Ask Your Question. Writing A Manual In Progress
I have played around 55000 battles. If you want to know something about this game feel free to ask.
Free To Play Of Pay To Win?
Q: Free-to-play of pay-to-win?
A: With virtual money on your bank account you can buy virtual gold, premium bonus, premium tanks.
Premium tank can be up to 8lvl (if you are not in China). Their perfomance vary from a bit weaker than researched tanks to a bit stronger.
Premium tanks farm +50% silver (ingame currency).
Premium account give +50% silver and +50% experience.
Gold also doesnt give advantages inside battle.
Alternative shells can be bought with silver.
- You can totally play without premium up to 7 levels.
- At 8-10 you will run into silver shortage, depending on battle efficiency. You totally need one good 8lvl premium tank without premium account.
- If you are planning to play 9-10lvl alot - then you might think of paying for premium account.
Too Much Of Random Number Generator?
Q: Too much of Random Number Generator?
A: Theres some RNG in accuracy, penetration and damage. Sometimes it makes you upset. Sometimes it allows you to destroy a stronger enemy.
Penetrarion distribution is +/- 25%
Damage distribution is +/- 25%
This makes game pretty casual. Although map knowledge and personal skill have bigger impact on battle results.
What About Ingame Balance?
Q: What about ingame balance?
A: Game is more than 10 years old. There are 600+ tanks at ten levels. And 40+ maps. IMHO balance is about 8.5/10.
Q: Why is it fun. Its just addictive.
A: Yeah it's addictive ... because profits. Fun part:
- Most calculations are server-sided = cheats in this game are weak, compared to other shooters;
- Lots of maps, tanks and players = all battles are unique;
- Visibility mechanics, armor mechanics, several tank classes, unique tanks = Deep gameplay;
- Events or regular basis (for half of events you will receive free tanks that will allow you to participate, if you dont have one)
- Play with friends up to 15x15 (clan battles), in random mode up to 3 people platoon;
- Scream, cry and laugh its not PvE you remember? Buy a new keyboard to replace the broken one. Tell neighbors that nobody is being killed here, except for nerve cells.
List Of Useful Links
Official page[]
Servers status and players online[]
Official wiki[]
How armor works[]
Armor inspector and penetration, Tank stats and comparison[]
Tank stats[]
Armor inspector[]
Camouflage values calculator[]
Ranked battles guide[]
Modifications (approved by devs)[]
Main page of popular XVM modification (ingame statistics and edited interface)[]
Player statistics[]
Global Map []
For company commanders and battles on the global map
Events results[]
Replay analyzer[]
Unlimited Blacklist mod (not sure if it still works)[]
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