thinks
- Alicianrone has gone a few changes into her design such as her dress details and the colour scheme.
- She loves you ! <3 (Only if you can match her in a fight like Dirue)
The Good Siders, Love Is All Around Us
Hime/"The Guardian Weapon Angel"
+Higher HP than her counterparts
+Disruptive hyper can delay opponent victory
+Very low Hyper card costs
-Hyper has a high level requirement
-Doesn't particularly excel in anything
Lore: Hime is a character who debuted in the Standalone Bullet Hell/(Shmup') "Suguri". She is the final boss of the game is a so called Guardian God of the Colony Ship called Shifu which controls her. After being defeated by Suguri and Hime loss her control, Hime instead tried to befriend Suguri under a united goal of defeating Shifu. They then uncovered deeper and found the Ship's AI named Sumika who is not so quite evil, who, also decides to befriend Suguri. Hime has a sister who was also part of Shifu's Control Program named Saki, The Light of Sunshine, however, It was only revealed during the acts of "The Acceleration of Suguri" franchise.
Trivia: -She tends to call people in a very honorific way such as Sis/Neechan, Bro/Neesan and etc.
- In her winter outfit, she looks as if she had aged and matured maybe an alternate timeline skin.
- Hime wears a hairclip or a head decoration in form of a red rose. Her dress resembles a clerical cassock due to its a short shoulder cape akin to a pellegrina. A large gem somewhat resembling a redcurrant adorns her chest. It is similar to the decorations of the hostile army in sora. Hime's chain is hidden in the gem.
- Her clothing is very elegant and her manner of speaking is exalted: When she first met Suguri she called her "lady" (貴女 - kijo), relating to her honorific means of communication.
- She is the guardian and last hope of the spaceship, and appropriately her combat capabilities are very impressive. Her most iconic weapon is either her Binding Chain or her red blue energetic wing attack called God Knows
Allies/Friends: Suguri, Sumika, Saki, Iru, Nanako, Kae, Kyoko. (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Orange Juice)
Enemies: Robo-Ball and Shifu Robot (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
-Princess Complex
Saki/"The Light of Sunshine"
+Extremely powerful Hyper that deters opponents and can severely set them back
+Hyper pushes Saki further into the lead with guaranteed stars
+Low Recovery
-Low survivability
-Relatively easy to bully
-Hyper is opponent-reliant for gains
-Hyper reliant
Lore: One of the main bosses who was debuted in the standalone Bullet Hell/(Shump') "Suguri". Saki is one of the altered humans under the command of Shifu. Out of the other bosses, Saki is the first one to face Suguri in battle. Saki's weaponry is music-themed: she fights using maracas-shaped grenades, beam energy tambourines, energy waves called cymbals and orange-blue-colored energy spheres called bells.
Trivia: - Saki is always seen in thick clothing regardless of the weather. She is cheery and enjoys cooking.
- Her catchphrase is Mau~.
Allies/Friends: Suguri, Hime, Kae, Kyoko, Nanako and Iru (Lore-Wise) Everyone, stronger to QP. (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Robo-Ball and Shifu Robot (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Cheery
+ Happy-Go-Lucky
+ Kind
+ Honest
- Playful
- Troublemaker
- Trickster
Kyousuke/"Kyupita's Lover Boy"
+Great survivability and neutral evasion
+Powerful Hyper that enables 2 ways for the player to win
+Strong tank without Hyper, strong bully with Hyper
-Poor combat ability in base form
-Below average DEF stat with Hyper
Lore: While referred to as Kyoko's brother in the Sweet Breaker Campaign Story and 200% Mixed Juice!, Kyousuke actually originates from the Orange_Juice April Fools Day game QP Kiss. In QP Kiss, Kyousuke, designed as a genderbent version of Kyoko, dotes on Kyupita, a genderbent version of QP.
Kyousuke is later seen in QP Shooting - Dangerous!! as the stage 2 boss. He comes across QP during her search for pudding, and mistakes her for a cross dressing Kyupita. His hyper, Cast Off, is based on his special attack seen in both games. In QP Kiss, it is a devastating one-hit KO move, while in QP Shooting - Dangerous, It signals the start of phase 2 of his battle.
Trivia: Kyousuke is 18 years old (More naturally accepted if you are in love with this character.)
+ Calm
+ Collective
+ Gay
- Lover Boy Syndrome
- Loofy
The Good Siders, The Laidback Trio
Sham/"The Cute Instructor"
+Powerful Hyper with guaranteed result
+Above average DEF and EVD stat
-Hyper Reliance
-Below average HP stat/somewhat fragile
-Situational Hyper
Lore: The fourth boss enemy debuted in "Sora", a Bullet Hell/(Shump'). Sham used to be Sora's instructor before her desertion. Her attempts at persuading Sora to come back and forget the entire incident turn out to be in vain. Sora remains adamant in her conviction and ends up fighting her former teacher and friend. Sham's face and arms have burn scars, due to a battle which was never revealed. In battle, she summons beam bots and peculiar green cubes to defend herself. One of her attacks is a static field also known as "Delta Field" which deactivates Sora's dashing ability temporarily meanwhile in 100% Orange Juice, it lowers the dice roll by 1.
After The Acceleration Of Sora 2's Event, Sham has given up and decided to debut herself as an Idol alongside Sora who just blatantly accepted the invitation.
Allies/Friends: Sora (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals/Enemies: Sora (Lore-Wise) NoName (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
- Sham is one of the three boss enemies in "Sora" who has a BGM theme with vocals.
- She Loves You <3
+ Cheery
+ Strict
+ Determined
- Air-Headed
- Childish
Sherry/"Rose Windmill"
+Best base stats in the game
+Can always use defensive battle cards, as a result of passive ability
+No Hyper reliance
-Very situational and expensive Hyper
-Susceptible to Reverse Attribute Field
-Always attacks second, so is always at a disadvantage in combat
Lore: One of the pilots debuted in Flying Red Barrel, Sherry is a calm and collected pilot who quit "The Guild". Sherry is an experienced pilot with excellent versatility. She left the guild to oppose its increasingly restrictive policing of the skies. She is also the fourth boss enemy in the game.
Allies/Friends: Marc, Islay, Peat. (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals/Enemies: Red Barrel, Blue Crow and White Cross (Lore-Wise) None (100/200% Mixed Juice)
- Sherry's nickname is Rose while Rose Windmill is her Plane's name.
- Sherry's name originates from an alcohol with the same name.
- Taking by historical facts of plane fighting, Sherry could be representing the Japanese with her vertical fighting nature, quite fitting as her plane named after Rose-Wood, a common material used in making Japanese furniture or instruments like the Modern Shō.
+ Calm
+ Collective
+ Determined
+ Laid-Back
+ Down to Earth
- Air-Headed
Amami/"Sweet Breaker"
+Balanced stats and high HP
+Strong/disruptive Hyper
+Hyper is only useful to herself
+Strong late-game presence
+Immune to Reverse Attribute Field
-Poor REC stat can discourage combat
-Hyper can be expensive
-No combat dice modifiers
Lore: Sweet Breaker debuted in the release of the game "QP Shooting - DANGEROUS!!!" She is the final boss of the game and is one of the six Sweet Goddesses which Includes QP, The Goddess of Pudding. Her only reason to appear in the final stage is to reveal and test QP if she was worthy to take the role of being one of the six Sweet Goddesses.
- Sweet Breaker's real name is "Amami". She also doesn't mind being called that name. You can also get her real name in game by repeating selecting Sweet Breaker in Character Selector.
- She's gay, just kidding.
+ Laid-Back
+ God Complex
- Lazy
The Good Siders, I Just Want A Happy Day Of Alone Time
Ceorepargue/ "The Hair Witch of Westwood"
+One of the best passive effects in the game
+Passive and stats have great synergy
+Hyper can be used to cement the victory
+Low cost/low-level Hyper
-Below average HP stat
-Somewhat reliant on good evade rolls
-Hyper can be very situational to use most effectively
Lore: A slumbering witch in Westwood. Rumoured to be a dangerous feind that both villagers nor any huntsman decided to venture near her castles. Unfortunately, that's not so true as she is just a lonely witch who is bored and rather tired, overly tired from the boredom she has to face. With locks of hair that she is able to control at will and an ever robust body, I wonder why no man has decided to swoon her. However, everything was about to change when she met a partnering WItch known as Miusaki. With her rather confusing name, she was given a nickname Repa. Finally pulled out from her castle, an adventure begins between the two.
Friends/Allies: Miusaki (Lore-Wise) Unknown (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Unknown (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Unknown (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Quiet
+ Relaxed
Tips o' Tricks: Due to her unknown like nature, you could roleplay her anyway as you want as long as it fits her behaviour or personality status, creativity is up to you.
Natsumi/ "The Cooking Club Girl"
+Easy self-healing.
+Healing is very easy to trigger, giving her an important star gain.
+Hyper can net her a big amount of stars if played at the appropriate time.
-Healing enemies can cause more conflict than benefit.
-Negative attack stat can cause difficulty in combat.
-Can't effectively KO someone as she'll heal them back.
-A Kiriko in the match can completely negate any healing and, therefore, any star gain.
Lore: Natsumi aka "Nacchan" is a student in the fictional world that resides in QP Shooting and XMAS Shooting. She likes to hang out in her small cooking club learning and making recipes in the oddest way possible. Rather flimsy in her work, she is also quite frail and weak giving a sense of cuteness in her pale like skin. She tends to sleep a lot due to the overworking of her body. She also loves to cook up food for her best friend Mei and any other people who decide to visit her Cooking Club.
Friends/Allies: Mei (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: None (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies None (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Kind
+ Honest
+ Friendly
+ Quiet
- Shy
- Lazy (Sometimes)
Trivia: People tend to mistake her for a "Yandere" due to her always carrying around her favourite cooking knife. Her knife has no name as of current research. She also gives the vibe if she is rather angry with her eyes going crimson red but due to her frail body, it's rather impossible for her to actually hurt anyone.
Islay/ "White Cross" "Give me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ break"
+Has an extremely strong hyper.
+Best base stats in the game.
-Cannot attack players unless with cards
-Expensive Hyper
-Cannot attack a player at a home panel to Norma due to passive
Lore: Islay is a veteran pilot who operates the White Cross in a guild, and is Marc's senior in Flying Red Barrel. Even with her being aged, she still tends to do an assignment that is given by the Guild. Nothing is known much about her but the fact that she just wants to live free again after she fights her own battles.
Friends/Allies: Marc/ Red Barrel, Sherry, Peat (Lore-Wise) Everyone including Nath (100%/200% Orange Juice)
Rivals Rose WIndmill and Blue Crow (Lore-Wise) Unknown (100%/200% Orange Juice)
Enemies Tequila (Lore-Wise and 100%/200% Orange Juice)
+ Kind
+ Honest
- Workaholic
- Grumpy
Trivia: Despite a common misconception by players who are unfamiliar with Flying Red Barrel, Islay is female. If the player looks closely, they can conclude this fact by the chest curvature in her attack and damage pose and her earrings on both her sprite and hyper. More obviously, she is voiced by female voice actress "Yuuki Chisa".
The Good Siders, Funtimes!
Nico/"The Hyper Rabbit"
+ Negates negative Gift effects, including Evil Spy Work - Execution
+ Earns extra stars while holding onto Gifts
+ Can obtain some very powerful Hypers if lucky
+ Can hold four cards
- Negates positive Gift effects
- Lackluster stats make her an easy bullying target
- Hyper is highly luck-dependent
Lore: Nico is the daughter of Arthur, The R-Bit Hobby Store Owner. She tends to skip work and loves to go around playing and messing with other people's business, sometimes even her own father's business. One day, she decided to disturb Santa(Aru) while she was working, somehow. Since that day, she now works with Santa as an Elf? Santa's Messenger alongside her Father who basically scouts out for toys.
Friends/Allies: Aru(Santa), Arthur(Her Father) (Lore-Wise) Everyone except Kai (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Everyone who disturbs her play.
Enemies Everyone who destroys her mood.
- Childish
- Annoying
- Playful
Trivia: Nico is either 11 or 12 years old. (Yes, you need to know that.)
Yuuki/"The Puppeteer"
+Strong tank on Odd chapters, Strong bully on Even chapters
+Hyper allows for sustainability or disruption
+Exceptional versatility with good tempo
-Does not preform well without good tempo
-Low HP makes weaknesses safe to exploit
-Hyper is expensive
Lore: Despite being the adorable wielder of the Angel and Devil puppets, you shouldn't be fooled by this child's mere appearance. She is one of the side characters introduced n QP Shooting. She is a classmate at QP's class and is a close friend to Syura and QP. She tends to be bullied a lot by Yuki, The Bully Cat as she really fragile and tends to do her own things. She holds puppet plays and comedy skits when there are ceremonies.
Friends/Allies: Syura, QP (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: None, as of now. (Lore-Wise & 100/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Yuki (Lore-Wise & 100/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Calm
+ Quiet
+ Honest
+ Kind
- Easily Vulnerable
- Bullied Victim
- Non- Existent
Trivia: Yuuki got a small visual redesign from its previous appearance in QP Shooting, changing into a shorter dress, and scrapping her Mr. Cow, Mr. Frog and Mr. Panda puppets with Angel and Devil. She has also received a change in personality, which has gone from lively to non-existant, as playing with her new puppets made her "lose herself".
Kae/"The Upbeat Fiery Troublemaker"
+Very powerful Hyper if used properly
+Capable of acquiring a high ATK stat with common low level battle cards
+No DEF deduction when other player attacks first
-Low HP is depleted quickly by combat
-Hyper requires proper timing to be effective
-Hyper is extremely susceptible to Reverse Attribute Field
Lore: Kae is one of the altered humans under the command of Shifu. Suguri encounters her while flying through a menacing thunderstorm. Kae throws out rebounding blades in battle and strikes her foe with her fiery claws. She can also summon afterimages of herself which are capable of attacking the enemy. She has very conspicuous and bright red hair. Kae enjoys fighting. She is cheerful and loves having fun. She originates from "SUGURI" , Suguri's Standalone game.
Friends/Allies: Everyone, Including Nanako. (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100%/200% Orange Juice)
Rivals: No one, as of now. Just people who beats her in her "Games".
Enemies: No one.
- Playful
- Childish
- Air-headed
+ Sisterly
Trivia: She is afraid of the dark. (Yes, Terribly. Now you know why she has Fire Powers.)
The Good Siders, The Badass Tomboys
Iru/"The Tomboy Rifler"
+Powerful passive ability
+No Hyper reliance
+Benefits from Reverse Attribute Field
-Unreliable Hyper
-Almost always attacks second, yielding a disadvantage in combat
Lore: Armed with a powerful photon rifle and spunky personality, Iru is a character with a powerful kit of tools at her disposal. (Don't let those words fool you, she is pretty underwhelming in-game unless you play Acceleration of Suguri 2 where she is a pain in the ass.). Iru is one of the altered humans under the command of Shifu. She encounters Suguri above the surface of a large lake. In battle, Iru lays down electric traps and nails the opponent using her photon rifle and a rocket launcher. When the going gets tough she will use the "Full Output Linear Ray" which fires a huge Laser beam. She also has the ability to throw a bomb that can instantly demolish you if you don't properly dodge, properly nicknamed, "The Genocide Bomb" though she can hurt/kill herself in return.
Allies/Friends: Suguri, Saki, Nanako, Kae, Kyoko, Hime (Lore-Wise) Peat, Marc, Sherry, Islay and Nath (100/200% Mixed juice).
Rivals: Suguri (Lore-Wise) Nath and Kyousuke (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Suguri (Lore-Wise) Shifu Bot and NoName (100/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Confident
+ Honest
+ Playful
+ Intelligent
- Masculine
- Iru loves games.
- She isn't a very good cook.
- She has been called "Iru, the girl with no chest" by Saki.
- Don't call her a boy, she gets really pissed off :)
Mira/ "The Girl in Boy Ninja"
+Above average attack and evade stats and decent HP
+Trap cards apply additional effects to enemies
+Hyper can get you out of scary situations or help you reach norma quickly
-Below average defence stat
-Hyper has little to no offensive use
-Passive can help opponents in some specific situations
Lore: Introduced in SORA, Mira is fighting for the hostile army and hunting scientists. They look rather androgynous, and refer to themselves as "we". Mira is a combination of two different individuals; one lost their body, the other lost their mind, and Mira was born from the remaining body and mind. In simpler notes, Mira has the body of a guy but the mind of a girl which makes a Weapon Boy and a Weapon Girl. Due to respect, they call themselves as "we" "they" and etc. Mira's fighting style is rather flashy as they are capable of using teleportation, rebounding knives and giant round blades.
Friends/Allies: Tsih (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Tsih (Lore-Wise) Everyone (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: Sora (Lore-Wise) None (100/200% Mixed Juice)
+ Honest
+ Confident
+ Heroic
+ Intelligent
- Over-Confident
- Brags
-Mira is not referred to as any pronouns by anyone other than themselves.
-It is confirmed they were created by a female weapon's mind and a deceased male weapon's body. (Furthur Increasing the Lore that Male Weapons Exist.)
The Good Siders Extra, Call On The Beasts!~
Teotoratta/"The Beast Witch"
+Low recovery stat and decent HP
+Above average evade stat
+Cannot trigger Encounter panels, meaning you're safe from most battles with regular enemies
+Level 1 and free to use Hyper
-Hyper relies on other players messing up
-Hyper is almost useless if a boss is on the field; also meaning it is heavily countered by Overseer and Oh My Friend
-Hyper can be seen by everyone
-Cannot benefit from Encounter panels
Lore: Teotoratta, who also known as Teo is a Beast Witch of Westwood. She is friends with Alicianrone and is also a well-known witch in the forest. She tends monsters and animals alike and loves to play around. She is able to make all kinds of animal sounds so if you encounter her in a forest and you hear a girl cry, you know she's nearby. She isn't hostile to humans but she is rather protective about her beasts so prepare for a scratch or a kick or two.
Friends/Allies: Alicianrone and "Dirue" (Lore-wise) Everyone (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Rivals: Miusaki and Ceorepargue (Lore-wise) Arthur, Aru, Yuki, Nico and QP (100/200% Mixed Juice)
Enemies: None (Lore-Wise and 100/200% Mixed Juice)
- She is actually a cursed human witch.
- Her body consist of wolf's ears, fox's teeth and a cow tail.
- She can tame almost any animal or monster.
Why So Slow With Updates?
Well simple, The lack of information. Some characters have barely any lore and personality that it is hard to tell or explain. I will slowly update this guide but be warned, it will take some time. Maybe weeks, months or years... who knows.
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- How to Play 100% Orange Juice: a Detailed Manual for New Players
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- 100% Orange Juice 3.9.4 - Achievements Guide
- Achievements Guide
- Guide 2