Special Cruelty Squad HQ NPCs

Special Cruelty Squad HQ NPCs

Before Continuing...

So a few things to keep in mind.

1. After beating a mission, always go back to the HQ and look for the NPC's. They'll have exclusive dialog.

2. Don't grab the "Severed Divine Link Orb"/"Cursed Orb" it will kill all of the NPCs.

3. Don't kill any of them, they might disappear forever (until you reset the file.)

4. Once you play another mission don't expect getting any special dialog.

5. So far, none of the dialog have any purpose, except for more world building.

So keep all of that in mind.

1. Pharmakokinetiks - Henrik "Freakout" Johnson

Special Cruelty Squad HQ NPCs image 9

After beating Pharmakokinetiks you'll unlock Henrik "Freakout" Johnson.


Great job out there! Can't believe that was only your first mission.

I would have done it myself but I was simply too busy. I'm preparing to start my own PMC. Getting too old for this. Hahaha!

Already got funding too so things are looking up. I'll let you know when I'm recruiting if you ever want a change of pace.

Never thought I'd go this far.

2. Paradise - Jurgen Cool

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After beating Paradise you'll unlock the Jurgen Cool.


I was working as security for those G-Tech guys until you came along and liberated me.

I'm extremely thankful, one of them would keep showing me his "Chunkopops"...

It was the most miserable two months of my life.

Came here looking for a new job.

3. Sin Space Engineering - Mark Bilberry

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After beating Sin Space Engineering you'll meet the Mark Bilberry.


I got laid off by the Gutworx labour hire company.

It made me depressed for a while. I really enjoyed cleaning up the space elevator construction site.

All of a sudden there was some kind of change in management and all the janitors were kicked out...

Thankfully it didn't take long for me to get this new job. Liquidators seem to be a huge mess behind everywhere they go.

This place smelled absolutely unbelievable when I first got here.

Sorry for keeping you like this, you seem busy.

4. Androgen Assault - Micheal Nielsen

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After beating Androgen Assault you'll meet the Micheal Nielsen.


You really blasted up the PD huh? Can't say I blame you.

The whole place is in complete disarray as people are fighting for power and trying to figure out a new source of steroids.

I had been planning to quit for a while, the oppressive work environment just wasn't working out for me.

Private security was the obvious choice so here I am, I even get to decide my own working hours here, so nice!

I'm extremely greatful that you provided me with this opportunity to finally change the course of my life. Things are looking up.

5. Mall Madness - Burt Grundel

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After beating Mall Madness you'll unlock the "Burt Grundel".


I lost my job at the Megamall for poor handling of security during the Gurney's rally.

I had the place crawling with police deathmechs, what else could I possibly have done?

Now I'm doing accounting here. It's not so bad. Starting to get the hang of it.

This room is a lot nicer than my last one.

Non-HQ NPCs And Cursed Mode NPCs

There are a couple of NPCs outside of the HQ that has the same, I guess script as the HQ NPCs. There also a couple NPCs that can only be seen on Cursed Mode is active. These NPC's won't also be effected when Cursed mode is active. Most after killing them won't respawn back unless cleared your current save and replaying the whole game again.

There's been couple that I known so far.

6. Cruelty Squad HQ - "No-Named NPC"

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Only available when you are in cursed. After killing him, no name would popped up. He's is at a secret location in the Cruelty Squad HQ. It's easy to find, just need to look a little bit closer. He'll also respond. Why I included him is because he has the same effect when hurting him, he'll say "Stop That!".


This world is a bloated, festering, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. And that's why I love it so.

A plague infested shere teeming with life, ready to blow and spread its spores.

Out of this reality many more will be born. Each just slightly different, mutated.

Life, reconfigured. Magnificent.

7. Sin Space Engineering - Fish Fred

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He can be found on the island where's the fishing pole is at.


What's that. You want to get into fishing?

Do you seriously have what it takes or do you just do whatever is trendy?

When I started fishing everyone made fun of me. Now they have the audacity to ask me for tips. ♥♥♥♥ them.

Well, you actually swam all the way here so maybe you're different.

Feel free to grab my old fishing rod. I just ordered a new one from Fish&Fun. Should be a pretty decent upgrade.

8. Neuron Activator - "Freak"

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A very unique NPC. Only available when cursed. This "NPC" is actually an enemy that uses the skin from the janitors at the Sin Space Engineering. He'll attacks you when spotted. You can't talk to him or interact with him at all. His movement speed is broken, he'll go insanely fast that he looks like he's clipping to one place to another. My theory about him is that he was on of the Janitors that got fired at the Sin Space Engineering and is out to hunt you down. A theory with no proof. But hey it's fun to talk about.

9. House - Jurgen Blimp

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Can be found in the first cabin.


You're the one who moved into that old house? Know that you're not welcome here.

You won't last a mouth. City♥♥♥♥ers like you don't have the guts for real country life.

Wouldn't visit the town if I was you. Might get shot... People are on the edge with augmentoids like you.

Please leave. I don't want to be caught talking to a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Go. Now.

10. House - Brad Nemesis

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Can be found at the second house.


Name's Brad. I'm the village's carpenter.

I'm not like the others, I don't care where you're from. Business is business.

They detest me but none of them can work with wood at all. They tried and one of their houses ended up collapsing. They need me.

Still. L'd stay away from the village. You never know whats those people will come up with next.

The air around here can cause severe psychological damage.

11. House - Dr. Horner

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In the red bricked building in town near the town's water fountain.


My traditional biotech remedies won't work on a disgusting augoid like you.

There's no saving you. I think you should be purified.

I have received the blessings of the Triagon.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2425170115					

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