Step 1
Buy Slime Rancher 2 on steam and download its newest version
Step 2
Open the steamapps folder on the drive you installed Slime Rancher 2 on (google if you dont know where your steamapps folder is. Usally its under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps)
In the steamapps folder you will find a file called "appmanifest_1657630.acf". Set it to read-only. This will keep steam from forcing an update once you downgraded to an older version (dont worry, other games will still check for updates)
Step 3
Open the Steam-Console
How to open the Steam-Console:
Press "win + R" and enter steam://nav/console in the field. Then press Enter
Step 4
Once you're in the Steam-Console you can download the old version of Slime Rancher 2 by requesting a depot download with the download_depot command.
The command syntax is the following:
download_depot <appid> <depotid> <manifestid>
for Slime Rancer 2 version 0.4.0 this would be
download_depot 1657630 1657631 2090386319736778753
Enter the command and steam will start the download. Steam will not give you a status or progress bar so dont worry if "nothing" happens for some time. It will tell you when the download finished and also tells you where it saved the depot.
Next, open the folder where steam downloaded the depot to and open the "depot_1657631" folder.
If you see a SlimeRancher2.exe you are in the right folder.
Step 5
Cut ALL files and folders from the debot by pressing ctrl + a to select everything and then cut by pressing ctrl + x
Step 6
Next, open the folder where the current version of Slime Rancher 2 is installed. You can do that with the steam ui or by navigating to "common\Slime Rancher 2" in your steamapps folder.
Again, select everything by pressing ctrl + a but this time press del to DELETE all files of the current version.
After that press ctrl + v to place all the files from the depot you cut earlier
Now you can start the old Slime Rancher 2 version simply by starting Slime Rancher 2 over steam just like normal :)
Make sure to never verify the game files because in this case steam will start an update to the game version which was the newest while you downgraded your game.
Have fun :D
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