Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps image 0

Detailed maps of Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.

Remnant Wasteland

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps image 3

Control Facility

Extinct Civilization Research Lab

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Sea Watchtower (Extreme Only)

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Solitary Sands

Underground Labyrinth

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Underground Weapons Plant

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps image 15

Old South

Subway A

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Subway B

Abandoned Road

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Outskirts Facility

Forgotten Woods

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SBC Flugel Bow

Forest Edge

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Forest Edge Depths

SBC Flugel Depths

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SBC Glocken Underground Ruins

SBC Flugel Stern (Extreme Only)

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DLC 1: Forgotten Temple

DLC 2: Demon Cave

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DLC 3: Lost Gate

DLC 4: Dissonance Of The Nexus

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Detailed Maps image 39
  • See this guide.
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/2077-sword-art-online-fatal-bullet.html					

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