What Does It Do?
I wrote a script in AutoHotKey program, to help myself to save games with only ONE Button instead of 11 key-inputs. It Uses F5-hotkey and last used save-slot. You can change it as you want, while script is editable. When you pressed F5 and script started to save game, you shouldn't touch keyboard or mouse.
1) Install AutoHotKey program from official website (it's free). (AutoHotKey_dot_com)
2) Download script from link. (Or create file with .ahk extension and copy a content from end of this guide into it)
3) (OPTIONAL STEP) RMB on downloaded .ahk-file, Press "Edit Script", and change F5 hotkey with any other key you want.
4) RMB on downloaded file and press "Run Script". (You can see script is running, if capital "H" logo is present in Windows tray)
5) Now while script is running and you are ingame and you see your character on the field, press F5, and script will automatically press 11 keys with delays between them and save your game on the last used save slot. When you launch the script, you shouldn't touch keyboard or mouse.
Script Contents
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;This is HotKey for saving. It's F5 by default, but you can change it. ;------------ F5:: ;------------- ;Game recognizes keys that had been pressed and released with pause. That's why here are {KEY down} / {KEY up} expressions. ;Go to Main Menu Send, {Esc down} Sleep 13 Send, {Esc up} Sleep 300 ;Go to settings Send, {Left down} Sleep 13 Send, {Left up} Sleep 300 Send, {Enter down} Sleep 13 Send, {Enter up} Sleep 300 ;Go to Save Game and wait for them to appear Send, {Enter down} Sleep 13 Send, {Enter up} Sleep 1000 ;Select first save slot, confirm and wait a little Send, {Enter down} Sleep 13 Send, {Enter up} Sleep 300 Send, {Up down} Sleep 13 Send, {Up up} Sleep 300 Send, {Enter down} Sleep 13 Send, {Enter up} Sleep 1500 ;Back to game Send, {Esc down} Sleep 13 Send, {Esc up} Sleep 700 Send, {Esc down} Sleep 13 Send, {Esc up} Sleep 700 Send, {Esc down} Sleep 13 Send, {Esc up} Sleep 700 Send, {Esc down} Sleep 13 Send, {Esc up} return
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2670245979
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