Making The Mod
Before Proceeding, Please Note That This Method Only Works On Windows-based Machines At The Moment.1. Creating the Mod
First, of course, you have to create the mod.
To do this you first have to navigate to the game files.
To get to the game files, you can: Navigate to the game
Click on settings (Gear button on the left)
Go to "Manage" and "Browse Local Files"Then navigate to "\SteamWorkshopUploader" and open up "SteamWorkshopUploader.exe".
In order to create the mod, enter in your mod name in the "Enter item name..." box and hit "Create Item".
Once this is done, it will show a bunch of settings for your mod.
You can enter in a description, title, and tags.
(Current tags as of '5/10/24': "Textures", "Models", "Pictures", "Music", "Sounds", "Gameplay", "Misc", and "Map")
To have an icon, you must put a .jpg inside of "\WorkshopContent", and put the name of the file into "Preview image filename".
The "Enter change note..." box is made so that you can enter in a change note before updating your mod.
2. Making the Mod
To access the folder to your mod, the folder will be in "\SteamWorkshopUploader\WorkshopContent"
If you've ever made a mod before, this process may seem different then how you'd traditionally do it.
To replace a file, you'll have to format your mod like this
(And yes, I still have Windows 10)
Make sure that the path of the file you're replacing matches the path of the game's file.
Once you've finished your mod and formatted it correctly, it's time to index the .gs file!
Indexing The .gs File
To index the .gs file, what you'll first have to do is install "gsIndexer".[]
After you've installed "gsIndexer" launch it.
1. Entering SCP:CB Multiplayer's PathYou might see this:
(If you don't, you can skip this part)
If the game is not installed, simply enter 'n'.
The path you're supposed to enter will look something like this:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SCP Containment Breach Multiplayer
Once you have the path, just paste it into gsIndexer. (You only need to get this path once.)
2. Mod Folder Selection MethodsgsIndexer will ask whether you want to use "Automatic mod folder path detection" or "Enter folder path manually".
It is recommended to use the automatic option.
If you choose "Enter folder path manually", it will ask for the mod folder path.
To do this: Navigate to your mod
Copy the path at the top of File Explorer
Enter in the path
If you choose "Automatic mod folder path detection", it will show a list of folders:
For this example, we'll be selecting "YOURMOD" by entering '3'.
3. Indexing Your .gsOnce you've selected your mod folder, it will show some information:
If everything looks good, reply with 'y'.
4. Final PartIf you have the game installed, and made any typos to any folders or forgot to delete something, gsIndexer will remind you with a warning:
After everything is done, the .gs file will appear inside of the folder that gsIndexer is in.
The .gs file will be named after you mod, and if you index the same mod, it will overwrite the old .gs file with the new one if the .gs file is still located inside of the executable's folder.
Compiling The .gs File
Once you have your .gs file, navigate to
"SCP:CB Multiplayer\SteamWorkshopUploader\ScriptsCompiler"
move your .gs file into this folder and open up "compiler.exe"
Enter "compile" (replace "YOURMOD" with the name of the .gs file).
Make sure to include ".gs" or else it won't find the file.
Finally, move the compiled .gsc file into your mod folder like so:
Uploading The Mod
Open up "SteamWorkshopUploader.exe" and select your mod.
Once you've entered in all of the settings you'd like to have, hit "Submit"
Make sure you don't forget to set the visibility to public!
(Note: you need to have an icon, otherwise the mod will not publish.)
If the mod was successfully uploaded, it will say: "SUCCESS! Item submitted! :D :D :D"
It's always a good idea to download your mod and test it for yourself to make sure everything worked out.
And you're done!
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