Solasta CoTM is a mixed of CRPG and TRPG with the most faithful implementation of OGL 5th edition Dungeons&Dragons Ruleset (mechanically speaking), to a computer game. The setting revolves around some sweet and well implemented core and homebrew rules.
Overall, graphics are nice and sound settings are not annoying. Spellcasting and melee usage feels alright and were well implemented regarding sound and animations, especially impact which adds a lot, in my opinion, to the game’s quality.
With almost one year of 1.0 release, I must praise Tactical Adventures Dev’s and community management, that keeps supporting this game and implementing new features that adds up on the final content.
With that in mind, let’s talk about cataclysm difficulty and IronMan runs (this is the purpose of the guide so…). They are rough and require more of a tactical stand approach than the regular roleplay scene, that doesn’t require min max, optimization, and careful thinking, to be a great experience.
Nevertheless, all the suggestions and opinions stated are valid for lower difficulty settings, but using these methods tends to trivialize lower difficulties, therefore do it at your own will.
#Races And Classes
I won’t talk about all of them, but we should at least mention that there are Dwarfs, Half-Elfs, Half-Orcs*, Humans, Elf’s, and Halflings, some of those with two choices of sub-race and each one of them adding some specific features that overall, serve as a complement to the builds we are going to suggest!
As for classes we have Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, and Wizard. Also, with the DLC’s we can play as a Barbarian, Sorcerer and Druid. All of those come with sub-classes which will be fully explained, regarding the choices we take for our 4-man party composition.
The last thing I will mention is, there is no bad choice regarding what to play in Solasta. What I bring, instead, is a more optimal way to sustain a playthrough, having elements to be able to deal with all the struggles early and mid-game while thriving late-game (but at late game any comp is strong, bear that in mind).
Without further due, let’s get to the party composition which we will be dividing in roles.
We will build a TANK, OFF TANK, CROWD CONTROL (CC) CASTER, and HEALER. Although they will be named as an overall role in the composition, every build is able to sustain and apply amazing amounts of dmg, therefore being “optimal” for the adventure.
“What’s the best class in the game and why is it the Barbarian?”
The most amazing thing in this game is the fact we have one of the most traditional (also overlooked) class in D&D pen and paper scene and it happens to be one of the best ones also. So, for all of you rage lovers, this is the opportunity to shine!
“ Wanna know the secret? I`m always angry”
When I think about my Barbs, I cannot help thinking in a HULK manner of playing and because of that the build is using the Half-Orc class. It adds with savage dmg (crits better) and relentless (1 more round standing).
Race: Half- Orc
Background: Any (I like the lowlife since barbs can be awesome stealth, lock picking characters)
Class: Barbarian/ Path of the claw (Fire or Poison for CoTM, Acid for Lost Valley)
STR 18 (19) – you can even go 20 on dice roll, thanks to the +2 from the class so you will never need the jump spell to, well, jump to unreachable destinations.
DEX 18 (20) – This should be your first attribute to upgrade. Get it all the way to 20, even 22, thanks to an item. It adds on your initiative rolls and Armor Class because of unarmored defense barb feat, and you can range alpha strike if needed be with a longbow preferably (you only want to be ranging far distances due to rage`s effect and how it works)
CON 16 (18) – CON is awesome in this game, regarding your character being ranged, caster or melee oriented. Poison is annoying in both settings and CON saving throws are the most used ones against that, Drain and other status effects. Aim for 20 if you are patient enough to roll dice.
WIS 14 – Perception if you decide to solo roam your tank, Wiz saving throws are also something you wanna take into consideration.
INT 10 – This is your dump stat although it doesn`t need to be above 10. Casting? Guess what I`ll cast my big bad great axe into your face!
CHA 10 – Although I would consider a 14 plus on charisma due to Intimidation Checks but if you can`t get it to roll, 10 should be ok.
Feats: Attribute increase at level 4 and 8 for those sweet spot stats and increased initiative are optimal for this build!
Items: Cloak of protection, Bracers of armor, belt (both the 21 and later the 25 STR); twohanded (The best you can craft) and ranged (Longbow preferably) as the second weapon slot.
Go sword and board until you can reach 24 AC without a shield.
Valid Alternatives (same mindset, less optimal) are Stonehill Dwarf - Life Cleric (Trade WIZ to DEX stats) or Half-Elf Paladin (Any Oath, I prefer Tirmar) (Trade CHA to DEX).
“Because I`m smart enough to be behind you with my fancy casting”
Wizards with the new DLC makes for the best ”Off Tanks” in this game.
Why? Because of the court poet sub-class recently added with the Lost Valley DLC. Wizards have a plethora of awesome spells including some range touch and cone spells that I bet you almost never use because there`s 2 guys from your party in front of you. Lame right? Well, not anymore. Spell Shield is unbelievably good and protection feat for free is also great. Having access to heavy armor also is Okish and a decent replace for the mage armor spell slot (yay I can cast one more Magic Missile now)
Race: High Elf
Background: Academic
Class: Wizard Court Poet
STR 15 – If you ever decide to go for heavy armor (feat required) 15 is the sweet spot. Also a little athletics increase for better pathing in game.
DEX 16 (18) – I would go no less than 18 here but 16 is ok.
CON: 18 (20) – Same mindset as the previous character. CON is good, that’s it.
WIS: 14 – You know it`s good to have perception already.
INT 19 (20)- This makes you look smart on receptions. Also, it adds to your general casting capabilities.
CHA 10 – Or lower. You don`t need the looks if you got the brains, am I right?
Feats: Attribute increase at level 4 and 8 for those sweet spot stats and concentration are optimal for this build (or the heavy armor proficiency feat if you want to not cast mage armor)!
Items: Book of int (Yeah we are nerdy like that) and a empty hand+ shield +1 slot and sword and board (normal shield + any martial weapon or finesse in secondary slot.
Valid Alternatives (same mindset, less optimal) are a Half-Elf Paladin (Any Oath, I prefer Tirmar) (Trade CHA to INT) with protection as a fighting style although you will be missing on arcane specialists in the party.
“Hey dude, stop being weird around that tree”
The best crowd control spells in game are divine druidic spells. But the real reason we pick a Druid is Spike Growth. Seriously, this is the best spell in the game if you put into account it provides difficult terrain decreasing mobility while providing amazing damage, as long as the enemy is not…flying… you know. Spike Growth into choke points can finish a fight before it even start. You got an encounter at level 3 against a chief orc, 3 orcs and 2 ogres? Have no fear my friend. Put that spike on their feet and kite them to death.
In addition, Wild Shape provides a new HP pool, which gives the druid sustainability and if the druid gets hit while in his animal form he won’t lose concentration, unless the dmg is so big that it hits his HP pool once he is transformed back. Nice isn’t it?
Why not go for a ranger them? Because Rangers get access to the spell later when it doesn’t define the encounters like those in the library for CotM or those in the Wilds like the Gorillas. Also, high-level druidic spells are awesome and he can throw a punch.
Race: Sylvian Elf
Background: Wanderer or Lawkeeper (you can go sellsword if you want martial weapons proficiency but why would you?)
Class: Druid/Circle of Balance
STR 12 – Really doesn’t matter, trust me.
DEX 18 (20) – Again move first and use the benefits of light armor with DEX.
CON: 16 (18) (20) – Same mindset as the previous character. CON is good, that’s it.
WIS: 19 (20) – Main attribute for your druidic spells. And your wise enough to see the good in eating plants...
INT 10 – You’re wise enough already to hang out with the smart dudes so no need to worry about that.
CHA 10 – Doesn’t matter, the only teeth you’ll be showing is your bear’s teeth.
Feats: Attribute increase at level 4 and 8 for those sweet spot stats, don’t pick cantrip’s feat for Druid cause the druid cantrip dmg sucks!
Items: Book of wis (Yeah we are nerdy like that) and a empty hand+ shield +1 slot and sword and board (normal shield + any martial weapon or finesse in secondary slot.
Valid Alternatives (same mindset, less optimal) are a Sylvian Elf Ranger with two weapon fighting and the shadow tamer subclass
“Well, not really since that would be the druid too”
Ok now first of all, if you’re not carrying a dwarf in your party them you’re a heretic and should not be playing games that have dwarfs. But being serious Dwarf is a great race and it’s perfect for an oblivion cleric. Why? Well, beards, but also because Clerics are by far the most defining class when it comes to provide for the party. Also Guardians, that is a spell you want to cast as much as you want for free dmg and breezy times against Undead and Radiant weak enemies.
And why are we going oblivion? Because we wanna avoid being surprised by two dragons who roll higher initiative and storm us with breaths (They all stink) and that’s precisely what Oblivion gives us. I can’t count how many times that special feature saved my day on IronMan runs but it was more than a couple, that’s for sure. Therefore if you like being able to keep your 30 hours long run so far, and go all the way with it without having to restart while you cry because the random encounters are unfair, guess what, go with oblivion.
Race: Dwarf (Any of the two sub-races)
Background: Acolyte or Philosopher (Because we have no charisma in the party so we need someone with speech specialization)
Class: Cleric of Oblivion
STR 12 – But make sure you get a belt or an Ogre glove so you can melee if required.
DEX 18 (20) – Again move first and use the benefits of light armor with DEX. Yeah, get that cleric on the ranged backline
CON: 16 (18) (20) – Same mindset as the previous character. CON is good, that’s it.
WIS: 19 (20) – Main attribute for your Divine spells. Also you have a beard so how could you not be wise?
INT 10 – Why? Why not?
CHA 16 – So this might look weird since, you know, dwarfs, but since it fits the background and you still need those silver tongue specs for some XP during checks I would consider even going higher here
Feats: Attribute increase at level 4 and 8 for those sweet spot stats, take aim might be a choice (no zen archery) and also maybe the heavy Xbow feat, unless you go with the hill dwarf because those already have it.
Well that’s that. Have you guys ever felt that you write too much to say too little? Anyways I hope this guide provide some knowledge and happiness for all who wants to stand the IronMan Cata Challenge. Also I couldn’t drop this one without congratulating Tactical Adventures on their game and wishing a happy Bday (or is it Rday… oh Sday, no wait this is not Star Wars) to Solasta.
I apologize if I’m forgetting something and I’m always open to any sort of criticism or a better idea you might have so if you want to discuss any of those with me, feel free to search me up on a stream or on my social media or through here and I’ll be happy to add any suggestions, tips the community have to share.
Don’t forget to spread the love! Be seeing you! Cheers!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810554184
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