Playstation button prompts

Playstation button prompts


Playstation button prompts image 1

Playstation button prompts image 2

This mod changes button prompts in the game to be the same as the Playstation 3 version of Valkyria Chronicles, which looks more stylized to fit the art style for the game, and makes more sense for people playing with Playstation controllers.

The mod can be used in two ways: by default it'll show O for "confirm" and X for "cancel" which is the default for Valkyria Chronicles on Asian PS3s. Alternatively, you can make the game show X as being "confirm" and O as being "cancel", which is how European and US PS3s would show button prompts in the game.


You can download the mod here:

Install instructions are in the readme.txt

If you want the source code for the tool created for the mod, here you go:


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