How crouch

How crouch

What's Crouching?

Crouching is to bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.

What Will Happen Upon Crouching?

Crouching makes your in-game hitbox smaller, reducing your height.

Your character's body and head will be lower than usual and it's footsteps will become quieter and less frequent.

The in-game camera always stays in your character's head.

Once it's head is lowered, the camera will gently go to the same position as the head.

How Can I Use This?

As the guide said, your character's body will be lowered upon crouching.

This can be used in defensive measures.

Crouching makes you smaller. This means it will be harder to hit you.

Make a good use of it!

This can be used in strategic measures, too.

Crouching makes you less noticeable. This means it will be harder to see you.

Hiding in a corner will be much more easier!

Also, this can be used in offensive measures.

Crouching makes your footsteps quieter and less frequent. This means it will be harder to hear you.

Attacking rivals' rear will be easier, until you produce a loud sound like a gunshot or someone spots you.

How Do I Crouch?

How crouch image 19Crouch

Currently, there are two ways of ing.

The first one is to simply bind the keyboard key of your choice to "Crouch" in the game's settings. Pressing that key forces your character to .

For example, the key of my choice was "Left Ctrl".

The second one is a bit more complicated. All you need to do is to take non-lethal damage (that doesn't kill immediately).

If your health is not full, you will start bleeding. Once you lose enough blood, you will . Patch yourself up immediately after ing, or you will die!

To make bleeding easier to understand, I divided it into three phases:

Phase Symptoms First You lose speed and blood. Depending on the wound's severity, it either takes less or more time to reach phase 2.

You leave a blood trail. The longer you wait the bigger blood stains are. Second Now you clearly hear your character's heartbeat. It will get louder and quicker over time.

You ! Third You die. Reason? You were too excited to stand up again.

The End

Thanks for reading and donating to this guide!

I might update the guide as long as I have enough support and time. So, leave a like, I guess.


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