Structure Deck: Trip to Molise (Original Structure Deck)


Tired of loosing angainst people who take 40years to make a turn? You can't win cause the enemy basically win at first round? Then, follow up in this magical journey to the Absolute Nowhere!


Trip To Molise bases its strategy on eliminating the opponent's cards before they even touch the ground, and if this is not possible to limit the threat thanks to the "D.D." cards which can be used in both defense and offense as they banish targets whatever the outcome of the battle is. In addition, it has flip effect cards that allow you to choose monsters and also spells/traps to destroy. Among the Spell/Trap cards there are defense classics such as "Mirror Force" and "Endless Trap Hole" as well as the heart of the deck: "Dimensional Fissure".

The Deck also features a solid plan B: "Gren Maju Da Eiza" which gains Attack based on the number of cards you banished (no matter what type they are).

As the Duel progresses your opponent will feel more and more under pressure and you will notice that he will want to take advantage of every opportunity he has to attack you... and this is what you want: since every monster in this deck is fatal when is face up or destroyed each attack by your opponent will bring him closer and closer to his grave. The Shadow Realm will look like a tropical paradise by comparison.


Italian legends tell of a place that exists simultaneously between the real and the imaginary plane, a place where the souls of Italians who have passed away reside, a place called: Molise.

It is said that the municipal offices are deserted, that the population, although regularly supplied by Death, never increases. The squares are silent even at noon, the public parks frequented only by the occasional soul of bored elderly people. Although it is a place that can also be traversed by the living (since it also resides on the real plane) the living cannot return from this Limbo. And that's where you'll send your enemies' cards, in an eternal circle of boredom and pain.

Deck Composition AKA The Recipe


-(x3) Grave Squirmer

-(x3) Man-Eater Bug

-(x3) Needle Worm

-(x3) Dimensional Jar

-(x3) Ardent Worm

-(x1) Gren Maju Da Eiza

-(x3) D.D. Warrior

-(x3) D.D. Warrior Lady

-(x3) D.D. Assailant

-(x1) Pot of Extravagance

-(x1) Pot of Prosperity

-(x2) Dark Hole

-(x2) Raigeki

-(x1) Harpy's Feather Duster

-(x2) Fissure

-(x1) Monster Reborn

-(x3) Dimensional Fissure

-(x3) Mystical Space Typhone

-(x2) Runik Destruction

-(x3) Mirror Force

-(x3) Magic Cylinder

-(x3) Bottomless Trap Hole

-(x3) Sakuretsu Armor

-(x3) Void Trap Hole


NOTE: Now, I recomand the following cards IF YOU ALRADY HAVE otherwise, just put inside whatever since they will be useless.

-(x3) Elder Entity N'tss

-(x3) Fossil Warrior Skull Knight

-(x3) Fossil Machine Skull Wagon

I repeat, just be sure to fill up your Extra Deck, what you put inside is uninportant, they just have to feed Gren Maju.


Q: Does it work against META? Like Tearlment.

A: I heard Biden lauched a Nuke against them. It was negated.

Q: What's the Win % for this Deck?

A: I can't report accurate data (sorry) but I'd say a solid 70%, you can still loose fo bad luck or Deck that banish themself on purpose wich is normal. No Decks should offer 100% Victory Rate.

Q: I'm not Italian, what is the Molise?

A: If you watched the anime redacted by 4Kids you know for sure the Shadow Realm. Same thing.


DISCLAIMER: This Deck isn't intended for Competitive use, but id does work. Hell if it work!

Per gli Italiani: siamo una cultura clemente e ci scherziamo sopra le caricature ma voglio comunque mettere le mani avanti per evitare fraintendimenti: non e' mia intenzione offendere, degradare o illustrare in modo scorretto il Molise e i suoi abitanti. Non vi offendete, e' solo uno scherzo.

Thank you for reading this guide, let me know if you're using the Deck AND (most important) if you're having fun with it. If you have more question just hit me (not too hard plz).


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