Quick And Easy
Increase your mouse's Y sensitivity to the maximum and reduce the X sensitivity to 100-200. Create 2 profiles.
Profile 1: (X) 200, (Y) 200
Profile 2: (X) 200, (Y) 50000 (or as high as you can)
Make sure you have a keybind to switch between the profiles. Use Profile 2 when pulling the sword out. Use Profile 1 when dragging the mouse back. NEVER lift your mouse from your desk. Even tho you're shoving the sword back in by dragging your mouse back, the sensitivity will be extremely low and it'll be something like: 99% up 1% down. So don't worry about that. It took me 10-15 seconds thanks to my high DPI mouse. It won't take you more than a minute, but take your time. It will be roughly 15-30 mouse drags (each way) depending on how long the sword is.
I kept switching between my Stage 1 and Stage 5 profile in the picture.
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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3189164374
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