Real Damage Values Obtained And Compared (It Took Many Days To Complete)
Every campaign gun + Rifle pack and Sniper pack's gun damages unrevealed in numeric values
(no shotguns )
Damage to soft targets is yet to be tested in same manner but if the damage and health values remain constant they will go exactly in same order like against APC.
(Skills are maxed out) Silencer and Long barrel are enabled whenever possible. no rangefinders.
Armored Personel Carrier is the most durable vehicle. By shooting it: first it starts to smoke white odor, then black and at last comes a warning phase that ends up with explosion. Allmost every test is done with silencers only because I personally prefer it even in straight firefight (during firefight when you move, they lose more often your position)
Notes:according to my first tests distance didn't have any effect on damage so I left it out. From distance middle smoke stages varied without any consistent logic so that is why I shot every test point plank.Turret is invulnerable. Shooting front, side or rear armor didn't effect results.
Uncut work file - (comparison with additional data)
Firing A Gun Undetected - Safety Distances
When shooting the precise safety distances to remain undetected are below
Without silencer:
All Snipers 130m
All shotguns 109m
All LMG:s 109m
All rifles 93m
All SMGs 60m (~64m when suspected)
All pistols 49m
Silencer on:
All Snipers 48m
All shotguns 41m
All LMG 40m
All Rifles 34m
All Submachineguns 23m
All pistols 18m
Prediction: All guns: +4-5m when already suspected = enemy marker is flashing
Example: with ANY silenced rifle you will be suspected at 34m but from 35m you can empty a full clip without the detection. Just make sure you dont alert enemy with nearby bullet hits.
(Bug? Once before sunrise I got as near as 14m to the enemy and for some reason he did not hear my silenced pistol go off. Then I fired my silenced HT1 desert model and still no detection! When the advantage stopped working clock was 4.19. Maybe it was a bug or some secret...)"I 've heard that night is at its darkest phase just before sunrise" :)
Bullet Drop Comparison
Distance where no compensation is needed to hit the enemy.
When looking through Tx5 scope: The distance in which the bullet falls from enemy head level to toes
Dragunov = 300m (worst in snipers)
Bullet drops are shown as a distance between Player and target in which you don't have to make any upward lead compensation to theoretically hit the target. Example with dragunov you should aim at the very top of the enemy head at 300m and you can barely but still hit enemy toes.
Bullet drop comparison
Guns in same group means that there is little or no difference between their bullet trajectories.
Silencer did not affect trajectory but it slowed bullet speed remarkably.
(Long barrel and silencer are enabled whenever possible and the most zooming scope. Every weapon is without rangefinder.)
Below are stock snipers, combined with 2 rifles and default SMGs.
!!!1# BFG-extrjaneros !!!
SR25 jungle model.
AK 47 !
Scorpio evo
SR 651
SR635 apparatus
Below are only rifles. Aug A3 is clearly the best but first 2- 3 groups of rifles I consider still to be very good for rifles. And from there AK47 does best damage to APC: 11 hits until first white smoke comes out. Steyr Aug does same with 12 hits. 12 hits remains even weapon is at 30th level :(. AK47 damage to APC does not change even at 30th level. Ultimate rifle collection did'nt have any unique rifles to be put in first 3 groups.
His AK - nosup
Extraj. R4
556xi -S
M4 A1 commando
Fastest Way I Know To Raid A Convoy
( my current experience)
By foot (fastest):
SR-25 jungle destroys any vehicle by 1 shot and its firing rate is 2,9 shots in 1s. So in ~1 sec you can get rid of escorts .(Bullet curve is straightest in the game so it is very easy to shoot far.) After that you need to damage resource vehicle to below ~1/3 health or more to make it stop. (loot stays intact). Scan and synch shoot the driver and co driver.
Resource vehicles come in two health variations.Toughest is allways commstools truck and weakest ambulande and gasTruck. Food truck perhaps same as commstools.Shooting them with fewest bullets possible. (with vehicledestroying skills maxed out) comms truck needs 2-3 shot from SR2 to stop it alive. Gas and ambulance halts with 1 bullet shot from extrjanos BFG.(I assume you shoot the cabin).
By my experience now, if your vehicle destroying skill is lacking 1 notch (and medal is collected), commsTruck(maybe also food truck) is even easier to stop: BFG-50A or TAC-50 halts it by 1 shot and still keeps cargo alive.
By unitad heli: destroy escort vehicles with rockets. Then let your teamates shoot resource truck to the point when drivers eject. You can choose how to continue.
Fastest Way To Grind Tier/xp Points
At South of province flor de oro there are two static supply raids spots (only if you luckily havn't done them yet). Simply fly back and forth them and shoot both spots with 1 salvo of rockets. In the way to other supply spot the last one fully respawns. If you dont get most men with one salvo don't stay but prefer stay in constant motion.Everything depends how fast and agile you can manouver and how accurate shooter you are. Release rockets as soon as banditos are drawn to your screen or even slight before.
Near the supply heli spot there is an unitad chopter's patrol route crossing your way, keep that in mind - release rockets before you go anywhere near the helipad to mitigate the risk that chopter surprises you and shoots you down.
You get 600-700 tier points from every decent rocket hit and in every less or more 15s.
Tier 50 to level 30 goes like in 1 hour? after 20 it gets slower, but it is still creepy fast if you have time.
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