Storage Boxes: A Comprehensive Review

Storage Boxes: A Comprehensive Review

Sturdy Storage Box (300c)

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This is my preferred box for storage of used spray paint cans and paint tubes. Its sleek design and exterior allows for easy painting. It will snugly fit under the Table Desk (220c) Table.

"Honestly the walls are too thick. Who needs walls that big? That's probably why this tiny box costs that much." -Slothybutt

Set Of Large Stencil With Repeatable Pattern Templates (300c)

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This item works very well as a box when the stencils are removed. It is great for receiving large packages from the conveyor belt. The box is on the pricey side, but it is justified because it comes with stencils.

Primitive Shapes Stencil Kit Round Square Rectangle For Spray Painting Drawing Wall Decorations (180c)

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This is not your typical storage device. It is quite long and not very wide. Also, this box can be used well under the small item delivery area.

"Primitive Shapes Stencil Kit Round Square Rectangle For Spray Painting Drawing Wall Decorations is the kind of box to sport a "Worlds Best Dad" T-Shirt in public." - Slothybutt (Clueless Idiot)

"The name is probably more than half of the price of the box when you order it. I'm also mad that it isn't a bucket." "3/10" - Diz (Proud Bucket Enthusiast)

Waterproof Bucket (50c)

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This bucket has caused some controversy. Slothybutt thinks that this bucket is the worst thing to come to man, but Diz thinks that it is the best storage device. For its unique uses (storing water and paint) it is unbeatable, but its limited amount of storage space is disappointing. It does pack a surprising punch for storage space because of its low cost.

""The waterproof bucket is very waterproof which makes it amazing its so waterproof the water stays in the bucket and never goes out of the bucket unless you are a dumb ass and tip the bucket then the water is not proofed by the waterproof bucket" - doggo (run on sentence master)

"I think it needs a non-waterproof version" -Slothybutt (Not a bucket)

Stencil Kit With Various Patterns For Spray Painting Wall Decorations (350c)

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This is my least favorite box from the stencil collection. Its abhorrent design mixed with its obese price makes it truly horrid. The box's chunky design reminds me of my childhood. Eating 2 plates of nuggets and 12 corn dogs and then having orange diarrhea and then being yelled at by my parents for clogging the toilet and them not listening to me trying to explain myself while they continue to argue and drink and smoke. Because of this, I have a deep emotional distress towards this box.

"That emotional trauma part sounds entirely fake, and the box is completely fine" -Slothybutt (Corn dog hater)

Solid And Ergonomic Toolbox (180c) /Toolbox Shelf With Removable Boxes (800c)

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This is way up there if I had to rate my favorite boxes. Its exquisite curvature throws off some extremely sexual vibes. Nothing gets me going like a Solid and Ergonomic Toolbox.

"it has the best boxes on it coupled with having a very sleek and honestly hot design" - Slothybutt (Sandisk Cruzer*)

"A high quality bucket compatible** automatic stabilized storage system" - Diz (Proud Bucket Owner).

*Yes it's spelled with a Z

**We're required to say that the Solid and Ergonomic Toolbox is not actually bucket compatible

Portable & Multifunctional Paint Dispenser (2000c)

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The price for the amount of storage is unbeatable. I estimate you can fit about 2 spray cans in it! Wonderful value for its price.

"I don't know why it's called the "Portable & Multifunctional Paint Dispenser" because it doesn't do anything other than store your items. I think they called it a paint dispenser to justify the high price of this item" - Slothybutt (Portable & Multifunctional Paint Dispenser Dispenser)

"I put the multi in multifunctional" - Diz (Bucket Chucker).


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My favorite box is the Sturdy Storage Box. Its extreme amount of storage and ability to fit under tables is unmatched by other containers.

My second favorite box is the Solid and Ergonomic Toolbox. Its (optional) included shelf is very nice for easy access. I use it to store my spray paint cans and be able to see the colors of the cans without having to move anything.

I will have to say that the bucket is my third favorite storage device. They are very good at holding empty paint containers to bring to the seller.

Thanks to:

Slothybutt, Doggo, and Diz for the quotes.

Slothybutt for editing this monstrosity. :)

Tell me your favorite storage box in the comments!


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