How To Get Quest Packs (locations In Game For Free)
Just activate this coupon ( LOTROQUESTS2021 ) in game market. its available to redeem through November 30th, 2021 and you get all quest packs for free.
Also dont forget to get Expansions packs too. On this sale they cost only 99 Lotro points. If you dont want to buy donate wallet you can get enough from deeds in game while playing.
You have more then need time to do this before sale end.
What In Coupon
This Coupon Code will grant the following to your game account:
Quest Pack: Central Gondor
Quest Pack: East Gondor
Quest Pack: West Gondor
Quest Pack: Wildermore
Quest Pack: Angmar
Quest Pack: Enedwaith
Quest Pack: Eregion
Quest Pack: Evendim
Quest Pack: Forochel
Quest Pack: Eriador Bundle
Quest Pack: Misty Mountains
Quest Pack: North Downs
Quest Pack: Trollshaws
Quest Pack: Lothlorien
Quest Pack: Great River
Quest Pack: Old Anórien
Region Pack: Far Anórien
Quest Pack: March of the King
Quest Pack: Battle of the Black Gate
Quest Pack: Legacy of the Necromancer
Quest Pack: Where Dragons Dwell
Quest Pack: The Vales of Anduin
Quest Pack: Mists of Wilderland
Quest Pack: The Wildwood
The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins
Quest Pack: The Blood of Azog
Additionally, enjoy a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the LOTRO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points through November 30th, 2021:
Expansion Quests: Mines of Moria
Expansion Quests: Siege of Mirkwood
Expansion Quests: Rise of Isengard
Expansion Quests: Riders of Rohan
Expansion Quests: Helm's Deep
Instance Cluster: Rise of Isengard
Instance Cluster: Riders of Rohan
Expansion Quests: Mordor
THX to Standing Stone Games. They hope this helps to get us and our friends ready for all the excitement of the Fate of Gundabad Expansion this fall! So lets get ready people!
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