How To Start The Skull Of Sirens Song Quest
in order to start the quest, you will need to find the letter attached to the left side of your mast on your boat (if the quest is not there it means that the quest is not active on that server and you should either server hop for a server where it is or wait for it to apear) interact with the paper and select "Read Captain Briggsy's Note" then select "Accept Quest"
Locating The Skull
After you start the quest you will receive 2 new maps ignore them for now and look on your map table for any new markings, the Skull of Sirens Song is a server wide quest, anyone who joins will be able to see the chest, chest key, and skull with markers on the map. If there is a marker then go to the ship and steal the part of the quest they have. If there are no markers then equip one of the two maps you just received in the quest section of your inventory, locate the island on the map and dig up the treasure. You will either get the chest or the chest key (you need both of them for the skull) be warned, both the chest the chest key and the skull are marked on the map for anyone who has accepted the quest. Look for the marker of the other part your missing, if there is a marker, sail over to it and try to steal it from the crew that have it. If there is no marker then equip the other map and go to dig it up.
Selling The Skull
Once you have both the chest and they key, use the key to unlock the chest and claim the skull (the ship that the skull is on will be cursed and be slowed down) Once the chest has been opened, the location that the drop off point is will be revealed, you can not sell the skull at any outpost, instead you must take it to Captain Briggsy on the island that is revealed once the chest is open, the island is revealed by a purple swirl over the island, and a special purple marker on the map table. Once you have sailed to the island that is marked on the map, you need to find the Captain Briggsy NPC on the island to sell the skull to them.
Fun Facts/Information
The Skull of Sirens Song is worth 50,000 gold when sold.
The Sull of Sirens Song can be used as a weapon by left clicking or using the attack button on console.
The Skull of Sirens Song, the Chest, and the Key are only visible to people who have the quest active.
The Drop-off location is only visible to people who started the quest.
If the quest is available for you it will be available for the whole server.
If the Skull of Sirens Song is on your ship it will curse it visible by blue lines spreading across your ship, this curse makes your ship move slower.
(images from Cliff the Story Guy's YouTube video about the Skull of Siren Song)
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