How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf

How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf

Beginning Steps

How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 1

How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 2
How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 3

Alright, first and for most what you'll wanna do after starting up the game is going to the WAVES game mode. It's the third option and the one I have highlighted in provided picture.

Now here is where we split up on different paths of how to accomplish this mission.

One go it ALONE.

Or go it with Company.

If you decided to do it the latter with some friends then it's just a game of survival and wits against the waves until you reach WAVE 100.

If you are looking for a challenge though or maybe are a masochist (I ain't judging.) You can run stop reading this right now and just head into the Lion's Den and face the waves ALONE.

If you are looking to do it by yourself but don't want to struggle too bad or maybe are just looking for easy way's to exploit and get the achievement? Well I will show you a couple ways here now on just how to do that.

These are going to be short but it will have all the information you will need!

The Garage Glitch

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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 14
How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 15

Alright, this one I found first try by myself just running around the map doing laps on the zombies. So, off spawn you will more than likely actually be put right where you need to be right off the bat. Most other cases you will just be moved upstairs already which is one step closer even.

Ahead, you will see a garage door, there is actually one to the left and right of it. Those three garages are what we will be using today for our glitch.

If you spawn up on the top part that is perfectly fine do not panic and think you have to go back to the bottom or anything you are actually better off there for start position then down the stairs. Not that it changes much besides distance to get to it.

So, if you spawned in the pictured area, you will want to proceed to move over to the bottom of either stairwell as it will not matter which one you do to attempt it. Like so,

You will then attempt to Crouch+Jump over the railing but while also sprinting as if you just crouch jump onto the railing game physics will slide you off and you'll have to try it all over again if you fail. Which again is no worries as this is only WAVE 1.

Another easy way is to pick a side and just spring along the railing and to kinda jump over and off the railing while then looking at the garages. After a few attempts most people will understand and be able to do it!

If you successfully made it to any of the three garages you should now be chilling in the AIR sitting on the automatic door opener. Like so,

That is all for this spot. If you have any other methods involving the garage door's leave a comment!

The Truck Glitch

How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 25
How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 26
How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 27

So, as you spawn in or maybe got bored of the first spot you can now go to this second spot that would be just behind you in the shipping container area it is there you will notice a white beat up Semi of sorts.

This Beat up Semi is gonna be a great help for when you wanna have a offensive position on the WAVES of enemies without having to wait for them to come to you or for you to miss shots because you aren't feet above them anymore.

This is what the Semi should look like but if you find another model like this somewhere else it should also do the job.

So, you will want to proceed to the back of said truck simply hop up (Crouch+Jump if normal jump isn't working.) and edge your way to the cab and put your back to it like so.

In my few different game-play's both spot's have worked tremendously well even though it get;s very tedious sitting in one spot doing the same thing. Thankfully, there is different waves to force you to move from the cheeky spots if you aren't quick enough to gun down the opposition!

Special WAVES?!

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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 36

Yes, there is "Special Waves" and what I mean by that is on certain round we get bonus unit's to fight!

Round 5 will be these Rebel's

This very first wave that they will send is feeble and can be crushed with ease. Lest be known though they due have some true soldiers who will unload 2 rounds into your skull and not think twice about it.

Round 10 will be even more Rebel's so now it will more than likely force you to leave your cheeky hiding spot's for the time being until you are able to remove all the hostiles.

Round 20 & 40 & 60 (Not 100% what later rounds trigger it but it does happen.) and some others Rebels come with the Zombies to all fight you. They will come in wave's you cant even imagine for so, during these raid's it is best to stay in cover preferably full cover like the underground bunker full of ammo on spawn.

It's never wise to also leave and venture out of the waves area. It will be just death you are asking for in the pitch black darkness. Enemies can see flawlessly in the dark as you can see here where two rebels jump me in the tunnel on the way here to take a picture.

Enemy Types

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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 45

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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 47
How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 48

In my first guide for SCP: 5K I explained a bit about the enemies but I will give a brief rundown of what you might face in here.

Main Enemy: Zombies (Basic Swarmers, DO NOT LET THEM GROUP ON YOU.)

Secondary Enemy: Rebels (Class-D, Have Guns, WILL KILL YOU)

Final Wave: Bosses, Rebels, Zombies in over surplus numbers.

I would show some pictures of it but I'd rather you experience that last round for yourself. Just make sure not to die!


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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 56

How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 57

So, you wanna know how to get it without going through the long process of the waves or maybe you just lack the will to do any of it the right way.

Well, I also got something for that. As of this posting you are able to join already going Survival Servers and if they are already in 80-90 level range to completion that would only be 10-20 minutes of another groups hour+ grind.

That's actually all I have left to say. You would be cheeky af for using this strat but hey, maybe the Dev team will fix that error by next update so who know's if it is here to stay.

Completion To The Fullest.

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How to BEAT WAVE 100!!! By: Mr. Wolf image 63

Here, we are the end of the road to this guide. I do hope it was helpful to you in someway or maybe perhaps amusing. If you successfully got the achievement after reading this guide and using one of the "strats" come back and leave a comment on how you did it!

Good Luck out there fellow Crow members. If you'd like help or guides on anything else just let me know in the comments below otherwise just give it a like or a award if you liked this guide. It would mean a lot to me!


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