The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations!

The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations!


The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 1


This is Ed Keppler from the Sea of Thieves Wiki bringing you a complete guide to The Hunter's Call Trading Company. This includes a basic guide to Fishing, Cooking and earning Reputation and Commendations with the Company. The Guide also includes Fish reward tables.

This guide is complied from articles related to The Hunter's Call that I or other Wiki Editors have prepared on the Gamepedia Sea of Thieves Wiki.[] Any images used in this guide are either from Sea of Thieves, its Website[] or our Wiki.

One of our main goals on the Wiki is to provide any players with a coherent source of information about Sea of Thieves. When I started playing myself, a lot of the game's features and mechanics were based on hear-say or rumours and information was spread out over various sources and the Wiki itself was not very well developed. Ever since we got a Wiki Staff together, we have done our best to cover as many of the game's mechanics as possible and write guides to give Players a single comprehensive source for any and all information regarding Sea of Thieves.

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The Hunter's Call

Fishing is quite the popular past-time in Sea of Thieves. Not only is it a lot calmer than most adventures, but it can also be very lucrative if you are lacking Gold. Aside from earning Gold, Fishing is useful for ranking up and earning rewards with The Hunter's Call Trading Company that was set up by the legendary fisherman Merrick and his extended family.

The Trading CompanyThe Hunter's Call is one of the major Trading Companies in Sea of Thieves that Player Pirates can prove themselves to. The Hunter's Call sends Pirates on a hunt for various Animals, Beasts and Fish within the Seas. Once Pirates have returned with their trophies, they can show them off to the Hunter's Call Representatives and earn Gold and Reputation based on the rarity of the catch.

Representatives & CosmeticsThe Hunter's Call does not operate in the bustling Outposts and instead spreads their Representatives across all the smaller Sea Posts where various Traders have set up shop to peddle all sorts of wares at a discounted price.

Hunter's Call Representatives offer two services for players. They are willing to buy their Meat, Fish and fished up Junk for Gold and then increase the Player's Reputation with the Company. The second service is to let players buy Promotions after they have earned enough Reputation Ranks. Promotions are available ever 5 Reputation levels. Promotions also unlock Titles for players to show off and equip at a Vanity Chest as well as The Killer Whale themed Cosmetics for Equipment and Ship Items. The Killer Whale is Merrick's old Ship that sunk at what is now called The Reaper's Hideout.

Check out our article on The Killer Whale Cosmetic Set on the Wiki[] for more info, links and images.

Selling Food to the Hunter's Call When selling Food to the Hunter's Call, the amount of Gold and Reputation gained depends on the rarity and condition of the Item in question. The Company only accepts Meat and Fish.

In the case of Meat, the Hunter's Call does not accept Raw Meat, meaning that it has to be cooked on the Ship's Stove or at a Campfire before it can be sold. Perfectly cooked Meat sells the most, with Meat acquired from defeated Megalodon or [/b]Kraken[/b] tentacles being worth ten times as much as regular Animal Meat.

In the case of Fish, the Hunter's Call is willing to buy them in any condition, even Raw, but they will offer quite a fair bit more for any Perfectly Cooked Fish. Additionally, Every type of Fish can spawn as a bigger Trophy version, which is worth even more Gold and Reputation than their smaller counterparts.

The Hunter's Call does not buy Fish or Meat that has been half-eaten, so be wary of hungry Pirates or Pets when showing off your catch.

The condition of any sold Meat or Fish does not matter when it comes to earning Commendations with the Company, even burnt Food counts for Commendations.

More information on Food prices, Cooking and Commendations can be found in sections below.

Fishing Guide

Every player receives a basic Sailor Fishing Rod along with the rest of their Equipment Items during their introductory Maiden Voyage. The Fishing Rod is used for catching Fish (duh)! Players get a simple introduction when they equip their Fishing Rod during the Voyage, but there are some nuances it does not explain.

The Art of FishingThe act of Fishing in Sea of Thieves requires constant attention and involvement from the Player. Fish can be caught from most waters in the game, with the exception of a few small springs on islands. Different locations are home to different species of Fish that may require a specific type of Bait.

The following keys are used by default for Fishing:

Primary Use (Left Mouse Button by default) - casts and reels the fishing line

Secondary Use (Right Mouse Button) - retracts the fishing line

Analog Controls (Mouse directions) - pulls the fishing line to a direction during reeling.

Equipment Radial + Bait (Q + F) - shows available Bait

Secondary Interact (F) - puts the fish in the inventory.

In order to catch fish, the player needs to throw the fishing line in water and wait until a fish appears. The camera will pan towards the fish to notify the player of an approaching catch. When a fish bites, the player will need to fight the fish by tiring it out. If the fish pulls too hard or the player tries to reel in too much, the line will break and the fish escapes.

In order to tire out the fish, the line needs to be pulled to the opposite side. At the fighting stage, the player can still reel the fish in little by little, but needs to listen to the feedback or rumble to know when the line is close to breaking. When the fish tires out, the player can safely reel the fish in until it starts fighting again. When the fish is caught, the rod will be raised and the fish will be available to be picked up by either the player or someone else. Fish can be picked up from a Rod only if a player has room in their Inventory. If they recast the line, the previously caught fish will be lost.

The player can also put different types of Bait on their hook by using the Equipment Radial Menu (Q) with the rod in hand and pressing the "Bait" key (R) to select bait from the Inventory. Not all fish require Bait to be caught. This does not mean that these fish will also not appear if fishing in their natural habitat.

Tip: It is recommended to fish on rocks or Rowboats that are close to the waterline to be able to see the type of Fish better. This is especially useful when fishing for Stormfish in storms, as the visibility is already low. Setting Water Graphics to the lowest option can also make Fish more easier to see through the water.

BaitAs mentioned above, Bait is primarily used to catch specific types of Fish. Bait can generally be found inside Barrels all over the Sea of Thieves, but they can also be dug out from the ground with a Shovel. Bait is categorised as a Food item and can therefore be stored in the Ship's Food Barrel. A player can carry up to 10 Bait in their inventory.

There are three types of Bait in Sea of Thieves:

Earthworms - Dug up from grassy locations, Earthworms are used to catch Plentifins, Wildsplahses and Wreckers.

Leeches - Dug up from shorelines, Leeches are used to catch Ancientscales and Stormfish.

Grubs - Dug up from sand, Grubs are used to catch Devilfish and Battlegills.

Fish Types, Meat Types & Cooking

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Fish TypesThere are ten species of Fish in Sea of Thieves, each with their own natural habitat and preferences for Bait (or lack thereof).

Each species of Fish has further 5 distinct variations, mostly categorised into 3 Common variants, 1 Night variant and 1 Rare variant. The three Common types are either divided into different locations or simply by rarity. The Rare Variant of each Fish species can usually be caught aside all other fish of the same species, but have a very rare chance of appearing. The Night variant of each species can only be caught at night. Nightfish are usually worth as much as the 2nd most common Fish and have a glow to them.

Every Fish has a rarer chance to appear as a Trophy Variant. Trophy variants are at least 3 times as large as their regular counterpart, are more difficult to catch, take a longer time to cook and are also worth significantly more. Additionally, Cooked Trophy fish give better health restoration and regeneration than regular Fish. The health benefits and cooking times of all Fish are the same, regardless of the species.

All Fish Species, types and Gold Rewards will be listed in sections below.

Meat TypesThere are 6 types of Meat in Sea of Thieves: Chicken, Pork, Snake, Shark, Megalodon & Kraken.

The first four types are categorised as "Animal" Meat and have equivalent healing and cooking properties to regular Fish. Megalodon and Kraken Meat are counted as "Beast" Meat, having equivalent healing and cooking properties to Trophy Fish. Meat can mainly be gained by killing Animals or Beasts.

Meat cannot be sold Raw. The Gold Rewards for Meat are as follows:

CookingFish and Meat can be used as two-portion Food items that can be cooked on a Stove or Campfire to receive better health regain/restoration benefits or simply more Gold and Reputation when sold.

To Cook Food, Players simply need to put the Fish or Meat on their Ship's Stove or an Island Campfire and wait for the Food to become crispy-brown. Island Campfires need to be set up first with Wooden Planks and a source of Fire. The easiest way to light a campfire is to simply use your Lantern, although Weapons, Explosives and Firebombs can be used as well.

Fish and Meat have four separate levels of done-ness: Raw, Under-Cooked, Cooked & Burnt.

Raw and Under-Cooked Meat heal for a relatively small amount and can make the Player sick. Cooked Fish and Meat heal players for a large amount and also give them a Health Regeneration Bonus.

Burnt Fish and Meat heal players for very little.

Raw Fish retain their regular colour, Under-Cooked Fish take on a white colour, Cooked Fish become crispy brown and Burnt Fish take on black spots. Meat follows a similar progression, with Under-Cooked meat taking on a yellowish tone instead. Learning to differentiate the different cooked levels takes time. Every cooked Food also makes a sizzling sound when reaching perfect Cookedness. Burnt Food gives of a crackling sound.

The Reputation and Gold gains increase for every Fish as follows: Burnt -> Raw -> Under-Cooked -> Cooked.

Note that the condition of the Fish does not matter when earning Commendations with the Hunter's Call. Every type of sold Fish will count!

Cooking TimesHere are the Cooking times for Fish and Meat:

Size Under-Cooked Cooked Burnt Regular/Animal 30 Seconds 40 Seconds 80 Seconds Trophy/Beast 80 Seconds 90 Seconds 180 Seconds


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 58

Splashtails are the most common salt-water Fish in Sea of Thieves. These Fish can be caught in Oceans all across Sea of Thieves and are not particular towards any type of Bait, however they will still appear when Bait is used.

Ruby, Sunny and Indigo Splashtails are the three common types of Splashtails, with the Seafoam Splashtail only appearing at night time. Umber Splashtails are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 63

Pondies are only found in freshwater Ponds. No other Fish appear in these ponds. Pondies do not require any Bait to catch and generally appear faster than any other fish. Two popular spots for Pondie Fishing are Mermaid's Hideaway that has a large pond and 3 Campfires for Cooking, and Hidden Spring Keep that does not spawn any Skeletons when the Fort is not active, but does not have Campfires. Pondies are worth as much as Splashtails.

Charcoal, Orchid and Bronze Pondies are the three common types, with the Moonsky Pondie only appearing at nighttime. Bright Pondies are the Rare variant, having a low chance of spawning.


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Islehoppers are only found in the Shorelines of Large Islands. They spawn within the "Title Card" area of these Islands. Each type of Islehopper, including the Night Version, can only be found at specific Island shores. Islehoppers do not require any bait to catch. The Rare variant of Islehoppers can spawn at any Large Island.

Stone Islehoppers can be found at the following Islands - Shipwreck Bay, Shark Bait Cove, Crook's Hollow, Sailor's Bounty, Cannon Cove and Fetcher's Rest.

Moss Islehoppers can be found at the following Islands - Ashen Reaches, Thieves' Haven, Marauder's Arch, Lone Cove, Wanderers Refuge and Ruby's Fall.

Honey Islehoppers can be found at the following islands - Discovery Ridge, Plunder Valley, Kraken's Fall, Sunken Grove and Crescent Isle.

Amethyst Islehoppers can be found at the following islands (only at night) - Devil's Ridge, Smuggler's Bay, Mermaid's Hideaway, The Crooked Masts, Old Faithful Isle, Flintlock Peninsula and Snake Island.

Raven Islehoppers can very rarely be found at ANY of the previous Islands. A good spot to fish for Raven Islehoppers is at any "Amethyst Islehopper" Island, because aside from Splashtails, Ravens are the only Islehoppers that can appear at daytime on these Islands.


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Ancientscales are Fish native to the Ancient Isles - the Southern Region of Sea of Thieves. Ancientscales require the use of Leeches as Bait to appear. All regional Fish share the same reward pool.

Almond, Sapphire and Smoke Ancientscales are the three common types of Ancientscales, with the Starshine Ancientscale only appearing at nighttime. The white Bone Ancientscales are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 82

Plentifins are Fish native to the Shores of Plenty - the North-Western Region of the Sea of Thieves. Plentifin require the use of Earthworms as Bait to appear. All regional Fish share the same reward pool. All regional Fish share the same reward pool.

Olive, Amber and Cloudy Plentifins are the three common types of Plentifins, with the Watery Plentifin only appearing at nighttime. The white Bonedust Plentifins are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 87

Wildsplashes are Fish native to the Wilds - the North-Eastern Region of the Sea of Thieves. Wildsplashes require the use of Earthworms as Bait to appear. All regional Fish share the same reward pool.

Russet, Sandy and Ocean Wildsplashes are the three common types of Wildsplash, with the Coral Wildsplash only appearing at nighttime. The brown Muddy Wildsplash are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 92

Devilfish are Fish native to the Devil's Roar - the South-Eastern volcanic Region of the Sea of Thieves. Devilfish require the use of Grubs as Bait to appear. All regional Fish share the same reward pool.

Ashen, Seashell and Lava Devilfish are the three common types of Devilfish, with the Firelight Devilfish only appearing at nighttime. The bright yellow Forsaken Devilfish are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 97

Battlegills are Fish attracted to the bloodied waters surrounding active battles. Battlegills can only be caught nearby Skeleton Ships and active Skeleton Forts. Battlegills require the use of Earthworms as Bait to appear. Battlegills share their reward pool with Wreckers. Battlegills cannot be caught near an active Fort of the Damned.

Jade, Sky and Rum Battlegills are the three common types of Battlegill, with the Bittersweet Battlegill only appearing at nighttime. The white Sand battlegills are the Rare variant, having a low chance to spawn.


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The Hunter's Call Guide: Fishing, Cooking, Prices, Commendations! image 102

Wreckers are Fish attracted to the sealife surrounding Shipwrecks. Shipwrecks can be found all over the Sea of Thieves by tell-tale large flocks of Seagulls flying above them. Wreckers require the use of Grubs as Bait to appear. Wreckers share their reward pool with Battlegills.

Wreckers are unique in that they only have two common variants that can be caught at all times: the Rose and Sun Wrecker. The Moon Wrecker only appears at nighttime. The Snow Wrecker is the Rare variant, having a very low chance to spawn. The third type of Wrecker, the Blackcloud Wrecker, can only be caught inside Storms, making them relatively Rare, despite being counted as common fish by Commendations.


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Stormfish are large Fish attracted to the chaos of Storms. They are the most valuable Fish due to the danger of sailing inside heavy Storms. Stormfish only appear inside heavy Storms, indicated by the spinning of Compasses and constant ringing of the Ship's Bells. Stormfish require Leeches as bait to appear.

The Common Stormfish can only be caught in specific Regions.

The Ancient Stormfish only appears in the Southern Ancient Isles Region.

The Shores Stormfish only appears in the North-Western Shores of Plenty Region.

The Wild Stormfish only appears in the North-Eastern Wilds Region.

The Twilight Stormfish appears at night in any Region.

The Rare Shadow Stormfish is the most valuable Fish in game, having a very low chance to appear in Stroms anywhere. Shadow Stormfish are easier to catch around the middle peak surrounded by the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern, as it does not belong to any specific Region. As such, during daytime, the only type of Stormfish that can appear in Storms there is the Shadow variant.

Treacherous Plunder (Trash)

In addition to Fish, Players also have a relatively low chance to catch different Junk items, referred to as Treacherous Plunder in-game.

Treacherous Plunder can only be caught without any Bait on the Fishing Rod. Treacherous Plunder sell for 10 Gold and very little Reputation and are only accepted by The Hunter's Call Representatives. Their only use is to be sold to acquire the Hunter of Treacherous Plunder Commendation and Title. This Commendation requires a player to sell 50 Junk items in total.

Treacherous Plunder is easiest to find in any Pondie fishing location, because they do not require Bait and they have a faster spawn rate, allowing players to recast their line quicker than anywhere else.

Players know they have Plunder on the hook if no Fish are appearing for a while and they see an item on the Hook. The Plunder needs to be reeled in with the Left Mouse Button to be picked up. When a player recasts the line with the Right Mouse Button while a junk item is on the hook, it will disappear. Treacherous Plunder act like regular Treasure items that can be picked up and carried around.

The following Items have a low chance to be found while fishing without Bait:

Old Boot - an unwearable single Boot, sold for 10 Gold.

Old Hat - an unwearable barnacled Hat, sold for 10 Gold.

Old Skull - an unassuming Skull, sold for 10 Gold.

Fish Bones - a complete Fish carcass, sold for 10 Gold.

Wooden Plank - a regular Plank, can be picked up into the Inventory. Is not Treacherous Plunder.

Ashen Key - a key that can be used to open locked Ashen Chests or sold to the Bilge Rats for 5 Doubloons. Is not Treacherous Plunder.


There are various Commendations that can be earned by performing feats for the Hunter's Call. Most of the commendations have five Grades that each reward the player with some Reputation when achieved. Other Commendations give players Titles that they can equip to show off at any Vanity Chest. Every Fish Species has 6 Commendations, 4 that require catching 50 of each Common Variant and one that requires catching 10 of the Rare Variant. The final Commendation is unlocked when all the other commendations of that Fish species are completed. This commendation rewards players with a Title of the same name and unlocks various Fishing Rod Cosmetics for purchase in any Equipment Shop.

The Cooking Commendations all require players to cook and sell 50 pieces of each Meat, unlocking Titles and Tattoos or Makeup for purchase related to the Commendations.

Merrick's Accolades all reward Titles. The most prestigious of them is the Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves that requires players to achieve ALL Hunter's Call Commendations.

Selling Fish and Meat counts for commendations in any condition, aside from being half-eaten, so Burnt Fish and Meat still count.

SplashtailsHunter of the Ruby Splashtail → Deliver 50 Ruby Splashtails

Hunter of the Sunny Splashtail → Deliver 50 Sunny Splashtails

Hunter of the Indigo Splashtail → Deliver 50 Indigo Splashtails

Hunter of the Umber Splashtail → Deliver 10 Umber Splashtails

Hunter of the Seafoam Splashtail → Deliver 50 Seafoam Splashtails

Hunter of Splashtails → Deliver all types of Splashtail | Unlocks Title; Bilge Rat Fishing Rod, Castaway Bilge Rat Fishing Rod, and Scurvy Bilge Rat Fishing Rod for purchase.

PlentifinsHunter of the Olive Plentifin → Deliver 50 Olive Plentifins

Hunter of the Amber Plentifin → Deliver 50 Amber Plentifins

Hunter of the Cloudy Plentifin → Deliver 50 Cloudy Plentifins

Hunter of the Bonedust Plentifin → Deliver 10 Bonedust Plentifins

Hunter of the Watery Plentifin → Deliver 50 Watery Plentifins

Hunter of Plentifins → Deliver all types of Plentifin | Unlocks Title; Admiral Fishing Rod, Grand Admiral Fishing Rod, and Ceremonial Admiral Fishing Rod for purchase.

AncientscalesHunter of the Almond Ancientscale → Deliver 50 Almond Ancientscales

Hunter of the Sapphire Ancientscale → Deliver 50 Sapphire Ancientscales

Hunter of the Smoke Ancientscale → Deliver 50 Smoke Ancientscales

Hunter of the Bone Ancientscale → Deliver 10 Bone Ancientscales

Hunter of the Starshine Ancientscale → Deliver 50 Starshine Ancientscales

Hunter of Ancientscales → Deliver all types of Ancientscale | Unlocks Title; Sovereign Fishing Rod, Imperial Sovereign Fishing Rod, and Royal Sovereign Fishing Rod for purchase.

WildsplashesHunter of the Russet Wildsplash → Deliver 50 Russet Wildsplashes

Hunter of the Sandy Wildsplash → Deliver 50 Sandy Wildsplashes

Hunter of the Ocean Wildsplash → Deliver 50 Ocean Wildsplashes

Hunter of the Muddy Wildsplash → Deliver 10 Muddy Wildsplashes

Hunter of the Coral Wildsplash → Deliver 50 Coral Wildsplashes

Hunter of Wildsplashes → Deliver all types of Wildsplash | Unlocks Title; Sea Dog Fishing Rod, Ruffian Sea Dog Fishing Rod, and Rogue Sea Dog Fishing Rod for purchase.

DevilfishesHunter of the Ashen Devilfish → Deliver 50 Ashen Devilfishes

Hunter of the Seashell Devilfish → Deliver 50 Seashell Devilfishes

Hunter of the Lava Devilfish → Deliver 50 Lava Devilfishes

Hunter of the Forsaken Devilfish → Deliver 10 Forsaken Devilfishes

Hunter of the Firelight Devilfish → Deliver 50 Firelight Devilfishes

Hunter of Devilfishes → Deliver all types of Devilfish | Unlocks Title; Forsaken Ashes Fishing Rod for purchase

IslehoppersHunter of the Stone Islehopper → Deliver 50 Stone Islehoppers

Hunter of the Moss Islehopper → Deliver 50 Moss Islehoppers

Hunter of the Raven Islehopper → Deliver 10 Raven Islehoppers

Hunter of the Honey Islehopper → Deliver 50 Honey Islehoppers

Hunter of the Amethyst Islehopper → Deliver 50 Amethyst Islehoppers

Hunter of Islehoppers → Deliver all types of Islehopper | Unlocks Title; Hunter Fishing Rod for purchase

PondiesHunter of the Charcoal Pondie → Deliver 50 Charcoal Pondies

Hunter of the Orchid Pondie → Deliver 50 Orchid Pondies

Hunter of the Bronze Pondie → Deliver 50 Bronze Pondies

Hunter of the Bright Pondie → Deliver 10 Bright Pondies

Hunter of the Moonsky Pondie → Deliver 50 Moonsky Pondies

Hunter of Pondies → Deliver all types of Pondie | Unlocks Title; Parrot Fishing Rod for purchase

BattlegillsHunter of the Jade Battlegill → Deliver 50 Jade Battlegills

Hunter of the Sky Battlegill → Deliver 50 Sky Battlegills

Hunter of the Rum Battlegill → Deliver 50 Rum Battlegills

Hunter of the Sand Battlegill → Deliver 10 Sand Battlegills

Hunter of the Bittersweet Battlegill → Deliver 50 Bittersweet Battlegills

Hunter of Battlegills → Deliver all types of Battlegill | Unlocks Title; Bone Crusher Fishing Rod for purchase

StormfishesHunter of the Ancient Stormfish → Deliver 50 Ancient Stormfishes

Hunter of the Shores Stormfish → Deliver 50 Shores Stormfishes

Hunter of the Wild Stormfish → Deliver 50 Wild Stormfishes

Hunter of the Shadow Stormfish → Deliver 10 Shadow Stormfishes

Hunter of the Twilight Stormfish → Deliver 50 Twilight Stormfishes

Hunter of Stormfishes → Deliver all types of Stormfish | Unlocks Title; Kraken Fishing Rod for purchase

WreckersHunter of the Rose Wrecker → Deliver 50 Rose Wreckers

Hunter of the Blackcloud Wrecker → Deliver 50 Blackcloud Wreckers

Hunter of the Snow Wrecker → Deliver 10 Snow Wreckers

Hunter of the Sun Wrecker → Deliver 50 Sun Wreckers

Hunter of the Moon Wrecker → Deliver 50 Moon Wreckers

Hunter of Wreckers → Deliver all types of Wrecker | Unlocks Title; Ocean Crawler Fishing Rod for purchase

CookingHunter of the Dawn Caller → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Chicken Meat | Unlocks Dawn Caller Tattoo Set for purchase

Hunter of the Wild Hog → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Pork Meat | Unlocks Wild Hog Tattoo Set for purchase

Hunter of the Serpent's Scale → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Snake Meat | Unlocks Serpent's Scale Tattoo Set for purchase

Hunter of the Sharpened Teeth → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Shark Meat | Unlocks Sharpened Teeth Tattoo Set for purchase

Hunter of the Hungering One → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Megalodon Meat | Unlocks Megalodon Makeup for purchase

Hunter of the Monstrous Beast → Deliver 50 Pieces of Cooked Kraken Meat | Unlocks Kraken Makeup for purchase

Merrick's AccoladesHunter of Treacherous Plunder → Deliver 50 Pieces of Treacherous Plunder

Captain of The Killer Whale → Purchase all parts of The Killer Whale Ship

Hunter of Trophy Fish → Deliver 25 Trophy Fish

Master Hunter of Trophy Fish → Deliver 50 Trophy Fish

Legendary Hunter of Trophy Fish → Deliver 100 Trophy Fish

Hunter of the Sea of Thieves → Earn 15 Grade 5 Hunter's Call Commendations

Master Hunter of the Sea of Thieves → Earn 35 Grade 5 Hunter's Call Commendations

Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves → Earn 57 Grade 5 Hunter's Call Commendations

Final Remarks

This is the extent of the Complete Hunter's Call Company guide. If you are interested to investigate the game and its mechanics in-depth, feel free to visit our Wiki[] for further information. Most of the things marked in Bold in this guide are suggestions for searching on the Wiki itself!

Until then, all the best!

Ed Keppler


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