Vurhonga Savanna Stampede Blue Wildebeests

Vurhonga Savanna Stampede Blue Wildebeests

Stampede Blue Wildebeests WIP

Vurhonga Savanna Stampede Blue Wildebeests image 1

Vurhonga Savanna Stampede Blue Wildebeests image 2

If there is one thing that really gets my heart pumping when going out on a hunt in Vurhonga is the pure thunder sound of a stampede. The stampede isn't just related to the Blue Wildebeest but also the Buffalo, Jackals and Warthogs. All of them performing some sort of thunder march through the bush, this really gets my heart racing.

I've marked the map from x through to x7 for the moment. I mainly find myself from the image shown below in A1 and A3

The x, x1, x2 etc refers to the different areas. The 300-900 refers to the time so 300am to 900am. the BW refers to the Blue WildeBeest and more importantly referring to there Need Zones.

Still a work in progress following the Blue Wildebeest, but definitely a fun challenge, especially when 6 of you on ATV's are chasing down the Blue WildeBeest, this really get's the heart pumping.


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