V Rising Achievement Quick Guide (1.0)

V Rising Achievement Quick Guide (1.0)


This guide is explicitly written for Steam Guides and is not permitted to be copied or posted on any other sites.


2024-05-12 = Original Publication

The 1.0 release of V Rising has brought about a lot of changes, including adding Steam Achievements. While most of the achievements are fairly straightforward for veterans who've been playing since the first version in Early Access, some of these achievements can be surprisingly tricky. This guide aims to close the gap between the written description of the achievement and the actual process to getting it.

In writing this guide the following assumptions are made about your playthrough:

-You are playing single player or otherwise alone

-You are not using admin commands

-You are not playing with mods

If you are playing with clanmates then the non-combat achievements will be easier to accomplish, as clanmates have the ability to share resources and research.

If you are playing with admin commands then most of the achievements can be trivialized, with the notable exception of the RNG-dependent achievements as there are currently no console commands to make those particular achievements easier.

If you are playing with mods then there is a good chance you have custom console commands that can triviliaze the RNG-dependent achievements.

Besides the Brutal achievements, all achievements can be earned on Normal or Relaxed, including customized settings.

All that being said, let's go and dive on in!

Building Achievements

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Lord of the Land

Place a Castle Heart and claim an unoccupied territory.

Just in case it wasn't obvious, but building is a major part of this game, and the very first thing you have to build is a Castle Heart in an unoccupied territory. This lines up with a Journal Quest as well, so unless you quit the game at the beginning this one should be unmissable: just find an unoccupied territory and build the Castle Heart to unlock the achievement.

A Vampire with a Hobby

Plant a seed in a planter.

All of the plants in the game, such as Blood Rose and Hell's Clarion, have a chance to drop seeds when harvested in the wild. They have a low chance of dropping when farming the main crop, but can also be found in containers, as drops from certain enemies (piranha plants and treants), and in a pinch you can buy them from merchants. When you have a seed you will need to build a crop planter of any size in your Castle (must be on an exterior floor, such as wild ground or grass foundation) and then use the seed on it to plant it, which unlocks the achievement.

Symphony of the Night

Interact with a music box.

The recipe for the music box is unlocked by completing the Journal Quest "Broaden Horizons", which requires you to defeat Quincey the Bandit King and travel to a zone outside of Farbane Woods (the obvious option is Dunley Farmlands, but any will do). Once the music box is unlocked you just need to build it and then interact with it to unlock the achievement and maybe find a new song to listen to.

Vampire Rising

Place a staircase.

By defeating Quincey the Bandit King you unlock the ability to build stairs, which is a must-have for any castle that aims to build above ground level. Just build the staircase in your Castle to unlock the achievement.

Work Smart, Not Hard

Interact with a work station that has the room and floor bonus active.

You will need to be able to build stone castle walls and a specialized type of castle floor. The quickest way to unlock this is to build stone walls at your castle so they make a proper castle room (ie, roof and everything), then defeat Grayson the Armourer to unlock Workshop floors. Make an enclosed castle room using stone walls (including a door frame) and the Workshop floors, then put your sawmills, grinders, and/or woodworking stations inside of the room. Interact with the specific structure inside the room to unlock the achievement.

Blood Donor

Extract blood from a prisoner.

You need to defeat Vincent the Frostbringer to unlock Prison Cells and unlock Dominate Human by completing journal quests. Instead of feeding on an enemy when they reach the weakness threshold use Subdue Human on them, and then once charmed secure them in a Prison Cell. Use the "Blood Potion" option on the prisoner (requires an empty glass bottle) to unlock the achievement. It's recommended to defeat Leandra the Shadow Priestess to unlock Dusk Caller, which teleports a charmed human into an empty jail cell. (Non-monster werewolfs and Night Maiden demons can also be captured this way.)

A Weapon From a More Civilized Age

Reforge a shattered weapon at the Ancestral Forge.

This is where things get pretty involved, as you need a laundry list of things to complete this:

-Defeat Maja the Dark Savant to unlock the Study

-Defeat Octavian the Militia Captain to unlock the Ancestral Forge

-Defeat Ziva the Engineer to unlock Radium Alloy

-Obtain a Shattered Ancestral Weapon, which usually drops from Tier 2 bosses (like those mentioned above)

Once you crossed all of these off you will need to unlock the "Merciless Iron" weapon recipe that matches your shattered weapon (ie, a shattered sword needs a merciless iron sword), then upgrade a default iron weapon to its merciless iron counterpart. THEN you need to put the shattered weapon in the ancestral forge, which will require radium alloy and primal blood essence in addition to your merciless iron weapon. Once all are gathered combine them to craft the ancestral weapon and unlock the achievement.

Combat Achievements (Normal)

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A First Taste

Feed from a living creature.

Unless you're a hardcore player making online videos of how to defeat every boss with a ten-level handicap and only ever using frail blood, chances are fairly high that you're going to get this achievement very quickly. Just wound an enemy down to about 25-30% health, then when the option to Feed appears use it and ride out the timer. This will get you their blood type and blood quality as well as unlocking the achievement.

First of Many

Drink the blood of a V Blood.

All you have to do to unlock this achievement is fight any V Blood boss, defeat them, and drink their blood. The easiest way to accomplish this is to fight Alpha the White Wolf, as he is technically the weakest boss in the game.

Ultimate Power

Cast an ultimate ability.

All magic comes in three Tiers, and certain bosses will give you the option to unlock certain tiers of certain spell types. The quickest way to complete this achievement is to defeat either Nicholaus the Fallen or Quincey the Bandit King, as they both provide a Tier 3 spell point. Unlock their respective spell slots, then equip and cast the desired spell to unlock this achievement.


Participate in closing a rift to the Shadow Realm.

After unlocking and building the Eye of Mortium, which is done by completing journal quests around the midgame point, the Ruins of Mortium area will begin to intermittently spawn "Rift Incursions" events, where you have to defeat two waves of enemies followed by a miniboss (including its own waves of enemies) to close the rift. Fight in one of these events and close the last rift by killing the miniboss, after which you'll get the loot of the area as well as unlock the achievement.

The following four achievements have slightly misleading descriptions: you do not need to kill all of the bosses in an Act to get the achievements, but rather slaying the specific boss constitutes "completing" the Act. Just defeat and drink the V Blood of the specific bosses to unlock the respective achievements. For all fights make sure you are as geared up and prepared as possible, as they are considered some of the toughest bosses at their respective levels.

Completed Act 1

Defeat Quincey the Bandit King and complete Act I.

Completed Act 2

Defeat Octavian the Militia Leader and Complete Act II.

Completed Act 3

Defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith and complete Act III.

Completed Act 4

Defeat Solarus the Immaculate and complete Act IV.

Slayer of the Immortal King

Defeat Dracula, the Immortal King.

There's no getting around this one: you have to fight and defeat Dracula and drink his V Blood to unlock this achievement. To access his lair you have to have previously defeated Lord Styx the Night Champion and crafted the Blood Key amulet, then once you're fully prepared head to the eastern-most part of Mortium and go through the door and the following portal. Good luck!

Master of All

Defeat and drink the blood of every V Blood.

This one is also very straightforward: you have to find, fight, defeat, and drink the V Blood of every single boss in the game, including the ones you probably missed or might have skipped. Good hunting!

Combat Achievements (Brutal)

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These achievements deserve their own section, because they all require the game to be run purely on Brutal difficulty. This means that before you start a new game you have to choose the Brutal difficulty and stick with it for the duration of your gameplay. If you're playing on a multiplayer server of any kind that server has to have started and stayed as a Brutal difficulty server. It's not known if making individual tweaks will prevent these achievements from being obtained, so for safety's sake just make sure it's unmodified Brutal difficulty from start to finish.

In addition to being three levels stronger and having more health and damage than before, the bosses also have an extra gimmick that is lacking in Normal mode. These are going to be very difficult fights, so make sure you fully gear up and prepare for these encounters.

Completed Act 1 on Brutal Difficulty

Defeat Quincey the Bandit King and complete Act I on Brutal Difficulty.

Completed Act 2 on Brutal Difficulty

Defeat Octavian the Militia Leader and Complete Act II on Brutal Difficulty.

Completed Act 3 on Brutal Difficulty

Defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith and complete Act III on Brutal Difficulty.

Completed Act 4 on Brutal Difficulty

Defeat Solarus the Immaculate and complete Act IV on Brutal Difficulty.

Brutal Slayer of the Immortal King

Defeat Dracula, the Immortal King on Brutal Difficulty.

Non-Combat Achievements

Research Achievements

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Collector of Forgotten Lore I

Interact with a Research Desk that has all technologies unlocked.

Unlock the Research Desk by completing journal quests and build it in your castle. To unlock all recipes you will need to find as many as 2,150 Papers, less any books you find as rare drops. Act 1 is particularly forgiving as three bosses (Grayson the Armourer, Clive the Firestarter, and Nicholaus the Fallen) will drop books for armor, weapons, and magic rings. In addition to being dropped by enemies you can also craft Paper from the Paper Press (unlocked by defeating Nicholaus the Fallen) by combining plant fiber and sawdust, though farming for paper and books is generally more efficient. Once all recipes are unlocked just interact with the Research Desk to unlock the achievement.

Collector of Forgotten Lore II

Interact with a Study that has all technologies unlocked.

Unlock the Study by defeating Maja the Dark Savant and build it in your castle. To unlock all recipes you will need as many as 3,975 scrolls, less any books that unlock specific recipes you may find as rare drops. As before, the Paper Press can ease some of the burden by combining paper with coarse thread to make more Scrolls, but it is generally more efficient to farm them out in the world or even buy books from merchants. Once all recipes are unlocked just interact with the Study to unlock the achievement.

Collector of Forgotten Lore III

Interact with an Anatheum that has all technologies unlocked.

Unlock the Anatheum by defeating Henry Blackbrew the Doctor and build it in your castle. To unlock all recipes you will need as many as 4,500 schematics, less any books that unlock specific recipes you may find as rare drops. You can craft Schematics at the Paper Press by using leftover scrolls and combining them with Tech Scrap, but it is generally more efficient to find schematics and books out in the wild and even buy them from merchants. Once all recipes are unlocked just interact with the Anatheum to unlock the achievement.

RNG-Dependent Achievements

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Okay, so, here's the deal: the vast majority of NPCs that spawn with blood that you can drink will spawn with low-quality blood, typically below 30%. In the rare event they spawn with blood quality at or above 90% you will instantly notice them as they emit a red cloud that stands out against the background. These are prime targets for capture, as they make the best prisoners for blood potions and the best servants with blood quality bonuses.

Even when they spawn in with the red cloud of blood purity, the likelihood that the purity is 100% is still horrifyingly low. Finding an NPC with 100% blood quality makes that NPC a priority target for isolation, weakening, charming, and capturing. The following two achievements are best served by doing this.

Protip: if you cannot find the blood type and quality you want you can always commit wanton slaughter of the population. This is most noticeable in densely populated areas, such as Brighthaven City or the Villages in Dunley Farmlands, but kill as often as you desire to help force respawns in your favor.

Exquisite Blood

Drink blood from a 100% blood quality source.

While you can technically complete this achievement by weakening an enemy and drinking their blood it is an incredible waste to kill them in the field. If possible make it a priority to charm them and bring them back to the castle as a prisoner so they can become your personal soda fountain of blood. Ideally you will have open prison cells and plenty of dusk callers for such an occasion.

An Eye for Quality

Successfully charm a human that has 100% blood quality.

As mentioned above, if you find an NPC in the field with 100% blood quality do everything in your power to isolate them and weaken them so you can charm them. If you play your cards right you'll get this achievement as well as the previous one in the same effort. Again, have open prison cells and dusk callers on standby.

A Perfect Test Subject

Feed a prisoner with Irradiant Gruel and have them reach 100% blood quality as a result.

I'm very, very sorry to break this to you, but this will probably be your most difficult non-combat achievement in the entire game.

For the initial setup you need to defeat Vincent the Frostbringer to unlock prison cells, then Angram the Purifier to unlock Irradiant Gruel. Once you unlock both build as many open prison cells as you can and make as much gruel as you can. Then you need to venture into the wide world and find yourself any NPC that has a hazy red cloud of purity around them, ideally at 99% (not 100%). Isolate, weaken, and charm them so you can send them to prison.

After you've got your prisoners secured head back to your castle and begin feeding them gruel. The good news is that there is a 65% chance the gruel will improve their blood quality by 1% (or even 2%). The bad news is that there is a 35% chance the gruel will turn them into a mutant you have to kill immediately, forcing you to start over. This is why the ideal situation involves a 99% blood purity: there's a 65% chance it will work once and be done and over with.

Regardless, besides having a large enough sample size of prisoners to hedge your bets, this one is purely RNG. If you manage to improve a prisoner's blood quality from below 100% to 100% without the prisoner mutating then congratulations are in order for unlocking the achievement.

Travelling Achievements

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A Whole New World

Venture into the Farbane Woods area.

You just exit the tutorial graveyard by going to one of the two points indicated on the map. This achievement is unmissable unless you stopped playing mid-tutorial.

A Fox in the Hen House

Venture into the Dunley Farmlands area.

There are so, so many entrances into the Dunley Farmlands. The most natural and easiest way to progress is to take one of the three paths connecting Farbane Woods to Dunley Farmlands, but if you're particularly adventurous there are many roads leading in.

Footsteps in the Snow

Venture into the Hallowed Mountains area.

Strictly speaking there are two and a half ways into Hallowed Mountains. The easiest way is to enter from Farbane Woods (southern path) or you could enter in from the northern pass that connects to both Mortium and Dunley Farmlands.

The Forgotten Reaches

Venture into the Ruins of Mortium area.

If you're following natural progression you'll probably end up entering Mortium from Dunley Farmlands (western points), though you can also enter from Cursed Forest (north) and Hallowed Mountain (south).

Don't Drink the Water

Venture into the Gloomrot South area.

March of the Machines

Venture into the Gloomrot North area.

These two achievements are combined into one entry because of how intertwined they are. Natural progression will have you enter Southern Gloomrot from Dunley Farmlands (or Cursed Forest if you're brave) and then eventually you'll enter Northern Gloomrot from Southern Gloomrot or Silverlight Hills (the latter being guarded). See the purple points for Gloomrot North, cyan points for Gloomrot South.

Forbidden Footsteps

Venture into the Cursed Forest area.

The easiest way to enter the Cursed Forest is from Dunley Farmlands (southwest), though you can also enter from Mortium Ruins (southeast) or Gloomrot South (west). Be careful when traveling here, as the area puts a fog debuff that eventually blocks out your minimap entirely.

Godless Intrusion

Venture into the Silverlight area.

The easiest way to venture into Silverlight Hills is from Farbane Woods (south) or Dunley Farmlands (east), with Gloomrot North (northeast) being another option as well. Fair warning: all three entrances are fairly well-guarded, you probably won't enter in unnoticed.

Every Corner of the World

Venture to all major regions.

Whether it's intentional or just a bug this achievement can unlock without technically visiting all eight regions of the world. If you're not sure where you still need to go just make a checklist and hit up all the spots. Easiest way to do it is from Dunley Farmlands (except Gloomrot North, which requires another way in).

Instant Gratification

Teleport using a Vampire Waygate

You'll find your first Vampire Waygate right outside the tutorial graveyard, whichever side you come out on, and there are five others in Farbane. In addition you'll also eventually build one of your own in your Castle. Make sure you're not carrying items that will block teleportation, then just teleport from one to another to unlock the achievement.

Upon a Pale Horse

Ride a horse.

Horses can be found in many points of interest in Dunley Farmlands and Silverlight Hills, as well as a few named spots in Southern Gloomrot. Just mount any of them and maybe move around a little bit to unlock this achievement.

Unrelated Achievements

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All the achievements in this section don't cleanly fit into any of the other sections.

A Creature of Many Forms

Use your Vampire powers to shaeshift into another form.

You can technically unlock this achievement by transforming into any of the following forms:: wolf, rat, bear, human, spider, toad, and bat. The easiest one by far is wolf form, as it is the first one you will likely unlock.

The Allure of Coin

Trade with a Shady Merchant in the Farbane Woods.

Find one of the two Shady Merchant camps in Farbane Woods (near Grayson the Armourer and Keely the Frost Archer) and buy any item with copper coins to unlock this achievement. Copper coins will drop from enemies and chests in Farbane Woods.

Master of Disguise

Trade with a merchant as a very ordinary human.

Unlock the Human Form vampire power by defeating Bane the Shadowblade, then go to any merchant while using Human Form and buy any item. The most logical place to do this is the Dunley Farmlands Market, located dead in the center of the region. It should also work with the Shady Merchant Camps in Farbane Woods if an easier merchant is needed.

It's a Tight Squeeze

Use Rat Form and traverse through a small hole.

First you need to unlock Rat Form by defeating Nibbles the Putrid Rat, summoned at your castle with a Vermin Nest. Later on you'll need to travel to Silverlight Hills and go to the Silver Mine, where at the northern end is a collapsed passage that has a rat hole. Traverse this hole with Rat Form to unlock this achievement.

To the Skies

Find a way to fly.

This achievement is dependent on defeating Lord Styx the Night Champion, as he provides the unlock for Bat Form. Once you've obtained the power use it in a relatively safe place (it has a long charge-up time) so you can turn into a bat and fly the skies. Be careful, there is no cloud cover in the sky, so be careful about using this power during the daylight.

Dressed to Impress

Equip an item in a Cosmetic Slot.

Equip any armor or cape equipment, then click on the up arrow to bring up the cosmetic screen for that item. Equip a different armor or cape equipment to the empty slot in the cosmetic screen to unlock this achievement.

Gone Fishing

Catch a fish using a fishing rod.

By defeating Finn the Fisherman you will gain the ability to craft a fishing rod at your castle. Equip it once it's made and then look for any body of regular (blue) water that has a bubbling spot. Cast the rod at this spot and wait until it makes a notable splash, then quickly "attack" to reel in the fish. Collecting the fish should unlock the achievement.

Larger Pockets!

Equip a bag.

Equip any bag of any size to unlock this achievement. The easiest bags to get are either Bandit Bag, which is a rare drop in Farbane Woods, or Leather Bag, which can be crafted at a Leatherworking Station after defeating Lidia the Chaos Archer.

Your Number One Fan

Fully equip a servant.

Unlock servant crypts by completing journal quests, then charm any human and convert them into a servant. Once they're fully converted interact with them to open their inventory and give them a weapon, jewelry, and full set of armor. It can be any set, so the starter bone set is cheapest and easiest to unlock this achievement.

Oh No!

Eat the wrong mushroom.

Find a Trippy Shroom, commonly found in caves in Farbane Woods such as Bear Cave and the Bandit Copper Mine. It will look like a Hell's Clarion mushroom, but purple instead of red. Once found and harvest it consume it like any other potion and enjoy the trip!


Everything I know about every achievement has been added to this guide. If there is any information I am mistaken about or additional details I neglected to add please feel free to nudge me and I'll go ahead and add it in.

I will not be adding any tips or tricks on how to fight any of the bosses in this guide, there are players more hardcore and qualified than I am to write up (or make a video) on how to actually fight in the game.

Either way I hope this guide has been helpful! Good luck and good hunting, fellow vampires!

This guide is explicitly written for Steam Guides and is not permitted to be copied or posted on any other sites.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3245457260					

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