The Onyx Heart

The Onyx Heart

Tale Of Onyx (pt 1)

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Our tale begins with 2 simple Humans: Ogugap and Inubu both of them fleeing the chaos back home and uniting to form their own Kingdom, The Rosho believing that "Hope brings dignity". Soon after they gave birth to their first child, Ukah who was born oddly tiny.

The Election and wolf pack

The next years went by like a blur soon they were going to elect a leader. For their king they chose a stupid man by the name of Ramaw who was one of the least capable people to lead the kingdom. But thankfully one of the original founders become village leader. Ogugap had quickly put together somethings called a military for the town to defend from hostile creatures as a pack of wolves had began hunting for food inside of the villages borders. they soon began attacking the locals and a werewolf was leading them and soon the locals sent their strongest villager, Vonhart to deal with it. After Vonhart destroyed the wolf pack we was crowned king as the earlier one had died and he was given immortality from the crab god, Crab himself due to the fact that he killed a werewolf and he Sprinted back to the village to survey the damage the wolf pack had done.

The Children

Vonhart knew that the damage the wolf pack dealt was great but he was Horrified by the fact that they nearly slaughtered all the adults in the village leaving a few adults to watch over the 15 children and to make matters worse 5 of them decided to leave and become bandits, However as Vonhart watched the fade into the fog he began to wonder how large of a horde would they be.

The Blessing

After the children left to become bandits the town's future looked bleak, but out of seemingly nowhere multiple people came down to the earth all of whom was completely capable as one of their citizens. However only a few years later in the Fog was spotted multiple long eared humans. but this was dismissed as hallucinations as the Fog was known for playing tricks on whomever was watching it


Only 2 years after The Blessing Vonhart made a decision to make another village due to over population in Omalto naming the new village Avirsky due to the fact that the name sounded like how a true warrior was named, just a month later he changed the name to Techno due to how glorious and amazing it sounded and thought that only the most powerful of warriors would come from there

in memory of Alex/Technoblade 1999-2022

[bThe Elves[/b]

Just 6 years later a small portion of the Fog cleared revealing a island, both Vonhart and the village leaders wanted to colonize that place with their new Boat technology they discovered however they could see smoke coming from the island and deduced that it must be a new intelligent species so they sent a diplomacy team of their most diplomatic Villagers. Which consisted of the following,

1.Acy: the village leader of Omalto Who was going to tell the new species what The Rosho's government was like.

2.Ushi: A kind young girl who was going to do the diplomatic talking.

3.Tevy: a young boy who had was going to heal the Species wounded and enlighten them on technology. Soon enough they arrived at their destination and landed on the shore and saw the smoke, after a short hike they saw the species Tall and slender and looked like a thinner and taller human with long pointy ears. They spoke to the creatures and discovered that the creatures speak their language English. They were apparently called Elves and had came into existence due to the water being Extremely dense in the nearby lake. When Acy stuck their hand in the lake they struggled to get it out

. So as the team talked to the Elves they told them how to make simple tents and houses and even how to build farms, and when it was over the Elves intelligence tripled. Just as the team was leaving, Vonhart across the sea began wondering if he had made the right choice giving the Elves their technology, but he quickly dismissed this thought as the Elves were far too behind to pose any real threat to their kingdom. Right?

The Tale Of Onyx (pt 2)

The Onyx Heart image 24

The Half-blood

Oro was in a good mood with his new found knowledge as this was a major advancement in Elf culture, the Humans had visited and told them of their government the "Rosho" as they seemed like amazing and kind people. Everyone but Oro believed this as he thought that they would conquer them first chance as even before the Humans visited he had been intelligent as most of the water spirits in the lake chose to bless and give him a portion of their powers thus giving him the ability to keep thinking during his sleep along with him being able to eat the moisture in the air making it impossible to starve, and to finish this he was even half human giving him a better

strength and durability then his brethren. However this strength made him greedy and arrogant as he viewed the other Elves as weaklings who didn't respect strength and instead respected kindness and nobility but for now he had to make do with what he had and lead this kingdom to greatness so that he may use them later, But across the sea Vonhart's mistrust grew as the report seemed off, it just seemed too goody too shoes there were no arguments, and soon enough Vonhart grew paranoid of others taking his seat of power.

Sobek's chosen

In the deep mountains of Moshark an even odder species then the elves had arisen, this was a species of reptilian humanoids called lihzards ruled by their avatar god Sobek, But what was probably the most odd thing was the mountain itself as it had multiple biomes in it



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