how to play the game normally

how to play the game normally

Getting Started

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first, you need to make a new world! click on the "create a new world" button to do it.

then click on the "empty" world template.

after that, choose the world size. i recommend iceberg because it's VERY big, but it might lag if you don't have a good enough comuter.

Painting The World

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to start painting your world, click on "create and shape your world" or press tab.

then, select plain soil.

now, just draw whatever you want! LITERALLY. the only limit is the size of your world.

now, press tab 3 times or just click on the "nature and disasters" tab. now, select grass seeds and start putting them on the plain soil.

now that your world is fully green, let's move on to the next section of this guide!

Intelligent Life

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first, press tab 5 times or click on the "animals, creatures and monsters" tab. now, scroll with the mouse to zoom in, and select any race you want.

here is a quick description of all the races:


- nothing special


- cannot be attacked by animals

- very fertile

- spawn trees when they die

- very weak


- kill everything they see except for other orcs

- very strong

- not that fertile


- neutral with creatures in the crystal biome

- idk the rest

spawn any race you want! (maybe even all of them)

when you spawn an inteligent being, it will create a kingdom. (i spawned a human in this screenshot)

as you can see here, the human i spawned in made a campfire and a tent.

here is how the kingdom looks after a few years:

as you can see, the kingdom expanded A LOT. and there is even more off camera here! basically, have fun watching your people grow, rebel, fight, and sit inside their houses for 10 years.

BoNuS FEaTuReS!1!1!!!!11!111!!!!111!!

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ages are very annoying so turn them off by clicking on them

clcik on the burger in the settings menu a few times to get the debug menu!

if you're bored or mad, just nuke everything you made.

The End!

congratulations! now you know the basics of worldbox! the advanced guide will be linked here when it will come out:



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