how to make bible accurate wobbles

how to make bible accurate wobbles

How To Open Commands.

You Must Hold The Tab And / buttons, It Will Show A Command List, if you need more info you can go onto a guide that teaches about commands.

The Commands And Needs

To Do This You Need A Dog With Wings, Any Type Of Wings.

Open The Command Bar And Do These Commands. (It Will Effect The Other Winged Dogs Aswell)

Genetics_wingsize 5

Genetics_wingnum 10

and if you'd like more sauce.

genetics_nosemoda 7

genetics_snoutmoda 5

genetics_snoutmodb 5

genetics_snoutmodc 5


how to make bible accurate wobbles image 13

If Your Pc Usually Lags To High Amount Of Entities, dont do this, because the amount of wings will lag your game and also the size will be hard to process, if your dog is big they may not be able to fit into the map (sad)

example of one.


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