Solasta Complete Guide

Solasta Complete Guide


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Welcome to my guide for Solasta: Crown of the Magister! For a first creation by a new studio, the team at Tactical Adventures really did well. This is a pretty faithful rendering of fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons rules into a video game format. They used a mixture of a unique setting, some homebrew content and the contents of the System Reference Document by Wizards of the Coast to translate 5th edition into a form that is easily accessible.

The purpose of this guide is to help break down the main campaign into main and side missions with steps on how to prepare. I also want to discuss the six factions in the game and how to choose which ones to increase favor with. Character creation is discussed, as are the spell options for casters.

Notes: A few notes to make - I do not have specific locations of all items, recipes, etc. I will mention specific shops that are useful for getting recipes, ingredients, and so on, but I will not have an exhaustive list of the location of every single useful thing.

The Sorcerer update is live, and I have updated the guide with all relevant sorcerer information!

With all that said, happy reading! I hope you find this guide useful.

Attributes, Skills, And Modifiers

This section of the guide is to take a look at each of the attributes and skills you will encounter during character creation, what they mean, and how they work in the game. This will include a look at the numbers, but also a general explanation of what you should consider when looking at each thing.


Solasta has six attributes, each affecting different things. Below is a list of each ability score and the things they directly affect.


Athletics skill

Carrying capacity

Jumping and climbing max distance

Attack and Damage modifiers for certain weapon attacks

Strength saving throwsDexterity:

Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skills

Climbing and falling max distance

Attack and Damage modifiers for certain weapon attacks

Success with lockpicking attempts using thieves' tools

Dexterity saving throwsConstitution:

Additional hit points per level (increasing Constitution does retroactively add hit points)

Constitution saving throwsIntelligence:

Arcana, History, Nature, Investigation, and Religion skills

Wizard, Spellblade Fighter, and Shadowcaster Rogue spellcasting ability

Intelligence saving throwsWisdom:

Animal Handling, Insight, Perception, Medicine and Survival skills

Cleric and Ranger spellcasting ability

Wisdom saving throwsCharisma:

Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation and Performance skills

Paladin and Sorcerer spellcasting ability

Charisma saving throws


There are a total of 18 skills. Every skill starts at zero, and adds the modifier from the related ability score. Then, at character creation, you gain proficiency with some skills, which adds your proficiency bonus to those skills. Rogues gain expertise, which adds double their proficiency bonus to chosen skills as well. The tables below can be used to help calculate the total bonus to each skill.

Athletics: Strength related skill. Athletics affect success when grappling, climbing and jumping long distances.

Acrobatics: Dexterity related skill. Acrobatics affect success when escaping a grapple, climbing and jumping long distances, and falling without taking damage or going prone.

Sleight of Hand: Dexterity related skill. Sleight of Hand is not utilized in the main campaign of Solasta.

Stealth: Dexterity related skill. Stealth affects success when hiding and remaining hidden after attacking while hidden.

Arcana: Intelligence related skill. Arcana affects success with scribing scrolls, crafting certain potions, enchanting items, identifying hostile spells as they are being cast, and success copying wizard spells into their spellbook from spell scrolls or other spellbooks.

History: Intelligence related skill. History affects success on certain checks to recall information related to the history of the world of Solasta (situational chances at extra party XP).

Investigation: Intelligence related skill. Investigation is not utilized in the main campaign of Solasta.

Nature: Intelligence related skill. Nature affects success with crafting certain poisons, and recalling information about certain regions, natural phenomena and locations in the world of Solasta (situational chances at extra party XP).

Religion: Intelligence related skill. Religion affects success on certain checks to recall information about religions and religious history in the world of Solasta (situational chances at extra party XP).

Animal Handling: Wisdom related skill. Animal Handling is not utilized in the main campaign of Solasta.

Insight: Wisdom related skill. Insight affects success in conversation trees at discerning success chances of different conversation options. Failure at an Insight check means conversation options have hidden success chances.

Medicine: Wisdom related skill. Medicine affects success with crafting certain potions and poisons, and stabilizing allies who have been reduced to zero hit points and are making death saves.

Perception: Wisdom related skill. Perception affects success seeing hidden enemies, finding traps, and seeing hidden doors.

Survival: Wisdom related skill. Survival affects success foraging for food while traveling, finding entrances to new areas, and adding new information about enemies to the bestiary after a fight.

Deception: Charisma related skill. Deception affects success during conversation with deceptive conversation options.

Intimidation: Charisma related skill. Intimidation affects success during conversation with intimidating conversation options.

Performance: Charisma related skill. Performance is not utilized in the main campaign of Solasta.

Persuasion: Charisma related skill. Persuasion affects success during conversation with persuasive conversation options.

Modifier Tables

Below, I have added a couple of tables to show the progression of your proficiency bonus at each level, and the modifier given by each ability score to its affected things. So, if you have a wisdom score of 15, you add the +2 modifier to each related skill: animal handling, insight, perception, medicine and survival, as well as increasing the wisdom saving throws by +2. It also affects any cleric or ranger spellcasting. Spellcasting will be covered in more detail at each class's explanation later.

To expand on the above example, if you are proficient in perception, and your character is level 5, you would add your proficiency bonus of +3 to perception as well, ending with a perception skill that adds +5 to every roll. If your character is also proficient with wisdom saving throws, the same holds true there - +2 from the wisdom modifier, and +3 from the proficiency bonus, ending with a wisdom saving throw of +5 each time it gets rolled.

Here is a practical example of the mechanics behind a skill check. Let's say you need to roll a perception check to find a secret door. The secret door has a difficulty check of 15 (written as DC15 in-game). This means you need to roll a 15 or higher to see the secret door and succeed the check. You will see that your character automatically rolls a d20, getting a number between 1 and 20. Let's say your d20 roll is 11. 11 is not high enough to see the secret door... but in the example above, you would add +2 for your wisdom modifier and +3 for your proficiency bonus, ending with a perception check of 16, which is higher than the difficulty check of 15. Your character would then succeed at seeing the secret door.

Ability ScoreModifier3-44-5-36-7-28-9-110-11012-13+114-15+216-17+318-19+420-21+522+6

LevelProficiency Bonus1-4+25-8+39-10+4

Races, Backgrounds And Classes

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Race Options

Race Options: In Solasta, there are five races to choose from, with Elves, Halflings and Dwarves all having two sub-race variants. Below, I will list the benefits of each option.

It is important to note here that Humans and Island Halflings are the only race options that do not have darkvision. Darkvision allows you to operate normally in unlit areas, so if you make a human or island halfling, be prepared to need light sources or magic items that grant darkvision, or be at disadvantage during half of the fights in the game.


All humans have the following benefits:

6 squares of movement

+1 to all ability scores

Speak Common and one other language of your choice


All Half-elves have the following benefits:

6 squares of movement

+2 Charisma, +1 to two other abilities of your choice


2 skills of your choice

Advantage against charm effects

Immune to sleep

Speak Common, Elvish, and one language of your choice


All dwarves have the following benefits:

5 squares of movement

+2 Constitution


Proficient with battleaxes, handaxes, and warhammers

Speak Common and Dwarven

Hill Dwarves:

In addition to the universal dwarf benefits, hill dwarves gain the following:

+1 Wisdom

One additional hit point per level

Snow Dwarves:

In addition to the universal dwarf benefits, snow dwarves gain the following:

Proficient with heavy crossbows

+1 Dexterity

+2 to Constitution saving throws


All elves gain the following benefits:

6 squares of movement

+2 Dexterity


Advantage against charm effects

Immune to sleep

4 hour long rests

Proficient in Perception skill

Proficient with shortswords, longswords, shortbows, and longbows

Speak Common and Elvish

High Elves:

In addition to the universal elf benefits, high elves gain the following:

+1 Intelligence

Learn a wizard cantrip (intelligence as spellcasting ability)

One language of your choice

Sylvan Elves:

In addition to the universal elf benefits, sylvan elves gain the following:

+1 Wisdom

7 squares of movement

Proficiency with survival and athletics

Advantage on survival checks to hunt for food

Speak Dwarven and Halfling


All halflings gain the following benefits:

5 squares of movement

+2 Dexterity

Advantage against fear effects

Reroll 1's on attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks, and use the new roll

Move through occupied spaces freely

Speak Common and Halfling

Marsh Halflings:

In addition to the universal halfling benefits, marsh halflings gain the following:

+2 Constitution

Expanded terrain considered a "swamp"


Island Halflings:

In addition to the universal halfling benefits, island halflings gain the following:

+2 Charisma

Advantage on acrobatics checks

One language of your choice

Background Options

Backgrounds: Every character comes with one of eight backgrounds. Each background has a unique quest, and it's best if you have a unique background for each character in your party. Each background has it's own achievement as well, which is gained by completing the background specific questline. Below are the backgrounds and their benefits.


Proficient in Nature, Arcana and Insight

2 additional languages of your choice

Bonus reputation with the Antiquarians

Proficient with the Manacalon Rosary

Start with additional 15 gold, commoner's clothing, and a notebook

Speech pattern: Formal


Proficient in Religion, Nature and Insight

Proficient with Herbalism Kit

1 additional language of your choice

Start with additional 15 gold, commoner's clothing, and one herbalism kit

Speech pattern: Casual


Proficient in History, Persuasion and Intimidation

1 additional language of your choice

Start with additional 40 gold and a sigil ring

Speech pattern: Formal


Proficient in Perception and Intimidation

Proficient with Martial Weapons

One additional language of your choice

Start with additional 10 gold, commoner's clothing and a lawkeeper's badge

Speech pattern: Casual


Proficient in Medicine and Persuasion

Proficient with Herbalism Kit

One additional language of your choice

Start with additional 25 gold and one herbalism kit

Speech pattern: Formal


Proficient in Athletics and Intimidation

Proficient with Medium Armor

One additional language of your choice

Start with additional 10 gold, commoner's clothing, and a military campaign ribbon

Speech pattern: Slang


Proficient in Stealth, Nature and Deception

Proficient with Poisoner's Kit

One additional language of your choice

Start with additional 25 gold, noble garb and a poisoner's kit

Speech pattern: Casual


Proficient with Sleight of Hand, Stealth and Deception

Proficient with Thieves' Tools

Start with additional commoner's clothing

Speech pattern: Slang


In the following sections, I will put a quick bullet-point list of what each class and subclass gets at character creation and at each level up to the current in-game level max, level 10. Keep in mind at character creation that you cannot currently multi-class, meaning that if you pick a class and subclass, that's what you have all the way to the end of the game on that character.

Each class has a certain hit die, which affects hit points. Refer to the chart below:

Hit DieHP at 1st LevelHP at 2nd+ Leveld1212+Con Mod7+Con Modd1010+Con Mod6+Con Modd88+Con Mod5+Con Modd66+Con Mod4+Con Mod

Clerics Part 1

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Starting Equipment:

Mace or Warhammer

Scale Mail or Leather Armor

Club or Light Crossbow with 20 bolts


Holy Symbol (Amulet)

Priest's Pack or Explorer's Pack

Cleric Spellcasting: have access to their entire spell list from the start. If you can cast level 1 spells, you can prepare any level 1 cleric spell from the entire cleric spell list. Any spell with the ritual tag can be cast at any time as a ritual (taking ten minutes) without using a spell slot. gain more spell slots as they progress in level, allowing more spells to be cast. also can prepare more spells as they level up, allowing them to prepare more spells for more situations. This also allows them to rearrange their spell lists after every long rest for new situations and environments.

Total Spells Prepared = Cleric + Wisdom Modifier


At character creation: All clerics gain the following at character creation.

d8 Hit Dice

Wisdom and Charisma saving throw proficiency

Light and Medium armor proficiency

Shield proficiency

Simple weapon proficiency

Scroll Kit proficiency

2 skills of your choice from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

1 spells available

2 first-level domain spells always prepared

2: Channel Divinity can be used once per rest, but there are several types of Channel Divinity options. All clerics have access to Turn Undead, and every cleric domain has a second Channel Divinity option.

Channel Divinity once per long rest

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - Force undead within 6 squares to flee if they fail a Wisdom saving throw

Channel Divinity: Domain Option


2 spells available

2 second-level domain spells always prepared


Ability Score Increase or Feat


3 spells available

2 third-level domain spells always prepared

Channel Divinity: Destroy Undead - When using your Turn Undead feature, undead of Challenge Rating 0.5 or lower are destroyed if they fail their wisdom saving throw


+1 use of Channel Divinity between long rests


4 spells available

2 fourth-level domain spells always prepared


Ability Score Increase or Feat

Channel Divinity: Destroy Undead now destroys undead of CR 1 or lower


5 spells available

2 fifth-level domain spells always prepared


Divine Intervention - 10% chance of succeeding and gaining powerful alignment-dependent boon from deity

AlignmentDivine Intervention OptionsGoodHeal all player characters

Give +2 buff to all player rolls

+5 blessed weapon for cleric until end of combat

Resurrect fallen allyNeutral+2 to all player rolls, -2 to all enemy rolls

Heal all player characters

+5 elemental (fire/ice/lightning) weapon for cleric until end of combat

Resurrect fallen allyEvilInflict wounds to enemies in large area

-3 to all enemy rolls

+5 vampiric weapon for cleric until end of combat

Cleric Domains


Resistance to Fire damage

Learn Firebolt cantrip

Channel Divinity: Fire Burst - 3d6 fire damage to single target within 12 squares, dexterity saving throw for half damage

6 - reaction to gain immunity to fire damage and regain hit points equal to the damage negated

8 - deal fire damage and target must make Strength saving throw or be pushed back

Domain spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21ThunderwaveFog Cloud2LevitateMisty Step3Lightning BoltFly4Ice StormWall of Fire5Cone of ColdConjure Elemental


Resistance to Frost damage

Learn Ray of Frost cantrip

Channel Divinity: Frost Lance - 2d8 frost damage to single target within 12 squares, dexterity saving throw or get pushed 2 squares back

6 - reaction to gain immunity to frost damage and regain hit points equal to the damage negated

8 - deal frost damage and target must make Strength saving throw or be pushed back

Domain spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21ThunderwaveFog Cloud2LevitateMisty Step3Lightning BoltFly4Ice StormWall of Fire5Cone of ColdConjure Elemental


Resistance to Lightning damage

Learn Shocking Grasp cantrip

Channel Divinity: Lightning Blade - 1d8 lightning damage to single target within 12 squares, dexterity saving throw or be stunned until the end of target's next turn

6 - reaction to gain immunity to lightning damage and regain hit points equal to the damage negated

8 - deal lightning damage and target must make Strength saving throw or be pushed back

Domain spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21ThunderwaveFog Cloud2LevitateMisty Step3Lightning BoltFly4Ice StormWall of Fire5Cone of ColdConjure Elemental

Clerics Part 2

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Enemies have disadvantage on saving throws against your Sacred Flame cantrip

Learn Light cantrip

Channel Divinity: Herald of the Sun - 1d8 + (2*cleric level) radiant damage and blindness to single target within 6 squares, constitution saving throw for half damage and no blindness

Level 6 - Heal ally and remove negative conditions

Level 6 - Channel Divinity: Indomitable Light - create large area of daylight, dispelling areas of darkness and affecting light-sensitive creatures

Level 8 - add 1d8 radiant damage to any weapon attack once per turn

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21Burning HandsFaerie Fire2Scorching RayDarkvision3DaylightHypnotic Pattern4Fire ShieldWall of Fire5Flame StrikeGreater Restoration

Battle Domain

Gain 3 temporary hit points per level as an action once per long rest

Martial Weapon proficiency

Able to cast spells without a free hand

Channel Divinity: Decisive Strike - 1d6 extra damage to weapon attack damage (2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at level 8) and stun target (constitution save prevents stun)

Level 6 - allies within one square gain +1 to attack rolls, damage, AC, and saving throws

Level 8 - attack twice when taking the attack action

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21Magic MissileShield of Faith2Acid ArrowFlaming Sphere3FireballHaste4StoneskinPhantasmal Killer5Hold MonsterInsect Plague


Advantage on rolls to prevent forced movement

Proficient with intimidation skill, advantage on intimidation checks

Channel Divinity: Holy Retribution - after getting hit with a melee weapon attack, use your reaction to attack back, adding 2d6 + cleric level psychic damage to the return strike.

Channel Divinity: Force Law - use when casting a spell that requires a saving throw to impose disadvantage on the saving throw

Level 6 - break an enemy's concentration

Level 8 - restrain an enemy and deal force damage until enemy succeeds a wisdom saving throw

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21HeroismShield2Branding SmiteHold Person3CounterspellLightning Bolt4BanishmentGuardian of Faith5Hold MonsterDispel Evil and Good


Proficient with Heavy Armor

When casting a healing spell, the target regains addition HP equal to (2 x spell level)

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life - restore (5 x cleric level) hit points divided among any number of targets within 6 squares, healing up to half their maximum hit points

Level 6 - when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than yourself, you regain hit points equal to (2 x spell level)

Level 8 - deal 1d8 extra radiant damage on weapon attacks once per turn

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21BlessCure Wounds2Lesser RestorationSpiritual Weapon3RevivifyMass Healing Word4Death WardGuardian of Faith5Mass Cure WoundsRaise Dead


Learn Chill Touch cantrip

While conscious, all allies within 6 squares have advantage on death saving throws

Channel Divinity: Herald of Pain - deal 1d8 necrotic damage and poison all enemies within 6 squares unless they pass a wisdom saving throw

Level 2 - can no longer be surprised while resting

Level 6 - deal 1d6 extra radiant damage on weapon attacks once per turn

Level 8 - mark a creature to receive extra damage from all of all damage rolls from you and your party members

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21SleepInflict Wounds2BlindnessRay of Enfeeblement3Vampiric TouchFear4Black TentaclesConfusion5ContagionCloudkill


Advantage on Arcana, Nature and History checks

Always know success chances during conversation (bypasses need for insight skill entirely)

Channel Divinity: Foreknowledge - for 1 minute, first attack of each turn made against you is made at disadvantage

Level 6 -advantage to detect hidden traps, hidden doors and objects

Level 8 - speak and understand all languages, and can now cast identify once per long rest for free

Domain spells

Spell LevelSpell 1Spell 21Detect Evil and GoodIdentify2Find TrapsSee Invisibility3SlowRemove Curse4Identify CreaturesPhantasmal Killer5Dispel Evil and GoodDominate Person


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Starting Equipment:

Longsword or Martial Weapon of your choice

Shield or Battleaxe

Chain Mail or Leather Armor

2 Handaxes or Light Crossbow with 20 bolts

Dungeoneer's Pack or Explorer's Pack

At character creation: All fighters gain the following at character creation.

d10 Hit Dice

Strength and Constitution saving throw proficiency

Light, Medium and Heavy Armor proficiency

Shield proficiency

Simple and Martial weapon proficiency

Smith's Tools proficiency

2 skills of your choice from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival

Fighting Style

Second Wind - heal 1d10 + fighter level as a bonus action once per short or long rest


Action Surge - take an additional action once per short or long rest


Fighter Subclass chosen


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Attack twice when taking the attack action


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Additional subclass feature


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Indomitable: re-roll a failed saving throw once per long rest


Additional subclass feature

Fighting Styles: There are six fighting styles available to fighters. Each offers unique bonuses. Those bonuses are listed below.

Archery - +2 to ranged weapon attack rolls

Defense - +1 AC when wearing any armor

Dueling - +2 damage when wielding a single one-handed weapon (can still use a shield)

Great Weapon Fighting - Re-roll 1s and 2s on damage dice for two-handed weapons

Protection - Impose disadvantage on an attack against an adjacent ally as a reaction while wearing a shield

Two-Weapon Fighting - Add ability score modifier to off-hand weapon damage

Fighter Subclasses


3 - Critical hits occur on a 19 or a 20.

7 - Add half of your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any strength, dexterity, or constitution check you make that you are not proficient in already.

10 - Choose a second fighting style


3 - Advantage on shove attempts while wearing a shield

3 - +2 AC when adjacent to a wall while wearing a shield

7 - Additional Shove option to swap places with an adjacent enemy

10 - Shove as a bonus action while wearing a shield


3 - Spellbade spellcasting available from the Spellblade spell list. Once a spell is learned, it cannot be changed later, and remains in your known spells for the duration of the game. Spellblades only ever learn a few first and second level spells.

3 - Any weapon you wield is considered magical

7 - Ranged spell attacks do not have disadvantage due to adjacent enemies

7 - Can cast without a free hand

10 - Move an enemy 1 square in any direction unless they pass a strength saving throw



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Starting Equipment:

Longsword and Shield or Greataxe and Battleaxe

Chain Mail

Spear or 5 Javelins

Holy Symbol (Amulet)

Priest's Pack or Explorer's Pack

Paladin Spellcasting: Paladins have access to their entire spell list from the start. If you can cast level 1 spells, you can prepare any level 1 paladin spell from the entire paladin spell list. Paladins gain more spell slots as they progress in level, allowing more spells to be cast. Paladins also can prepare more spells as they level up, allowing them to prepare more spells for more situations. This also allows them to rearrange their spell lists after every long rest for new situations and environments. Note that paladins do not learn cantrips, nor do they have any on their spell list.

Total Spells Prepared = 1/2 of your Paladin + Charisma Modifier


At character creation: All paladins gain the following at character creation.

d10 Hit Dice

Wisdom and Charisma saving throw proficiency

Light, Medium and Heavy Armor proficiency

Shield proficiency

Simple and Martial Weapon proficiency

2 skills of your choice from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

Divine Sense: Reveals celestials, fiends, and undead (1 + Cha modifier times per long rest)

Healing Pool: A pool of healing power - 5 points per Paladin level

Lay on Hands: Spend points from your healing pool to restore lost HP

Neutralize Poison: Spend 5 points from your healing pool to neutralize one poison

Cure Disease: Spend 5 points from your healing pool to cure one disease


Divine Smite: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend one spell slot to deal 2d8 additional radiant damage, +1d8 per slot level above 1st, and +1d8 when hitting an undead or a fiend.

Choose a Fighting Style

1 spells available


Paladin Subclass available

2 first-level oath spells always prepared


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Attack twice when taking the attack action

2 spells available

2 second-level oath spells always prepared


Aura of Protection: Add charisma modifier to ally saving throws within 2 squares around yourself.


Paladin Subclass feature


Ability Score Increase or Feat


3 spells available

2 third-level oath spells always prepared


Aura of Courage: You and allies within 10 feet cannot be frightened while you are conscious

Fighting Styles: There are four fighting styles available to paladins. Each offers unique bonuses. Those bonuses are listed below.

Defense - +1 AC when wearing any armor

Dueling - +2 damage when wielding a single one-handed weapon (can still use a shield)

Great Weapon Fighting - Re-roll 1s and 2s on damage dice for two-handed weapons

Protection - Impose disadvantage on an attack against an adjacent ally as a reaction while wearing a shield

Paladin Subclasses

Oath of Devotion

3: Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon - For 1 minute, add your Charisma modifier to hit with a chosen weapon. The weapon also emits bright light over 4 cells and dim light over 4 more cells, and its attacks count as magical.

3: Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy - Force fiends and undead within 6 cells who can see you to flee unless they make a successful Wisdom saving throw.

7: Aura of Devotion: Friendly creatures within 2 squares cannot be charmed while you are conscious

Oath of Devotion Spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21ShieldProtection from Evil and Good2Lesser RestorationAid3Dispel MagicRevivify

Oath of the Motherland

3: Channel Divinity: Fiery Wrath - Target one creature within 12 cells and deal 2d6 + Paladin level fire damage and set the target on fire. Target can make a DC 10 Dexterity check to put out the fire, or sustain another 1d6 more fire damage per turn every turn afterwards.

3: Channel Divinity: Fiery Presence - Blind opponents within 12 cells who fail a Dexterity save for 1d4 turns. Creatures with Darkvision or better sight in darkness have disadvantage.

7: Volcanic Aura - Friendly creatures within 2 squares gain fire resistance and +1 to AC.

Oath of the Motherland Spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21BaneBurning Hands2Branding SmiteScorching Ray3FireballDispel Magic

Oath of Tirmar

Learn the Old Timarian language

3: Channel Divinity: Golden Speech - Gain advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks for one hour.

3: Channel Divinity: Scourge of the Hidden - Deal 1d8 radiant damage on attacks that hit opponents with either natural shapeshifting or darkvision (2d8 if both) for the next 10 minutes.

7: Aura of Truth - Friendly creatures within 2 squares gain superior darkvision and +2 Perception.

Oath of Tirmar Spells

Spell Spell 1Spell 21SleepShield2Hold PersonBlindness3DaylightSlow


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Starting Equipment:

2 Shortswords or Dagger and Javelin

Leather Armor or Scale Mail

Longbow or Shortbow

20 arrows

Dungeoneer's Pack or Explorer's Pack

Ranger Spellcasting: Rangers have access to their entire spell list from the start. If you can cast level 1 spells, you can learn any level 1 ranger spell from the entire ranger spell list. Rangers only learn a few spells over their entire career, and cannot change which spells are known once they have been chosen. Note that rangers do not learn cantrips, nor do they have any on their spell list.


At character creation: All rangers gain the following at character creation.

d10 Hit Dice

Strength and Dexterity saving throw proficiency

Light and Medium Armor proficiency

Shield proficiency

Simple and Martial Weapon proficiency

3 skills of your choice from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Survival, Stealth

1st Favored Enemy Selection: Gain an advantage on ability checks towards a creature type, and additional damage against it equal to your knowledge level (1-4 extra based on bestiary entry completion)

1st Natural Explorer Selection: You are adept at living and traveling in a certain type of terrain


Choose a Fighting Style

Ranger Spellcasting: 1 spells available


Primeval Awareness: Detects the presence of certain creature types in the location (map-wide)

Ranger Subclass selected


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Attack twice when taking the attack action

2 spells available


2nd Natural Explorer Selection: You are adept at living and traveling in a certain type of terrain

2nd Favored Enemy Selection: Gain an advantage on ability checks towards a creature type, and additional damage against it equal to your knowledge level (1-4 extra based on bestiary entry completion)


Ranger Subclass feature


Ability Score Increase or Feat


3 spells available


3rd Natural Explorer Selection: You are adept at living and traveling in a certain type of terrain.

Hide in Plain Sight: You can spend 1 minute creating camouflage for yourself, granting +10 to your stealth check while you are standing against a wall, and the bonus lasts until you rest or move to another location.

Fighting Styles: There are four fighting styles available to rangers. Each offers unique bonuses. Those bonuses are listed below.

Archery - +2 to ranged weapon attack rolls

Defense - +1 AC when wearing any armor

Dueling - +2 damage when wielding a single one-handed weapon (can still use a shield)

Two-Weapon Fighting - Add ability score modifier to off-hand weapon damage

Ranger Subclasses


3 - Hunter's Prey: Choose one of the following specialties - Colossus Slayer, Giant Killer, or Horde Breaker

Colossus Slayer - 1/turn, deal 1d8 extra damage to any enemy below their maximum hit points

Giant Killer - Size large or larger creature triggers a reaction attack from you when it misses on a melee attack

Horde Breaker - 1/turn, when you kill an enemy, make another free attack with the same weapon on a different enemy 7 - Defensive Tactics: Choose one of the following options: Escape the Horde, Multi-Attack Defense or Steel Will.

Escape the Horde - Opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage

Multi-Attack Defense - +4 AC after the first attack made against you each turn

Steel Will - Advantage on checks against frightened condition


3 - Reaction Shot: When a visible opponent 2 cells or more from you attacks you with a ranged weapon or a spell, you can use your reaction to shoot back at them

3 - Proficiency with Herbalism Kit or Poisoner's Kit

7 - Step Back: When you are within melee range of an enemy creature, you can use your bonus action to move one cell without provoking opportunity attacks, and gain advantage on your next attack with a ranged weapon this turn

7 - You can craft arrows every time you take a short or long rest.

Shadow Tamer

3 - Dark Slayer: When attacking a creature with sensitivity or hypersensitivity to light with a weapon, you add your proficiency bonus to both hit and damage.

3 - Tunnel Wisdom: When in dim light or darkness, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

7 - Know the Darkness: While in darkness or dim light, you have advantage on stealth, perception, and investigation checks, and gain tremorsense.

7 - Rope Grapple: Target a distant creature and attempt to pull it with a standard grapple check


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Starting Equipment:

Rapier or Shortsword

Shortsword or Shortbow with 20 arrows

Leather Armor

2 Daggers

Thieves' Tools

Burglar's Pack or Explorer's Pack

At character creation: All rogues gain the following at character creation.

d8 Hit Dice

Dexterity and Intelligence saving throw proficiency

Light Armor proficiency

Simple weapon, longsword, shortsword, and rapier proficiency

Thieves' Tools and Smith's Tools proficiency

4 skills of your choice from Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth

1st Expertise Selection: Select 2 proficient skills or tools to double their proficiency bonus

Sneak Attack: 1d6 extra damage to one creature you hit using a finesse or ranged weapon, once per turn, so long as you have advantage or have an adjacent ally. Sneak attack cannot trigger if you have disadvantage on the attack, even if an ally is adjacent.


Cunning Action: You can Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action on your turn


Rogue Subclass chosen

2d6 Sneak Attack damage


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage

3d6 Sneak Attack damage


2nd Expertise Selection: Select 2 proficient skills or tolls to double their proficiency bonus


Evasion: When you are subjected to an area of effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail

4d6 Sneak Attack damage


Ability Score Increase or Feat


Rogue Subclass feature

5d6 Sneak Attack damage


Ability Score Increase or Feat

Rogue Subclasses


3 - Fast Hands: Cunning Action allows you to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action

3 - Second-Story Work: Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, difficult climbing surfaces are considered normal to you, and you can jump longer distances.

9 - Supreme Sneak: You have permanent advantage on Stealth checks.


3 - Spider on the Wall: Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, and difficult to climb surfaces are considered normal for you

3 - Proficiency with Poisoner's Kit

3 - Predator: When hitting an enemy on lower ground with a ranged weapon, add your proficiency bonus to the damage

9 - Poisonous: When you hit with a melee weapon and deal at least 1 point of damage, your target must take a constitution saving throw (DC 13) or they will be poisoned and take an additional 2d6 damage

Shadow Caster

3 - Shadow Caster Spellcasting available. Once a spell is learned, it cannot be changed later, and remains in your known spells for the duration of the game. Shadow Casters only ever learn a few first and second level spells.

3 - Shadow Dodge: As a bonus action, teleport to a square you can see within 5 squares once per short or long rest

9 - Shadow Retribution: If you are targeted by a damaging spell, whether it damages you or not, you can use your reaction to cast a cantrip in response, targeting the enemy caster



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Starting Equipment:

Component Pouch or Spell Focus

Simple Weapon or Light Crossbow with 20 bolts

Sorcerer Outfit

2 Daggers

Dungeoneer's Pack or Explorer's Pack

Sorcerer Spellcasting: Sorcerers only learn a certain number of spells per level, and are limited to those spells throughout the entire game. Refer to the chart below for how many spells your sorcerer knows total at each level. Each time you level up, you may replace a spell you already know with a different spell, allowing some flexibility as you level up. This is in addition to any new spells learned at level-up. Any spell with the ritual tag can be cast at any time as a ritual (taking ten minutes) without using a spell slot.


At character creation: All sorcerers gain the following at character creation.

d6 Hit Dice

Constitution and Charisma saving throw proficiency

Dagger, dart, quarterstaff and light crossbow proficiency

Herbalism Kit and Manacalon Rosary proficiency

2 skills of your choice from: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion

Sorcerous Origin

Sorcerer Spellcasting


Sorcery Points: 1 per level, regain all after long rest, can convert sorcery points to spell slots and vice versa as a bonus action


Metamagic options x2

2 spells available


Ability Score Increase or Feat


3 spells available


Sorcerous Origin feature


4 spells available


Ability Score Increase or Feat


5 spells available


Additional Metamagic option

Metamagic Options:

Careful Spell (1 sorcery point): Allies automatically pass the saving throw for the spell (Fireball, baby!)

Distant Spell (1 sorcery point): Ranged spells double their range, & touch spells gain range of 6 squares

Empowered Spell (2 sorcery points): Reroll 1's and 2's on damage dice

Extended Spell (1 sorcery point): Spell duration is doubled

Heightened Spell (3 sorcery points): Enemies roll saving throw against spell at disadvantage

Quickened Spell (2 sorcery points): Cast a spell with a normal casting time of 1 action as a bonus action

Twinned Spell (+1 sorcery point per extra target): Spells that have a single target now add additional targets (Haste, baby!). Range limitations remain.

Sorcerer Subclasses

Draconic Bloodline


+1 hit point per level

Base armor class is 13 + dexterity bonus unless wearing better armor

Speak Draconic

Choose draconic ancestry (color and associated element for breath attacks and abilities)

Origin Spells: These spells are always known for you and do not count against total spells known

Spell Spell1Shield2Misty Step3Counterspell4Greater Invisibility5Hold Monster


Charisma modifier bonus damage to all sources of ancestry elemental damage

Spend 1 sorcery point for resistance to ancestry elemental damage for one hour

Mana Painter


Charisma modifier is used instead of other ability scores (when higher) for saves against magical effects

Origin Spells: These spells are always known for you and do not count against total spells known

Spell Spell1Entangle2Barkskin3Sleet Storm4Fire Shield5Conjure Elemental


Mana Drain (1/short or long rest): Melee spell attack that deals 1d10 + Charisma modifier force damage and restores a sorcery point on hit


Recover sorcery points equal to half your sorcerer level rounded up after a short rest (once per long rest)

Child of the Rift


Rift Magic: After casting a slotted spell, roll a d20. On a 20, you recover the spell slot.

Origin Spells

Spell Spell1Guiding Bolt2Aid3Daylight4Banishment5Greater Restoration


Rift Deflection: Spend a sorcery point to gain proficiency bonus to AC and saving throws as a bonus action for one round


As a bonus action, lose 5 hit points and recover a sorcery point.


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Starting Equipment:

Quarterstaff or Dagger

Component Pouch or Orb


Wizard's Clothing

Scholar's Pack or Explorer's Pack

Wizard Spellcasting: Wizards have access to whatever spells they have copied into their spellbook. Wizards start with 6 first level spells, and can choose 2 more spells at each level up. Adding other spells outside of this process requires another person's spellbook or a spell scroll, which the wizard can copy spells from into their own spellbook using an Arcana check (DC = 10 + spell level of the copied spell). Any spell with the ritual tag can be cast at any time as a ritual (taking ten minutes) without using a spell slot, and ritual spells need not be prepared in order to be cast from the spellbook. Wizards can prepare a number of spells from their spellbook to use, and lose access to the rest until their next long rest, at which point they choose their spells again. Your spellbook has enough room to scribe every single spell from the wizard's spell list into it.

Total Spells Prepared = Wizard + Intelligence Modifier


At character creation: All wizards gain the following at character creation.

d6 Hit Dice

Intelligence and Wisdom saving throw proficiency

Dagger, dart and quarterstaff proficiency

Manacalon Rosary and Scroll Kit proficiency

2 skills of your choice from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.

1 spells available


Wizard Subclass chosen

Arcane Recovery: Once per long rest after you complete a short rest, you can recover a number of expanded spell slots up to half of your wizard level (rounded up)


2 spells available


Ability Score Increase or Feat


3 spells available


Wizard Subclass feature


4 spells available


Ability Score Increase or Feat


5 spells available


Wizard Subclass feature

Wizard Archetypes

Shock Arcanist

2 - Certain spells are always cast at one level higher for free.

Spell Spell 1Spell 2Spell 31Burning HandsMagic MissileThunderwave2Acid ArrowScorching RayFlaming Sphere3FireballLightning Bolt

6 - Arcane Fury: Add your proficiency bonus and Intelligence bonus to your evocation spell damage for 1 minute. Recharges after a long rest

10 - Arcane Shock: You overcharge your mana and become restrained until the end of your turn. Afterwards, when you cast an attack spell, your damage dice are always above average, but you must make a constitution saving throw (DC14) each time, taking 2d6 Psychic Damage if you fail.

10 - Constitution Saving Throw proficiency


2 - Keen Mind: Advantage on Arcana, History, and Investigation ability checks. Advantage to copy scrolls your spellbook. Scroll and potion crafting costs and times are halved.

6 - Spell Academic: You learn one additional spell each time you gain a level.

10 - Arcane Lore: You can add your Proficiency Bonus to the number of spells you can memorize.

10 - Learn two additional from the Wizard's spell list.

Green Mage

2 - Green Mage spell list is available to you.

2 - Gain proficiency with light armor and gain the archery fighting style (+2 to attack rolls for ranged weapon attacks)

2 - Natural Explorer: You are adept at living and traveling in a certain type of terrain.

6 - Entangling Shot: Your arrow can transform into a vine on impact. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained until the end of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and all uses recharge at the end of a long rest.

10 - Leaf Scales: When an attacker that you can see hits you with a ranged attack or spell, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you

Feats List

In this section, I will give a quick list of each of the optional feats in the game that can be chosen at level up instead of taking a straight bonus to your ability scores.

Ambidextrous: +1 Dexterity, can wield non-light weapons in both hands

Armor Master: +1 AC while wearing any armor

Creed of Arun: +1 Constitution, proficiency in constitution saves, or +1 if already proficient

NOTE: The in-game description of Creed of Arun is currently incorrect, and is a copy of Ambidextrous, but the actual effect is the same as the other creeds, just for constitution.

Creed of Einar: +1 Strength, proficiency in strength saves, or +1 if already proficient

Creed of Maraike: +1 Wisdom, proficiency in wisdom saves, or +1 if already proficient

Creed of Misaye: +1 Dexterity, proficiency in dexterity saves, or +1 if already proficient

Creed of Pakri: +1 Intelligence, proficiency in intelligence saves, or +1 if already proficient

Creed of Solasta: +1 Charisma, proficiency in charisma saves, or +1 if already proficient

Discretion of the Coedymwarth: +1 Dexterity, proficiency with light armor, shortbows, shortswords and longbows

Eager for Battle: +1 Dexterity, advantage on initiative rolls

Enduring Body: +1 Constitution, +1 hit point per level (does act retroactively as well)

Flawless Concentration: Advantage on concentration checks, auto-succeed if damage was 10 or less (spellcasting ability required)

Focused Sleeper: +1 Constitution, only need 4 hours to sleep for a long rest

Follow-up Strike: After attacking with a two-handed weapon, can make a bonus action attack for 1d4 + strength modifier damage with the same weapon

Hard to Kill: Advantage on death saves, regain one hit die when you stabilize and two hit die if you roll a nat20 on a death save

Hauler: +1 Strength, double carrying capacity (13 strength required)

Lock Breaker: Advantage on lockpicking checks, proficiency with thieves' tools or expertise if already proficient (13 dexterity required)

Manipulator: Gain proficiency in persuasion, intimidation and deception, or expertise if already proficient (13 charisma required)

Master Alchemist: Half the successes required to create a potion, expertise on checks to make potions, and unknown potions are automatically identified (13 intelligence required)

Master Enchanter: Half the successes required to enchant an item and expertise on checks to enchant an item (spellcasting ability required)

Might of the Iron Legion: +1 Strength, proficiency with heavy armor, longswords, greatswords and battleaxes (medium armor proficiency required)

Powerful Cantrip: If an enemy saves against your cantrip or you miss an attack roll with your cantrip, the enemy still takes half damage (spellcasting ability required)

Raise Shield: Proficiency with shields, can gain +3 AC as a reaction to an attack that would hit you

Robust: +1 Constitution, when rolling hit die to recover hit points, roll twice and take the higher roll (13 constitution required)

Rush to Battle: As a bonus action, gain 3 squares of movement and -2 AC until next turn

Sturdiness of the Tundra: +1 Constitution, proficiency with medium armor, warhammers, light crossbows and heavy crossbows (light armor proficiency required)

Take Aim: As a bonus action, cause all ranged attacks to be made at neutral, regardless of situational advantage or disadvantage

Twin Blade: While dual wielding, can gain +3 AC as a reaction to an attack that would hit you

Uncanny Accuracy: +1 Dexterity, ranged attacks now ignore 1/2 and 3/4 cover

Factions Part 1

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There are currently six factions in Solasta. Each one has benefits, and it is impossible to reach maximum affinity with all six in a single game. I will also mention that while the game throws out some statements like "joins you in battle", the factions will never join you in battle. That is a lie. Shame on you, Tactical Adventures.

That said, this section will focus on each faction, who they are, who to talk to, and how to gain affinity with that faction. It will also list what they sell (both in general and very specific terms).

Faction affinity increases along the following scale:

Indifference - Relationship: 0-10. No benefits

Sympathy - Relationship: 11-30. Store can now be accessed

Alliance - Relationship: 31-50. Store discount: 10%

Brotherhood - Relationship: 51-80. Store discount: 20%

Living Legend - Relationship: 81-100. Store discount: 30%

At each tier, more of the faction's store inventory becomes available. In general, the very best stuff is lock behind the Living Legend tier, but some really good stuff can be accessed even if affinity is not maxed out yet. The Ring of Darkvision, for example, fixes the no-light problem and can be accessed from the Antiquarians at Alliance level.

The Scavengers and The Principality of Masgarth both max out automatically each playthrough. The Tower of Knowledge does not need any items given to them in order to max them out; their shopkeeper and contact, Maddy, will grant you +4 to their reputation every time you talk to her if you tell her you missed her. This can be done once every time you enter Caer Cyflen, and can be spammed to maximum affinity as soon as Maddy is available to talk to.

This leaves the Arcaneum, the Antiquarians, and the Circle of Danatar. Of the three, it is easiest to max out the Circle of Danatar, due to it benefiting from storyline boosts to affinity. However, giving faction relics to max out Danatar means you won't be able to max out one of the other two.

Thus, you cannot maximize every faction's affinity in a single playthrough. However, played correctly, it shouldn't take you more than two runs to get every faction to maximum affinity. Now let's get started looking at each faction and what they offer.

The Antiquarians

Council Member: Chancellor Hertha Gormsdottir

Contact/Shopkeeper: Halman Summer

Items Sold: Utility magic items, bags of holding, low-quality enchanting ingredients

The Antiquarians have a really useful list of magic items. While other shops focus on armor or weapons or ingredients, the Antiquarians are the ones selling enchanted rings, capes, bags of holding, and other utility magic items. Living Legend with them unlocks the Belt of Fire Giant Strength, which sets strength to 25 on a character, making your bruiser character unbelievably powerful. The Ring of Darkvision is another great choice, solving the problem of darkvision for all your humans and halflings in the party. It's affordable and available early on if you raise your affinity quickly. This is easily my most relied on faction because of the stuff they offer. Everything else can be replaced through loot and enchanting, but there's no substitute for a full party of people carrying a bag of holding. And this faction has the stat-boosting manuals and tomes, allowing your characters to boost their ability scores by 2 once... even past 20, up to 22.

Halman Summer Shop Inventory:

Affinity Requirement: Alliance

Belt of Hill Giant Strength

Boots of Elvenkind

Bracers of Sparkle

Cloak of Protection

Endless Quiver of Colthannin

Periapt of Proof against Poison

Ring of Darkvision

Slippers of Spiderclimbing

Stone of Good Luck

Wand of Magic Detection

Oil of Acuteness

Affinity Requirement: Brotherhood

Handy Haversack

Amulet of Health

Boots of Levitation

Boots of Striding and Springing

Boots of the Winterlands

Bracers of Archery

Bracers of Defense

Brooch of Shielding

Circlet of Blasting

Cloak of Elvenkind

Dust of Disappearance

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Headband of Intellect

Oil of Sharpness

Periapt of Health

Ring of Feather Falling

Blood Ruby

Affinity Requirement: Living Legend

Bag of Holding

Belt of Fire Giant Strength

Cloak of Arachnida

Manual of Bodily Health

Manual of Gainful Exercise

Manual of Quickness of Action

Necklace of Fireballs

Ring of Protection +1

Tome of Leadership and Influence

Tome of Quick Thought

Tome of Understanding

Shard of Ice

The Arcaneum

Council Member: Master Ilastar Keenmind Airgentine

Contact/Shopkeeper: Heddlon Surespell

Items Sold: Spell scrolls and primed weapons/armor

The Arcaneum sells primed weapons and armor, and also has most spell scrolls for sale. Gaining affinity with this faction is crucial if you're wanting to craft all your own gear. Buying a primed greatsword, for example, is exponentially cheaper than buying a +2 greatsword. And you can't buy the Lightbringer Greatsword, you can only craft it. Below is a list of their stuff and what affinity is requires to purchase it.

Heddlon Surespell Shop Inventory:

Affinity Requirement: Alliance


Primed Dagger

Primed Mace

Primed Shortbow

Primed Shortsword

Primed Scimitar

Primed Leather Armor

Primed Breastplate

Scroll of Bane

Scroll of Bless

Scroll of Charm Person

Scroll of Command

Scroll of Comprehend Languages

Scroll of Cure Wounds

Scroll of Detect Evil and Good

Scroll of Detect Magic

Scroll of Detect Poison and Disease

Scroll of Expeditious Retreat

Scroll of Faerie Fire

Scroll of Feather Fall

Scroll of Fog Cloud

Scroll of Grease

Scroll of Hideous Laughter

Scroll of Identify

Scroll of Jump

Scroll of Mage Armor

Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good

Scroll of Shield of Faith

Scroll of Sleep

Affinity Requirement: Brotherhood

Primed Greatsword

Primed Greataxe

Primed Battleaxe

Primed Longbow

Primed Rapier

Primed Morningstar

Primed Scale Mail

Primed Chain Mail

Primed Half Plate

Scroll of Barkskin

Scroll of Blur

Scroll of Darkness

Scroll of Darkvision

Scroll of Find Traps

Scroll of Flame Blade

Scroll of Flaming Sphere

Scroll of Invisibility

Scroll of Knock

Scroll of Lesser Restoration

Scroll of Levitate

Scroll of Misty Step

Scroll of Pass Without Trace

Scroll of See Invisibility

Scroll of Silence

Scroll of Spider Climb

Scroll of Warding Bond

Affinity Requirement: Living Legend

Primed Plate

Scroll of Counterspell

Scroll of Daylight

Scroll of Dispel Magic

Scroll of Fly

Scroll of Haste

Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern

Scroll of Protection From Energy

Scroll of Tongues

Scroll of Banishment

Scroll of Conjure Minor Elementals

Scroll of Greater Invisibility

Scroll of Stoneskin

Scroll of Conjure Elemental

Scroll of Dispel Evil and Good

Factions Part 2

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The Circle of Danatar

Council Member: Grandmaster Edvan Danatar

Contact/Shopkeeper: Joriel Foxeye

Items Sold: Magic weapons and armor, spell scrolls

The Circle of Danatar sells generic +1 and +1 magic armor and weapons, as well as some spell scrolls. They are easily the least interesting group to purchase from, as you get access to a lot of much better options through general enchanting, even without the affinity of the enchanting-focused factions. They also have the least impressive Living Legend tier. Get to Brotherhood and stop unless you're achievement hunting. That said, you gain affinity with the Circle of Danatar much easier than the rest, and will have enough affinity just from playing all the game content that you can fill out whatever magic equipment you're missing with the boring garden variety +1 or +2 equipment. Below is a list of what they sell and what affinity is needed to purchase it.

Joriel Foxeye Shop Inventory:

Affinity Requirement: Alliance

+1 Breastplate

Chainmail of Sturdiness

+1 Leather Armor

+1 Plate

+2 Leather Armor

+1 Battleaxe

+1 Dagger

+1 Greataxe

+1 Greatsword

+1 Longsword

+1 Mace

+1 Quarterstaff

+1 Rapier

+1 Shortbow

+1 Shortsword

+1 Warhammer

Scroll of Burning Hands

Scroll of Color Spray

Scroll of Entangle

Scroll of Guiding Bolt

Scroll of Magic Missile

Scroll of Inflict Wounds

Scroll of Shield

Scroll of Thunderwave

Scroll of Acid Arrow

Scroll of Blindness

Scroll of Hold Person

Scroll of Magic Weapon

Scroll of Shatter

Affinity Requirement: Brotherhood

Dwarven Plate

Colthannin Chain

+2 Shield

+1 Longbow

+2 Longsword

+1 Manacalon Morningstar

+2 Quarterstaff

+2 Shortbow

Scroll of Scorching Ray

Scroll of Fireball

Scroll of Lightning Bolt

Scroll of Sleet Storm

Scroll of Vampiric Touch

Scroll of Blight

Scroll of Ice Storm

Scroll of Phantasmal Killer

Affinity Requirement: Living Legend

Adamantine Plate Armor

+2 Morningstar

Scroll of Cloudkill

Scroll of Cone of Cold

Scroll of Flame Strike

Scroll of Mind Twist

The Principality of Masgarth

Council Member: Princess Ceiwad Silverflower, Captain Verissa Ironshell

Contact/Shopkeeper: Hugo Requer, Gorim Ironsoot, Circe Gerardoirin

Items Sold: Crafting recipes, magical equipment, and ingredients

The Principality of Masgarth has a couple of merchants available. Two in Caer Cyflen, the starter magic merchant and general goods merchant, and Circe Gerardoirin at the Manacalon Ruins once you have cleared that area. They sell basic magical equipment, crafting recipes and spell scrolls, and since you will reach Living Legend with this faction every playthrough, you should not worry about what items require which affinity level. If you lack ingredients for potions, scrolls or poisons, check Hugo Requer, who also has some really great potions available at higher affinity. Circe Gerardoirin sells every single enchanting recipe in the game, and I am adding those to the shop list below. All items are recipes for enchanting.

Circe Gerardoirin Shop List:

Affinity Requirement: Below Living Legend


Projectile Parts

Dagger of Acuteness

Greatsword of Acuteness

Battleaxe of Acuteness

Longsword of Acuteness

Mace of Acuteness

Rapier of Acuteness

Scimitar of Acuteness

Shortsword of Acuteness

Longbow of Accuracy

Breastplate of Sturdiness

Chain Mail of Sturdiness

Half Plate of Sturdiness

Plate Armor of Sturdiness

Scale Armor of Sturdiness

Punisher Battleaxe

Breastplate of Deflection

Frostburn Dagger

Souldrinker Dagger

Empress Garb Chain Shirt

Stormblade Greataxe

Doomblade Greatsword

Lightbringer Greatsword

Leather Armor of Flame Dancing

Leather Armor of Survival

Lightbringer Longbow



Frostburn Longsword

Stormblade Longsword


Mace of Smashing

Bear's Claw

Morningstar of Power

Doomblade Rapier

Black Viper

Scale Armor of Frost Walking

Medusa Bow

Lightbringer Shortsword

Affinity Requirement: Living Legend

Shortsword of Sharpness

Shortbow of Acuteness

Scale Armor of Robustness

Plate Armor of Robustness

Leather Armor of Robustness

Half Plate of Robustness

Chain Mail of Robustness

Greataxe of Sharpness

Dagger of Sharpness

Battleaxe of Sharpness


Factions Part 3

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The Scavengers

Council Member: None

Contact/Shopkeeper: Annie Bagmordah, Bertran, Milan, Mogo the Poor, Ramin Blake

Items Sold: None

The Scavengers are not a merchant group, and do not sell anything unique, though they do have some general goods stores that have the entire inventory available regardless of affinity. Rather, they are responsible for coming in behind you after you clear an area (including any random encounters) and picking up stuff that you missed off of enemy corpses and chests that you unlocked but did not completely empty. They are a plot faction, will always reach Living Legend by the end of the campaign, and generally give you an occasional influx of gold after you finish an area when they finish their scavenging runs.

The Tower of Knowledge

Council Member: Dean Lolair Faisech

Contact/Shopkeeper: Maddy Greenisle

Items Sold: Crafting recipes for spell scrolls, poisons, and poisoned ammunition

The Tower of Knowledge is unimpressive. They have a lot of crafting recipes, but I never had much use for them. Poisoned equipment is great but you find plenty of recipes through adventuring, and the only reason I ever crafted spell scrolls was to get the achievement. However, they are easy to gain affinity with, which offsets the low payoff. I will include the same list of items and affinity requirements below. Keep in mind that this faction sells exclusively recipes, so assume this whole list is "Recipe for Crafting [Item Name]" and I just list the Item Name in the list.

Maddy Greenisle Shop List:

Affinity Requirement: Indifference

Ghoul's Caress

5x Ghoul's Caress Poisoned Arrow

5x Ghoul's Caress Poisoned Bolt

Potion of Healing

Potion of Greater Healing

Affinity Requirement: Sympathy

Basic Poison

5x Basic Poisoned Arrow

5x Basic Poisoned Bolt

Brimstone Fang

5x Brimstone Fang Poisoned Arrow

5x Brimstone Fang Poisoned Bolt

Dark Stab

5x Dark Stab Poisoned Arrow

5x Dark Stab Poisoned Bolt

5x Corrosive Arrow

5x Corrosive Bolt

5x Flaming Arrow

5x Flaming Bolt

5x Flash Arrow

5x Flash Bolt

Healing Remedy

Scroll of Bane

Scroll of Bless

Scroll of Burning Hands

Scroll of Charm Person

Scroll of Color Spray

Scroll of Command

Scroll of Comprehend Languages

Scroll of Detect Evil and Good

Scroll of Detect Magic

Scroll of Detect Poison and Disease

Scroll of Entangle

Scroll of Expeditious Retreat

Scroll of Faerie Fire

Scroll of Grease

Scroll of Guiding Bolt

Scroll of Inflict Wounds

Scroll of Jump

Scroll of Mage Armor

Scroll of Magic Missile

Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good

Scroll of Shield

Scroll of Sleep

Scroll of Thunderwave

Affinity Requirement: Alliance

Arun's Light

5x Arun's Light Poisoned Arrow

5x Arun's Light Poisoned Bolt

Deep Pain

5x Deep Pain Poisoned Arrow

5x Deep Pain Poisoned Bolt

The Burden

5x Burden Poisoned Arrow

5x Burden Poisoned Bolt

Tiger Fang

5x Tiger Fang Poisoned Arrow

5x Tiger Fang Poisoned Bolt

Potion of Heroism

Scroll of Acid Arrow

Scroll of Barkskin

Scroll of Blindness

Scroll of Blur

Scroll of Darkness

Scroll of Darkvision

Scroll of Find Traps

Scroll of Flame Blade

Scroll of Flaming Sphere

Scroll of Hold Person

Scroll of Invisibility

Scroll of Knock

Scroll of Lesser Restoration

Scroll of Levitate

Scroll of Magic Weapon

Scroll of Misty Step

Scroll of Pass Without Trace

Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement

Scroll of Scorching Ray

Scroll of See Invisibility

Scroll of Shatter

Scroll of Silence

Scroll of Spider Climb

Scroll of Spiritual Weapon

Scroll of Warding Bond

Affinity Requirement: Brotherhood

Mariake's Torpor

5x Torpor Poisoned Arrow

5x Torpor Poisoned Bolt

Queen Spider's Blood

5x Queen's Blood Poisoned Arrow

5x Queen's Blood Poisoned Bolt

Potion of Superior Healing

Scroll of Conjure Animals

Scroll of Counterspell

Scroll of Daylight

Scroll of Fear

Scroll of Fireball

Scroll of Haste

Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern

Scroll of Lightning Bolt

Scroll of Mass Healing Word

Scroll of Protection from Energy

Scroll of Remove Curse

Scroll of Revivify

Scroll of Sleet Storm

Scroll of Slow

Scroll of Spirit Guardians

Scroll of Stinking Cloud

Scroll of Tongues

Scroll of Vampiric Touch

Affinity Requirement: Living Legend

Scroll of Banishment

Scroll of Black Tentacles

Scroll of Blight

Scroll of Confusion

Scroll of Conjure Minor Elementals

Scroll of Death Ward

Scroll of Dimension Door

Scroll of Fire Shield

Scroll of Freedom of Movement

Scroll of Greater Invisibility

Scroll of Guardian of Faith

Scroll of Ice Storm

Scroll of Phantasmal Killer

Scroll of Stoneskin

Scroll of Wall of Fire

Campaign Walkthrough Part 1

Solasta's main campaign stretches several locations, several sidequests, and lots of enemies and, every once in a while, a significant choice. My goal with this guide is to avoid spoilers for the plot of the game, and focus instead on drawing your attention to important choices and the repercussions after those choices.

If something is missable, I will draw your attention to that as well. Otherwise, expect things like "follow the quest goals", as this is fairly obvious. If a particularly challenging combat encounter is waiting somewhere, particularly a boss fight, I will give you a warning of what to expect and how to prepare.

I hope you find this section helpful!

Campaign Intro

For the first portion of the game, there will be a brief introduction to each character, and a super unintrusive tutorial for the basic mechanics of the game, which will also familiarize you with the user interface. For this portion, follow the quest markers.

Until you reach Caer Lym, nothing significant happens. The only real freedom of choice comes during the shopping before you set out to leave to investigate the council's first assignment. Shopping at this point is rough, because you have basically no money, but be sure to upgrade your leather armor characters to studded leather armor, and sell off some of the stuff you don't need to offset the cost. The additional AC will make more of a difference than you might think. Be sure everyone has the loadout you want, but don't sweat it too much. You'll be using these items for a brief time but soon you'll start getting a slow drip of magical weapons and items to round out your people.

Once you feel prepared, head out. The game is scripted to give you one encounter on the road with some bandits, but this is the only 100% certain encounter while traveling on the overworld map. As a note, be sure every character has a ranged attack option. Bows, ranged spell cantrips, whatever works. At Caer Lym, you will have to fight several different enemies that either fly or spiderclimb up walls, and having ranged options means your fighters and paladins still have options. Additionally, if you want to be able to reach every container in the upcoming area, bring someone with the Jump spell in their arsenal.

Caer Lem

Once you reach Caer Lem, you'll fight some goblins on the way up the path. It's an easy fight, but don't keep heading towards the outpost. Right after the goblin fight, there is a hidden side path that leads to a goblin cave. Go there and fight all the goblins. This serves two purposes. First, there is a note there that will prove helpful at the outpost momentarily. Second, finding the goblin cave unlocks a side quest when you make your way back to Caer Cyflen.

At the camp, make sure you pass the arcana check at the minor gate. It unlocks a relic that will boost your affinity to a faction. Another battle starts with Brimstone Vipers. This fight is complicated only because you are low level and the enemy likes to fly out of melee range. If you made sure to stock up on ranged options for all of your characers, this will be a nonissue. Remember, just because your fighter has a dexterity score of 8, that doesn't mean they can't use a longbow to hit some of the time, rather than stand there with that big sword looking like an idiot. And at this stage in the game, a good d8 damage roll will still make a difference.

The first conversation is fairly simple. Sellswords and Spies have unique dialogue options to gain entry, and even moderately charismatic characters can pass the persuasion check option to enter.

In general, unless you're achievement hunting, you want to save Daliat. He has a really significant faction relic that he will give you if you pass a certain persuasion check with him, or if you have a character with the spy background in your party. If you have a spy in your party, Daliat will also give you a secondary path to completing the spy background quest. Saving Berryl also gives you faction favor with the Antiquarians once you return to Caer Cyflen and speak to her there.

Who gets saved depends on who is talked to. After you talk to everyone the first time, your party has a group huddle to decide what to do next. If you talk to Robar and convince him to take charge, you will save Robar and Lisbath. Otherwise it's Daliat and Berryl. Talking to Daliat grants the opportunity at getting the Silent Whisper document, which grants favor with whichever faction you give it to.

From here, it's just straight running through several encounters with enemies. Move slowly and cautiously, and trigger surprise rounds when you can to gain the advantage. You need to give yourself every advantage this early, since your characters are still pretty squishy and a couple bad rounds will do you in. Check the area for interactive targets as you progress so you don't miss anything. The Jump spell is extremely useful for reaching all the containers in this area. Once you finish, make your way back to Caer Cyflen.

At Caer Cyflen, be sure to sell any excess stuff you might be carrying, check in with the Scavengers to get them started scavenging, and take quests from the quest board (there should be 2, both at Caer Lem). At this point, go back to Caer Lem, accomplish both side quests, then head to the new area that has been unlocked - the suspected enemy base. Note that the goblin base and the caverns past the outpost will all have repopulated with enemies, so go in prepared for more combat.

Significant Items:

Imperial Gate Plaque

Silent Whisper Document

Tirmarian Holy Symbol

Tirmarian Inquisitor's Journal

The Manacalon Ruin

Hoo boy. This area has a lot of ups and downs, is built like a maze, and there are a lot of things you can miss. Again, be prepared for a couple of smaller encounters on the way through (cultists and spectral spiders), followed by a campfire for a long rest, followed by a big brawl at the very last room. You may have to revisit this area later when you have the Fly spell in order to reach all the chests and fully explore. For now, focus on reaching the objectives, and come back when you have the magical means to explore fully. Your party will suggest that the humans you encounter at the camp might be friendly. They are not. Surprise them.

Once you reach the library portion, head right and check the door first. Then, as you head through the rest of the library, make sure to save before investigating the statues. There are three total statues that offer a faction relic if your party succeeds an arcana check while investigating them. Make sure you save and reload until you pass each check, or you'll miss out.

Before you reach the third statue (almost immediately after the dragonborn statue) you'll be ambushed by spiders. This fight can be kind of dicey because your characters start surrounded, and you don't get a chance to position your casters in a safe spot. Save in case the dice don't go your way.

After this, it's all just one objective after the next, until you reach a campfire. Be sure to rest up, level up to level four, and save. The very next room from the campfire is a huge brawl against several tough enemies. Be sure to cast any long-lasting buffs, like Mage Armor or False Life, before heading in. Enter stealth mode before entering as well to try to get a surprise round in.

Know that it does not matter from a story perspective who gets the artifact at the end of this dungeon. It is powerful and gives some healing properties, so give it to someone who normally would not have healing as an option. Head back to Caer Cyflen after this, and celebrate your victory.

Significant Items:

Myths of Solasta

Archaeological Notes x3

Campaign Walkthrough Part 2

The Dark Castle

This castle is a long slog compared to Caer Lem, but it still isn't all that bad. To start with, be sure to NOT go straight into the castle through the front gate. While this is perfectly acceptable, it will miss out on an important side quest for the Antiquarians. Instead, take the side path (not immediately apparent) on the right. Follow it to the graveyard, talk to the ghost, and get the quest to find his bones. There are three piles of bones - one in the graveyard with the ghost, one in a container inside the keep on the left, before actually entering the main castle, and the final pile of bones is to the left of Talbut's house, down the side path to the left of the main castle entrance.

Talbut is irrelevant, and can be spoken to or killed. In the main courtyard, expect a fight, then a confrontation with Adam, the skeletal captain of the guard. Talk your way through, or kill him. It is worth noting that if you do not kill Adam here, but end up fighting the lord of the castle later, Adam will help in that fight, making it harder in the end.

There are four ways to enter the castle. Pick one, they don't really matter, and then head inside.

Inside the castle, there is an Encrypted Spellbook inside a locked room near the entrance. This book is a faction affinity item. A couple of fights in, there is a long rest checkpoint, so feel free to take your time, and explore carefully. Make sure you explore everywhere before moving forward, as there is a lot of castle to see.

Inside, you will face Lizzaria of Grimhold. Again, spare of kill at your leisure. There is the long rest point, so be sure you stay fueled up and ready to go. There are a lot of fights, including a few surprise ambushes that you cannot avoid. The third boss of this area is automatically engaged when you find the "move to new area" glow in front of a closed door.

Aksha is a vampire. She is also the first enemy in the game with legendary actions. You can talk your way out of fighting, but you miss out on her loot, which includes an item for faction affinity. If you try to loot her stuff after negotiating with her, she will still attack. If you choose to fight, be prepared before you go in with any buff spells you want. Be sure, during the fight, to keep your party separated. She has an ability that blinds everyone within a certain area, and it will ruin your day.

A few tips for the Aksha fight:

Focus your attacks on Aksha. Hit her hard and early, her legendary actions make her a real damage dealer, and you'll lose the long game against her combos

Chill Touch will completely change this fight. So long as Aksha is chilled, she cannot heal. At all, ever. This turns off her hp regeneration every round, she cannot drain hit points with her bite attack, and occasionally she will try to drain 10 hit points from the other enemies to heal for 10... but while the damage is done, the healing is blocked.

Spread out! She can't hit everyone with AoE if you aren't clustered together.

Be sure to get a long rest and enter this fight at your best

If you end up hit by her darkness or concealment effects, AoE is your friend. Spirit guardians is easily the best spell here

Radiant and Fire damage are the way to go here

If you have a way to make your bruiser's weapon magical, do it; Aksha is resistant to nonmagical damage

Aksha can fly. Have the Fly spell prepared for your melee bruiser, or cast it ahead of time on them.

Light sources harm Aksha and her minions, and also turn off her regeneration. Have light on your weapons, even if your whole party has darkvision, or lure Aksha into the previous room with the glowing orbs on the wall - those count and will completely change the fight.

It is absolutely crucial you turn off Aksha's regeneration. Chill touch is the best option. Light on your weapons is second best. If you do not have either of those options, move to the hallway with the glowing orbs. No matter what, do not fight Aksha while she is regenerating. You will lose by attrition.

Buff your party IMMEDIATELY BEFORE opening the door. Good options are: Mage Armor, Shadow Armor, Protection from Evil and Good, cast light on everyone's weapons, & consider giving the bruiser a potion of giant strength if you've found one to increase their effectiveness this fight.

The next area is a maze, but it isn't complicated. There are traps all over that should be disarmed first. The room you want to go to is the one with the circle and four buttons on the floor, and it can be reached by opening the steel door by stepping on the button just down the hall from it. From there, you can push aside some boxes in the next room, opening a path.

A character with Fly, Misty Step or Spiderclimb can bypass a lot of aggravation. They can unlock the rest area by pushing the crate after they reach the top, and as there is no ceiling, can simply move up and over walls to the areas they want to reach. The center lab area has a button on the inside that unlocks that door leading to it.

When you step on all four buttons at once in the circle room, some portals open up and designs on the wall start to glow. "Stairs, Down, Up, Right, Up, Down" is the order here. Step on portal, activate wall design, and just follow the order. You'll be taken through several portals before the process finishes, but explore everywhere you can on the way for some good loot. The final door immediately after finishing the maze leads to a massive unavoidable ambush, so backtrack and take a long rest before triggering it.

Long rest again, because immediately after that ambush is Mardracht. He is the final boss, and he is just as tough as Aksha was. Focus on him, have counterspell prepared, and be ready for him to counterspell your high level spells too. If you can, wait for him to cast shield, which uses his reaction, then unload your high level spells. Focus on him, and the rest shall fall. One good Turn Undead also makes this a much simpler fight. Or you can just negotiate with him.

Once this encounter resolves, you have finished the Dark Castle! Congratulations, it's one of the longest straight crawls, and you succeeded. Take the Major Gate in Madracht's office back to Caer Cyflen when you've finished looting the place.

Important Items:

Encrypted Spellbook

Aksha's Journal

Depleted Rune

Tirmarian Ruins (and onwards)

There are a couple of sidequests to do if you feel like it before heading into the next possible gem location. I will mention that the sidequest that takes you back to the Manacalon Ruins involves a massive brawl against fire elemental creatures in the final room where you got the plot device earlier. That fight can be brutal at this level. Be prepared, attack from stealth for a surprise round, bring ranged options, and try to have as many magical items equipped for attacking as possible. Frost damage is ideal, as they are vulnerable to that damage type. If you're outmatched, it's fine to come back later - the side quest will still be there.

The Tirmarian Ruins (initially listed as "possible gem location") are super simple. You have a couple of goblin encounters, and the biggest problem is the elevation. The goblin encounters involve easy enemies attacking from higher elevation behind 1/2 or 3/4 cover. It will take several turns to get into melee. Consider giving your biggest melee bruiser the Fly spell to bypass the aggravation here; don't worry, there are only three combats on this map, and this is a good use of a third level slot.

There is a single puzzle to be completed here. Wait until midnight, then click the center and right-most stone pillar to solve the puzzle. Get a lore dump, then keep on moving forward.

Important Items:

Tirmarian Master Smith's Memoirs

Antique Holy Symbol

Journal of Emtan Darwaz

Campaign Walkthrough Part 3


Leave the ruins and travel to Coparann with your new companion... until she stops at a random map. There's a single chest, which spawns an encounter with some orcs. Disarm and unlock the chest, loot it for some really good stuff, and move on.

Important Items:

Encrypted Spellbook

You get stopped again at another location. It's literally a hallway with a locked chest. The chest has a magical weapon inside, so grab that, but there's nothing else here. Keep going... and get stopped again, this time at a caravan. There will be a brief combat, after which point you can rest up, trade, and move on.

NOW you reach Coparann. No more unplanned stops. You're finally here.

Follow the objectives. It's a good bit of running around. Be sure to stop in to check on the Scavengers' Guild here, and to deliver the letter to the shopkeep for some extra gold. Eventually, you will reach a point where you are exploring the catacombs under the keep. There is a side room with a chest with some books with lore, but beyond that head straight through. You will be ambushed by Soraks - fight them and win, and then prepare to move the plot forward from there. The puzzle requires you to activate the leftmost stone, and the two rightmost stones. If you want to get the treasure chest behind the locked cell door, Misty Step is the quickest option. It has a magical +1 quarterstaff, a poison recipe, and some gold. Missable if you don't care to be a completionist.

The Fortress of the Shield

Next stop: The Fortress of the Shield. Before you set about exploring this map, make sure it's daytime. You'll be fighting a lot of undead that take damage each turn and attack at disadvantage during the daytime, even if they're indoors. This makes your life much simpler. The first encounter has some wolves and a winter wolf, which is simple enough. Kill the wolves so the winter wolf doesn't get advantage from allies, and then make your way through the rest of the map, grabbing whatever you can. Note that there is a little lake with a bag in it. You can drain the lake by shooting the wall inside the building nearby. In that same building is a room that can only be reached by shooting (not shoving) the pillar. While there are no absolutely unmissable things here, there's some good loot to grab.

When you finish exploring the map, go to the entrance, and wait until midnight. You'll have another ambush as you do this puzzle, and this is a brutal one. Save beforehand, and do all your spell prep. The ambush springs when you finish the first of two of the puzzles, and you'll face 6 of the same variety of undead you've been fighting. Focus on one or two at a time and kill them quickly. If you have a daylight spell, this is a fabulous time to use it. Make sure all your weapons have the Light spell on them before you spring the trap too.

First puzzle: left and right stone pillars. Second puzzle: all three pillars

Once the door is open, it will stay open, so go long rest after that ambush. Then head on in.

If it shows up when you press the Alt button, interact with it. The locked office can be opened by pressing a book in the library room. There are a lot of things to find, like The Elven Wars, which is gained by interacting with the book on the table in the Major Gate room. The far end of one hall has a long rest point and a magic barrier. The other far end leads to the next boss fight, so prep for that the same way you prepped for the ambush at the entrance - light spells on everything, mage armor, fly on your heavy melee guy, and generally prepare for a brawl. Know that you will not have your 5th companion for this fight, so ignore her - you lose her in a cinematic before the fight begins.

This boss fight ends when Razan is reduced to 1/3 his total hit points. It can be ended quickly if you want, or you can farm the three supporter undead creatures for experience. In any case, the fight ends and you gain another gem. Long rest, and head back up. It's time to put an end to Razan permanently.

Ulike the rest of the fights in this area, make sure you trigger this fight during the nighttime. The exact same penalties apply but the game will auto-wait for you and undo a lot of your prep. Prep again for the same kind of fight, just with way more supporting undead and lots of regen. Focus on the undead minions first, as Razan is hard to pin down. Save some of your burst damage for him once the rest of his minions are down. The reward for this is some really sweet magical loot, and an achievement.

Head back through the magic gate after this back to Caer Cyflen. Give Arwin Merton his sword back, hand in any faction items you have, check the scavenger's guild for any new shipments, get all the new quests from the quest board, and then head to the council to report your progress.

Important Item:

Ancient Manifest


The Elven Wars

Magic Weapon Request

Now for some sidequests. There is one - Bitterroot's Treasure Map, which leads to an orc brawl. Not too hard, but the shaman can ruin your day while you're mobbed by melee brutes. Aoe is your friend, and have counterspell ready to shut down the shaman.

The quest leading to the Magister's Amulet has a tough, tough fight against several air elementals. This might be worth waiting to do until you have access to the banishment spell, and a full suite of magical weapons. It's a hard fight.

The Collector has an encounter with a small group of humanoids, a mix of brawlers and casters. It's comparatively easy, but complicated slightly by the terrain. Not really worth sweating, and you have plenty of time to cast your pre-fight buff spells without starting combat.

Runs in the Family has a simple fight against more of the same undead as before. Make sure it's daytime, and just steamroll the fight. Now with the side quests done, back to the main story!

The Volcano

There are technically two options here. I always go to the volcano first, because the hardest fight in the game happens at The Lava Fields, and it is much better to finish all the other stuff first and, with any luck, be level 10 with a full suite of magic items before then. However, if you feel like pushing your luck, or you feel confident, you are free to go to the lava fields first.

There are two ways to do this area. One is scorched earth and kill everything that moves, which is boring, and the other is to talk to the shaman outside the volcano entrance to take a diplomatic route to this area. Speaking the Orc language gives you advantage on a lot of persuasion checks in this area.

Your first task is to free the shaman's chieftain, who is guarded by a bunch of other orcs. This fight isn't too hard, and once you've finished it, you'll be brought around to the rest of the tribes.

First up is a duel between the next orc chieftain and a party member of your choice. You will be stripped of all equipment heading in, which means your caster can't cast. Choose a melee bruiser and take some of the garbage-quality arena equipment when offered. Duel. It's a tough duel only because you are one-on-one and because you have crap equipment, but so long as the dice don't betray you, you'll be fine.

The Bloodfang want you to get an axe. The axe is extremely powerful, and guarded by the Spider Queen boss fight. It's only tough because she spawns an endless supply of spiderlings, which harry your backline fighters. Having rings of poison resistance on your vulnerable guys, or even better, a periapt of proof against poison from the Antiquarians, will make this fight much easier. It's hard, and there's no way to really prepare beyond doing your usual pre-battle buff spells. Focus on the queen, deal with the spiderlings after. You can keep the greataxe, but don't, it's not THAT great.

Campaign Walkthrough Part 4

Spider Queen Tips:

Always, always, always do your pre-battle buffs. Mage Armor, Fire Shield, Aid, etc.

There's gonna be a LOT of poison damage this fight. Getting resistance or immunity on every single character will improve your chances a lot. Don't worry, you'll need this stuff again soon for a green dragon fight. Pay up.

AoE spells like Spirit Guardians or Lightning Bolt, which can be maneuvered to hit only enemies, are really helpful

Chill Touch is useful here. The Spider Queen will spend her turn or a legendary action draining health from nearby spiderlings if she gets low. This will always damage the spiderlings, but the queen still won't heal if affected by Chill Touch

Burn it if you got it. This is not the time to halfway fight, the queen has a ton of hit points and deals a lot of damage, and you can long rest after the fight when you deliver the axe.

The Spiderlings are problematic because they harrass your casters in the back. If you have a spell that summons lots of smaller things (conjure animals, conjure minor elementals, etc), use it to flood the field with targets that will distract the spiderlings and dilute the damage to your backline casters

Once you deliver the axe, the next tribe you need to visit is the Sandravens. They want you to raid a tomb, which is a trick. The tomb, while a bit of a fight, is not the boss fight. The Sandraven chief betrays you, ambushes you after you leave, and you have to fight him and a bunch of Sorr-Akkath fighters. The challenge of this tribe isn't any individual fight, it's the ambush after you possibly expended all your resources in the previous tomb-raiding. Save your best stuff for the ambush and you'll be just fine.

This final tribe has another option. You COULD just go take the gate inside the tomb, bypass the dead emperor and the ambush, and go straight to the fight with the final boss of this region, but without the help of the orc tribes. I have never done this, because that fight has a lot of enemies, and having some support is extremely helpful.

Once you survive the ambush, it's time to face the boss. He has a lot of fire elementals and lobs a lot of fire damage spells around. Fire resistance is extremely useful in this fight if you have access to it. Fire Shield and Protection from Energy are two spells that will save your life. Prep ice damage spells, and try not to leave your characters on fire if you can help it. This fight is hard, and the strategy is really just to grind through the enemies. There's not even really a priority target - just focus on one thing at a time so there's gradually less stuff running around attacking you. Once you win, you've completed the volcano. Well done!

Significant Items:

Encrypted Spellbook

The Lava Forest

Buckle up, this is the wildest dungeon in the game, and the boss fight at the end of this one is absolutely brutal. Before you even come here, make sure every single person in your party is resistant or immune to poison. Immunity is preferable. Spending enough money to buy four poison immunity amulets from the Antiquarians is worth the expense, because you'll be fighting a green dragon and one breath attack will gut your entire party, even at level 10, if you aren't prepared and playing on anything over Easy difficulty.

The initial forest is full of "traps" that are only disarmed by shooting the plants in the middle. There is an obvious ambush from spiders in the clearing area that is sprung only when you try to loot the container. There's some good loot, but my recommendation is to skip this fight until later when you have access to the long rest spot. It's pretty rough. Cast Fly on the bruiser beforehand so they can get to the spiders that don't politely come into melee range from the treetops.

In fact, there are a lot of resource-draining battles in this area that can be avoided until you reach the shack with the campfire outside of it. Until you have access to the long rest point, you really should focus on going north and west until you reach that area. If you try to power through all three big fights in this area with no breaks, you will have a really hard time. Explore once you have a campfire to go back to.

Once you click the gem, you're transported away from the lava fields to a different area. And so begins the long slog through this dungeon. At least it's a fascinating dungeon.

Down the left path is the arena. This is exactly what it sounds like. There are three required waves, going from Undead, to Orcs, to a menagerie of monstrosities. Save your resources for the last wave, as it is the most deadly. There is a fourth wave that is optional, and the bonus chest has nothing unmissable, so if you're tapped out, skip it and move on.

The right path has a super dark maze to go through. Even with darkvision, it'll be pitch black. Light up a torch and you'll be able to see enough to navigate. It's not much of a maze, but more of a complicated circle, so just find the glowy button, press it, and head back. There is a small area with a chest, but it's skippable.

Once the main door is open, head through to the area with the obvious trap chest. It spawns 4 earth elementals and 2 air elementals. You might be thinking to yourself, good lord, that's a lot of elementals, and those earth elementals have a ton of health. Well here's a happy fun fact for you: earth elementals can't fly. Fire elementals and air elementals can, but earth elementals can't! So go ahead and send them off the edges of the center platform and they will plummet to their deaths! It makes this whole fight much quicker and less of a headache.

Next room is a lie. Deal 1 damage and the illusory dragon fades. The center pile of gold leads to the next area. Now, you COULD just... move on. Skip this whole area. The path to the exit is right there. But the chests have some good stuff. Step on all four yellow buttons. Go to the first chest then to get the Encrypted Spellbook. Then step on the orange buttons you can reach now... and rotate the center block. Do this three times total, until the buttons are in position for you to step on them in the center. Step on them twice to rotate the blue bricks to allow access to the second chest. Press the orange buttons one more time, then the yellow buttons twice. The second chest is locked and trapped, but holds the best quarterstaff in the game. Go to the exit.

The cube of light is a solo miniboss. It's not particularly hard, but it is a bit of a grind to get through. Once it falls, you are free to actually move forward from this area. If you have a mage with counterspell, that will help a lot, as the cube casts some really high level high damage spells, like cone of cold, but if you can shut it down, it doesn't have legendary actions, so it just loses its turn.

This is the last area. Finally. You can take the book in the center dais if you want (it sets all ability scores to 20), but you can't keep it. You have to give it back when you reach the mansion, so just leave it be. There are some random monsters outside to fight, so the book does help in the short term.

Now, this house? Don't behave. Touch everything. Loot all of it. You have to fight the end boss anyway, and you don't get to backtrack later. Nobody fights you inside the mansion either, so no matter how ominous it sounds, go wild. Rest at the rest stop; your next stop is the hardest boss fight in the game.

This boss fight consists of 2 stages. In the first stage, you need to activate all the pillars to disable the shield. Every round you leave a pillar up, everyone takes lightning damage. In this stage, it is acceptable to focus on the pillars, not the Spectral Servants. They do moderate damage, but you need to be in as good a spot as possible for stage two.

Campaign Walkthrough Part 5

Part 2 of the boss fight is the dragon. Remember at the start of this section when I said poison would be a huge issue here? Every single member of your party needs to be resistant or immune, preferably immune. Otherwise the breath attack will drop a couple party members each time, and that's without the added problem of the bite attack that also does poison damage.

However, it goes from almost impossible to manageable if you have poison resistance. Keep your healers on standby, be ready to bring people back from the dead, and unload every high level damage source you have on the dragon. Frustratingly, the dragon can relocate as a legendary action, which means your melee bruisers will spend a good amount of time running back and forth. If they can't reach the dragon, hit a Spectral Servant. If they can't hit anything, move and dodge. Dodge makes your characters harder to hit, and gives advantage on dex saves against the breath weapon.

It's hard. Save beforehand, prep a lot, and be ready to win by a narrow margin.

Green Dragon Boss Fight Tips:

Cast fly on someone before the fight so they can quickly move from pillar to pillar. Ideally, cast fly on the rogue, who can dash as a bonus action. If your rogue has the thief subclass, even better, as they can do two item interacts per turn with a bonus action.

Lightning is useless in this fight against the servants.

Protection from Energy is easily the best spell to cast to prep for this fight. It grants resistance to all major sources of damage you encounter. If you can get it going on everyone, great.

I mention this repeatedly, but while lightning resistance is optional, poison resistance is non-negotiable. The Antiquarians sell Periapt of Proof against Poison that makes you outright immune. This is even better, and worth spending your money on.

The dragon has two annoying abilities. First is frightful presence, which makes everyone afraid if they fail a save. The other is its breath attack, which deals upwards of 60-70 points of poison damage to everyone in a cone (dex save for half). POISON RESISTANCE IS CRUCIAL.

Those giant strength potions you've been saving? Use them.

Burn everything you have on the dragon. The spectral servants are background noise. Deal with them as convenient, but the dragon is the ONLY important target during this fight.

There are a few spells that are really worth the investment in this fight:

Protection from Poison (lvl 1) OR Protection from Energy (lvl 3) - Poison damage control

Fly - this is super helpful in getting through stage 1 of the fight quickly

Heroism - Immune to fear; good on allies that did not pass their save against the Frightful Presence

Mage Armor & Shield - you know why

Stoneskin - resistance to melee attacks of the dragon

Ray of Enfeeblement - the dragon has legendary resistances, but this cuts all non-poison damage in half from the dragon, making it the hail mary of level 1 spells. And since it's a level 1 spell, you can use it over and over and hope for the best.

Wall of Fire - If you can keep this up around your party, this will regularly do good damage to the dragon and the spectral servants, and is a good way to even up the damage output

Mass Healing Word/Mass Cure Wounds - this fight is rough, because you are one bad round away from half a party being down. This is a game-changer spell in that situation.

Spiritual Weapon - persistent bonus action damage

Mind Twist - High damage AoE that can incapacitate the servants for a round or two

Beacon of Hope - max healing is usually irrelevant, but this is the fight where every hit point counts, and a max roll on Mass Cure Wounds for everyone is a huge deal.It might seem like a good idea to split up, but it isn't. The dragon's breath attack covers a massive area, and will regularly get 2-3 of your characters, regardless of placement

Grouping up also enables things like your rogue's sneak attack and the paladin's auras, the protection fighting style, and keeps everyone close for the mass heals.

If you're like me, you like to hoard your one-time use items in case you need them later. This fight? This is what you were saving them for. It doesn't get tougher than this. It's time to use them.

Good luck. If you can win this fight, you've beaten the game. What's left after this is a victory lap as a reward for winning this fight.

Temple of the Lost God

If you have any outstanding side quests, wrap them up now. I do want to mention that at this point there is a slightly broken puzzle when you reach the Temple of the Lost God, followed by a moderately challenging fight inside if you aren't ready for it. The entrance puzzle is not broken, so much as unintuitive. Follow the charts below on placing your characters on the pressure plates to pass the puzzle.

Step 1:

Place four characters on each of the pressure plates, as shown below. The 5th member of your party is to remain off of the pressure plates until the final step.


Step 2:

Move individual 3 to the indicated plate. No one else should move.


Step 3:

Move individual 4 to the left, creating the triangle design, as shown below. As with before, keep everyone else in the same place.


Step 4:

Move person 1 up to the top row, creating the diamond pattern. As with before, keep everyone else in the same place.


Step 5:

Move your final party member to the top right pressure plate. This will open the door to the temple and complete the puzzle.


Inside the temple is a relatively hard fight, if only because you will be taking a lot of fire damage from 3 Remorhaz inside. Protection from Energy will get you through this fight with very little trouble, especially if it's coupled with sneaking in and springing a surprise round on the enemy. In any case, keep a close eye on Arwen Merton. He's a good fighter, but compared to the rest of your party, he's fairly squishy. It's ok to have him retreat or just defend if he gets low.

Every side quest should be available at this point, so wrap them all up if you care to. From this point on, it's all main questline stuff, so buckle up for the endgame!

Important Items:

The War of the Gods

Campaign Walkthrough Part 6

The Endgame

Alright, you'll be bouncing from place to place a lot. There's not much else to advise you to do except to follow the quest marker to the next spot, and do what is asked of you. A few notes as you go.

First, when Heddlon warns you to sleep at the inn, do so. You will be ambushed by a (relatively unthreatening) group of Sorr-Akkath assassins. If you want to kill them, rest in your palace quarters. It's a good place to round out some of the more uncommon Sorr-Akkath bestiary entries (notably, a Sorr-Akkath Shikkath is present).

NOTE: Once you go to Earcorn, you can no longer increase faction affinity or shop at some faction stores.

After the long rest, there's a whole lot of lore dump stuff. Arwen Merton joins you if you did his whole questline for the Earcorn trip, which is obviously a trap and which you can easily handle by this point. Cue more lore dump before you make your way back to Caer Cyflen.

After you're back, just follow the plot for a while. You'll run all over Caer Cyflen for a while, have the easiest fight of your life against unarmed civilians, and then... teleport. Once you hit the teleport, it's a walk down a few encounters until the final battle. Enjoy the ride. Note that after this long rest, you won't get another, so conserve your resources over the next several fights. The chest has some really good magic items, but most likely you won't need any of them unless you've been completely ignoring side quests and crafting.

In order, you will fight:

Fire Elemental and 5 Fire Spiders

2 Sorr-Akkath Assassins, 1 Sorr-Akkath Warrior, 1 Sorr-Akkath Saboteur

4 Badland Wraiths

Short Rest recommended

4 Air Elementals

Short Rest recommended

The Final Showdown (until the Sorr-Akkath Tshar is killed)

The Final Showdown Remix (4 rounds only)

And after you wrap up these fights, you've won the game. This might seem like a lot, and it can be, but remember to short rest when you need to. There's nothing to do here. There is some stuff to loot, but why bother? This is the endgame. You can't go back and play more once you finish.

Just focus on killing everything that has a red circle around it, and enjoy the feeling of victory at the end! Well done!

Spellcasting Lists

Below, I will list every spell list for each spellcaster and subclass casting option. There is a lot of overlap, but this will help you determine your build ahead of time. After this, I will include a complete spell list with what each spell does, so that you can look up spells ahead of time as well. But first... the spell lists!

Cleric Spell List:Cantrips:

Acid Splash

Annoying Bee

Chill Touch

Dancing Lights


Fire Bolt


Poison Spray

Ray of Frost

Shadow Armor

Shadow Dagger


Shocking Grasp


True StrikeLevel 1 Spells:



Cure Wounds

Detect Evil and Good

Detect Magic

Guiding Bolt

Healing Word

Inflict Wounds

Protection from Evil and Good

Shield of FaithLevel 2 Spells:



Calm Emotions

Enhance Ability

Find Traps

Hold Person

Lesser Restoration

Prayer of Healing


Spiritual WeaponLevel 3 Spells:

Beacon of Hope

Bestow Curse

Create Food


Dispel Magic

Mass Healing Word

Protection from Energy

Remove Curse


Spirit Guardians

TonguesLevel 4 Spells:


Death Ward

Freedom of Movement

Guardian of FaithLevel 5 Spells:


Dispel Evil and Good

Flame Strike

Greater Restoration

Insect Plague

Mass Cure Wounds

Raise Dead

Paladin Spell List:Cantrips:

NoneLevel 1 Spells:


Cure Wounds

Detect Evil and Good

Detect Magic

Divine Favor


Protection vs Evil and Good

Shield of FaithLevel 2 Spells:


Branding Smite

Lesser Restoration

Magic Weapon

Protection from PoisonLevel 3 Spells:

Create Food

Dispel Magic

Remove Curse

RevivifyLevel 4 Spells:

NoneLevel 5 Spells:


Ranger Spell List:Cantrips:

NoneLevel 1 Spells:

Animal Friendship

Cure Wounds

Detect Magic

Fog Cloud


Hunter's Mark


LongstriderLevel 2 Spells:



Find Traps

Lesser Restoration

Pass Without Trace

Protection from Poison

SilenceLevel 3 Spells:

Conjure Animal


Protection From Energy

Wind WallLevel 4 Spells:

NoneLevel 5 Spells:


Wizard Spell List:Cantrips:

Acid Splash

Annoying Bee

Chill Touch

Dancing Lights




Poison Spray

Ray of Frost

Shadow Armor

Shadow Dagger


Shocking Grasp


True StrikeLevel 1 Spells:

Burning Hands

Charm Person

Color Spray

Comprehend Languages

Detect Magic

Expeditious Retreat

False Life


Fog Cloud


Hideous Laughter



Mage Armor

Magic Missile

Protection from Evil and Good



ThunderwaveLevel 2 Spells:

Acid Arrow





Flaming Sphere

Hold Person




Magic Weapon

Misty Step

Ray of Enfeeblement

Scorching Ray

See Invisibility


SpiderclimbLevel 3 Spells:

Bestow Curse


Dispel Magic





Hypnotic Pattern

Lightning Bolt

Protection From Energy

Remove Curse

Sleet Storm


Stinking Cloud


Vampiric TouchLevel 4 Spells:


Black Tentacles



Conjure Minor Elementals

Dimension Door

Fire Shield

Greater Invisibility

Ice Storm

Identify Creatures

Phantasmal Killer


Wall of FireLevel 5 Spells:


Cone of Cold

Conjure Elemental


Dominate Person

Hold Monster

Mind Twist

Green Mage Spell List:Cantrips:

NoneLevel 1 Spells:

Animal Friendship

Detect Poison and Disease


Faerie Fire


Hunter's Mark

LongstriderLevel 2 Spells:


Find Traps

Lesser Restoration

Pass Without Trace

Protection From PoisonLevel 3 Spells:

Conjure Animal

Create Food


Wind WallLevel 4 Spells:

Freedom of Movement

Giant InsectLevel 5 Spells:

Insect Plague

Spellblade Spell List:Cantrips:

Acid Splash

Dancing Lights

Fire Bolt


Poison Spray

Ray of Frost


Shocking Grasp

SparkleLevel 1 Spells:

Burning Hands

Charm Person

Expeditious Retreat

Feather Fall

Fog Cloud


Hideous Laughter


Magic Missile


ThunderwaveLevel 2 Spells:

Acid Arrow



Flaming Sphere

Hold Person



Magic Weapon

Misty Step

Scorching Ray


Spider ClimbLevel 3 Spells:

NoneLevel 4 Spells:

NoneLevel 5 Spells:


Shadowcaster Spell List:Cantrips:

Annoying Bee

Chill Touch


Shadow Armor

Shadow Dagger

True StrikeLevel 1 Spells:

Color Spray

Comprehend Languages

Detect Magic

False Life


Mage Armor

Protection vs Evil and Good

ShieldLevel 2 Spells:




Ray of Enfeeblement

See InvisibilityLevel 3 Spells:

NoneLevel 4 Spells:

NoneLevel 5 Spells:


Sorcerer Spell ListCantrips:

Acid Splash

Annoying Bee

Chill Touch

Dancing Lights




Poison Spray

Ray of Frost

Shadow Armor

Shadow Dagger


Shocking Grasp


True StrikeLevel 1 Spells:

Burning Hands

Charm Person

Color Spray

Comprehend Languages

Detect Magic

Expeditious Retreat

False Life

Feather Fall

Fog Cloud


Mage Armor

Magic Missile



ThunderwaveLevel 2 Spells:





Hold Person




Misty Step

Ray of Enfeeblement

Scorching Ray

See Invisibility


Spider ClimbLevel 3 Spells:



Dispel Magic





Hypnotic Pattern

Lightning Bolt

Protection From Energy

Sleet Storm


Stinking Cloud

TonguesLevel 4 Spells:




Dimension Door

Dominate Beast

Greater Invisibility

Ice Storm


Wall of FireLevel 5 Spells:


Cone of Cold

Dominate Person

Hold Monster

Mind Twist

Spell Compendium Part 1

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Below, you will find a full compendium of all spells in the game, along with their abilities. Refer to the Spell List section for which class can learn which spells. Refer to the section on individual classes for how their spellcasting functions and how they prepare or learn spells.


Verbal Components (V) - Verbal components require the caster to be able to speak, and spells with this component cannot be cast in the area of a Silence spell. Almost every spell has a verbal component, meaning the Silence spell is a very effective way of shutting down spellcasting. Thunder damage also has no effect in a silenced area.

Material Components (M) - Material components indicate a spell needs either a spell focus or a component pouch. In this game, you should always have one or both of those available unless you sell them. Don't sell your component pouch or spell focus, but if you do, you can always buy another one.

Somatic Components (S) - Somatic components are movements done with the hands, and spells with somatic components require a free hand in order to cast. Thus, if your character is wielding a sword and shield, they cannot cast spells with material components. There are some subclasses, such as battle cleric, which can use their weapon for somatic components, bypassing this restriction. Note that it is possible to wield a shield in one hand and nothing in the other, maximizing defense while still using spellcasting.

Ritual Spellcasting:

Ritual spells can be cast at any time as a ritual. Casting a spell in this manner takes ten minutes (meaning it must be done outside of combat), but casting spells as a ritual does not use up a spell slot. So if you're completely tapped out after a fight, but you find a magic item? You can still cast Identify to figure out what the item is. Just cast it as a ritual.


Many spells require concentration. A character can concentrate only on one spell at a time. If you cast another concentration spell, the game will give you an alert reminding you that you will lose the first concentration spell if you cast the next one. Additionally, concentrating on spells requires a constitution saving throw every time you take damage. Failing that save also loses concentration and drops the spell. The pay-off for all this is that concentration spells are usually very useful or powerful effects that have significant impact during combat.

Damage TakenConcentration Check DC1 to 201021 or more1/2 the damage taken, rounded up


Cantrips are basic spells that do not require a spell slot to cast. In other words, you never run out of cantrips to cast, and it is usually a good idea to have one or two attack cantrips to deal damage even when your casters run out of spell slots. Cantrips also scale with your character, and do more damage as you level up (as shown in the chart below). In Solasta, the maximum level currently is 10, so you only upgrade your cantrip damage once.

Character LevelCantrip Damage1 to 41d4




1d125 to 102d4




2d1211 to 163d4




3d1217 to 204d4





Spell Saves: Some spells require a save from the target. The DC for that save is calculated as follows:

Spell Save DC = 8 + caster proficiency bonus + caster spellcasting ability modifier

Refer to earlier sections for which ability affects each class's spellcasting, and what proficiency bonus is given at what levels.

With all that explained, let's get to the list of spells!

CantripsAcid Splash

Effect: Dexterity save or 1d6 acid damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Annoying Bee

Effect: Imposes disadvantage on target's concentration checks

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Chill Touch

Effect: Ranged spell attack for 1d8 necrotic damage & prevent healing

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Dancing Lights

Effect: Create moveable floating light sources

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Melee spell attack to lower AC by 2 & prevent reactions

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Melee

Duration: Until the start of the enemy's next turn

Components: S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Fire Bolt

Effect: Ranged spell attack for 1d10 fire damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Adds 1d4 to target's next ability check

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute or until an ability check is made

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Cause 1 held item to give off 8 squares of light

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Poison Spray

Effect: Constitution save or target takes 1d12 poison damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 2 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Ray of Frost

Effect: Ranged spell attack for 1d8 cold damage & -2 squares of movement

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Adds 1d4 to target's next saving throw

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute or target makes a saving throw

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Sacred Flame

Effect: Dexterity save or 1d8 radiant damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Wisdom save (each turn) or enemy gives off 6 squares of light

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 2

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Shadow Armor

Effect: 3 temporary hit points added to caster's hit points

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Shadow Dagger

Effect: Wisdom save or 1d8 psychic damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Shocking Grasp

Effect: Melee spell attack for 1d8 lightning damage and no reactions

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Melee

Duration: Start of target's next turn

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Spare the Dying

Effect: Stabilize an ally making death saves

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Light 3 possible sources (like unlit torches)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

True Strike

Effect: Advantage on next attack roll

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 round or target makes an attack roll

Components: S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Level 1 Spells

Animal Friendship

Effect: Wisdom save or target beast is charmed by caster

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 24 hours

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Charisma save (each turn) or -1d4 on attacks and saves

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares, 3 targets

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Adds 1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares, 3 targets

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Burning Hands

Effect: 3d6 fire damage, dexterity save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 3 square cone

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Charm Person

Effect: Wisdom save or charmed by caster

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Color Spray

Effect: All creatures in area are blinded

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 3 square cone

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Comprehend Languages

Effect: You can understand (but not speak) all languages

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: Yes

Cure Wounds

Effect: Restore 1d8 + Spell ability modifier hit points to target

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Detect Evil and Good

Effect: Detect nearby undead, elemental, abberation, fiend, celestial, and fey

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 square sphere around self

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Detect Magic

Effect: Detect nearby magic items and magical effects on characters

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: Yes

Detect Poison and Disease

Effect: Detects nearby poisons, poisonous creatures or diseases

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 square sphere around self

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Divine Favor

Effect: Add 1d4 radiant damage to weapon attacks

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Stength save each turn or restrained, difficult terrain

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4x4 area

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Expeditious Retreat

Effect: Able to dash as a bonus action

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Faerie Fire

Effect: Dexterity save or attacks on targets have advantage, no invisibility

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, everyone in 4x4 area

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

False Life

Effect: 1d4+4 temporary hit points

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Feather Fall

Effect: Fall safely, up to 5 targets

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Fog Cloud

Effect: Creates heavily obscured area

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 4x4 area

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Create 10 berries, restore 1 hp each, count as rations

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: Next long rest

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 3

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Guiding Bolt

Effect: Ranged attack roll, 4d6 radiant damage & next attack has advantage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Healing Word

Effect: 1d4 + spellcasting ability modifier healing

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Immune to fear & gain spellcasting ability modifier temp hp each turn

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Hideous Laughter

Effect: Wisdom save each turn or incapacitated

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Hunter's Mark

Effect: +1d6 to caster's weapon attacks against target

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 18 squares

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Identify the magical properties of an item

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 1 item

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: Yes

Inflict Wounds

Effect: Melee spell attack for 3d10 necrotic damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Melee attack

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Jump distance is tripled

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Movement increased by 2 squares

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Mage Armor

Effect: Armor Class is now 13 + dexterity bonus

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 8 hours

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Magic Missile

Effect: 3 missiles, dealing 1d4+1 damage each, missiles auto-hit

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Protection Vs Evil and Good

Effect: Aberrations, Celestials, Fey, Fiends, Elementals and Undead cannot frighten, charm, or possess target, & attack at disadvantage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Shield of Faith

Effect: +2 to armor class

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: +5 armor class in response to an attack that would hit the caster

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: Self

Duration: Until start of character's next turn

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Targets in area with up to a total of 5d8 hit points go to sleep

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4x4 area

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: 2d8 thunder damage, pushed, constitution save for 1/2 damage only

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 3x3x3 cube originating from caster

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Level 2 Spells

Acid Arrow

Effect: 4d4 acid damage then 2d4 next turn or 2d4 acid damage if missed

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 16 squares, ranged attack roll

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: 3 targets gain 5 current & max hit points

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 8 hours

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Armor Class becomes 16 unless it was already higher

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Constitution save each turn or the target is blinded

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Attack rolls against caster have disadvantage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Branding Smite

Effect: Next attack does 2d6 extra radiant damage and target is illuminated

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute or caster's next successful attack

Components: V

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Calm Emotions

Effect: All targets cannot be charmed or frightened

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 2 square radius sphere

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Area becomes engulfed in magical darkness

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 3 foot radius sphere

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 4

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Effect: Target has darkvision

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 8 hours

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Enhance Ability

Effect: Target has advantage on ability checks for one ability of choice

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Find Traps

Effect: Reveals all traps within 24 squares

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Flaming Sphere

Effect: Flame sphere deals 2d6 fire damage, dexterity save 1/2 damage

Casting Time: 1 action (bonus action to control after)

Range: 12 squares, 3 square sphere

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Hold Person

Effect: Wisdom save each turn or paralyzed

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Target is invisible until taking an offensive action

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Unlock target chest

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Lesser Restoration

Effect: Cures Blindness, Diseased, Paralyzed and Poisoned conditions

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Caster can levitate target up or down, constitution save negates

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Magic Weapon

Effect: Target weapon gains +1 attack and damage, becomes magical

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Misty Step

Effect: Teleport anywhere within 6 squares

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Pass Without Trace

Effect: Makes caster and 5 other targets get +10 on stealth checks

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Prayer of Healing

Effect: 6 targets heal 2d8 plus spellcasting ability modifier

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: 6 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Protection From Poison

Effect: Cures & immune to poison damage & the poisoned condition

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Ray of Enfeeblement

Effect: Constitution save or deal half damage with strength based attacks

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Scorching Ray

Effect: Ranged attack roll 3 times, 2d6 fire damage with each shot

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

See Invisibility

Effect: Exactly what it says on the package

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: 3d8 thunder damage, constitution save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 2 square radius sphere

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Creates a zone of no sound

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 4 foot radius sphere

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Target can move vertically along surfaces using regular movement

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Spiritual Weapon

Effect: Makes weapon that deals 1d8 + spellcasting modifier force damage

Casting Time: 1 bonus action (bonus action to control each turn after)

Range: 12 squares (4 square movement after summoned)

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Level 3 Spells

Beacon of Hope

Effect: Advantage on death & wisdom saves, max healing from spells

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares, 6 friendly targets

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Bestow Curse

Effect: Choose one of several possible curse effects

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Conjure Animal

Effect: Choice of beasts to summon to aid party

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 5

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Effect: Negate enemy spellcasting (DC14/15 check for 4th/5th level spells)

Casting Time: 1 reaction

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Create Food

Effect: Creates 15 rations for party for long rests

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Creates a large area of bright light

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 4 foot radius sphere

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Dispel Magic

Effect: Dispel magical effect (DC 14/15 check for 4th/5th level spells)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Wisdom save each turn or frightened & run away

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 square cone

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: 8d6 fire damage in area, dexterity save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 squares, 4 square radius sphere

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Grants 12 square fly speed

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Dexterity saves at advantage, +2 AC, extra action

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Hypnotic Pattern

Effect: Wisdom save or incapacitated to everything in area

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 6 square circle

Duration: 1 minute

Components: S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Lightning Bolt

Effect: 8d6 lightning damage, dexterity save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20 square line

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Mass Healing Word

Effect: 1d4 + spellcasting ability modifier healing to 6 allies

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Protection From Energy

Effect: Resistance to fire, acid, cold, lightning & thunder damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Remove Curse

Effect: Remove a curse from a person or item

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Revive a dead ally within 1 minute of death

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Wisdom save or -2 AC & dex saves, half speed, 1 attack per round, no reactions, one action OR one bonus action per round, & spells may fizzle

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 8x8 area

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Spirit Guardians

Effect: 3d8 radiant damage to enemies, wisdom save for half

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self, 3 foot radius sphere

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Stinking Cloud

Effect: Heavily obscured area, constitution save inside or incapacitated

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4 foot radius sphere

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Speak and understand all languages

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Toucn

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Vampiric Touch

Effect: Gain melee attack for 3d6 necrotic damage & heal half that

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Wind Wall

Effect: 3d8 bludgeoning damage, strength save for half, blocks projectiles

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 3 square high and 10 square long wall

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Level 4 Spells


Effect: Charisma save or target is banished (celestial, fiend and fey permanently banished if spell is maintained the full minute)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Black Tentacles

Effect: Dexterity save or restrained, 3d6 bludgeoning damage per turn

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4x4 area

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: 8d8 necrotic damage, constitution save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No


Effect: Wisdom save or targets act randomly on their turn

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 2 foot radius sphere

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 6

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Conjure Minor Elementals

Effect: Choice of elementals to summon to help party

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Death Ward

Effect: Drop to 1 hit point instead of 0 once

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 8 hours

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Dimension Door

Effect: Teleport anywhere within 100 squares, can bring one other

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 100 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Dominate Beast

[Insert Image Here]

Effect: Gain control of target beast unless they make a wisdom save

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Fire Shield

Effect: Resistance to fire or cold, 2d8 cold or fire damage back to attackers

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Freedom of Movement

Effect: Immune to paralyzed, restrained, and ignore difficult terrain

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Giant Insect

Effect: Summon a Deep Spider

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Greater Invisibility

Effect: Invisibility even when attacking

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Guardian of Faith

Effect: Guardian deals 20 radiant damage in area, dexterity save for half

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 6 squares, 2 foot radius sphere

Duration: 8 hours

Components: V

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Ice Storm

Effect: 2d8 budgeoning, 4d6 frost damage, dexterity save for half

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4 foot radius column, 8 squares high

Duration: 1 round

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Identify Creatures

Effect: Completes bestiary entry for affected creatures

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 2 ft radius sphere

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Phantasmal Killer

Effect: Wisdom save each turn or frightened and 4d10 psychic damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Resist non-magical bludgeoning, piercing & slashing damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Wall of Fire

Effect: 8d6 fire damage, dexterity save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 10 square wall or ring, 4 squares high

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Level 5 Spells


Effect: Obscured area, 5d8 poison damage inside, consitution save for half

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 24 squares, 4 square radius sphere

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Cone of Cold

Effect: 8d8 cold damage, constitution save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 3 square cone

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Conjure Elemental

Effect: Summon fire, earth or air elemental as ally

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No


Effect: Choice of diseases to give if target fails constitution save

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: 7 days

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Dispel Evil and Good

Effect: Celestials, fey, fiend & undead have disadvantage attacking caster & can banish extraplanar entity once

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Dominate Person

Effect: Wisdom save each turn or controlled by caster

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Flame Strike

Effect: 4d6 fire & 4d6 radiant damage, dexterity save for half damage

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares, 2 square radius column, 8 squares high

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Greater Restoration

Effect: Remove any one negative effect on target

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Spell Compendium Part 7

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Hold Monster

Effect: Wisdom save each turn or target creature paralyzed

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares

Duration: 1 minute

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Insect Plague

Effect: 4d10 piercing damage, area is obscured, can control swarm

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 18 squares, 4 square radius sphere

Duration: 10 minutes

Components: V, S

Concentration: Yes

Ritual: No

Mass Cure Wounds

Effect: 3d8 + spellcasting ability modifier healing to 6 allies

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 12 squares

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Mind Twist

Effect: 10d4 psychic damage & incapacitated, intelligence save for half damage & no incapacitated

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 4 foot radius sphere centered on self

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S

Concentration: No

Raise Dead

Effect: Revives a dead character

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: V, S, M

Concentration: No

Ritual: No

Achievements Part 1

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Here I have included a full list of all achievements for Solasta: Crown of the Magister.

An Easy Victory

Finish a fight with only one character alive


Finish the game without no character ever dying

Death is only the beginning

Resurrect a fallen character

How do you want to do this?

Kill an enemy with a critical hit

You bow to no one

Create a ranger

It's rogue, not rouge

Create a rogue

Yer a wizard, Henry

Create a wizard

Deus Vult

Create a paladin

I need healing!

Create a cleric

Beat 'em up

Create a fighter

Worth it

Damage a friendly character with a spell

Close shave

Have a character stabilize with 2 failed death saving throws

Humpty Dumpty

Have a character die or go unconscious from falling


Use "Reroll Dice" more than 20 times in Character Creation

The classics

Start the campaign with a fighter, wizard, rogue and cleric

I cast fist!

Start the campaign with no cleric or wizard

The Old Guard

Make friends with Arwin Merton


Clear the Temple of the Lost God

Mutinous thoughts

Escape Caer Lem with Robar Sharp

I have my doubts

Escape Caer Lem with Lisbath Townsend

Wasn't me

Escape Caer Lem with Daliat Sunbird

I'm not paid enough for that

Escape Caer Lem with Beryl Stonebeard

Champions of the Principality

Max out your reputation with the Principality of Masgarth

Champions of the Tower

Max out your reputation with the Tower of Knowledge

Champions of the Arcaneum

Max out your reputation with the Arcaneum

Champions of the Circle

Max out your reputation with the Circle of Danatar

Champions of the Antiquarians

Max out your reputation with the Antiquarians

Champions of the Scavengers

Max out your reputation with the Scavengers

We are friends, not food

Negotiate with Aksha

Back in my days...

Negotiate with Mardracht

We don't negotiate with monsters

Kill Aksha

You get nothing! Good day sir!

Kill Mardracht

Where do you think you're going?

Kill Razvan

I swear.

Become a deputy of the council

Climbing the ranks

Become senior deputy of the council

The plot thickens

Find out what happened to Captain Henrik

Crown of the Magister

Obtain the crown

Believe us now?

Show proof that the soraks are real

Master of Necromancy

Obtain the Gem of Necromancy

Master of Abjuration

Obtain the Gem of Abjuration

Master of Conjuration

Obtain the Gem of Conjuration

Master of Evocation

Obtain the Gem of Evocation


Uncover four members of the Coven of Arivad

Into the Breach

Enter Aer Elai

Heroes of Solasta

Complete the game

Watch your step!

Have an enemy fall to their death

Not on my watch!

Kill an enemy during their turn

It's super effective!

Deal the appropriate type of damage to an enemy with vulnerability

It's just a flesh wound

Take a critical hit without going down

Gold makes Solasta go round

Have 20,000 gold in your inventory

Stay awhile and listen

Identify 20 magic items

Why can't I hold all these magic items?

Have one character attune to 3 magic items

Deadly to the touch

Use the poisoner's kit 20 times

Stop complaining about the taste

Use the herbalism kit 20 times

Enchantment? Enchantment!

Use the manacalon rosary 20 times

Achievements Part 2

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What a spellcaster truly needs

Use the scroll kit 20 times

Monster Hunters

Unlock new information in the bestiary 100 times

My tailor is rich

Complete the Aristocrat background quest

To be or not to be

Complete the Philosopher background quest

Let me see those coins

Complete the Lowlife background quest

My faith is my shield

Complete the Acolyte background quest

My sword is yours

Complete the Sellsword background quest

The quill is mightier than the sword

Complete the Academic background quest

Justice is blind

Complete the Lawkeeper background quest

I spy with my little eye

Complete the Spy background quest

Fire at will

Kill 20 enemies using fire damage in a single campaign

Ice ice baby

Kill 20 enemies using frost damage in a single campaign


Kill 20 enemies using thunder damage in a single campaign


Kill 20 enemies using lightning damage in a single campaign

Death Adder

Kill 20 enemies using necrotic damage in a single campaign


Kill 20 enemies using radiant damage in a single campaign

Melting pot

Kill 20 enemies using acid damage in a single campaign

Ah, sweet toxicity!

Kill 20 enemies using poison damage in a single campaign

That's a lot of magic missiles!

Kill 20 enemies using force damage in a single campaign

A battle of wits

Kill 20 enemies using psychic damage in a single campaign

Every problem looks like a nail

Kill 20 enemies using bludgeoning damage in a single campaign

Measure twice, cut once

Kill 20 enemies using slashing damage in a single campaign

Shish Kebab

Kill 20 enemies using piercing damage in a single campaign

Critical thinking

Land 50 critical hits in a single campaign

Step into my realm

Create a dungeon using the Dungeon Maker

A whole new world

Enter a custom dungeon


I hope you find this guide helpful. I put a lot of work into it, and tried to avoid spoilers where I could, and to focus on mechanics explanations, tips on how to handle difficult boss fights and encounter sequences, and overall just to give a good resource for people to reference when exploring this game.

I'm excited for the upcoming updates, and I hope we see more from Tactical Adventures soon. This was a fantastic game, and I'm looking forward to the community created content that's sure to come, especially as the dungeon maker tool gets more refined.

Please let me know if you find any mistakes or if I have incorrect information in the guide anywhere, and I will try to correct it as fast as I can.

Thanks for reading!



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