Special weapons - Usage

Special weapons - Usage


CATEGORY: Fast fire weapons


AMMO CAPACITY: 70 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Bullets bounce

This time I directly start with the tips, because the Devs have already made spotlight of all special weapons. Here's the video for the intimidator:

Intimidator's bullets go farrer than plazma gun's. In addition with the bouncity this weapon is a good choise for far and close attacks. It's not even obligation to have aimed to someone - just shoot somewhere, where you think there's a player and if you are lucky, the bullets will hit him several times. This also make the weapon good for chasing! I recommend you to use that weapon in smaller or maps with many tunnels and platforms, where you will need more flexibility to be able to reach the targed as easier as possible.

Mini Gun

CATEGORY: Fast fire weapons


AMMO CAPACITY: 200 (1 charge allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Fasest fire rate; pushes you in the opposite direction of firing; must charge (as the sniper)

Dev's spotlight:

So, let's start! This is a defending weapon. But what does that mean? When you have been attacked in way from which you can't escape with moving or shooting to the attacker, the best you can do is to push yourself with the mini gun. Also if you can aim to the enemy, you have chance to kill him. The mini gun is also good for shooting in tunels - just be sure you are near the exit, because if you can't reach or aim your target, go out before it's too late. To be prepared for fight, keep the weapon charged. Just click frequently to keep the weapon charged. Another trick is to stay near the exit portals and to shoot until someone appears. He won't have any time to escape from the trap so this is one easy way to kill someone with mini gun. Also use that weapon in case of overcrowded game (especially on tiny maps like Jipe and BigRigs). You will generate cheetah speed which "immunes" you from sudden attacks. Also this gives you the advantage to play the role of eagle - you're in the sky and looking for eventuall prey. Then just change to the most suitable for the situation weapon and kill. Then if the horizont isn't clear immediatelly push yourself with the mini gun and land in peaceful place to reload and reheal if necessary.


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CATEGORY: Multishot weapons

DAMAGE: 9 per bullet (6 bullets shot); 6 per directly hit

AMMO CAPACITY: 12 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Bullets follow players after they were shot on a wall.

Dev's spotlight:

Each player, who have been killed from this weapon, immediately starts hate it. At first I will give you some tips for using it and after that some ways for escpaing from it. This weapon is massively used where there is a melee. With scattergun half of the players are yours from the melee. Also the weapon is good for disposaling snipers who are hiding in tunnel. Just watch not to uncover.

BUT, lets explain the more important thing about this weapon - escaping. It got me about a year to master the escaping from this weapon. This picture shows the basic escaping from the weapon (it will do some damage but you will have more time to aim and/or escape):

As you can see if you are close to the bullets and the wall where the bullets were shot, its harder for the bullets to hit you, because they can't all turn. Actually the bullets can travel x meters. If you force them to turn, they lost horizontal distance which. So we can deduce: the more we force the bullets to turn, the more they can't reach us. Another way is to use the sticky walls and platforms as a barrier for the bullets. If there are sticky walls as these:, use them to stop the bullets. After that find the perfect way for escaping from the player, who is shooting (portals). If there isn't nearby portals, find the best for you place where you can attack him. If you want to escape from the scatter you have to kill the player. Otherwise you won't ever escape only with running. Use each avaible power-up - each one will help you - even the ice prison. This game isn't made only to show who can aim and shoot well - if you can't think and create plans for escaping and counterattack, it will be really hard for you to escape from everything. You have to know the maps perfectly - where are the rehealers, the power-ups and where which weapon is. This is irreplaceable weapon for you.

Shuriken Launcher

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CATEGORY: Launcher weapons

DAMAGE: 40 per hit (25-0 if it explodes near you)

AMMO CAPACITY: 8 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Shurikens can stick everywhere. Lasts longer that the granates.

The spotlight:

This weapon is good for setting traps. Most used trap is to stick 2-3 shurikens on the exit portals. This kills immediately the enemy! However, there are other traps which works. I have taken pictures of them:

You can make the last two traps everywhere, where are the tunnels. The others can't see them and once they have jumped in the tunnel, they will land on the shurikens and.... BOOM! Another good trap is to stick 2 shurikens in a narrow vertical tunnel (as the ones from JIPE) from the both sides. The ranges of each shuriken will split, so if sb go throught them the chance to kill him is 70-80%.

Also it's good idea not to allow the enemies reheal so stick shurikens near the rehealers and the power-ups. Stick few shurikens on the edges of the platforms - this will be obstacle, which works quite often.


CATEGORY: Continuous weapons

DAMAGE: 8 per hit; 2 burning effect

AMMO CAPACITY: 5 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Once hit, player starts burning which takes gradually health by 2.

Dev's spotlight:

Always try to fire someone. The burning effect will deal more damage than you expect (total 30).

Note: more tips and tricks - in "Combinations" headline.

Brave Heart

CATEGORY: Continuous weapon

DAMAGE: 8-20 according how much health you have

AMMO CAPACITY: 5 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: The less health you have, the more damage it deals

The spotlight of the weapon:

This weapon is perfect for offense because if you can aim well it becomes a demon for the enemies. I haven't to tell sth more about the weapon. The only one thing that I can tell you is to use the weapon and the power-ups rationaly. They can help you deal more damage with the chance to kill sb with little health.


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CATEGORY: Explosive weapons

DAMAGE: 50 per hit; 100 pet hit (after going through a wall) (50-0 if it explodes near you)

AMMO CAPACITY: 4 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Can go throught walls.

Dev's spotlight:

It's mine favourite weapon. This weapon requires advanced mathematical skills because to be godlike with this (and with the standart bazooka) you should can calculate enemies speed, trajectory and some other things which aren't as important as the first two. Unfortunately I haven't done yet that for all maps:

Remember that the rocket can go throught only one wall. Use the red arrows to help you to find where is the enemy. If the first shoot is unsuccessful shoot again and again.

The video demonstrates the lowermost line which is and most successful.

Arcane Bow

CATEGORY: Precision weapons

DAMAGE: 35 per arrow (3 arrows fired)

AMMO CAPACITY: 5 per charge (2 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: The arrows can change their trajectory to the enemies; arrows go throught hit player; has to charge.

Dev's spotlight:

As opposed to the others precisious weapons, this one isn't made to kill with 1 shoot. To kill all the 3 arrows must hit the enemies. Fortunately it charges fastly so if you miss you will have time to charge again and to shoot again. For me this is the most unwanted weapon because for precision weapon is really hard to kill somebody with 1 shoot. Another disadvantage of this weapon is that the arrows slows down after travelling little distance. Therefore, this weapon is good only for close attacks which is strangely for a precisious weapon.


CATEGORY: Precision weapons

DAMAGE: 100 per hit

AMMO CAPACITY: 1 per charge (1 charges allowed)

SPECIAL FEATURES: 1 hit kills; jetpack doesn't recharge; 2s autocharge;

Dev's spotlight:

This maybe is the second most powerful weapon in the game. Using this weapon perfectly requires master skills ( aiming, jetpack using.... ). I have the advantage to aim with only watching the red arrows. Maybe one third of my kills are by aiming only with the arrows. Having this skill makes you almost godlike. I can't explain you how to aim via them. It's just practise. Using the overclock power-up allows you to use your jetpack with dematerializer in hand without losing fuel of the jetpack. However the Uber weapon power-up doesn't make your ammo exhaustive. However, the autocharging time will decrease twice which allows you to be massive killer in crowded places (if you are enough precious).


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If you want to be fast, accurate and killing, you should have these skills:

- fast changing of weapons;

- making plans for successful attack;

- using appropriate weapon in different situations;

- good sight;


Combination 1. Flamethrower + Arcane bow

Why these are good combination? As we already know, firethrower deals additional damage (in total 30). If you have fired a player, keep firing at him. If you see that he is escaping change from close weapon to far weapon. Best in this hectic case is the Arcane bow because it is mobile precisious weapon and deals much damage. Charge the bow and shoot when you have clear corridor ( straight line ). While your enemy is running he still loses health because of the burning effect. In this combination you have not to hit the enemy with all 3 arrows to kill him - the burning effect will deal at least damage equal to one arrow's damage.


Combination 2. Scattergun + any straght-shooting-weapon

Scattergun is not straght-shooting-weapon which makes it flexible and allows you to attack hidden players. Once the player has emerged change immediatelly to straight-shooting-weapon and finish him. However, be careful which weapon you choose. Best choice is continuous weapons. If you haven't fast fire weapons are also good choice. Explosion weapons aren't good choice because their fire rate is the lowest so if you miss you have almost lost the battle. If the enemy runs away on the other direction, make plan which will help you to surprise him and kill him. One simple example here which I do often and finish it with bazooka:

Line enemy's trajectory in your mind and then make several other trajectories which will cross or be near enemy's. Those are your plans for attack. (Note: THIS IMAGE WORKS ON ALL COMBINATIONS AND WITHOUT COMBINATION AS WELL)


Combination 3. Shuriken launcher + far weapon

As you know, shuriken launcher is defending weapon. If you are being chased and have shuriken, stick several shurikens behind you. This will make difficult to your enemy chasing you. Once you felt that he lagging, counter attack him. Also make obstacles by spliting shurikens ranges. Wait for the enemy and kill.


Combination 4. Flamethrower + Electricity

The fastest combination. The one which you have to do is to fire an enemy. After that activate electricity and just wait. Calculation of damage (75 + 6 = 81). If the enemy isn't able to reheal he will surely die because the burning effect deals 30 damage (19 more damage need to kill).


Combination 5. Invisible + Bazooka

There's nothing special for telling you. It's just easier to get close to your enemies.. with bazooka.


Combination 6. Double damage + Arcane bow / Sniper

Why i don't mention the dematerializer? Because it doesn't need x2 power up to kill. However, those can't deal damage immediatelly for killing. The minimum damage of the sniper is 45. With x2 damage it transform to prototype of the dematerializer (minimum damage 90). The arcane bow with x2 damage deals 70 per arrow. It's quite easy to hit player with 2 arrows but with 3 isn't as easy as 2 because the delay between the first and third is about 0.5s. Also most enemies have fought with somebody before meet you so they probably have lost little health. 30 lost health is enough for you. With arcane bow and the power up only 1 arrow is enough to kill.


Combination 7. Second chance + Collectors mode

If you have stolen many energies from the enemies vault and you think that you will find it hard to deliver them to your, just use Second chance if you have it. You will be teleported on safe place ( exept Vert ). Then just deliver the energies. However, always watch your back. This game is faster than you think - the pros are phantoms - they are everywhere.


Combination 8. Shuriken launcher + Fake weapon

Just place the fake weapon somewhere. Then stick some shurikens near it. This will be one perfect trap - if somebody activate it he dies on the spot.


Combination 9. Overclocker + Bazooka

Why this combination is used? The overclocker gives you the speed and the unlimited fuel for the jetpack. The speed makes it harder for the enemies to aim to you. However, the speed doesn't make it difficult to you to aim.



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Unаppropriate use of weapon is the biggest problem with which you have to deal with. This skill needs months of playing. After each game you will discover new and more effective ways of using each weapon. As you know there are many weapons with their unique characteristics. I have made up some basic weapon kits which should help you choose the more аpпropriate weapon to suite your style of playing.

1. Chasing

This kit includes weapons with big range which allows you to chase and catch player farer than usual.

2. Force to be chased

I've chosen weapons which are more flexible than the others. They allow you to hide behind walls and platforms and to be able to hit, although you have no straight vision of your enemy. That blocks enemy's shots, but allows you to hit him.

3. Camping

I'm one of the few masters of the camping. This kit must includes weapons which deal more damage than the rest weapons. The main idea of camping is the surprise and the best surprise is when you kill with just 1 or 2 shots. The minigun isn't suitable for camping because it can't do immense damage, despite its firing rate. It's used for escaping in case your offside failed.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=666913795					

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