Guide 14

Guide 14

A Small Copy Of The Whole Map.

Guide 14 image 1

A 4x4 PDF You Can Print.

Here's a PDF[] you can download and view or print. It's a four-by-four poster of the entire map.

The GRAPHML File Itself.

Download the GRAPHML file[] if you want to navigate and be able to zoom in and see the icons as full-sized images.

You can download a free copy of yEd[] , a GRAPHML file viewer and editor, from yWorks. Note that, with yEd, you can ask to see all the predecessors or successors to a selected node (each scene in the game is one node in the map). yEd will show you the shortest paths to all predecessors/successors of that node, so you can always get from where you are to where you want to be with the shortest number of steps.

A lot of the names we chose for nodes were kind of silly. You can change them in yEd on your copy to whatever you like, of course.


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