"Ghost Mode" -Guide

"Ghost Mode" -Guide


"Ghost Mode" -Guide image 1

Welcome.. First, a warning.. it´s challenging.. quite challenging. But also quite rewarding ^^

So when is the best time to start ??

-> After you finished the whole Campaign AND got some experience in Tier1-mode

Anything else to know ??

1. Make yourself familiar with "GhostMode"-Restrictions

-> only 1 main weapon, Reloading wastes Ammo left in magazine, etc..

2. Be quiet. Be a Shadow..

-> Recon each Camp/Base properly.. Don´t get spotted. Death really lurks around every corner..

-> Only 1 Main-weapon?.. impactful facts:

LMG? no.. many bullets, zero control.. most are "loud" anyway. Masochist´s choice.

STG? nope.. unless you´re very experienced and keep targets within 50m. SamFisher is proud.

SMG? ok, but you might miss the grenade launcher. Stealth is key.

SNR? good, but only those that also kill vehicles within 2 shots. Keep distance.

ASR? best choice.. grenade launcher makes it the allrounder. Anything within 250m dies.

(Pro-Tip: Make sure you read Gear-Guide and ->Best Approach ^^)

Ghost Mode - Rewards

"Ghost Mode" -Guide image 18

Shop-Points for Cratesnote: You get Rewards only ONCE (see ->Links below)

each boss-quest(28): 400 (x28 =11.200)

reach Lv.30: 3000

reach Tier1: 3000

Exo-Gear (cosmetic)100% Security: Boots

100% Influence: Armor

100% Smuggling: Pants

100% Production: Backpack

El Sueno: Mask

"legit" Way... (hard)

"Ghost Mode" -Guide image 29
"Ghost Mode" -Guide image 30

"Ghost Mode" is very challenging WITHOUT EXPLOITS and BACKUP savefiles, IF played SOLO

Basics: General Procedure (described in QuickStart-guide ->Links)

Explore and get Lv.10+ before starting Story Missions

Get your Weapons (+Attachments) as fast as possible

Resources: Ambush Convoys (ideally use Gatling Chopper)

use Stealth as much as possible

Recon.. ALWAYS (Drone > Binoculars)

Target priority: Snipers, MachineGunners

use Sync-Shot and Rebel-skills to overwhelm your enemies

destroy Reinforcements fast.. Priority: Helicopters

flee, if it gets dangerous (eg: UNIDAD joining the fight)

Advanced: with smart Coop team you´re unkillable.. (Healing Drone ftw)

Suppressor is a must..

FallenGhosts (DLC) helps a lot with a nice Xbow

don´t get cornered with UNIDAD.. run once it escalates or they hunt you down.. promise :D

You can´t die during a mission.. never. The only problem arises, if the mission fails and you´re still in a fight.. worst case you´re down and wait for revive... IF your team dies NOW, that´s it.. next try

Same for Anti-Air-missiles hitting your Helicopter.. 50:50 chance to get your team killed

"alternative Methods"

"Ghost Mode" -Guide image 49

I´ll spare you the moral lesson and just list methods that can make your life easier..

Backup .savefile regularly (//programs (x86) ->Ubisoft ->Savegames ->.. ->3559)

Shoot through Walls to kill enemies before entering buildings (High Penetration guns)

use Anti-Aircraft map to ensure safety when flying

use a Trainer



My suggestion:

Veterans don´t need Cheats/Trainers to succeed, BUT you need a 100% Backup !!

Especially when the game messes you over in SOLO, as there are no Coop-teammates ;(


C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\...\3559"1. (Copy+Paste) distracts, though it´s 100% secure - just don´t forget!!

Have UBIsoft Save-folder open + a second window for your Backup-folder

TAB out while ingame (always press ESC to stop the game before to prevent issues)

Copy + Paste.. then TAB back and continue2. automated comfortable, BUT... stay AWAY from Cloud-sync (OneDrive, GoogleDrive, etc) as those "insta-sync", which won´t allow you to get a Savegame from 3-8min before

Use a "tool" that allows defining intervals (ideally every 5-10min) and keeping multiple versions

smart tip: EaseUS Todo Backup - (basic version is FREE!) - easy ON/OFF

allows typical scheduled tasks

advanced features to define Intervals in 1min steps

option to just keep the last "X" (eg: 3-5) versions Comfort: you can turn it OFF ..if you don´t play GhostMode SOLO (Offline)

Best Approach.. !?

It´s up to you, but here are my thoughts.. (thanks @Sliderit who brought this up)

SoloFirst, it should be said that playing normally to Lv.30, then go Tiermode will backfire.. because some missions will become incredibly hard or impossible in SOLO once you enter Tiermode..

- mostly because the AI-team is useless besides "Sync-shot"

- and enemies cheat anyway (always know your position)

- getting into unlucky SantaBlanca-fight while Unidad joins is 80% Game Over

That is even without bugs/glitches happening ..and resulting in your death ;(

-> I´d really advise to ignore Tiermode when doing GhostMode-Challenge

The difference between "advanced Difficulty" and Tier30 or lower is baffling..

Tbh, most players just do GhostMode for Rewards and Exoskeleton Gear.. in that case playing in easy difficulty would be smart -- some Boss-missions can still go haywire.

note: Playing without Backup in SOLO is very risky.. I stopped doing it after I fell through the floor -_-

CoopPlaying GhostMode in Coop is MUCH better.. your friends can use HealingDrone and if everyone plays a bit stealthy/tactical chances are high you breeze through without death ^^

Good positioning is key (includes "flanking" by your team´s Sniper with HealingDrone) to prevent full team wipe. In fact, smart use of drones can win you any bigger fight while being near immortal..

-> Better than SOLO?? Yes.. you can´t use Backup-savefile, BUT it´s actually more fun, faster and safe - unless your pilot gets the team killed by SAMs because you can´t parachute thanks to low height ;D

Community advice for Ghost ModeD3v1l_E4g1e : if a mission contains searching a unidad camp or interrogating a unidad captain. Recon the whole base and dont miss a single house. Then take everyone out except the mission objective. That way it´ll be way easier to complete safely. Done it a hundred times now, and it works exceptionally every time Carde : Slow & steady is key in ghost mode, take your time & stay quiet.

Weapon wise MK18 with 40mm or the SR25 jungle, match them with the 5.7 Blacklist. If you chose the SR25 route get comfy with the pistol and knife routine, learn to clear entire bases & compounds with just pistol & takedowns.

Avoids bikes, use choppers as a single ride & just fly at max altitude & jump out with chute. AA will not hit you if you are high enough.

For harder missions, go to a maingame tier 1 save, do them on there a few times & then go back to ghost more on arcade. Just like spec ops in real life, train train train & train some more, then execute the mission.

You can activate tiermode and just leave it at 50 & upgrade weapons, for some it can make quite a difference. Just keep the difficulty at Arcade.

Mines btw are amazing, use mines a lot of mines, they can turn some missions from a nightmare to a walk in the park, because the enemies always spawn in and move in from the same place.  : (ElSueno) I park small chopper right outside the doors. Enter as soon as possible and head towards mausoleum while flying up nonstop.There are two chopper with missiles chasing you but you easily outfly them. Once I get high and close enough, I jump out and aim landing right in front of the doors. The columns usually don't let heavy gunmans detecting me so I just enter and finish the mission. However, you are still in combat as soon as the cutscene ends (but you got rebels back). Very risky, but worth it. Kirk : I've completed the game several time in Ghost Mode, Extreme, no bots (teammates). I do use rebel support including spotting. Maybe I should make videos on how to do each of the difficult missions. The trick is to not get detected. As soon as you are detected, it's time to back off and wait.

Links (+ Additional Info)








Discussion: Permadeath hard difficulty

Discussion: Ghost mode save

Originally posted by Ubi-Orion:Hey there.

Just in case you weren't aware you can only earn the 3000 credits once in either Ghost Mode or the Campaign and on the first character so if you've already unlocked it on one or the other or on a different character it won't unlock again.


- Ubisoft Support

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2378293231					

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