A kind of MagicCast any Spell.
A Master of MagicBefore completing the Circle page, research 42+ spells.
A Monopoly of MightBefore completing the Circle page, have 5 landmarks at once inside your domain.
Alchemist's ApprenticeBrew a potion. Requires an Alchemy game
Artificer's ApprenticeCraft a glyph. Requires an Artificer game
Bad JuJuTurn a unit into a zombie.
I achieved this in a Necromancer game using a unit with [Zombie Curse]. When they deal majority damage to an enemy unit, the enemy will turn... This may also trigger by casting the spell [Zombify] on a mortal unit
BalancedComplete the game on Normal difficulty or higher.
Break FreeRelease a mind-controlled unit.
Achieved by having one of your units mind-controlled by the enemy, then killing that enemy to release them. Easy to get if you have a [Beast] unit in your party and you encounter corrupt dwarf spellcasters.
Breaking the circleBefore completing the Circle page, defeat all 4 Circle mages (destroy their main Tower).
ConnectedMeld with your first Allfire node.
Defeat _____These are all enemy circle mages. Destroy their main tower to eliminate them and get the relevant achievement.
You get 4 enemy circle mages at random every time you start a new game. Don't be me and get the same 4 every game.
Elynn's TaleComplete the relevant hero's story page.
Enough rooms to swing a catBuild your first tower room.
ExpansionBuild your first lodge.
First to the postLevel up a unit.
Fly the friendly SkyFly with your Tower for the first time
From the Graves to the CradleDiscover all 20 Necromancer recipes.
Get out of here!Defeat an enemy occupying your tower.
Wait for an enemy to attack your tower. Then, when you see a countdown over your tower, defeat them with another stack/army.
Hard LifeComplete the game on Hard difficulty or higher.
Harvest TimeHarvest your first Plant.
HeroesBefore completing the Circle page, have your hero (Not apprentices) reach level 15.
Home Sweet HomeEstablish yourself as the owner of your tower.
Impossible MissionComplete the game on Impossible difficulty or higher.
Lore's TaleComplete the relevant hero's story page.
Lytra's TaleComplete the relevant hero's story page.
Mage TeacherBefore completing the Circle page, recruit 5 apprentices.
Magic AcademyReach the maximum number of Apprentices (5)
Master AlchemistWin the game as an Alchemist
Master ArtificerWin the game as an Artificer
Master NecromancerWin the game as a Necromancer
Master SmithDiscover all Artificer crafting recipes
Mine!Mine your first Ore
My Friends!Before completing the game, fulfil this require by reaching Revered status with 7 different cities.
Necromancer's ApprenticeCraft your first undead unit. Requires a Necromancer game
Philo's TaleComplete the relevant hero's story page.
Potion MasterDiscover all 50 Alchemy crafting recipes.
A few extra recipes, not counting towards the 50/50:
RedecoratingAdd your first room extension
Slave to the rhythmEnslave a unit
Orc Slaver units do this wonderfully.
The CircleUnlock the Circle page in your grimoire. Happens after melding with a major Allfire node.
Yngrid's TaleComplete the relevant hero's story page.
Hidden Achievements
LandmarksThese achievements are acquired by gaining control of the relevant landmark.
*Note that some landmarks will require your main tower's domain, while others can be picked up by any domain source. Not 100% sure which ones do. Will confirm on another playthrough.
Castle Meldec
Darkvale - South of Darkvale's gate.
Crypt of the Revenant
Norimar - Far east
Uram Gor - Far South. Requires completion of Uram Gor's quest chain
Misty Coast Dragonbones
Misty Coast - South west corner of map, just north-west of Orgash. Requires Tower's domain.
Sevenkeeps Seat of Kings
Darkvale - Center map, just north of Darkvale gate. Requires completion of Sevenkeep's quest chain
Silver Drift Hollow Mine
Silver Drift Hollow - Far North. Requires completion of Silver Drift Hollow's quest chain
Stormwatch Faste
WestGuard - Far West. Requires completion of Bastion's quest chain
The Forge of Regan Gor
Regan Gor - North-West corner.
Tuscari Sea Portal
Tuscari Sea - South-East ocean area.
Friend of _____All of the [Friend of...] achievements are acquired by increasing your city reputation to Revered (max). Recommend checking out a map if you aren't sure where these cities are placed. Included the Location and City name, as they vary:
Alluvyan - Alluvyan, city of Alluvyan
Bastion - Westguard, City of Bastion
Connach - Southwatch, city of Connach
Gillyshire - Gillyshirt, city of Audale
Grey Dusk Vale - Coldmark/Norimar, city of Grey Dusk Vale
Lyraine - Goldenfields, city of Lyraine
Orgash - Misty Coast, city of Orgash
Sevenkeeps - Darkvale, city of Sevenkeeps
Silver Drift Hollow - Silver Drift Hollow, city of... Silver Drift Hollow
Uram Gor - Uram Gor, city of Uram Gor
Windholme - Draycott, city of Windholme
Get to the Airship!Reach Revered with the city of Grey Dusk Vale and complete the quest line: The Airship.
A JokeAn elf, a dwarf, an orc and a human walk into a bar...
Gather a stack that has a [Elf], [Dwarf], [Orc] & [Human] units within, then move them onto an Inn (A common location found on the map, usually near cities).
More SpellForce: Conquest of Eo guilds
- All Guilds
- SpellForce:
- SpellForce: Conquest of Eo
- Circle mages guide to Conquest
- Basic Battle Guide for Conquest of Eo
- All Necromancer Recipes
- All alchemy recipes (50/50)
- Full Gameplay Walkthrough Part - 1 ( No Commentary )
- SpellForce: Conquest of Eo - Prsentation FR
- Artificing Recipes