How To Start Hunting
here some basic tipps for beginners:
move crouching, even if you dont cover much ground. you will never see animals if they can hear you from afar.
only after a shot, when you have spooked everything around anyway, walk to your prey. or if you want to get somewhere and dont have tents to spawn at. but once you get close
switch to crouching again.
try to start in the north and move south, general wind direction is from south west to north east. scent reducer will help you later on to get closer, spare it until you have some experience.
use your binos, stop from time to time and peek into the distance and shady areas in the forrests between the trees. movement is what you are looking for, but thats also what gives YOU away ;)
dont take any shot, aim propper and try to drop the animal in the tracks/on spot. aim for the vitals, at best lungs/heart, between the front legs or from the side, close/right behind the front leg.
otherwise you will have to follow a bloody track until you can harvest that one. weapon sway/wobble will reduce with higher rifle levels (every weapon seperate).
pickup all tracks and calls with your handheld Huntermate, leveling that will increase the infos you get.
spotting too, but lvl 5 is enough to fill the info box that apears top right, with all we get.
Low and Slow is the game here, no fast paced run and gun thing. the shot is the last thing you do befor harvest, so always remember, this is all about hunting, not shooting ;)
find your prey, get into position for a drop shot and take your time.
to make ingame money (Gm$), activate all missions and complete the first 3 whitetail missions. it was the previous tutorial and has to be completed befor all other missions will unlock.
for example in Loggers Point, start in the north, walk towards the middle hunting tower, you may encounter some whitetail befor so watch out for calls and tracks.
once you are at the tower (maybe try the one befor too) use your bleat caller to attract deer.
wait until your Binos have picked up the spotting (the info box top right), then shoot and hopefully drop the deer, no matter if buck or doe.
walk back where it came from to pickup all 3 tracks for the missions and then harvest that deer.
now all other missions will unlock when you checked the box for "activate the following missions after completing one".
you will make Gm$ just by roaming the maps.
alot of first parts are all about spotting and tracking, but of course you can focus on a certain species too - aslong you have a weapon for ethical ammunition - the actual requirement for shooting anything - the ammo!
since you are a true beginner, limited in gear/weapons and experience, you may want to visit a map with a far view and ethical species for your .243.
i would suggest the map Bushrangers Run, an Outback inspired map with Kangaroos, Feral Goats, Axis Deer and Red Fox, that all can be taken down with that Rifle you have. for Rabbits and Feral Hogs though, you would need the Shotgun (Birdshot for Rabbits and Slugs for the Hogs).
another fine map is Whiterim Ridge, but spawn at the North Lodge "Danford's Refuge". in that area you will find Arctic Fox, Dall Sheep and Sitka Deer for the .243, and Snowshoe Hare for the Shotgun.
DONT forget the Blue Basic Arctic Clothing or you will freeze your A.. of ;)
hope this is helpfull and gets you started well enough to continue this quite relaxing but still thrilling game about hunting (not shooting XD).
for questions use the forums (steam and original) and have a look at HooCairs Wiki:
if you already upgraded your carry capacity, what is important to carry enough gear, you have several options now....
(launcher/store/upgrades/inventory/increased capacity - NOT the backpack clothing item ^^ that has no funktion other then some camo or roleplay)
...since the way to make Gm$ (ingame currency) is regular missions, you would need a rifle with many permitted species (your bow could work, but its harder to get close enough as beginner).
there are 2 rifles that most mention in that regard, one is the .300 magnum (my choice XD) that can use the 2-10x scope what also fits the .243, and the 5.5-22x eagle scope that makes spotting easier in the beginning (until you have the 30x spotting scope).
both mentioned scopes will be of use later when you get another, even bigger rifle XD like .340 or .45-70 lever action - what would be the next step since they take down the bigger species much easier.
some would also advise the 9.3x74 O/U, that has one species more (waterbuffalo) but requires a unique low mag scope (1.1-8x) no use for any other rifle :/ good rifle but as beginner in my eyes not the best solution.
there may be some other choices but thats what most use to start, good and reliable guns.
you will also want callers, start with those for several species and those you want to hunt. i have already mentioned the 30x spotting scope, its expensive but in the long run very good to have.
when you have rifles, callers and scopes, you can start with some tents to spawn at different places especialy on bigger maps.
at last you may want some universal clothing like Outback or Van Helsing - these work on all maps where you dont need weather protection and against all species - but leave that for later, the effect is low and the cost is high.
More theHunter Classic guilds
- All Guilds
- theHunter Classic Guide 247
- Gone Huntin'
- theHunter Classic - GUIA PARA INICIANTES
- How to aim
- All Info Classic Sheet
- The Hunter Classic - , ( )
- Loggers Point In-Depth Guide
- Misiones Normales theHunter Classic Espaol
- How to earn Gm$
- Hunting Guide (Based on Personal Experience and some help from the Wiki)