What Your Title Says About You And Others In Sea Of Thieves 2024 Edition!

What Your Title Says About You And Others In Sea Of Thieves 2024 Edition!

Please Note Before Reading On!

Everyone is free to use what title they want, so this guide will never be 100% accurate, so if I'm wrong somewhere, just remember this is from not only my, but other people's experiences ingame and online, and as well everyone has a different experience with other players, some might have nothing but wholesome experiences everyday, while others cannot catch a break and have to fight nearly 24/7 to sell one Captain's Chest.

There are hundreds of titles in the game, I will go over as much as I can, but not all since not every title isn't being used enough in the game by enough people to create a character, like who on earth uses titles as "Guild Of Captured Winds"?

Plus this guide can only go for so long.

Some of these will be over exaggerated for comedic purposes... well I hope you find them funny... quite a few of you did last time!

Some of the jokes are positive, some are negative, none are directed towards any normal individual player directly, only as a group of people who use said title.

Despite this, there are some jokes/references to content creators as well, but none of these are intended to be malicious, just to poke/fun or how we say in the UK "Just a bit of banter" and it's all for fun, and I expected to be treated the same way if they wanted to do the same back to me.

This guide was intended to be viewed on a PC or Laptop, so if you're reading on mobile, certain sections of the guide might appear broken, mostly the sections that feature 2 title icons, they're still readable but can be a bit awkward due to the positioning of certain titles.

Some of the titles have links on them, they all lead to YouTube Videos that are tied to the players who use said title somehow, no other third party sites are used in said links on title sections, there are other URLs but they’re clearly labelled and are at the bottom of this guide.

No Title

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This player is brand new to the game, and I'm talking like bought the game this week levels of new, wearing default Sailor Clothing, using the Sword 24/7, no clue on how to fight, 0 awareness and everything.

We were all like this at one point, don't get too mean or funny to these players, teach them and welcome them to the game if they're friendly, Sea Of Thieves is a really challenging game to get into for a new player, so cut them some slack and have some fun with them, and not at their expense.

Sailor/Maiden Voyager

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This is an older player trying to look like a new player, either to trick enemies which is what most people do, or they just like the default clothing, real new players don't know what titles are and by the time they do, they have access to much better titles in the game.

Majority Of Gold Hoarder Titles

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90% of all new players gravitate towards the Gold Hoarders as their first Emissary due to their simplicity, easy to find location at outposts, and eye catching cosmetics, so seeing a Gold Hoarder Title, especially promotion titles such as Gold Picaroon or Gold Buckaroo is a sign that the person you're dealing with is a new player who literally got the game this week.

They don't have too much loot on board, if they do it's all low level treasure items that would make their day if they sold it, but wouldn't even give you 5% of an Emissary Level if you sold it, so just be nice to these players unless they're aggressive, then it's fair game.

Hoarder Of Grog Soaked Gold

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Constantly drunk, playing music and is filthy rich along side just being filthy in general, they're a total bro who just wants to have fun, if you want to do any commendations or achievements that involve enemy/ally pirates, this player will happily do them with you, a barrel of laughs to play with, one of the nicest players you will come across.

Just don't touch their Grog Chests unless you want a sword in your spine!

Hoarder Of Treasured Tears

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This is a Double Gun PvP Enjoyer, usually Eye of Reach + Pistol, who just want to fight and steal treasure like a true pirate, they're usually silent ingame, however the second you start yapping about being friendly, or worse wanting to be in an alliance, then these players will have a great time annoying you verbally or just constantly attacking you while remaining silent, it's 50/50 if they will start talking or not, whenever you see someone with this title, remember that they're the reason so many PvE Server threads were created over the years on Steam and the Rare Forums, and that is something they're truly proud of.

Hoarder Of Barnacled Gold

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This player LOVES the underwater/coral stuff found throughout Sea Of Thieves, using the Barnacle Set Cosmetics relgiously, currently aiming to get the coral curse, Siren Song stuff and more, this player is always hyped for upcoming underwater/coral content.

However when it comes to Barnacle Chests themselves, this player hates them with a burning passion as the grind for this title and commendation is really annoying, not only that it only counts towards selling to Gold Hoarders and The Sovereigns AND NOT REAPERS, while the most common type of player who has these chests ARE Reapers due to the Skeleton Fleet World Event, those who want this commendation/title and are Reapers needs to put these chests into a separate pile so they're not given to the Servant Of The Flame by accident, plus the best way to farm this is via Skeleton Ships, and constantly sinking them session after session can drive a one mad, and make one very angry at the sight of virtual chests but has barnacles on it.

Hoarder Of Ancient Tributes/Seeker Of Ancient Vaults

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5 words, Gold Hoarder Emissary Ledger Tryhards, the second the ledger is reset, they're back on the grind to get the newest hottest item, or as much gold as possible to beat their records, if you want to steal Gold Hoarder loot, these players are a prime target, but be aware, they're not to be taken lightly! They're often found either in the Devil's Roar for the Ashen Vaults, or Shores Of Plenty for the 2 vaults found there.

Majority Of Order Of Souls Titles

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These players are slightly experienced new players who got bored of the Gold Hoarders and want to look dark, edgy and mysterious, without looking too tryhardy or aggressive like a Reaper player, they will want to fight the second they spot you, but they're still new and easy to take out, be aware they understand what Blunderbusses are and will use it against you, getting the odd lucky one shot.

Golden Skeleton Captain/Mystical Skeleton Captain

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Will constantly use any Skeleton Costume and Pirate cosmetics that feature bones, and chances are will NEVER get the Skeleton Curse itself because "Hourglass is too hard" or "Hourglass sucks" and go back to World Event Farming as Reapers on a Galleon, only to be sunk by a " obvious cheating" solo slooper.

If they ever end up doing Hourglass however, you'll find them either loss farming like crazy on Community Weekends, getting hard carried by a friend of theirs in Sloop Fights, or in the SoT Discord lying about their hours to try and get good players to join them and hard carry them.

Raider Of Cursed Strongholds

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As I said in the original guide, these players love their Skeleton Forts and will always raid them the second they're up, regardless of location, regardless of pay, these players love their forts, and because of this, they will defend the fort fiercely against any threat and using any trick in the book to get any threats of their fort, be careful when dealing with these players, they're used to being attacked and thus are battle hardened so they will be a challenge.

Scourge Of The Damned

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The player LOVES Ghost Themed stuff, including the Ghost Item Set from Athena Emissary, the Ghost Curse and Guardian Ghost Set from Guardians Hourglass, Soulflame Set, and in more simple terms, if it glows green and looks kinda spooky, then this player is gonna love it.

While they're great at PvP, since they love Ghost Themed Content, they're super easy to spot in dark areas since they glow more then a Galleon with all their lights on, so if you're struggling against one in a fight, try baiting them somewhere dark like below deck or stall until it's night if you're able to, so you can hide a bit easier, while they're just as easy to spot as before.

Banisher Of The Spectral Flame

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This player loves the Ghost Fleet World Event, but will always miss the fact that Flameheart's Giant Head (or if you have brain rot like me, giant orange sans undertale) would stare at you in the sky while constantly taunting you, instead of a small green tornado just sat there spinning.

The main thing you got to worry about of this player though is the fact that they will destroy you in ship combat and has a 85% chance that they will use wraith cannonballs on you the second you're in range, all I can say is get ready to endure the punishment.

Nearly All Merchant Titles

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Nearly every single Merchant Title are always used by the same type of player, and that's Roleplayers, that travel from Outpost to Outpost, or island to island delivering cargo to turn a healthy profit.

Some can be good at PvP to defend their stock, but most usually cry and whinge the second you attack them, and you'll find them on the forums wishing Safer Seas was buffed to include Emissary Flags and all the normal game's content because they're too bad and stubborn to improve, all I can say is get good, all the good players didn't get good by sulking on the forums every time they sunk.

Merchant Of The Wild Hog

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This player watches Crud on Twitch (based), and they're pretty good at the game, chill, and chances are completionists since they have this title, so if they ask you for help with something, there's a good chance it's genuine, and not a trick, help them out and you might make a new friend, just remember though that they can get... too silly... just remember the person Crud is known to duo with on a sloop, they might get ideas, especially if a new video from said person released recently.

Admiral Of Bartered Bait

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Fat Sword Lord Pirate who has an endless amount of grubs, earthworms and leeches in their pocket, mouth and stomach, and will happily give out free gifts of vomit fresh from their mouth or bucket every time they board you, if you get queasy really easily, I advise you keep your distance from this player, especially if their face is more green then the palm trees at Mermaid's Hideaway.

Pirate Legend

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While becoming Pirate Legend is of course a great excuse to celebrate with yourself and your friends, actually being one means nothing nowadays as becoming Pirate Legend is now super easy, the clothing and title is just noob bait at this point and most Pirate Legends fight just as bad with some even worse then New Players, again there's nothing wrong celebrating becoming a Pirate Legend, just don't expect to see people treating you like a genuine threat.

Legendary Thief

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Legendary Thief players are all the exact same everytime.

Wears all black

Has the sleep/crawl emote bound to down on their emote wheel

Has Barrel Tuck emote bound next to sleep/crawl or to up on their emote wheel

Uses Blunder/Sniper

Has a 45% chance of sucking in actual PvP if they're spotted early

Regardless of them succeeding or not, or you not caring or not, they're gonna be extremely toxic, saying racist things in chat trying to get a reaction out of you.

If you see a Legendary Thief player, just ignore what they're saying and kill them asap, bonus points with a sword because that will REALLY anger them.

If you use the title, just please act different, tucking itself is fine, but there's no reason to be an annoying a*****e about it, hell it can get you even banned for it for toxicity, not tucking itself, just being a douche, you don't know who is recording and will report you.

Legend Of Black Powder/Collector Of Legendary Black Powder

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From my past guides it's still the same, the player who uses these titles are Keg Jockeys, hyper active mad lads who know everything about Kegs, like optimal locations to place on enemy boats, their spawns, best way to farm them and more.

They wear ripped and torn clothing alongside the ashen curse, some might have bought the Barrel Bombardier Set from the Pirate Emporium (underrated set btw), but all of them are the same, if you see them, there's a keg somewhere, and there's a 90% chance it's already lit, have fun blowing up!

Legend Of The Sea Of Thieves

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This player thinks they're better at the game then they actually are, because sinking 500 Skeleton Ships as a Pirate Legend takes a very long time to do, even with diving or having an Alliance Ship sink Skeleton Ships for them (that contributes to this commendation if you didn't know) and while they're pretty decent at Naval Combat, the second you get up close to them, expect to see plenty of missed shots fly past you and the blaming of "Hit Reg" from these players.

Legend Of The Deep

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This player has NEVER fished once to get this title, they either stole all the fish they earned from other players or found them in shipwrecks, however if you do ever go fishing with this player, they will waste bait on the wrong fish, waste time cooking Ruby Splashtales instead of the Storm Fish, and worst of all if they do cook rare fish, THEY BURN THEM!

If you're in the Hunters Calling Discord wanting to finish your fishing commendations, there's always this player lurking around, so be aware if you want to go for a type of fish that requires bait, especially the rarer and more annoying ones to get, like Battlegills, Stormfish and Wreckers.

Me and 2 other people had to wait nearly an hour longer to get more fish, because some 15 year old dumbo with this title was wasting all the leeches we needed for Ancientscales, on Ruby Splashtales and always cooked them instead of doing literally anything else, I never left a game so fast when I sold my last Bone Ancientscale.

Hunter Of Splashtails/Plentifins/Devilfish Etc

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If there's a player using any title that involves one of the various types of fish in Sea Of Thieves, they will do NOTHING but fish, I swear these players just stand there and do nothing else but fish.

You and others gone to grab some treasure from your voyage? They're fishing

You want to sell your items? They're fishing

You're under attack by a Skeleton Ship? They're fishing

Doing a World Event? They're fishing

Getting attacked by a Megladon? They're fishing

Getting attacked by a Kraken? They're fishing

Getting attacked by a Player Galleon with you dead from a boarder? They're fishing

Your boat sank? THEY'RE STILL F*****G FISHING!

Like seriously there's a time and place to fish, not 24/7! Christ DO SOMETHING! The amount of crews I've seen sunk because of this type of player is really freaking high, and while easy wins are nice once and a while, it can get tiring very fast...

Master Hunter/Captain Of The Killer Whale

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Just a chilled Fishermen wanting to finish their Hunters Call Commendations, often happy to join alliances, these players have 0 interest in treasure and just want fish, and will even happily trade their treasure for any fish you have on you.

However be aware when attacking, experienced Fishermen will either defend their haul with ruthlessness, or have an active Tall Tale on hand to portal hop to a safe location if they're unable to dive, so if you see one heading towards a portal, either use your own Tall Tale to block them using that one as an exit, find away to cut them off, or just leave them alone and go somewhere else, most players leave these players alone, do what you want, but you might be looked down upon if you steal their fish.

Master Kraken Hunter/Legendary Kraken Hunter

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The Kraken MUST DIE, they will drop anchor, even if you can escape, even if you have no supplies, even if the boat is about to sink, this lunatic will do everything they can to ensure the Kraken dies at their hand! They don't even want to unlock any commendations or achievements related to them, infact most already have them, they just want to kill the Kraken THAT BADLY!

Megladon Hunter Titles

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One of "Baby's first titles" since most of the people who use these are newer players, as they don't have any more cooler sounding titles, don't expect much from them in a fight or if you want to steal from them.

Legendary Megladon Hunter Titles

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These players enjoy the Hunters Call Emissary and Cosmetics, they genuinely enjoy fishing and hunting for animals for merchants or said animal’s meat for the Hunters Call, and Sea Monsters for their meat to sell or eat, and just all around a chill person.

They love using Merrick's Sword since it looks like a FIshing Spear, a blunderbuss of their choice, and their favourite cosmetic in the whole game is Merrick's Jacket, their ship is all Hunters Call Cosmetics, or themed around monsters/animals, and you can find Hunters Call/Monster trinkets all over their boat.

They love the Hunters Call like nobody else, they're good at the game, I've got nothing bad to say about these players, they're all around great players.

Hunter Of The Shrouded Ghost

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Ok no more jokes about paid actors, there are 4 types of players who have this title.

Firstly is the lucky new player, people genuinely believe that new players have a much higher chance to find a Shrouded Ghost and you know what, from videos I've seen online and claims proving that they spotted it, I genuinely 100% believe this, I have over 2000 hours in Sea Of Thieves as of writing this part, and I haven't come across one ONCE!

Second is the lucky tryhard, they're double gunners who are super aggressive and often won't stop yapping on the microphone taunting you when they hit you, kill you or die by you, regardless of weapons, you can tell they're very lonely irl with how much they want to talk to someone.

Third is the NERD! I am not joking when I say these players exist, they have been proven to exist! These players lurk around in Discord Communities, offering real money to be invited to a group and help kill the Shrouded Ghost, I am not joking, they're offering ACTUAL MONEY TO KILL ONE AND GET THE TITLE! I'm sorry but if you're doing this, this just reeks of loser activity, who cares how good of a player you are, you'll always be a loser for doing that lmao.

Fourth is Alliance Server Players, they got this during a Meg Hunt Session which some do on certain days, and we all know how they act like if they get killed once! (I'd add more videos but steam said enough is enough for this section)

Legendary Hunter Of The Shrouded Ghost

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To my knowledge as of now, nobody has this title legit still, and chances are the ones you have seen using this title are cheaters using cosmetic swap cheats, if you think they're one, check how old the account is and what achievements they have, this commendation is locked behind being a Pirate Legend and you need to have the most amazing luck in the world to get this title.

But the one day someone does get this legit, all I'm gonna say is that CHRIST ON A BIKE, they will never shut up that they have the title and will constantly suck themselves off, if you don't want to be annoyed, I highly advise you mute this ba***** and kill them on sight, a lot of normal Hunter Of The Shrouded Ghost Players already never shut up that they have the title, imagine if they had this!... Actually don't, just thinking about it is giving me a headache...

Summoner Of Myths

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You didn't kill the real Shrouded Ghost, you don't have the Figurehead or Trinket to prove it, stop saying you did, and even if you did kill it...

Legendary Hunter Of The Sea Of Thieves

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This player is a Double Gun Enjoyer who will refuse to fish for the rest of their lives and will attack all targets in front of them since doing non-stop fishing has mentally broke them, and they desire gallons of Pirate Blood to help stop the horrid memories of fishing for Black Cloud Wreckers from leaking into their mind, can't say I blame them, I did the same thing when I got this commendation!

Arena Titles

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Professional Gas Lighters who try to gas light players who never played Arena before into thinking Arena was the ultimate perfect Gamemode that didn't have as much holes and problems as the ship they're currently attacking, these players are super nostalgic and will always comment on how much arena was better then Hourglass.

Listen it sucks Arena was closed, but there was a reason it died, nobody wanted to play a gamemode that was dominated by much more skilled players, barely get rewarded for winning, losing, let alone just playing the mode and endure so much toxicity that it ended up getting 50% of all reports in Sea Of Thieves alone at one point despite having a tiny population VS the main Adventure mode, you could argue Hourglass is the same, but that's just a simple Ship VS Ship gamemode in a circle, not some more overly complicated gamemode that involves, digging, burying, selling at a special location as well as the PvP that would take time for new players to understand, time they didn't have as they were constantly targeted for free points and commendation progress by players who knew what they were doing.

But back to the players, most Arena Title players are really good at the game and will give you a good fight, most are mute, but there are those that might taunt you, I mean Arena DID have 50% of all reports of the game at one point despite being a tiny playerbase for a reason!

There is an exception just to be clear as well, if they have an Arena Ship Set on their boat excluding the Good Boy Set and Triumphant/Glorious Sea Dog Set, while wearing an Arena Title that's tied to promotions (Arena Pup, Arena Mutt etc), you got nothing to worry about, these players got Letters of Recommendation for the Sea Dogs when they were a thing and never played actual Arena once, and chances are you will sink them instantly, it's amazing how bad these players are at combat.

Triumphant Sea Dog/Legendary Sea Dog

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Most calm and relaxed Triumphant Sea Dog/Legendary Sea Dog Player getting killed by JoshuaGaming2018 who just got the game 10 minutes ago and was using a Sword.

Other then that, take everything positive I said about Arena Title Players and apply it to these players, the only difference is that these players are just noticeably more salty when killed by a sword.

Reaper Promotion Titles

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This player is trying WAAAYYY too hard to look bad*** and cool, either wearing Reaper Outfit, Ocean Crawler Set, Kraken Set, Dark Warsmith or Spinel Costume, they're rather new but have enough hours to understand basic PvP, food and weapons, ballsy enough to attack every ship they see, have sunk ships in the past, but if you're a decent player, you should have no problem dealing with these players.

They're often teens or just entering adulthood, wanting to escape the world into a game about Pirates and wants to be cool, they might get very salty when attacked or sunk, but to be honest that's pretty normal.

There is another title some of these types of players use, however it's different enough to separate them from this group here, want to know what it is? Well keep reading!

Master Of Fearless Freedom

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This player does not care what you think, what the situation is, if they lose or win, and they have truly embraced the Pirate's Life, completely free and have untethered themselves from their pride and ingame attachments, they're impossible to get mad by you taunting them, they're impossible to get upset when you sink them, they don't care which Emissary their crew wants/needs to do, they do not care about anything, because they're always having fun playing their favourite game of all time, they're great at the game, love a good challenge, and will always be good sports if they win or lose.

This is the type of player you should aim to be, if everyone were like Master of Fearless Freedom players, then the world would be a much nicer place to be in.

Reaper Of Fifth Distinction

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As much as I want to praise this title personally since it's tied to my favourite faction, this title is used by mostly one type of player, and it's easily one of the worst players in the whole game, however they NEED to wear the following items along with this title so you can identify them correctly.

If they're wearing this title, alongside the entire Dark Adventurer Clothing Set or Ferryman Set, there's a 90% chance this player is PURELY an Alliance Server player, one of the easiest players in the game to kill without any effort, and the most saltest, homophobic and racist player you will come across, and if you attack them and kill them, there's a good chance they will turn on their cheats to kill you, I am not even joking, Alliance Servers hide some of the most pathetic players you will ever see in your entire life, and a complete waste of space not only on the server your on, but the game as a whole, if you make them rage quit, you're doing the whole community a favour.

I do not care for Alliance Servers at all btw, but when they're hiding people like that, they need to be shutdown asap by any method possible.

Legendary Guild Chef

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You'd expect this player to do nothing but sit there and cook, maybe fish once and a while, and hunt around in barrels for supplies and be an easy kill yea?

No... Legendary Guild Chefs are some scary buggers, able to land hits with cannons consistently, have a dangerous amount of firebombs, and if they're using the Chef's Cutlass, run away, you're doomed to die regardless of your health.

Legendary Guild Cannoneer

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Despite the title, this player is mediocre on cannons, they're still trying to get better and will end up getting some good shots once and a while, but they will miss a lot at the same time, but if there's one thing they will NEVER fail at, it's one shotting you with the Blunder despite you being 5 miles away out of range.

Legendary Guild Navigator

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This player knows the map of by heart, they know every location of every island, every barrel, every rock, best selling spots, character locations/spawns, you name it, super helpful to have on the team, just be aware they're not as good at anything else, for example they know of the sell spot at Reaper's Hideout, but if you ask them to park the ship, chances are the boat will somehow end up beached in the middle of Reaper's Hideout, try helping them out with feedback in other roles, especially with helming the boat when no one else is on board, or combat.

Legendary Guild Helm

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"Mains" Helm in Hourglass and in Adventure regardless of ship size, claims to have hundreds of hours in said role, never gives cannons any good angles, constantly crashes into rocks and sand banks, never asks or attempts to raise or adjust sails themselves, can never park right, and always blames everyone else if things go south even if it's entirely their fault... what an ***hole.

Celebrated Guild Legend

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Celebrated Guild Legend Players after weeks of grinding and grinding in their own private guild to finally unlock this commendation.

These players are good at the game and chances are, they're very bored right now and want entertainment due to grinding for this title, so if you spot a player with this title, expect either them to attack you, or mess with you, whether that be spawn camping, or wanting to do some funny glitch you never heard of before, usually something related to a sword and bell.

Sailor Of The Shores Of Gold

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"Oh yea I'll get the Gold Curse one day! It's easy to get now thanks to checkpoints!"

These guys are always doing something new everyday to avoid finishing old commendations/objectives despite what their crew wants to do, hell they've been saying that phrase above this paragraph for 6 months now... wait...

Friend Of The Sea

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The people who use this title originally to make friends have all either stopped playing or use a new title now, the people who use this title nowadays however are now using it to try and trick players into entering fake alliances, "fatten up" their allies if they're an Emissary, and then sink them the second they hit Emissary Grade 5 to get some easy gold and commendations done, kinda scummy, but hey they're pirates, go cry about it.

Destroyer Of The Damned

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They got this title from an old Halloween Event and chances are haven't played since said Halloween Event and play worse then most new players, don't worry when you see this title, by the time your brain has registered what the title says, you've already killed them.

Brave Vanguard

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Brave Vanguard players upon seeing another Brave Vanguard player (they cannot control themselves)

Other then that they are very good players, but my god do they get excited when meeting other Brave Vanguard players and will never shut up that they have the title and sails, we get it, shut up! TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE!

Also if they're a content creator, there is a genuine 85% chance they will either mention about the sails and title at least once in their videos or show them off as background footage...

Oh and if they’re not bad enough, some of these players (not all) are Rare Bootlickers, they will defend Rare even if they’re clearly in the wrong, and will attack those who criticise Rare for their actions, they’re the definition of “leave the multimillion dollar company alone”, don’t bother arguing with them, I think they drank too much seawater to talk to properly about any of Rare’s past or current actions or lack there of in some cases with them, you can find them on the forums and on Twitter constantly praising Rare and attacking those who dare criticise Rare, ingame they’re good, but my god a bit of life advice, you’re not a true fan of anything if you’re unable to criticise that of what you love, ignoring problems and diverting attention away from them isn’t good for something thing you’re a fan of, stop defending Rare if they do something bad to the game intentionally or unintentionally, this is my favourite game of all time and am more then happy to rip Rare a new one with complaints and issues I got with the game, many other players are happy to do this to see the game improve and fix the issues we have, if we can do this happily, why can’t you? There’s nothing wrong with praising Rare, but keep if you praising Rare and not allow those to criticise, Rare will think all is well and horrible changes will go through, like how when Quickswap was nerfed and messed up the movement and swapping of guns that effected everyone, including those who never did the glitch in the first place.

Sorry for the rant here, bootlickers annoy me, remember to praise and criticise Rare when needed, and continue reading for more funny stuff!

Dauntless Adventurer

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Xbox and PC SoT Players when seeing a player with this title.

Most Dauntless Adventurer players are stereotypical "lad" PS5 Players, expect plenty of drinking irl, swearing, foul play and more when dealing with these players, some are decent at the game, but don't expected to be skeeted by them or something, most kills they're gonna get is either lucky one balls or swarming you with a sword.

Curse Breaker

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So remember what I said about the Reaper Promotion Titles? Well these are their cousins.

Exact same age group, exact same cosmetics, however this time their microphone quality makes the audio quality of a 2010 Xbox 360 COD Lobbies look like the latest £5000 Microphones being used for ASMRs on YouTube or Tik Tok, you can barely understand what they're saying as there's either a dog barking in the background, parents using appliances like hoovers or a washing machine, random music from their home country, pet birds chirping or squawking, or they just sound muffled in the first place.

But when you kill them, just once, you can clearly hear them call you a racial slur, it never fails and is always funny.

Legend Of Cursed Iron

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Amazing on cannons, can use any Cannonball to their full potential, and always has a stack of Curse Cannonballs on them and on their boat, if you see a player on the enemy boat with this title, take them out asap or get out of their broadside, you will get one balled!

Devil's Cartographer/Master Devil's Voyager

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Do NOT talk smack about the Devil's Roar to this player, they love that region with all their heart, have every single commendation tied to it, every achievement, every cosmetic, everything, they love this region and will defend it fiercely ingame or in the forums.

Don't fight this player in the Roar either, they will sink you with spots and tricks nobody has heard about because they along with 11 other people like the Devil's Roar so much they know all the perfect spots to turn any fight around in their favour and kick your ***.

The Scholar Titles

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Ashen Kid, you know the exact type of person this player is when I say that...

Male child between the ages of 7-18 with a squeaky voice.

Uses NOTHING but Ashen Cosmetics, or at least the ones they unlocked on their Pirate and their boat

Missing Ashen items are replaced with random cosmetics, mostly from the Ocean Crawler, Kraken Inky Kraken Sets, Dark Warsmith Set, or the Spinal Costume with a random collection of cosmetics.

Sword + Blunder, never uses pistols, knife or eye of reach, if they're spotted with the eye of reach it's usually for 1 or 2 shots, "get hitregged" and swap back to Sword + Blunder

Will always try to attack or sink you, with the exception if you're clearly a "more pro looking player" aka using Skeleton Curse, Ghost Curse, Dark Adventurer items regardless of your true skill level, but even then they will try to alliance you and leech of you rather than being helpful

NEVER shuts up with constant noise coming from them or background noise

Extremely Toxic

Extremely Salty

Extremely Racist and Homophobic

Extremely easy to kill and sink

Genuine chance that if you say that they're "Not Sigma" or make fun of Andrew Tate they will start screeching like a bat or cry like crazy

Seeing any of these players on the Seas is an instant sink, don't waste your time with them, and if you're on an open crew with these players, I'd recommend visiting a doctor to help fix up your ears with the constant noise these players do, as after a short while, they tend to start bleeding and never stop.

Death Defier

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Either a new player with no better sounding title, or someone who constantly tries to land deck shots on enemy boats, if they fail they either get very salty and return to their boat to try again, or land in the water, grab the ladder, and get one blundered, followed by a large rant every time, if they do get on board however, and you can't find them as you're below deck or busy, if you just watch your anchor, this player will eventually appear there and be an easy kill, they ignore all objectives first, regardless and make sure the anchor is dropped, even if they're being swarmed by swords.

Raider Of The Damned

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95% of all players got this in an Alliance Server, whether it was from doing it on the Dedicated FOTD Boat or raiding and stealing it on a "Rogue Ship", nobody cares if you actually did or not, just don't deny it little baby man... it will do nothing but make you a target.

Warsmith Of The Flame

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The people who use this title also use the Dark Warsmith Costume, weapons and ship set, but unlike the usual new player child who got mom or dad to buy this set for them, this player is a grown adult and is actually GOOD AT THE GAME!

While it's very rare to come across these players in the sea, these players are the sole reason that the Dark Warsmith Set isn't completely seen as a "noob cosmetic" by some people, if you see them, treat them with respect, don't trash talk and be a good sport, we need these players around to save an awesome set from being a complete "noob set".

Victor Of Golden Sands

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They either whinge Port Merrick event was rigged and should have lost to Reapers due to Alliance Servers ruining the event, or whinging about how their FPS drops by 40 when the outpost renders into view, either way they will let you know, and will never SHUT UP about it!

Warrior Of The Ancients

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Do NOT get in this player's sword range, they will slice and dice you up with 0 issue, and even with guns they're great at them, and amazing at ship combat! They often do Hourglass under the Guardians, with the most common loadout being the rare Ancient Sword and either Ancient Blunder or Eye Of Reach, while wearing this title, Ghost Curse and the Ancient Costume, keep your distance from them, and you should have a fun fight! Unless they get close, and in that case, enjoy your trip to the ferry!

Devotee Of The Damned

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Devotee of the Damned players when they see Captain Flameheart in Season 13 (it's been 2 years, they waited long enough, let them have this one even though it's gross)

These players are good at the game, they will sink most who challenges them, they just have a certain... "soft spot" for Flameheart... kinda reminds me of that individual on Twitter who roleplays with The Servant Of The Flame as their boyfriend/husband, but somehow more nsfw then their antics... no I am not providing a link to their Twitter so you can mess with them, don't even ask!

The Gold Seeker

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These players claim to know all the best ways to get gold in Sea Of Thieves, and the way they hype it up, you'd expect to go on a rampage as Reapers or do some amazing glitch or exploit to get tons of gold and reputation in record time, but no it's Gold Hoarder Vaults in the Ancient Isles or The Wilds of all places all the time and never the others, and these players never do the puzzle, so unless you do it, you're not getting the Chest Of Tributes.

While these players do have a lot of treasure on board, it's mostly low tier Gold Hoarder loot, usually the best thing they have on them is their Emissary Flag to sell, so it's always worth sinking them, regardless on how much they try to alliance with you.

The Feared

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There are two types of players who use this title, and knowing which one is which is super important, and I cannot stress that enough.

The first is a player trying WAYYYY to hard to look cool, they're a skinny pirate wearing black clothing, the veil face mask, black make up, that type of stuff, uses Sword and the Blunder, is super easy to kill, and this is the average interaction you'll have with them ingame after you sink them, because if you're able to read this, you can sink them pretty much.

You: "Hey man GG, that was a fun fight :)"


Everytime, without fail, hope you're recording them saying some of those wondrous of things!

The second is a fat pirate with tatty clothing and horrible hair, and if you think they're friendly drunks looking for a fun time, or a bad player like their skinny counterpart, you're very very very wrong on so many levels, as this is the average interaction most players have with Fat Feared Pirates. I highly advise avoiding these players at all cost, unless you want to a fight to remember... sorry I mean scar you for life...

The Legendary Feared

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With how this title is basically an upgraded version of The Feared title, you'd expect the players to be very similar to their non Legendary counterparts right?... Right?...

Ok this is a relatively a new player who's been playing for a few weeks to a month, they were introduced to the game by a friend who has been playing for a lot longer, and always playing on said friend's captained ship when they first started (which is how they got this Captaincy tied title, and didn't know about them until they unlocked this title) killing Skeletons and Phantoms, either on islands or Sea Forts, along with this title they are either wear very stereotypical pirate clothing, the Jack Sparrow Costume, or Dark Warsmith, despite being new they haven't sunk or only sunk from enemy players once or twice, because of this they think they're much better at the game then they really are, and want to be the next big content creator, because they think they're so good and like to watch a lot of content online.

Now what content do they make? Well you won't find most of them on YouTube, you'll have to look on TikTok, where they post their amazing loot hauls that took hours to do... when watching their video/short they will hype you up with epic music or their voice overselling what they done, you continue to watch, and after 2 hours of playing, they got a Captain's Chest, a Sapphire, 2 Seafarer's Chests, 3 Skulls of random quality, and a merchant crate... I'm not joking by the way, there are tons of these on TikTok, it's hilarious and wholesome at the same time.

If you're one of these players, bit of advice, your loot hauls will get bigger and better while you get better at the game, there's nothing wrong with what you got now, but just remember people are gonna point and laugh, for an example most sessions with me and my usual crew and in addition other players, can usually get 25x more or even more then that loot in less then the time it took for you to get that.

However there are also those players who do the exact same showing their "loot hauls" but all they did was use an exploit... IN SAFER SEAS! And in that case, they are easily the worst players in the world because oh my god, exploits are bad enough but not many people care since they can be stolen, but doing them in Safer Seas? Bruh come on that's an area to teach new players how to play the game, not the main mode you should be playing in, LET ALONE FLEXING IN!

The Rogue

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You know that player who constantly drinks, is always sick, burns bananas on the stove, shoots pets out of the cannons, always plays music and NEVER HELPS with anything? This is what title they're using, listen it's funny for the first time playing music, being sick, burning stuff or whatever, but please just stop and help your crew out, while they're trying to stop the Reaper Brigantine from stealing treasure, you're just eating Earthworms out of the barrel and shooting fireworks, it's not funny, it's annoying, you're going to end up getting locked up in the brig because of it.

If you're not one of these players and you're in an open crew with a player like this, word of advice, just don't bother and leave, it will save you a headache.

The Servant/Servant Of Scorn

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Despite being the first Captaincy/Promotion Titles tied to Servants players get, most players who wear these are older players dressed up in the Reaper Costume just having fun roleplaying and really getting into it, they have the Emissary Ledger Items, Reapers Heart Items and items tied to long gone events like the Servant Of The Flame Lantern equipped as well.

While great at fighting, they're often pretty chill, if you see one on the ferry, regardless of you fighting them or not, wave or dance at them. chances are they'll do it straight back!

Wielder Of The Burning Blade

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Sword Lord who is being hard carried by their teammates in Hourglass and always uses the Burning Blade Sword obtained from the Monkey Island Tall Tales, super easy to kill and rarely gets kills, while being very salty about it, you shouldn't be worried about these players until you get sword vortex'ed by them and their crew, just get ready for them to say something like "get owned noob" or something on those lines when they do get you.

DeMarco's Courageous Elite

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Take everything I said about Arena Titles and Legendary Sea Dog title, then add the fact this player was one of the 3 people who genuinely cared about DeMarco being killed off, and will get really upset if you mention this to them...

Btw DeMarco is dead lololololololololololololololololololololololol

Guardian Of The Sea/Warrior Of The Flame

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Most people using this title are wearing the opposite curse of the title, like Guardian Of The Sea with Skeleton Curse, and Warrior Of The Flame with the Ghost Curse, just to show off they "finished Hourglass" (in their eyes), nowadays with Community Weekends and exploits from the past, most players who have the curses and these titles aren't that good, and can be killed rather easily, keep an eye out what other cosmetics these players use as it can be a dead giveaway on how good they are, like certain Skeleton Cosmetics for the Skeleton Curse, or Mysterious Stranger Cosmetics on the Ghost Curse, as most players ditch Hourglass the second they reach level 100.

Noble Of The Waters/Lord Of The Ashes

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You lose, it's as simple as that, while you were busy doing other stuff in the game such as voyages, adventures or whatever, going outside to explore the world, doing your jobs, seeing friends and family, talking to loved ones, doing schoolwork or literally whatever, while these players were just sat there, in a near dead boring gamemode that's barely supported just like arena, playing away to get the ugly ass Gold Texture Skeleton/TF2 Jarate Curse along with 2 decent titles.

Champion Of The Pirate's Life/Avatar Of The Reaper's Revenge

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Level 9999 required in their respective faction to unlock these titles? Yea you're dead that's no shocker, unless you're cracked yourself, you're gone in record time if you fight these players.

Also with how next to no one has either of these titles, and a certain content creator that plays the Hourglass Gamemode nearly all the time and will get both titles one day, I just need to mention that the constant thought I've been getting of the content creator Massive Sponge and his Pirate having either of these bad*** sounding titles, while having easily one of the funniest looking pirates ever and brings me so much joy! Like imagine hearing about the legendary "Champion Of The Pirate's Life" or the fearsome "Avatar of the Reaper's Revenge" thinking it's some bad*** overly dressed man, with a hook made of solid gold, a huge coat and hat, golden teeth or whatever, and it turns out it's this random guy in a dirty vest. (Spoilers for Ritual Of The Flame!)

Composer Of Siren Song

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One of the 10 people who actually likes the Siren Song Voyage, and despite only fighting a grand total of 3 ships in their run to get this commendation, they're quite good at the game and have a good chance of sinking you!

By the way I am not joking when I say 3 ships in their run to get this commendation, I only encountered and fought 3 myself when I was hunting for this commendation last year in 2023, WHEN THE VOYAGE FIRST CAME OUT! Rare really needs to revive this, it's a fun competitive voyage!

Double Barrel Master

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This player used the Double Barrel Pistol everyday, every second, all the time to get this title asap, and they hate the Double Barrel Pistol more than anyone else, "Why did they want this title so badly?" I hear you ask, well there's a simple reason, this is the closest to a "Double Gun" Title in the game and they wanna show off that they're pros with the Eye Of Reach and Pistol, expect to get two-tapped the second they spot you.

Knife-Wielding Natural

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Most accurate Throwing Knife from this individual.

Lightfoot Looter

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Forget Legendary Thief title players, these players are the REAL Legendary Thieves!

Along side being masters of tucking, they're also great at distraction, gas lighting, slight of hand, tracking and a whole bunch more, if you got loot and you see this player in your area, it's already been stolen and on their way to be sold at an outpost, these players are amazing at what they do, kill them on sight before you lose anything else!

Legend Of The Oars

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Oh boy these players, there are 2 main types...

Firstly is the one who uses a Rowboat AS THEIR BOAT, meaning when you come across them, their Rowboat is STACKED with loot, supplies, food, treasure and everything else, like it's crazy how much they love their rowboat, just be cautious as they will defend it like crazy, and if you kill them, they will rocket to your location to grab back their stuff, and they will be back, they know the map way too well.

Then there's the second type who uses Rowboats to tuck/ambush enemies... ok, here's a mini guide on how to use rowboats when going after a Skeleton Fort, World Event or whatever you want to steal.

You want to hide your ship at a decent location, not too far to make it look like you're NOT attempting to tuck or waiting for a chance to strike.

Not too close either, don't look too aggressive, you want to hit that sweet spot, like maybe a popular parking spot like at a pier or something if the island has one.

Take a WIDE route to your destination so even if you're spotted, you appear to be coming from a direction that's not where your ship is.

Aim towards going to a hidden location, like a part of the Fort that is unused by most players, like the rear of Fort Of The Damned for an example, don't charge straight for the enemy ship or an area that will be watched commonly like entrances, such as the Northern Part of Sailor's Knot Stronghold since most players will be facing that way to attack skeletons.

Try to avoid bringing, weapon treasure like Tridents or Ashen Wind Skulls or using your spyglass and weapons to minimise the glow they will give off if looked at from a spyglass, plus bright colours and noise from being detected by your enemies, keep visual and audio noise to a minimum.

If you want to bring a keg, ask yourself "Is it worth it?" As if you're going for a ship at a fort it might worth scavenging on there for one, rather risk being spotted early and blowing up.

And lastly, take things slow, and not to rush it all at once, don't just blow everything in one go and end up dead within 5 seconds, by the time you come back, the enemy will be back and all fixed up.

Now out of everything I listed in my mini guide, GUESS WHAT THESE PLAYERS DON'T DO!

If you said "every single thing you listed" then congratulations, you're prize is nothing! Like the results these players get from constantly attempting to ambush/tuck their enemies, because they usually die within 15 seconds!


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A memelord who has the entire Party Boat Ship Set, wearing tatty blidge rat clothing or from said Party Boat Set, has the Rat Emote, and overall just loves Rats, chances are is constantly humming this, and does not care if they sink or win, they're just having a good time with their Rats.

Glorious Gift-Giver

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A PvP Enjoyer who has a high chance to make jokes about your mom or sister and being their favourite “Gift Giver”, just kill them on sight and ignore them.

Legend Of Exhilarating Exploits

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This player knows ALL the current glitches and exploits in the game, from Funny Launching, to (as of writing this segment) the Fishing Rod/Crud Launch, if you see this player, expect to see some funny stuff before being blasted by their guns, however I must say that these tricks won't get them banned so don't report them for doing it, Rare have said themselves using these types of tricks won't get you banned since it's in the game, instead of being third party cheats, so if you want to see how they work, look online and try it out for yourself before they're patched, a lot of these are really fun to do!

Mighty Pirate

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They're either a 40+ year old who loves Monkey Island to bits and is easy to beat in most fights because they're either too busy parenting or working to invest time into Sea Of Thieves, or an older player who sick to death of Rare adding overly complicated titles that only fits with specific loadouts next no one will use instead of ACTUAL GENERAL PIRATEY TITLES! And this is the most piratey title they currently own, they're good at the game and will sink most ships on sight.

I mean seriously Rare, look me in the eye and tell me that a large quantity of people are gonna use epic titles such as "Admiral of Fizzing Fireworks" or "Guild of Captured Winds" or "Grandee of Mystic Emissaries" GIVE US SOME ACTUAL PIRATE TITLES FOR ONCE! AND NOT LOCK THEM BEHIND EVENTS LIKE YOU DID DRUNKEN SAILOR!

(if you can't tell, I fall in the latter category with this)

Hero Of Thrones

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This player will want to do the Master of Thrones Commendation asap, so if you spot a player with this title, ask them if they want to do it, chances are they will say yes instantly, and you'll make a friend for life, because oh man that commendation SUCKS to get nowadays since nobody wants to do it.

Master Of Thrones

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Fat Blidge Rat with Blunder + Eye Of Reach, wearing the Party Boat Vest + King's Ransom Crown who will always try to board, drop your anchor and skeet you, they're good at literally nothing else, you won't win in a 1v1 fight against them, but when it comes to Navel, that's their weakness and abuse it as much as you can.

Silver Hoarder

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Silver Hoarder Players are Arena Players who don't Gaslight Players about Arena and is more honest of the mode and it's flaws, they still loved Arena however, but now enjoy the game as a true pirate, or in Hourglass, and use this Title as a "mini memento" for their love of the Silver Currency that was used for the points system, despite this title having nothing to do with Arena.

They're good at the game, but also nice players all around, they're not toxic, might have some banter while fighting, but don't expect actual toxicity compared to most Arena players, but they do have one good take about Arena, which is that there should have been a Silver Curse that's a reskin of the Gold Hoarder Curse which I 100% agree with, and no the Stone Curse doesn't count.

Golden Meddler

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Golden Meddler's are f*****g weird, they're usually wearing one of the 3 gold curses (Gold Hoarder, Gold Skeleton or Gold Blessing) and they're always up to no good, doing some of the most dumbest stuff imaginable for little to no reward, I've seen Golden Meddler Players do the following.

Sink a Galleon, ignore all of it's high value treasure like Cursed Chests, Flag and everything, let the survivors collect all of the loot, but leave with "the true treasure" the f******g Old Boot the new player on the Galleon fished up by accident.

Tuck on a fishing ship and eat half of all the fish and then hide.

Randomly join random crews they meet on the seas and just... blend in... become apart of the crew for no reason, and new players think they're actually apart of their crew.

Burn an entire Grub Crate's contents and gave them to random crews as "presents"

Harpooned a Megladon to spin their ship and "whip" enemy boats.

I love Golden Meddler players, they're very rare, but expect nothing but trouble when you see them.

Legend Of The Sun

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Legend of the Sun players are the helm of a Terminator Galleon that is sailing all over to destroy absolutely everything in sight, if you’re trying to go for a board, all I can say is good f*****g luck, these players will spot you the second you’re nearby their boat and will cross you instantly.

Merchant Of Death

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This is the MC (Main Cannon) or Flex (Flexible Role) of a Terminator Galleon, by the time you read this while on your Galleon, 2 of your teammates have been one balled, your anchor has been dropped, your other teammate just got skeeted, and now you have 10hp only because their Blunder got hitregged on you, these players are genuinely terrifying, and among one of the greatest pirates you will come across.

Raging Firestarter

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Most scary, dangerous, feared and powerful Terminator Galleon crew with 10K hours each, all level 9000+ in both Servants and Guardians, talking about the average Raging Firestarter Title Enjoyer with their love of FIrebombs.

Pirate Storyteller

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Cliff The Story Guy Wannabe, while Cliff didn’t create the way he does his videos and content, as plenty of people done videos telling it like a story in the past in other games or on other subjects, but when Cliff got popular, people copying that style of video/story telling popped up, like with James Rofle with AVGN and how people like Irate Gamer, Pat the NES Punk, and later, creators such as Jontron and Caddicarus, just contained to Sea Of Thieves... for now...

Anyhow these players are gonna do whacky hijinks or things that will get them views on Twitch or on YouTube, so expect them to do things like “Getting to level 100 in Servants but we can only eat Grubs” or “Using Scattershots only to sink 50 ships challenge in a row” so do what you want to them, play along, mess with them, or do what I do whenever I see any content creator, regardless of who they are, attack them, AND mess with them!

By the way, if you’re reading this, Hi Mystiqux remember me? Myself (Bubingi) and my buddy CoffeeMango (Formally Coffee1746) fought you in Hourglass back in February on the 25th, on Coffee's boat The Coffee Carrier, I had no clue who we were fighting till Coffee told me, and I started spamming “I’ve got a large sausage” ingame! Glad your Twitch chat enjoyed the infamous Large Sausage Incident of 2024! Was a fun fight too, gg!

Rare Crew/Rare Legend/Rare Guardian/Rare Champion/Rare Vanguard

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I've got nothing for these guys this time around, Rare is kinda in my bad books at the moment despite how much I love the game and appreciate their work, so instead of making fun of them, here's a free s*** reaction meme/image everytime Rare releases another half baked update where the Outposts get like 3 recolour cosmetics, while The Pirate Emporium gets a ton of more detailed content, because that's where all the time and money is going towards, not the game where one of the core parts is cosmetic progression, but the bleeding paid cosmetic shop.

Questions You Might Have!

Here are some genuine questions I have been asked in the past, by players old and new, on steam, in private dms or ingame they had, as well as questions I thought of you might want to ask!

Q. Do I know you from somewhere? A. Maybe! I have made numerous guides in the past, some reaching the top page of the Steam Guides at one point!

But as well I do play Sea Of Thieves quite often!

Q. Where did you get all the descriptions of the titles? A. A combination of what I've seen ingame and online, what people have said ingame and online, forums, YouTube, everything, I didn't create this guide just by myself, the community did as well!

Q. It's very similar to "X" Video/Content, did you copy them? A. While in the past I might have done with the original guide back in 2021 with some of the comments of certain titles, (it's been 3 years cut me some slack I don't remember) this guide is a lot more original with more comments from personal experience.

The style of entertainment/content this guide falls under has existed before with other content creators, as well as other gaming communities, like SoundSmith's videos in Team Fortress 2, but as well the whole "stereotypes" for cosmetics or characters have existed pretty much forever in multiplayer games, nobody is or was the original creator, yes there are those who made this more popular when they covered it in their videos, but I and many others were making jokes like these like back in 2013 with Awesomenauts on the forums with certain characters and with certain skins, 2015 with SMITE and a lot more, there were people making jokes like that before those games I listed... so no, nobody copied anyone, it's something we all do in nearly every single game, and chances are will contiune to keep going because it's funny and entertaining.

Q. Where is "X" title? A. Either I don't have enough to work with for them, nobody spoke about them online, or they featured on the original version and were out of date, but couldn't be updated due to lack of use from players ingame.

Q. Why did you make a new guide instead of updating the original? A. 2 reasons, the main reason is that Valve/Steam's fault, to put it simply everytime you save your guide, it's scanned to make sure there's no phising links or links to fishy websites, however there can be a queue depending the amount of links you used or if it was busy, this made it impossible to update ONE SPELLING MISTAKE without waiting for days, weeks or even months for it to work ans save! In one of my guides, it took nearly 3 months to update ONE SECTION TO FIX A SPELLING MISTAKE! So I just said **** it and left it, this is why updates to my old guides have stopped entirely.

Second reason is that with the original guides, if I just update that, then newer readers aren't going to see it since it's not being rated by other newer readers, and as well if a Title gets out of date and I need to delete it, I don't really want to, as I like preserving as much as I can, even if it's just some wacko's text on a Steam Guide, because at least one person out there liked it, the only time I delete something is if it's really problematic.

Plus as well unlike YouTube that will randomly recommend videos for you, old and new from huge or tiny YouTubers, Steam doesn't do that with guides and you can only find this guide or others either by looking for it directly, or if it's the most popular during the time you're looking, which rarely ever happens outside of when the guide is brand new.

Q. Are there any plans to make new versions of old guides then? A. I'm not sure yet, all my guides took a while to make and go through rewrites to make it as understandable as possible, and a lot of the guides still have information that new players will find very helpful.

I do have plans for brand new guides however that will be added, and as well all my past guides before this one will be named "Legacy Guide" to let people know they're old, not be updated, but not deleted due to having useful information.

Q. Does this mean a 2025 version of this guide is coming? A. Don't think so, many titles were added since the original guide was posted in 2021, tied to events, new voyages, sdventures, guilds and more, however with Rare slowing down the overall content for more higher quality updates, cancellation of adventures, and the pausing of Emissary Ledgers, this means less titles are being added overall, so there's a good chance a 2025 version won't be created, maybe in 2026, but I'm not making promises.

Q. Instead of making a 2025 version of this guide then, would you be open to update it for Season 13 and 14? A. If Steam lets me, then yes, however if not, I'll try to add them into a future version of this guide, I'm not in a hurry to add the amazing secret title "Smeller Of Smelly Fish" or whatever and have to wait several weeks/months for Steam to update the page.

Q. Can I play with you? A. No please do not add me, I get added all the time by new and old players, I'm not interested, I have a group of friends and a guild who I play with on the regular, and I just recently purged my friends list as it was bloated with people I stopped speaking too, dead accounts or people I've fallen out with, and I don't want a large friends list again.

Q. Do you have a guild? A. Used to but got rid of it, I joined some private guilds and helped them instead, and have 0 plans to make my own guild again in the future.

Q. Can you join my guild? A. Already in 3 and happy in said 3, so no.

Q. I'm a content creator and make YouTube videos/make Sea Of Thieves Guides on Steam, would you like to collaboration sometime? A. No, I want my guides to be in their own little "universe" or "franchise" right now as all my Sea Of Thieves belong in what I call the "In Sea Of Thieves" collection as they all have that phrase in their name, and want to keep it that way, it makes them easier to find and identify for people who like my work.

I don't have the time to do YouTube right now, I do have plans to make videos later down the line, but I'm a busy man, I'm often working, and the time I have off I want to kick back and relax, do pirating with my crew, or just play other games with my friends. I've been abscent from YouTube for over a decade now on my channel, and I do want to come back with some SoT content, but again time and energy is something I don't have much off, maybe when I get more time and people like the stuff I make, I'll think about collabs on there, guides however no I don't want to share links or whatever you had in mind.

Questions You Might Have! (Part 2)

Ran out of room in the first part lol

Q. Do you Stream? A. Not at the moment but I plan to return to streaming, I did it for a while but had bad internet, but I've got new broadband on the way, and if everything works, SoT is on the menu along with a bunch of other games! I'm planning to stream Darktide, SMITE, Deep Rock Galactic, Crimeboss Rockay City and more! Here is my Twitch if you're interested, but please be aware I won't be streaming for a little while longer until my new broadband is here, I should start streaming either later this month in June or in July, it depends how long it takes for my provider to get everything up and running.[www.twitch.tv]

Q. May I post your guide onto my website? A. Since this guide was not only created by myself, but the Sea Of Thieves Community as a whole technically, I don't mind, but please credit me and link to the original guide, at the end of the day I got the images and I typed out the text, I've found some of my old guides that were created here on Steam, on 3rd Party Websites with 0 credits to myself which is very annoying when you see person taking your work, taking credit and as well, getting comments for a sequel or an up to date guide, as the commentators aren't going to get it unless I do it, and then the website owner copies that.

So again, don't mind if you post this guide onto your site, but please credit me and post a link to the original guide, that's all I ask.

Q. What's the next guide going to be about? A. No spoilers! It's gonna be a good one! Especially if you enjoy PvP!

My Legacy Guides (Part 1)

Here are a links to my old Legacy Guides, while there are no plans to update them anymore, they're still are fun to read and some do have great infomation for players old and new, so please enjoy them!









My Legacy Guides (Part 2)

Ran out of room again lol


Final one isn't a Legacy Guide, but had no where else to put it without it's own section! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2675719064

Thank You For Reading!

What Your Title Says About You And Others In Sea Of Thieves 2024 Edition! image 417

Thank you for reading this, I genuinely hoped you enjoyed it, don't forget to rate it if you did!

A special thanks to the following

My good friend CofeeMango for telling me about Sea Of Thieves on TikTok as I never used the app myself and don't plan to, oh and also going on many misadventures with me!

The Sea of Thieves Wiki [seaofthieves.wiki.gg] for having such amazing high quality icons that are used in this guide, if you need any information of the game, please use this version of the Sea Of Thieves Wiki, and not the Fandom one as it's dead.

And you, the reader and the people who have supported myself and these guides over the years, I don't intend to stop not only with these guides, but also look forward to a great future when I get back into streaming when my new broadband arrives, again here is my channel if you're interested, hopefully again like I said, I'll start streaming later in June or July.[www.twitch.tv]

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3256143964					

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