Fish Accommodations
Fish are passive Creatures in Sea of Thieves. There are ten species of fish that can be found to be fished, cooked or eaten. All of these fish can also be sold to the Hunter's Call organization for customization, commendations, reputation and a little bit of gold.
Fish can be found in two different sizes: The larger trophy fish and the regular-sized fish. The trophy fish are harder to find and catch but are worth far more than their smaller counterparts. There are three commendations that require trophy fish:
Hunter Of Trophy Fish : Deliver 25 Trophy Fish Master Hunter Of Trophy Fish : Deliver 50 Trophy Fish Legendary Hunter Of Trophy Fish : Deliver 100 Trophy Fish Upon completion of all of these accommodations you will unlock a new title and can now be known as the Legendary Hunter of Trophy Fish.
Cooking Fish
Fish are two-portion food items that can be cooked on a stove when on your ship to receive more health and money when sold. Be careful when cooking your fish because if a fish is under-cooked or raw the consumption of these items can be dangerous. If one of these types of fish are consumed while raw your vision can go blurry and there is a chance you will vomit.
Regular Fish Cooking Time
Under-cooked: 30 seconds or less Cooked: 40 seconds or more Burnt: 80 seconds or more
Trophy Fish Cooking Time
Under-cooked: 80 seconds or less Cooked: 90 seconds or more Burnt: 180 seconds or more
Splash Tails
Splashtails can appear everywhere in the Sea of Thieves. Splashtails are found in most open bodies of water and are the most common of all of the fish species this type of fish doesn't require bait to be caught. This type of fish can not be found in ponds.
Pondies can be found in freshwater ponds. No other fish appear in these ponds and just like splash tails does not require bait to catch.
Islehoppers can be found in the waters surrounding Large Islands, this fishing range is within the Island's title card area. Each type of Islehopper, except the rare Raven Islehopper, can only be found in the shores of specific Large Islands. These fish do not require bait to catch.
Stone Islehopper: Found at Shipwreck Bay, Shark Bait Cove, Crook's Hollow, Sailor's Bounty, Cannon Cove and Fetcher's Rest. Moss Islehopper: Found at Ashen Reaches, Thieves' Haven, Marauder's Arch, Lone Cove, wanderers Refuge and Ruby's Fall. Honey Islehopper: Found at Discovery Ridge, Plunder Valley, Kraken's Fall, Sunken Grove, Crescent Isle and The Devil's Thirst. Raven Islehopper:These fish are incredibly rare but can rarely be found at the same islands Amethyst Ilsehoppers can be found at during the day. Amethyst Islehopper: A fish that can only be found at night at Devil's Ridge, Smuggler's Bay, Mermaid's Hideaway, The Crooked Masts, Old Faithful Isle, Flintlock Peninsula and Snake Island.
Ancient Scales
Ancientscales can be found in the open waters of The Ancient Isles. This type of fish requires leeches for bait. The furthest south and east this fish can be found is at S-26.
Plentifins can be found in the open waters near The Shores Of Plenty. This type of fish requires Earthworms as bait.
Wild Splashes
Wildsplashes can be found in the open waters of The Wilds. This type of fish requires Earthworms as bait.
Devil Fish
Devilfish are one of the four Regional Fish that are only found in the open waters of The Devil's Roar. Requires Grubs as bait to catch. The furthest south and east location to catch Devilfish is W-25.
Battle Gills
Battlegills are fish attracted to danger. They are found in waters near Skeleton Ships, and any active Skeleton Fort, Fort of Fortune or Fort of the Damned. This type of fish requires Grubs as bait. Battlegills can not be caught at ghost fleets.
Wreckers can only be found near Shipwrecks. This type of fish requires Earthworms as Bait. The Blackcloud wrecker is a unique variant that can only be found at shipwrecks inside of storms.
Storm Fish
Stormfish can be found in any opern water inside of heavy storms. The Stormfish are mostly region based catches, with the rare and night variants being available to be caught anywhere but The Devil's Roar Region. This fish variant requires Leeches as bait.
Sea Of Thieves Fishing Guide Overview
This chart gives a quick overview of all of the fish variants and where they can be found, as well as what bait is needed. It also represents what prices are the best from cooked food.
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