Random Tips - Part 1
- The game have two mode. The saga mode and the story mode (a survival mode which was added later). Be carefull, if you search information on internet you might end up with information for the saga mode which might not apply to story mode.
- I choose solo mode. You can absolutly play in solo, i haven't tested multiplayer. I think you can't transform a solo game to multi game (and you can't transform a multi game into a solo game). You have 1 slot for solo and 2 slot for multi.
- BECAREFULL. NEVER PRESS THE BUTTON TO GIVE UP ... you will loose all your game with no way to get it back. Becarefull, you have this button just under the button to continue your game, and you also have the button when you press escape. When you want to close the game, be very carefull and press the good button (and there are next to each other) !
- When you start the game you need to collect a Branches and silex. They will be on floor and when you be close, a text will tell you to press a key. You can't cut tree as you have no tool.
- The right click button will do your special attack (which is a feet kick as you have no weapon). You have 3 mana (three special attack) and they will not refill over time. They will refill when you are attacking an enemy with your normal attack (left clic). This special attack allow to collect some material (like stone) without tool which is confusing at first ... but don't worry you will have soon some tools.
- Follow the instructions given by cats. You will have to build a few things. You should build them between the NPC (which will defend you if monster come close) and the healing tree (a little under the NPC).
- You don't really need to talk to the npc, it is to get reward after you kill boss. You don't really need to interact with the stone. However, if you talk to the npc or interact with the stone, they will tell you about your next boss.
- The next boss is displayed on the map. It will probably surrounded by black area on the map as you don't have explored yet the map. Don't go immediatly to the boss, you need to gear up before !
- You can destroy things to move them, you will get back all material used. This is usefull to move a building.
- Some station can be upgraded to unlock more recipe (you can see which recipe you will unlock because all recipe including locked one are displayed). Becarefull, if you upgraded a station, I think you will not get back material used to upgrade.
- You will later be able to build wall and floor. In most situation you will be able to add the wall even if you builded near a natural wall (cliff).
- There is no wave of attack on your base. If monster are close they might attack your base and destroy it, but they will not try to attack it. If you build near spawn you will mostly be safe as monster doesn't spawn here (the only risk is if a monster is following you, but the npc might help you to kill it). if a monster destroy a building, it will be like if you destroyed it so you will get back material (or the item directly in some case).
- The space key allow you to dodge.
- You can go down a cliff with dodge.
- You can go up a cliff by building a stair. Stair can be builded at the station that allow you to build wall and floor. You will need to calculate the distance to start your stair and end with a floor to allow to move from the stair to the ground.
- You have a minimap ... it's on top left ! (I am stupid, it took me a while to see it, was expecting it top right). To open the full map press M key.
- Try to start farming, buildings all building you can, gear up and level up a little.
- You don't heal over time. You can eat if you have cooked food with you (it will will replenish some health, you don't have the value but the description you tell you if it's a small amount, a moderate amount, etc. Also some food might sometime spawn additionnal health or mana orb (read description)).
- When you level up you gain blessing point. You can scroll on this screen, there is a lots of blessings points. They all cost one point and some require your to have bought the previous.
- There is some very good perk point like the one that create a decoy (very very good to avoid dying at first) and the plant blessing that allow you to sometime create healing zone (very very good !) when you do combo (successive normal attack, you can also hold left click instead of smashing left click). There is also a perk that double the ressource you get (same line than the decoy).
- You are capped to level 50. This means you will in the long term get a lots of blessing but you will not be able to get all. So avoid wasting point but don't limit yourself too much (except at first, avoid wasting blessing by not tacking the two previously mentionned blessing). Don't take weapon blessing immediatly, try weapon to know which one you want to take.
- Some blessing are related to a weapon type, for example you have a blessing for bow, for shield, etc. don't take them if you don't want to use this weapon !
- You can have two weapon and switch to them with tab. Bow are very nice (if you play bow you can take a non-ranged weapon if you want, but you will almost never use it ...).
- There is camp on the map where you can loot chest. There is different level of camp (open the map and look at the right for a list of icon). Big camp will be too hard for you at first, but you can do small and medium. There will then have an hourglass icon next to the camp on the map. This is because camp refresh, so when the hourglass disappear you can go back to get a new chest.
- Tree, stone, etc. respawn but it's slow ...
- There is different zone, you can see zone on the (mini)map as they have different color. The game will tell you the name of the zone and the difficulty level when you enter. Silver is not in the starting light green zone, you need to go on the dark green zone.
- If you die you will lose some souls (it's a money). I think you will lose 75%. It's definitively lost, but don't worry if you die, you will be able to get souls quickly. However, when you die you drop a chest with all your material (you keep your weapons, armor, food, etc.). You will need to go back to the chest to get all your material back (I don't know if the chest despawn if you wait too long, relaunch the game, or die an other time ...).
- When you fill ready, go to the first boss. Don't worry if you die that can happend. Also ... boss don't regen health, so don't worry if you die. I say they don't regen health, but maybe they do if you wait very long or if you restart the game ? Never tested.
- The first boss is not difficult but have a lost of hp ... so it will take lots of time to kill it. It will be very boring ... sorry :(
- Oh and when he go under 50% he will transform in a tornado. Will be a little harder but still boring !
Random Tips - Part 2
- You can switch food by scrolling with your mouse.
- Your tool and weapon have a durability. You need to repair at the allforge (go close to it and press G (it's written)) using sould. This only cost a few souls and you don't need any material. Also ... you don't really need to return to base, you can just rebuild your all forge near you (it will disappear from old spot but feel free to put it back when you return to your base). You might want to take blessing that increase durability (I don't know for other weapon but bow loose very quickly durability).
- WIth the bow you can hold shift to aim. This shot slower but do more damage (but it's better for DPS to don't aim). You bow have amunition. By default you use basic amunition that are infinite, but with shift + scroll mouse you can switch to other amunition if you have them. You should stay on infinite amunition most of the time. Keep the amunition for the boss (and take the one that counter their element, you will see a red / green arrow telling you if you choose the good or wrong element).
- You can TP to the spawn with the T key but this have a cooldown.
- You can go in water with dodge but you will not be able to stay too long, quickly join back the ground !
- You will be able to build a boat (the story tell you you need to kill the first boss first but I don't really know if it's really necessary). You will first need to craft it at the boast station, and you will then be able to place it like a building in the water. Becarefull, you boat have life. You can repair it if you are not on it (go in build mode, hover the boat and you will see the command at the bottom to repear it). You can also destroy it ... it will give you back the boat so you will be able to place it again. Always remember where you boat is (or destroy it), it will be displayed on the minimap if you are very close, but if you are not very close you will not be able to see it in map (so you might need to have to build an other) !
- Avoid having you boat destroyed. I don't know what happend when it is destroyed, you will probably end up drowning ... the game tell you to always have your TP stone cooldown off but it seems you can use it if you are swimming ... if you die in water you will have to go back to your body with a boat to loot the chest. It might be good to have a spare boat :) But if you don't do stupid thing you will probably don't get your boat destroyed, don't worry, well worry a little, the starting boat have few health, but upgraded boat are strong enough.
- The starting island only have to zone, you will need to move to other island to discovered new zone (though you might also encounter the same zone as the starting island). Just follow boss :)
- There is cavern with a boss inside it, but there is also tunnel ... you need to reach the end of the dungeon to move to the other side ... this will be usefull for the second boss.
- When you kill a story boss, talk to the starting npc to get gold horn as rewards.
- There are wizzard that allow you to buy some things. I had one on the starting island but I am not sure it is always the case. There is one wizzard per zone type, but they might not be on boss island (most of mine were at the right of the map with useless island ...). If you find a wizzard, you can buy wizzard map to display on the map other wizzard. The item is consummed instantly, and don't buy too much as you will lose money if you alreafy have all wizzard; Also you will later have quest the might give you wizard map.
- You can't sell stuff ... at list not untill a long time. When you kill the wolf boss, you will be able to talk to the starting NPC to get a forge that will allow you to sell item ... for a very low price ...
- There is achievement. Each achievement have a reward, open the inventory, go in the achievement menu and click on the button to get reward (recipe most of the time).
- If you can't craft an item in a building, it's either because you need to upgrade the building, or because you need to unlock the recipe (check the text), or both. Recipe can be unlock with achievement or with gold horn.
- You will get gold horn buy killing boss and talking to the npc, with some achievement, and sometime as a rare drop when killing mob. To spend them you have to quit your game and go the the main menu. Open the progression menu and you will be able to unlock recipe for your whole account. You also have a global level and you will have a button to get gold horn from your global level. You will not have a lots of gold horn at first, so think before spending them (for example I bought an advanced bow).
- You also have 2 daily quest, you should do them for the rewards :)
- In the cosmetic menu you can also get some special coin once a day.
- You can build teleporter, it doesn't cost too much to put them everywhere. They can't be destroyed by enemy so you don't need to protect them. However it will prevent you building near it ... (you can but a floor before putting it, but not after !). You can teleport from teleport to teleport (and the spawn area already have one). There is no malus to teleporting, boat is only for the first time :) Put a teleport near boss to quickly go back, to wizzard to quickly go them, etc.
- You will later unlock quest, it's a little annoying because you need to talk to npc that might be in unexplored area. You can check all npc area by switching quest. Put a teleport near the quest npc. At first you can stick to only one npc and discover other npc later in the end game ...
- Check if you have a pet unlocked in the personnalisation menu (outside of game). Equiping a pet will allow you to auto allow (so you don't have to press F key).
- I think you now have enough info, discover the rest by yourself :)
- Also use the wiki : https://tribesofmidgard.fandom.com/wiki/Tribes_of_Midgard_Wiki
But remember that some info are for saga and not story mode !
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3002411721
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