How to join the Steel Legion

How to join the Steel Legion

Step 1: Look The Part!

How to join the Steel Legion image 1

How to join the Steel Legion image 2

The first and most important part is looking like a legionnaire! For this you gotta own the outfit found at our glorious dear lady commodore's vestures, as shown below:

Then you gotta equip it as seen here:

This concludes the first step of the guide!

Step 2: Find Fellow Legionnaries!

This one is a bit tricky... See this is where normally there would be some sort of Vox Channel or way for us to organise into a large group - legion if you will! I trust other legionnaries to raise a hand in the comments and then we can perhaps all organise into such a band, perhaps someone will take the initiative from here and start a steam group or discord server!


Congratulations, you made it through the guide, if you followed at least 50% of the other steps, you should now be able to be a proud faceless puppet soldier in the Inquisition's HOLY GOD EMPEROR'S plan!


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