40-50 Levelling Guide

40-50 Levelling Guide


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What you might be wondering is "Why is getting from level 1-40 so easy but getting just 10 more levels so difficult?" Well, every 10 or so levels before now had a certain region that encapsulated that range, but now there is no definitive region that contains quests for levels 40-50. This guide will be short and sweet in getting 1 step closer the those locations you so want to explore from the movies and books and it only requires the purchase of 2 regions.


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When you hit level 40 you need to travel to Angmar. Angmar is my least favorite place in the game, but dont worry you wont be there long. When you get there you want to head to Lehma-Koti which is the first settlement you'll encounter. You will need to complete all the quests there and then move on to Aughaire, the main village in southern angmar. You will quest there until you hit level 44. (I was a bit tired of the dark asthetic of Angmar at this point anyways)


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Once you are level 44 you will then head over to Forochel.(My favorite place in the game) You will quest first in Kauppa-Kohta from level 44-45. Once you get to level 45 you're going to have to travel to Echad Dunnan in Eregion and get your first legendary weapon,trust me it's important.Then you will travel back to Forochel to Pynti-Peldot and quest from 45-46. Next is Zigilgund from 46-47 and after that you will travel to Forochel's capitol Suri-Kyla and quest from 47-48. You then have to make a long trek to Kuru-Leiri and quest from 48-50. There are alot of locations to quest in but the combination of new locations and beautiful scenery really make for an experience that you won't get from any other place in Lotro.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=373232150					

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