Power ups - Usage

Power ups - Usage


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In Holodrive there are 11 power ups. Each one can be activated anytime by pressing F. There are several boxes with "?" from where you can pick up one random power up. Here how it looks:

By leveling up you will unlock one new power up as follows:

In this guide I will mark each power up from these categories:




Force Field

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CATEGORY: Defence;

Duration: about 5-6 seconds;


With force field: Use responsibly. This power up is very important in crowded games. Use when you are going to attack somebody equiped with dematerializer, bazooka or any kind of the weapons which kill with 1 shoot. Also use when you have been agresively attacked. Activating the power up will let you calm down for a moment and think what to do to escape from the attack. This will panic your enemy for a while which will help you as well. However do not trust very on the power up because its duration isn't much.


Agaist force field: Attacking somebody needs plan for successful attack but and plan for escaping in sticky situations. Chasing somebody who surprisingly activate force field will place you in hard situation. There are two endings: the chased runs away or he attacks you. But don't think that in the game there are actors. If somebody dares to attack you bad-equiped be sure that he has power up which will help him much. Be fast with the aiming. If you miss, go away and maneuver to not allow the enemy to aim until you have gone.


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CATEGORY: Defence; Attack

Duration: about 10 seconds


With overclock: Its duration allows you to activate this power up whenever you want. Use it in melees because you will be able to escape whenever you want. Also if you have the dematerializer this power up will allow you to fly without losing any fuel. Its good to use it with minigun. It will be easier to controll yourself. Using the overclock for attack requires advanced aiming skills because you are moving faster than usual. Therefore and your target is moving faster as well.


Agaist overclock: It matters who is using it. If it's a professionalist it will be harder to escape from him because he has advanced aiming skills. However, you can do these tricks:

- Do not allow him to aim you maneuvering throught the walls.

- Just try to kill the other Dummy before he kills you.

- If the situation gets stickier use your power up. Almost each power up will help you to escape.

Double Damage

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DURATION: about 5-6 seconds


With Double damage: Pay attention on that the duation is not long. Therefore, you have to activate it only where you are sure you will attack somebody. Calculate which weapon deals most damage. Then choose that weapon because you will have to hit the enemy less times than others.


Agaist Double damage: NEEDS SKILLS FOR ESCAPING THAT. I'm repeating but - use everything as barricade. If you have Defence power ups use them immediately because the chance to escape without anything isn't much. Pay attention on that with what you are disposing and with what weapon the enemy attacks you. This will help you to make your plan for escaping and/or attacking successfully. This, of course, requires to rehearse the situations hundreds of times.

Second Chance

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DURATION: about 2-3 seconds


With Second chance: Best for escaping. However, after activating the power up you aren't teleported immediatelly. There are few seconds (about 1-2), which you are being teleported. Therefore, you can still be hit and/or be killed. Everybody complains that the power up should teleport you immediately, not to delay. To be sure that the power up won't play you a nasty trick on you, activate it earlier than usuall, to prevent this "delay". Another trick is to use second chance not for escaping but for going faster from one place to other. I use this often on overcrowded deathmatches. In last half minute it's important if the difference between the first two is 1-2 kills to act as quick as you can to be the dominator. If you have put away the second chance that's the right moment to use it - just be prepared to be teleported to one of the respawning places and to make quickly plan for acting.


Agaist Second chance: If you have aimed well to somebody, you can stop him teleporting with Second chance. Weapons which work on this trick: all bazookas, precisious weapons and all weapons with x2 power up activated. Don't be disapointed that your targed has gone away - concentrate on the next enemy and do what its need.

Uber Weapon

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Duration: about 8 seconds


With Uber weapon: Best use with fast fire weapon or with continuous weapon. They both deal tons of damage with uber weapon activated. Damage and firing frequency increases double which means that the fast fire and continuous weapons will deal much damage in less time (damage dealing increases double as well). Shoot while the power up ends - you won't lose any ammo.


Agaist Uber weapon: It depends on how good is the player. It's really hard to escape from player with Uber weapon. Knock you as fast as you can the enemy to prevent your death.


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Duration: -


With Stealer: Just activate it. If you get sth check the section for your stolen power up.


Agaist Stealer: If somebody steals your power up immediately find another power up. Also watch out who has stolen it - you know what is his power up and you will be able to act in a way which will make him hard to use it (electricity; disarm; force field (force him to activate it earlier)).



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CATEGROY: Defence, attack

Duration: about 8 seconds


With Invisible: This power up DOESN'T make you totally invisible. When you are moving the background moves like as there is a mirrage. Also if you are using precision weapon sth will show you ( snipers light effect won't be hidden; arcane bow's light effect won't be hidden; dematerializer's line won't be hidden). Snipers have concentrated on their range so they could see you while invisible so be careful when you are trying to attack a sniper. Recommended is to use it with bazooka - nobody will see you so you won't be disturbed and you will be able to put on the bazooka in enemy's head.


Agaist Invisible: You have to identify when there's a invisible player. It's not easy but if you see somebody invisible try to hit him but don't attack him - try to escape until his power up expire. Then is your turn. However, invisible players are totally invisible in tunnels so if you have been aimed by invisible in tunnel..... There's one trick which may not work to everyone - while somebody is invisible and he is on your screen, the game starts to lag. You will announce that near you is an invisble and you will have to act quickly - to attack or to defend yourself (escaping or using defensive power up).

Ice Prison

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Duration: maximum about 10 seconds


With Ice prison: It's good for disabling players with bazookas or snipers. Activating it in the right moment will save you. There are often situations in which players complain that they were killed while they were in the prison. That's because they haven't activated it on time. However if you need sth more powerful just remove this power up and pick up another.


Agaist Ice prison: If you are with bazooka or sniper, just wait your target to release himself from the prison and.....kill him. That's all. You can use whatever you want just be quick and don't allow your target to escape and/or equip with something powerful.


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CATEGORY: Defence, attack

Duration: about 7 seconds (without weapon)


With Disarm: Disarm and Electricity have ranges which are equal. Disarm's range affects on everybody, who is in its range (circle):

Everybody who is in or near the circle won't be able to use any weapon for several seconds (and to change it as well). After that you are the boss.


Agaist Disarm: If you have been affected by the power up you must escape from the attacker. It's a good idea if you have the ice prison power up to activate it and wait until the disarm affect disappear. Force field is with the same result. The difference is that you will be able to move with the force field but its duration is less than ice prison's.


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Duration: has delay as the second chance (1-2 seconds)


With Electricity: This power up deals 75 damage to everyone who is in its range. However, this time not all players will be affectet by this power up, inspite of they are in its range. Here you are an example:

If there's player in this stain he won't be affected by the electricity because the wall is his barrier. But how to understand will we be affected by the power up? It's easy - line some imaginary lines with begining the player with electricity. If the line crosses you, you will be affected, if not - you won't be.


Agaist Electricity: Rarely you will be able to escape. Unfortunatelly, there's not way of escaping this. The only one is to use the walls as barriers. The other is..... to be lucky.

Fake Weapon

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Duration: until somebody activate the trap.


With Fake weapon: Fake weapon is one special "shuriken". It deals 75 damage and lasts until somebody activate it (to go throught it). Place it on places where many players pass on (tunnels, exit portals, rehealers and power ups).


Agaist Fake weapon: I have the ability to identify which weapon is dropped and which is fake. I also remember where fake weapon has been placed. This helps me to use it when somebody chases me - he will go throught it and thats all. Unfortunatelly, these kills won't count to you but it will save you and you won't have 1 more death counted.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673498520					

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