Non-spoilery achievement hints.

Let Me Go Home And Tourist

Why are you looking at an achievement guide when you haven't even finished the game yet?


What? The opposite of ascetic.

How many? 50.


What? If you finished the game and didn't get this, you'll need to start a new save file.

What does "ascetic" mean?

The opposite of aristocrat.

Big Picture

What? If you finished the game and didn't get this, you'll need to start a new save file.

The description is a clue.

How long? Hard to say exactly, but the clock is fairly generous. About an hour, maybe.


Where? Somewhere with cushioning.


Passenger cabin.

What? The floor is lava.

Code Breaker

What do the symbols mean? Where else have you seen them?

You might not have found them in the "correct" order.

There are more than 10, so... some of them are 2-digits.

What do I do with them? How many unique symbols does your note have?

What has that many inputs?

Your other notes...


What? The thumbnail and description give it away.

How many? 50.

Where? All over the place.

The scenery scrolls as you move around.

Sometimes they're off-screen or behind things.


Where? Somewhere dangerous.


Some scenery hides things.

What? Do something dangerous.

And come back without failing.


Where's the item? Not where you'd expect.


Big dead creature.

Where do I put it? Somewhere with planters.


Giving Personality

What? The thumbnail gives it away.

Get creative!

In The Darkness

Where? Not where the thumbnail would suggest.

Some other dark place.


What? Seaweed needs to do it, not you.


Where? The thumbnail gives it away.

What? What goes in a library?

Libraries archive other things as well.

Little Ones

What? The thumbnail gives it away.

Where? Pt. 1 Mountain.

Just before the train yard.

Where? Pt. 2 Trainyard.

Passenger car.

Where? Pt. 3 Tanker.

Close to home.


What? The thumbnail and description give it away.

Just... wait.


Where? Not where the thumbnail suggests.

Somewhere high up.


What? Parkour.

Climb higher.

Jump off the other side.

Seaweed, Not Tumbleweed

What? If you finished the game and didn't get this, you'll need to start a new save file.


The Last Gnome

What? You've probably had the item this whole time.

Cat's house.

Then what? The item name gives it away.

Make sure they're all tight.

Then what? Where else have you seen that symbol?



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