Pronto-Mart!: Toys

Pronto-Mart!: Toys

Beach Ball (Pink Slime)

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The little ball of joy known as the pink slime has its classic toy returned with the Pronto-Mart Update, go to the beach with the little guy if you want! I Think that would work best for him.

Bomb Ball (Boom Slime)

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Don’t mind the fact that the Boom Slime for the image has destroyed it, very hard to tell when they'll explore, anyways, these little balls of not-so-deadly nukes have the Bom-Ball, not only do they favor it, it also matches what they are known to do, explo-

Bouncy Ball (Cotton Slime)

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Little known fact: Cotton Slimes see the bouncy ball as a sport, trying to win, I Honestly do not know why but they treat it like that, they don’t treat it like a toy, well they do- okay I Think you get the point.

Full Moon Toy (Batty Slime)

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To those who thought it would be a bat, sorry to break it to ya, but it's a full-moon-toy, although I Don’t blame the Batty Slimes, the moon pal seems like a nice toy.

Glowbug (Flutter Slime)

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I’m running out of ideas for what to put here. Sorry.

Plushie Puffer Fish (Angler Slime)

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I Mean… What were you expecting, it's an angler slime. Fish is ju- oh wait that would make-sense.

Rubber Ducky (Puddle Slime)

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The One. The Only, THE RUBBER DUCKY!1! For those who were wondering, YES, the rubber Ducky is back in business, this is a classic one that, I’m pretty sure, would have come back anyway.

Trash-Can (Ringtail Slime)

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These little criminals just love making messes, or stealing someone's shoe. Usually they are found as statues in the day, but at night they mess around with slimes, so I Recommend you tape, glue, hot glue, a nail this thing shut to avoid messes, thus if one of these rascals are around.

Yarn Ball (Tabby Slimes)

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The Tabbies just love to play with yarn, even if they don’t know how to knit anymore than other slimes, I Mean their cats, pretty sure they would just play with it all day.


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The GGF (Shorten for Glo Glo Foxifur,) Is a PC Exclusive, thus why I Can get a shot like this.

You can buy the different glo glos depending on the platform you’re on, so PC You can only get the fox, PS 5 The penguin, ya know, all that.

The GG-FR (Short for Glo Glo Froggo,) is an X-BOX Exclusive, with em goofy eyes.

The GGD Is based around the Batty slime, I Mean look at it, how can you say its not?! Anyways, this is one of the many toys I Really want, well besides the 3 GGF I Have, it would proprobly weigh a bit less, but I Dont know.

This is the only one with arms. No like really, I’m not lying.


All the toys cost somewhere around 500 Newbucks.


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