New Player Guide (Free to play update)

Basic Controls

Here are the controls for the game. (Please note: that the tutorials explain them in detail!)

W A S D is to walk

Q is to walk without touching W

Tab to get out your HunterMate

1, 2, 3, Are the keys to take out your weapons (Click to shoot)

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are where you put other items. (You start out with 4, 5, 6, but have to earn 7, and 8)

(click to use)

I is to open the Inventory

C is to toggle the running option (Please note: Running will spook animals)

Ctrl is to Crouch and Lay down.

Shift is to get back up


Pressing Z twice will highlight dead animals in the same color as the tracks!


This is all of the basic controls!

Starting Items

As a new player, you start with the 243. and 12 GA single shot shotgun.

You also get the 4x32 Rifle scope, you put this on the 243.


For the shotgun you have 3 different types of ammo, Buckshot (red) Slugs (black) Birdshot (green)

Birdshot is used for small game, Buckshot is for medium game, and Slugs are for medium-Large


You will also start with the Deer Bleat caller, you use this to lure Whitetail, Mule deer, Sitka deer,

and blacktail


Earning Gm (In Game Currency)

You should always activate every mission at once, there is no limit to how many times you attempt a mission.

There is a button that activates missions new missions for you.

There is also the daily missions, which start out small but the rewards get better the longer you keep your streak, they also can give you free guns and other cool items!

I recommend starting with the Whitetail missions, as Whitetail are very common and easy to kill.

You can find Whitetail in 4 maps. (Whitehart island, Logger's point, Settler Creeks, Redfeather Falls,

Rougarou Bayou)


You also get a small amount of gm for every kill you make (Note for things like deer, Only males

will give you gm!)


You may also be asking "Hey whats the em thing?"

Well, em is like the premium currency you can buy with actual money. But it is not needed to play.

em is also obtainable via events, competitions, and minigames/unofficial comps on the EW streams.


(Note: they don't always do this, but when they do its typically guessing games for chat, or highest score/css for an animal for those who are in a multiplayer game with them.)


You can use em or gm in the Shop that's in the Launcher or the Website.


Everyone may create a multiplayer game!

but remember that every game has its own rules! There are some unspoken rules in these games

such as not shooting the 2D animals such as the birds in the sky (Not to be confused with geese..ect)

Another one is you don't follow people around. That'll get you kicked real fast.

Only use Ethical weapons, your shotgun can handle pretty much everything, there's no reason to

use the 234. on a moose...


There are some common rules that people will put in the game's desc.

such as "Stay 500m apart from other hunters" "Be Respectful" or sometimes even "Bows only"


The Padlock symbol on a game means it needs a password to enter.




When you reach about 8000 GM, you should invest in a snakebite bow (color/camo doesn't matter)

Snakebite is the cheapest compound bow, along with being the most quiet. Bows in this game are ethical for ALL animals. Combined with the fact that bows are silent, you won't scare off animals by shooting one. Snakebite is so silent in fact, if two animals are standing right next to each other you can shoot one while the other will remain oblivious.

Snakebite also doesn't require buying a sight for it to function well.


For guns, I recommend getting the 300. bolt action rifle, as well as the eagle MK1 scope. The 300 is ethical for a wide range of animals, and the Eagle MK1 is the best scope in the game. Putting them together can handle mostly everything, except for the smallest and largest animals. (Ex: Birds, Rabbits, Water buffalo.)


After you get all of these, you can invest in whatever you'd like. Although, you should probably get commonly required mission weapons. (Ex: 44 Magnum)

Treestands and tents are always a good idea, and some missions become quite easy with them.

If you like hunting birds, investing in a duck/goose setup is always good as well. Magpie and Snow Geese are the best money making options. Magpie give around 60 gm per male, and 20 gm for females. Snow geese are similar except for females which only give 6-10 gm. Which adds up fast since you will be shooting quite a lot in a short amount of time.



You should have a basic understanding from here!

Most people in multiplayer games could help you with some things you forget! such as..

"Hey is 243. ethical for moose?" They'd answer no of course, but that's just an example.

There's a few features I left out, such as comps. But you could go to the official wiki for those!

(classic wiki link ----------------->


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